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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,谓语动词的时态与语态,行为动词,用来描述动作、行为,及物动词,vt./,不及物动词,vi.,实义动词,/,使役动词,连系动词 用来表示状态、性质、特征等等,情态动词 用来表示情感、态度,助动词 帮助行为动词构成一定时态,一、谓语动词的分类,划出谓语动词,They parted in 1984 and met again in 1999.,He is a good student.,He doesn,t like English,We can help him with his English.,1,),On Saturday afternoon,Mrs Green went to the market,_ some bananas and visited her cousin.,A.bought B.to buy C.buying D.buy,2)The wounded boy was taken to a nearby hospital,examined _ good care of there.,A.to take B.taking,C.to be taken D.and taken,并列谓语,一个主语后接几个谓语,用,and,连接,来一组难的,试试,1,、,Such tasks are generally important in their outcome,,,which only adds to the pressure to do good job,,,and yet their very complexity makes it difficult to know just where or how to begin.,2,、,Today it is not unusual for a student,,,even if he works part time at college and full time during the summer,,,to have$5,000 in loans(,贷款,)after four years,loans that he must start to repay within one year after graduation.,一般,进行,完成,现在时,过去时,将来时,-,过去,将来时,-,-,二、谓语动词时态,do/does,did,will/shall do,is/am/are doing,was/were doing,would do,has/have done,had done,will have done,一般现在时:,do/does,1)My neighbor,does,outdoor exercises every morning.,2)My uncle,is,a mechanic.He,fixes,cars.,3)The teacher said that light,faster than sound.,表示经常发生的动作,现在的状态或永恒的客观事实。,travels,2.,一般过去时:,did,表示过去某一时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表,示过去的时间状语连用,如,ago/last/the other day,I happened to be out when you call on me,last night.,1),will(shall),+,动词原形,2),be going to,+,动词原形,表示“打算”,3),be to+,动词原形,,表示按照计划即将发生的动作,They are to marry next week.,4)go,come,leave,start,等,趋向性动词,用,进行时,表示将来,My mother is leaving for Beijing tomorrow.,5)be about to+,动词原形,I was about to leave for school,when,the call rang.,6),一般现在时表示,按时刻表,安排发生的动作,Hurry,!,The train leaves at seven.You will be late.,3.,一般将来时的形式,1.When she,Ill let you know.(arrive),2.Ill stay back in case he,my help.(need),3.You neednt be in a hurry.The train,at six.,(leave),4.Go through the gate and you,the,entrance to Bear Country on the other side.(find),5.,anybody,you off?(see),EXX:,arrives,needs,leaves,will find,Is,seeing,4,、现在进行时,:is/am/are doing,表示现在正在进行的动作,.,T/F:,1)I did my homework this time yesterday.,2)Mother cooked when I came home.,They were having a discussion,the whole morning yesterday.,She was watching TV,when I came in.,Look!Who is the girl that is standing under the tree?,5,、过去进行时,:was/were doing,表示过去某,一时刻,正在进行的动作,.,表示过去某,一段时间,一直进行的动作,.,F,F,6.,现在完成时:,has/have done,1),表示到说话时刻为止已经做的动作。,常用,already,.before,yet,so far,by now,since,for+,时间段,in the last/past+,时间段,等词语作状语。,Changes,have taken place,in China in the last ten years.,She has changed a lot since I,her last ime.(see),2),短暂性动词不与表示一段时间的,since,和,for,短语连用。,-Anne,do you know Susan?,-Sure.We _ good friends for a long time.,have been B.had been C.had become D.have become,saw,7.,过去完成时:,had done,表“过去的过去”的动作,常跟,when+,过去时,by+,过去时间,.,When I got to the cinema,the film had begun.,By the end of last term,we had learned 12 units.,Ex:1)By last weekend we,any information.(not get),2)When he appeared,we,for 30 minutes.(wait),3)By now we,5000 new words.(learn),hadnt got,had waited,have learned,8.,将来完成时:,will have done,表示将来某一时间之前已经完成的动作。,The park will have been finished by the end of next year.,一般过去时,:,动作发生在过去,现在已经结束。,In this poor district,in 1775,there,was,only one wine shop.,现在完成时:,a),过去的动作对现在仍具有影响。,-Would you go to see the film with me this evening?,-Sorry,I,have seen,it before.,b),过去的动作延续到现在,.,与,for,、,since,so far,by,时间状语连用。,I,have worked,in Beijing since I graduated from.,过去完成时必须有一个,过去的动作,作为参照点,表示发生在,“过去的过去”的动作。,When I got to the cinema,the film,had begun,.,考点:一般过去时、现在完成时、过去完成时的区别,When I got to the office,all the tickets to Vienna,_ out.(sell),2.So far I,.But I will keep trying.(not succeed),3.You can go out to play when you,your homework.,do B.have done C.are doing D.will do,4.-It is you!I,you.,-I have had my hair cut.,A.dont recognize B.didnt recognize,C.havent recognized D.hadnt recognized,EXX:,had been sold,have not,B,B,三、谓语动词语态,1.,被动语态的构成,由“助动词,be+,动词的过去分词,”构成。,be,随着主语的人称,数,时态和语气的不同而变化。,一般,进行,完成,现在,过去,将来,-,-,is/am/are,done,was/were,done,will be,done,is/am/are,being,done,was/were being,done,has/have been,done,had been,done,-Jane,why dont you move into your new house?,-It,.A.was painted B.is painting,C.is being painted D.is painted,2.,主动形式表被动意义,1),某些动词与,well,easily,badly,等连用,表示事物特征,The case,locks,easily.The book,sells,well.,The door wont,shut,.Silk,tears,easily.,3),表示”需要被做”,need/want/require,doing,2),sth be worth doing,need/want/require,to be done,4)sth is/was+adj+to do sth,这间房屋需要打扫。,The room,needs cleaning,/needs to be cleaned.,The problem is difficult to solve.,3.,被动语态还可用“,get,+,过去分词”结构,.,The boy,got hurt,when he was riding to school.,4.,不及物动词没有被动语态,.,T/F:,1)His voice,is sounded familiar,to me.,2)Taiwan is,belonged to,China.,3)This plan,was proved,unpractical.,F,F,F,


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