SectionAGrammarfocus4a—4b (5)(精品)

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We must make computers _ (serve) us better.,2. I am often made _ (do) some housework.,3,. The news made me _ (surprise).,4,. Soccer makes him _ (excite).,serve,to do,surprise,d,excite,d,【运用,】,用,make,将下列句子翻译成英语。,1.,妈妈让她每天弹钢琴一小时。,_,_,2.,这个故事让王飞很伤心。,_,_,Mom makes her play the piano for an hour a day.,This story makes / made Wang Fei,sad.,3.,我们被迫在宾馆待了三天。,_,_,We were made,for three days.,to stay at the hotel,The loud music,makes me nervous.,Soft and quiet music,makes me relaxed,.,Money and fame dont always,make people happy.,She said that the sad movie,made her cry,.,Grammar,Focus,Make sentences with “make.”.,The snow makes the world,white,.,Practice,The war makes the boys,scared .,The dog makes us,feel funny,.,feel sad,anxious,upset,nervous,glad,happy,4b,Complete the survey.,When you are in trouble ,you should,keep your mind cool,and try to find out the right way to solve your problems.,Anger or other feelings can make you lose control,Exercises,一、单项选择,1.Weareoftentold_atpeopleintrouble.,A,nottosmile,Btosmile,Cnottolaugh,Dtolaugh,2.-whatareyougoingtodothisweekend?,-I_yet.,A,haventdecided,Bwontdecide,Chavedecided,Ddidntdecide,3.Noonecanbesure_inamillionyears.,A,whatmanlookslike,Bwhatwillmanlooklike,Cmanwilllooklikewhat,Dwhatmanwilllooklike,4.Thesportsmeetwillcontinue_itrainsthisafternoon.,A,if,Bsince,Cassoonas,Dunless,1.Weareoftentold_atpeopleintrouble.,A,nottosmile,Btosmile,Cnottolaugh,Dtolaugh,2.-whatareyougoingtodothisweekend?,-I_yet.,A,haventdecided,Bwontdecide,Chavedecided,Ddidntdecide,3.Noonecanbesure_inamillionyears.,A,whatmanlookslike,Bwhatwillmanlooklike,Cmanwilllooklikewhat,Dwhatmanwilllooklike,4.Thesportsmeetwillcontinue_itrainsthisafternoon.,A,if,Bsince,Cassoonas,Dunless,1.Weareoftentold_atpeopleintrouble.,A.nottosmile B.tosmile,C.nottolaugh D.tolaugh,2.Noonecanbesure_inamillionyears.,A.whatmanlookslike,B.whatwillmanlooklike,C.manwilllooklikewhat,D.whatmanwilllooklike,C,D,3.Thesportsmeetwillcontinue_itrains thisafternoon.,A.if B.since,C.assoonas D.unless,4.Its raining _ . We have to stay at,home instead of going fishing.,A. badly B. hardly,C. heavily D. strongly,D,C,Studyhard,_youaresuretohaveagoodresultintheexam.,A,or,Band,Cfor,Dbut,Studyhard,_youaresuretohaveagoodresultintheexam.,A,or,Band,Cfor,Dbut,.Studyhard,_youaresuretohaveagoodresultintheexam.,A,or,Band,Cfor,Dbut,.Studyhard,_youaresuretohaveagoodresultintheexam.,A,or,Band,Cfor,Dbut,5. Did you have great fun during your,stay in the restaurant?,Yes,_ .,A. it was so wonderful,B. it was difficult,C. it was terrible,D. it was such a long trip 6. During the Spring Festival, people_ the,day eating and playing.,A. spend B. cost,C. pay D. take,A,A,7. Danny did all kinds of things to make the,baby _ .,A. to stop crying B. stop crying,C. to stop to cry D. stop to cry,8.My little brother would rather _ TV at,home than_ out to play.,A. watch; go B. watching; going,C. watches; goes D. to watch; to go,9.We were made _ fifty new words every,week.,A. learn B. to learn,C. learning D. learnt,B,A,B,二、用所给词的适当形式填空,1.Doyoufeel_(comfort)atthe,music?,2.He_ (especial)likessoftsongs.,3.Pleasespeak_ (loud).Icanthearyou.,4.Redcanmakepeople_(excite).,5.Doyouknow where _(buy) a cake?,comfortable,especially,loudly,excited,to buy,Homework,Write a short passage about a day that affects you most and talk about your feelings with your partner.,make,用法小结,一、做,制作,1.,make sth,He can make kites.,他会做风筝。,2.,make,双宾语,make sb sth=make sth for sb,His father made him a toy.,=His father made a toy for him., made+,介词,be made of,由,做成(能看出原料),be made from,由,制成(看不出原料),be made by,由被(某人)做,be made in,在某地被制造,be made into,被制成,例如:,Rice is made into wine.,米酿成酒。,Wine is made from rice.,酒由米酿成。,(注意主语的变化),二、使,让(主语谓语宾语宾语补足语),1.,make sb,do sth,.,使让某人做某事,Our English teacher often,makes,us,read,the texts.,sb be made,to do,某人被让做某事,We,are,often,made to,read the texts (by our English teacher).,2.,make sb/sth+,adj.,The news made him happy.,。,3.,make sb/sth,done,(,过去分词,),Its too noisy.I cant,make,my voice,heard.,太吵了,我不能让别人听到。,4.,make sb +,n.,They all want to make Jim,their monitor.,(名词)他们都想让吉姆当班长。,三、,make,的相关短语,make a decision to do,(,下决定,),make faces,(做鬼脸),make friends with,(与,交友),make progress,(,取得进步,),make sure,(确信、弄清楚),make up ones mind to do sth,下决,心做某事,make money,挣钱,赚钱,make a mistake/mistakes,犯错误,make the bed,整理床铺,make (a) noise/noise,制造噪音,make a fire,生火,make tea,沏茶,make use of,发挥,的作用,make up,构成,组成,弥补,拼凑成,化妆,make yourself at home,请自便,make phone calls,打电话,make room for,给,腾出地方,


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