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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Although loneliness has always been a friend of mineIm leaving my life in your handsPeople say im crazy that i am blindRisking it all in a glanceHow you got my blind is still a mysteryI cant get you out of my headDont care what is written in your historyAs long as youre here with me,I dont care who you are Where youre fromWhat you did As long as you love meWho you are Where youre fromDont care what you did As long as you love me,Every little thing that you have said and doneFeels like its deep within meDoesnt really matter if youre on the runIt seems like were meant to be,Unit 5 Music,Step one:,Review the words and expressions,吸引人的,adj.,表演,v.,乐器,n.,熟悉的,adj.,广播,v.&n.,赚,获得,敏感的,adj.,戏弄,最重要,首先,提出,想出,有,天赋,attractive,-,attract(v.)attraction(n.),perform,-performance-performer,instrument,familiar,broadcast,earn,sensitive,play jokes/tricks on,above all,come up with,have a gift/talent for,Step two:,Key language points,attach.to.,把,固定,(,附在,上,),attach importance/significance to sth,.,认为,有重要性,/,有意义,be attached to,附属于;依恋,1.attach,vt,.,附上;系上;贴上;使依恋,这家医院附属于附近的那所医学院。,This hospital,the medical college nearby.,旅行时有必要把标签贴到你的行李上。,It is necessary your luggage.,中国的父母应当重视孩子们的性格和兴趣而不仅仅是成绩。,is attached to,The parents in China are supposed to attach importance to childrens character and interest but not only the grades,.,Practice:,to attach label to,He is quite confident that hell pass the driving text.,Tom is confident of his ability to overcome the difficulty.,be confident+,从句 对,有信心,be confident of/about/in,对,有信心,2.confident adj.,自信的;确信的,只有当你对未来充满信心时,你才会竭尽全力去克服你所面临的困难。,Only when you are confident about your future will you try your best to overcome the difficulty you face.,你应该对自己的能力多一点信心。,You should have your own ability.,have confidence(in),对,有信心,more confidence in,Practice:,(1),perform well,/poorly/satisfactorily,表现出色,/,糟糕,/,令人满意,perform an operation/a play,进行手术,/,演一场戏,perform ones duty/promise,尽责任,/,履行承诺,(2)performance,n,.,执行;表演;履行,put on/,give a performance,表演,(3)performer,n,.,执行者;表演者,3,perform,vt,.&,vi,.,表演;履行;执行,the works of Beethoven must attract all the people present at the concert.,一旦演出,贝多芬的作品一定吸引所有出席音乐会的人。,据报道,博物馆的员工工作表现很突出。,It was reported that,the performance of the museum staffs was outstanding.,It was reported that,the museum staffs performed very well.,Once performed,我梦想成为百万富翁。,I dream of/about becoming a millionaire.,I never dreamed that,我做梦都没想到,I never dreamed that such a thing could happen.,dream n.,她毕生的愿望是成为名作家。,was to be a famous writer.,Her lifelong dream,4,dream of/about,梦到;梦想;渴望,5.in addition,此外,另外(,besides),in addition to,除了,之外,还,除了网购之外,我们还可以使用电脑进行学习探究和与朋友交谈。,In addition to shopping online,we also can use the computer to learn to explore and talk with friends.,6,rely on,依靠;依赖;指望,rely on sb.to do sth.,指望,/,相信某人会做某事,rely on(doing)sth.,依赖,/,信任,/,指望,rely on it that.,相信,;指望,由于没有找到更好的方法,我们不得不靠他来制作这个设计。,Not having found a better way,However,there are still some disadvantages in online shopping.First,a face-to-face deal makes online shopping less (rely)and trustworthy.,we had to rely on him to,make the design,.,reliable,用法:常放在句首做状语,修饰整个句子。,联想:,运用:,(,说实话,我不会买那所房子的,),,for its too far away from the downtown.,honesty n.,诚实,honestly adv.,诚实地,to be frank with you,老实说,To tell you the truth,实话跟你说,To be honest,I would not buy that house,7,to be honest,老实说;说实话,Step three:,Practice writing,基础写作:用本单元学过的词和短语翻译下列句子,然后连成一篇,5,句意义连贯的短文。,1.,李明在校表现突出,梦想考上重点大学。(,perform,dream),2.,他认为勤奋和学习方法非常重要。(,attachto),3.,此外,保持良好的精神状态能促进自己更有效学习。,(,in addition),4.,他经常听音乐和阅读幽默故事,舒缓学习带来的紧张(,humorous),5.,老实说,李明对自己的未来充满信心,相信成功不是碰运气,而是依靠自身的能力。(,rely on),1.Li Ming performs very well at school,and,dreams of being admitted into a key university.,Li Ming,who,performs very well at school,dreams of being admitted into a key university.,Performing,very well at school,Li Ming dreams of being admitted into a key university.,2.He attaches great importance to diligence and study methods.,What,he attaches great importance to,is,diligence and study methods.,It is,diligence and study methods,that,he attaches great importance to.,3.In addition,keeping in a good mood,can,stimulate,him,to,learn more efficiently.,In addition,keeping a good mental state,can,be beneficial for,him,to,learn more efficiently.,4.What s more,he often listens to music and read humorous stories,relieving,stress from his study.,What s more,what he often does,is listening to music and reading humorous stories,which,relieve stress from his study.,5.To be honest,Li Ming is very confident about his future,and,believes success does not take a chance but relies on ones ability.,To be honest,Li Ming is very confident about his future,believing,success does not take a chance but relies on ones ability.,To be honest,Li Ming is very confident about his future,holding the belief that,success does not take a chance but relies on ones ability.,Performing,very well at school,Li Ming dreams of being admitted into a key university.,What,he attaches great importance to,i


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