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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,主持培训心得体会,篇一:参加主持人培训心得体会,主持人培训班,心得体会,所在单位:*,学员姓名:*,学号:*,*年*月*日,我怀揣着激动、期待的心情,参加了*公司组织的为期*天的主持人培训班。而这次的培训班公司可谓是极其重视,并由公司领导*亲自作出了批示。因为这一次的培训是*公司第一次组织的关于“主持人”方面的专业培训,力求组建我*公司第一支较为专业的主持人队伍,并为日后队伍的扩大,打下坚实的第一步。,公司专门将这次培训安排在位于*的培训中心,在这里环境舒适并免费提供食宿,为我们能够专心学习提供了优良的环境。而且公司为每个学员都制定了一套科学的作息安排与管理细则,保证我们在这几天的时间里能够紧中有弛,劳逸结合,更有成效的完成这次的主持人培训。,第一节课,是由*老师主持的一次令我们印象深刻的开班动员会,明确的告诉了我们开展这次主持人培训班的目的和意义,并且使我们初步的了解到什么是主持,也使我们,更加相信我们可以成为一名出色的主持人。第二节课,是由*院长给我们传授的关于“公众语言表达概说”的课程。她给我,G,reat European Cities,主持培训心得体会Great European Cities,1,Lead-inThe name card of a city,Guessing game,:guess the city name with the help of the clues on its name card.,The first group to get the right answer will“own”this city and do related tasks,Lead-inThe name card of a ci,2,City One:,It is often called the“City of Romance”,It is the only global metropolitan(big city)in France,It is a city of art and of fashion,Paris,City One:Paris,3,City Two:,It is a Spanish coastal(seaside)city,It is famous for a world-class football club,A well-known movie features its midnight romance,Barcelona,City Two:Barcelona,4,City Three:,It is a historical Italian city.,It is regarded as“the cradle of the Renaissance”,a 14,th,-16,th,century cultural movement.,It is translated by famous Chinese writer Xu Zhimo as“,翡冷翠,”,Florence,City Three:Florence,5,City Four:,It is a Mediterranean(,地中海,)city,Its mythology(,神话,)shaped the western civilization,It is the hometown of the Olympics,Athens,City Four:Athens,6,Task One,Skimming,Task OneSkimming,7,What type of text is this passage?,Where do you usually find this type of text?,Informational text,What type of text is this pass,8,Task Two,Scanning,Task TwoScanning,9,Fill in the chart,Scan through the text again,work in groups and finish the chart of“your city”on the worksheet.,After the discussion period,one group member is going to present the major aspects and details of the city youre working on,Fill in the chartScan through,10,Paris,Name of the city:Paris,Aspect,Details,Size,the largest city in France,Location,on the River Seine,Tourism,visited by more than eight million tourists every year,Landmark,Eiffel Tower,the Louvre,Cultural life,famous for its restaurants,cafes and theatres;two thirds of Frances writers and artists live here,ParisName of the city:ParisAs,11,Barcelona,Name of the city:Barcelona,Aspect,Details,Size,The second largest city in Spain,Location,on the northern eastern coast of Spain,Landmark,The Church of the Sagrada Familia,Famous people,Antonio Gaudi,the architect,BarcelonaName of the city:Bar,12,Florence,Name of the city:Florence,Aspect,Details,Location,in Italy,Historical event,the Renaissance,Famous people,Leonardo da Vinci,Michelangelo,Tourism,visited by about a million tourists every year,Landmark,the Uffizi Palace,FlorenceName of the city:Flor,13,Athens,Name of the city:Athens,Aspect,Details,Location,in Greece,Historical Significance,known as the birthplace of western civilization,Landmark,The Parthenon,Cultural life,Greeces best writers live here and their works influenced other writers ever since.,AthensName of the city:Athens,14,Task Three,Further Discussion,Task ThreeFurther Discussion,15,Further discussion,Task Three,What other aspects can be included in an information text about cities?,Temperature,Population,Famous cultural event,Language,Customs,History,What other aspects can be incl,16,Language support,Location,1,),is situated in,2,),is located in,lies in,be in,2.Population,million,billion,3.Size,序数词,+,最高级,Language supportLocation,17,Homework,Write about Qingdao,HomeworkWrite about Qingdao,18,Following the reading passage as a sample,write an informational text about the city Qingdao and introduce the city to tourists.,Word limit:,Average/Advanced:no less than,150 words,Fundamental:no less than,100 words,Deadline,:,Wednesday 9 p.m.,Homework for today,Following the reading passage,19,Any Questions?,Any Questions?,20,THANK YOU,THANK YOU,21,


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