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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Reading II,1.,处理,2.,别无选择,只能,3.,熬夜到很晚,4.,保持清醒,5.,准时,6.,有时间顾及爱好,7.,值得一做,8.,花如此多的时间在,家作上,9.,梦想,10.,给我提供一些建议,deal with,have no choice but to do,stay up late,stay awake,on time,have time for hobbies,be worth doing,spend so much time on homework,dream of,offer me some suggestions,Find out the key phrases,自主先学,11.,对,着迷,12.,我对足球的热爱,13.,问题的原因,14.,陷入困境,15.,允许某人做某事,16.,对某人要求严格,17.,培养业余爱好,18.,在外面呆很晚,19.,在某事上少花些时间,20.,在学习和爱好之间取得平衡,be crazy about,my love of football,the cause of the problem,get into trouble,allow sb.to do sth.,be strict with sb.,develop hobbies,stay out late,spend less time on sth.,achieve a balance between schoolwork and hobbies,advice hobbies homework important playing spare stay out stay up strict valuable volleyball worth,Mr friend is replying to Millies and Simons letters.Help him complete the sentences with words in the box.,小组讨论,You said you often _ late to finish all your homework.Plan your day carefully.Make a list of all the _ you have.Then work out how much time you need to finish it all.This will give you an idea of how much _time you have,.,stay up,homework,spare,Dear Millie,Thank you very much for your letter.I hope I can help you.,You also said that you do not have enough time for your _.What about choosing your hobby according to the time you have?For example,play _ if you have a lot of time,and listen to music if you only have a short time.,hobbies,volleyball,I hope you think my advice is _ taking.,Best wishes,Sigmund Friend,worth,Dear Simon,Thank you for your letter.I hope I can offer you some useful _.It seems that you spend a lot of time _ football.Of course,it is very _ to develop hobbies.However,it is not wise to spend hours playing football after school.,advice,playing,important,I hope you think my answer is _ to you.,Best wishes.,Sigmund Friend,I agree with your parents that it is better for you to go home earlier.Enjoy your hobby,but do not forget about your schoolwork.Why not just play football for an hour or two,and then go home?Your parents are not _ with you;they just do not want you to _ so late.,strict,stay out,valuable,I do not know how I should,deal with,it.=I dont know,how to deal with it,.,我不知道我该如何处理它。,deal (,dealt,过去式),vi,.,对付,处理,deal with sth.,处理某事物,how to deal with,意为“如何处理”,,what to do with,意思相近,Language points,交流展示,注意区别deal with 和do with。,你怎样处理这个问题?,_ will you deal _ the _?,我们不知道如何去对付这些困难。,We dont know _ to do with the _.,How,difficulty,what,problem,with,练一练:选择正确答案,1)We should try our best to learn _ problems we meet.,what to deal with B.how to deal with,C.how to do with D.what to do,2)Whats the best way _ this problem?,deal with B.dealing with,C.doing with D.to do with,2.I have no,choice,but to do it.,我别无选择,只能去做。,词性:,_,;词义:,_,;其动词形式为:,_,。,选择做某事,_,Going to the seaside for the holiday will be a good _.,She _ to study physics.,她选修物理。,名词,选择,choice,choose to do,choose,chooses,have no choice but to do sth.,别无选择只能做,1),这个女孩,没有其它办法只好,去找妈妈帮忙。,The little girl had _ _ _ _ _ for her mothers _.,2),当时,他们别无选择,只能离开他们的家乡。,They _ _ _ _ _ _ their hometown _ that time.,3,)他只有步行去那儿,别无选择。,He_ _ _ _ _ _ _.,no choice but to,ask,had no choice but to,help,leave,at,had no choice but to walk there,3.I often have to,stay up late,.,我经常不得不熬夜到很迟。,stay up,熬夜,stay up late,熬夜到很迟,e.g.,I,stayed up,last night,so I am very tired now.,我昨天晚上熬夜了,所以现在很累。,4.Then I sometimes find it hard to,stay,awake,the next day.,然后我有时发现,第二天保持清醒很困难。,awake,adj,.,醒着的,通常用在系动词,be,的后面作表语,。,e.g.My grandfather,was,awake,all night.,我祖父整晚都醒着。,wake,是动词,意为“叫醒”,,wake up,叫醒,e.g.,午餐时间到了。去叫醒你爸爸。,Its time for lunch.Go and,wake up,your father.,妈妈,明天早上六点前叫醒我。,Mum,please,wake me up,before six,oclock tomorrow morning.,wake,和,awake,5.I,hardly,have any spare time for my,hobbies like volleyball and music.,hard,ly,adv,.,几乎不表示否定意义,。,它,常和,can,could,等连用,在句中位于动词,be,、情态动词或助动词之后、行为动词之前,。,e.g.Im so tired and I,can hardly,walk.,我太累了,几乎不能走了。,The dog,hardly,had anything to eat for a week.,我的狗几乎有一周什么也不吃了。,hard,和,hard,ly,hard,作“困难的”讲时,是形容词;作“努力地;猛烈地”讲时,是副词,。,hardly,是副词,意为“几乎不”,含有否定意义,,它并不是,hard,的副词形式,。,7.I cannot,imagine,my life without hobbies.,imagine,vt,.,vi,.,想象;设想,imagine sth.,表示“想象某事”,。,e.g.We can hardly,imagine,life without,electricity.,我们不能想象没有电的生活。,imagine doing sth.,表示“想象做某事”,。,e.g.Try to,imagine,being,on the moon.,试着想象月球上生活。,9.I often,doubt,whether it,i,s worth,spend,ing,so much time on homework.,doubt,vt,.,怀疑,(,在,肯定句中,一般接,if/whether,引导的从句;在,否定句中,接,that,引导的从句,),。,I,doubt,if,he will come tonight.,I,dont doubt,that,he will win.,worth,用形容词,意为“值得”,可以作表语或后置定语;,be(well)worth doing,表示“,(,很,),值得做”,这里,doing,为主动形式,被动含义。如:,1,)我的汽车值,3000,美元。,My car _ _,3000.,2,)这本书很值得一看。,This book is _ _ _.,is worth,is worth reading,练一练:翻译句子,1,)这个博物馆值得参观。,The museum is,2,)这部电影值得再看一次。,The film is,worth visiting.,worth watching again.,10.I,dream of,a long holiday so that I could have more time for my hobbies.,我梦想有个长假好让我有更多的时间从事我的爱好。,短语,dream of/about(doing)something,意思是“,梦想,想象,”。,e.g.She,dreamt of,entering one of the top universities in


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