新版新目标英语七年级下册U10 Section B 1课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 10,Id like some noodles.,Unit 10,Section B,1a-2c,Lets watch and learn!,onion,pancake,porridge,dumplings,green tea,Main words,fish,1._ meat 2._ dumplings,3._ porridge 4._ green tea,Match the words with the pictures.,1a,g,b,a,h,5._ orange juice 6._ soup,7._ onions 8._ fish,9._ pancakes,e,c,i,d,f,Circle the things you like in 1a.Put an(,)next to the things you dont like.Then tell your partner what you like and dont like.,1b,Talking,I like dumplings and soup.But I dont like meat.,Really?I like fish,porridge and pancakes.But I dont like onions.,I like orange juice,and soup.But I dont like green tea.,Well.I like porridge and fish.But I dont like orange juice.,ORDER FORM,Address:,15th North Street,Telephone number:_,Order:,398-2845,Listen and complete the food order form.,1c,Listening,Dishes:_,fish,_,Dumplings:12 beef and _,Soup:one _,Drinks:one large _ and _ small _ juices.,carrot dumplings,tomato soup,green tea,two,orange,cabbage,chicken,A:Hello,House of Dumplings.,B:Hello!I want to order some food,please.,A:Sure.,B:Id like chicken,fish and cabbage,please.,Listen again.Check your answers in 1c.,1d,A:Uh-huh.,B:And twelve dumplings.,A:What kind of dumplings would you like?,B:Beef and carrot dumplings,please.,A:OK.What else?,B:Umm Id like some soup,too.,A:OK.What kind of soup would you like?,B:Tomato soup.,A:OK.One tomato soup then.Would you like any drinks?,B:One large green tea and two small orange juices.,A:OK.Whats your address,please?,B:15 North Street.,A:And whats your telephone number?,B:398-2845.,A:398-2845?,B:Yup.,A:Thank you.Thatll be 65,yuan,.,What do you do or eat on your birthday?,2a,Talking,I usually have a birthday party.My friends come to my party.We have a great time.,I usually make a wish and blow out the candles.,I usually eat noodles and eggs for breakfast.,My mum usually make a big dinner for me.,I can have a big birthday cake and a lot of gifts.,I can get many good books on my birthday.,My father usually buys me some new clothes.,cake,candy,answer,blow,world,cut up,Main words,different,UK,lucky,idea,popular,Read the passage.Judge Yes(Y)or No(N)of the sentences.,2b,_ The number of candles on the birthday cake is the persons age.,_ In the UK,when the child has the birthday cake with the candy,he/she is lucky.,Y,Y,3._ In China,people eat noodles on their birthday,we never have cake.,4._ People in different countries have different birthday foods.,N,Y,Read the article about food traditions and complete the chart.,Careful reading,Country,Food,Special meaning,UK,China,1.,根据题目要求及所给的表格可知,本题要求我们读短文找出在英国及在中国人们在生日时所吃的有特殊意义的食物。,2.,在读短文时,同学们应紧扣这两个要求,(,一是在中国与英国的人们;二是有特殊意义的食物,),略读无关的信息,对相关的信息进行认真阅读。,3.,从相关信息中找到我们所需的句子,并填写在空格处。,阅读指导,Country,Food,Special meaning,UK,China,Check the answers,birthday cake with a candy,The child with the candy is luck.,long noodles,a symbol of long life,eggs,a symbol of life and good luck,How can a person make his or her birthday wish come true?,_,2.What do people in the UK sometimes put in a birthday cake?,_,2c,Reading,Read the article again and answer the questions.,3.Why do people never cut up birthday noodles in China?,_,4.Why do people eat special foods on their birthday?,_,1.,先认真阅读每个题目的意思,弄清要求我们寻找什么信息。,2.,带着问题,再来读短文。在短文中认真寻找我们所需的信息,在有相关内容的地方,应多读几次认真理解,以找到想要找的信息。,阅读指导,比如:第二段第三、四两句是回答第一题的依据。第二段最后两句是回答第二题的依据;第三段第三句是回答第三题的依据;最后一段是回答第四题的依据。,3,.,最后,再通读一遍,检查一下所找的答案是否正确。,How can a person make his or her birthday wish come true?_,2.What do people in the UK sometimes put in a birthday cake?,_ _,If he or she blows out all the candles in one go,the wish will come true.,They usually put a candy in a birthday cake.,Check the answers,3.Why do people never cut up birthday noodles in China?_,_,4.Why do people eat special foods on their birthday?_,Because the long noodles are a symbol of long life.,Because they want to bring good luck to the birthday person.,1.,around the world,意为“世界各地”。,他想环游世界。,He would like to take a trip,around the world,.,2.,The number of,the candles is the persons age.,蜡烛的数量是这个人的岁数。,Language Points,the number of,意为“,的数目”,当其作主语时,谓语动词应用单数形式。,我们班里学生的数目是四十人。,The number of,the students in our class,is,forty.,【,拓展,】,a number of,意为“很多的;大量的”后跟可数名词复数形式。,今天有很很多人在公园里。,A number of,people are in the park today.,3.,age,意为“年龄”。,他多大年龄?,Whats his age?,(=How old is he?),4.If he or she blows out all the candles,in one go,the wish will,come true,.,如果他,(,她,),一口气把蜡烛全部吹灭的话,许的愿望便会成真。,in one go,相当于汉语中的“同一次”,“一次性地”,其中的介词还可用,at,,即,at one go,。,例如:,You cant do the work all,in one go,.,你不可能一次把工作都干完。,2),come true,表示愿望、梦想等的“实现”或“成为现实”。,例如:,Make a wish,and it can really,come true,.,许个愿,它一定会实现的。,Keep on working and your dream will,come true,.,不断干下去,你的梦想会实现的。,5.,lucky,形容词,意为“幸运的”;而,luck,是名词,意为“运气”。,她真是一个幸运的女孩。,Shes really a,lucky,girl.,鸡蛋是生命和好运的象征。,Eggs are a symbol of life and good,luck,.,6.,different,是形容词,意为“不同的”。,他们两个在不同的班级。,Theyre in,different,classes.,【,拓展,】,differently,是副词,意为“不同地”,他们的想法不同。,They think,differently,.,luck,lucky,different,differently,answ


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