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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 4 Learning about language,Learning aims,1.To grasp some words by doing exercises.,2.To know some adjectives about earthquake.,3.To learn to how to express sentences.,4.To,learn some language points and remember.,1 useless,3 a great number of,5 at an end,7 right away,9 shock,11 rescue,2 nation,4 dirt,6 extreme,8 steam,10 track,12 ruin,Answer keys for Ex.1 on page 28:,1,Answer keys for Ex.2 on page 28:,Earthquake,feelings,damage,events,rescue word,2,Feelings,Before,curious,anxious,surprise,amazed,puzzled,confused,After,shocked,horrified,worried,scared,angry,distressed,sad,terrified,frightened,hopeless,unbelievable,encouraged,Damage,Before,cracks pipes burst,After,great destruction,houses in ruins,roads destroyed,water gas and electricity hard to get,people killed or injured,cracks cut across roads and canals,hills of rock become dirt,children lost parents,Events,Before,animals behaved strangely,lights in sky,sound of planes,well waster rose and fell,After,ruins,2nd quake,army came,Rescue work,After,practical,hard-working,selfless,helpful,brave,courageous(,勇敢无畏的,),kind thoughtful,prepared,,,tireless,understanding,organised,strong-willed,determined,Complete the passage with words from the text.,It was a frightening night.The dam cracked and then _ under the weight of the water.The water went all over the fields and _ quite a few villages along the river.Some buildings were in _ and some farmers were _ at the top of their houses.,burst,destroyed,ruins,trapped,3,The water filled the canals and the _.Dead bodies and _ animals were seen everywhere.People were _,but they had to _ the dead bodies for health reasons.It was a very sad time.,wells,injured,shocked,bury,Language points,1.Gas that hot water gives out.,热水放出的蒸汽,give out,用光;耗尽,Their determination finally gave out.,他们最终没了决心。,停顿运行;停顿运转,One of the planes egines gave out.,飞机的一个发动机失灵了。,分发;散发give sth out,The teacher gave/handed out papers.,教师分发了试卷。,发出;放出光、热等,The radiator is giving out lots of heat.,散热器释放出大量的热量。,公布;宣布;播放,They gave out the names of the winners.,他们宣布了获胜者的名字。,拓展:,give away赠送;捐赠,give off发出气味、光、热、声等,give up放弃;戒掉,give in屈服;让步;投降,give back归还;恢复,2007福建,33The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was _on the radio yesterday.,A.turned out B.found out,C.given out D.carried out,高考连接,解析:市长要来我校参观的消息已于昨日通过播送公布了。A项意为“结果是;制造,生产;B项意为“查清,弄明;C项意为“分发,散发;D项意为“履行,实施。,C,What shall we use for power when we _ all the oil in the world.,A.given out B.put out,C.held up D.used up,句意:当世界上所有的油都已经用完了的时候,我们将用什么来产电呢?,give out用完,属于不及物动词词组,无被动;use up用完,及物动词,有被动;,hold up举起;支撑;耽误;put out 熄灭;扑灭。,A,2.frighten vt.惊吓,使害怕,The sudden noise frightened us.,突如其来的噪音使我们吓了一跳。,思维拓展:,1)frightened adj.惊吓的,害怕的,The girl looked at me with _ eyes.,小女孩以惊慌的眼神看着我。,2)frightening adj.令人惊吓的,He spoke in a _manner.,他说话的样子令人害怕。,frightened,frightening,拓展:一样用法的有:,使震惊_ 使感兴趣_,使兴奋_使吃惊_,使劳累_ 使厌烦_,vt.其宾语_,其V-ing V-ed的区别,令人吃惊的_,shock,surprise,interest,tire,excite,bore,V-ing:,表示事物的性质和状态;,V-ed,:人的感受,sb,to ones surprise,稳固训练,用,frightened,和,frightening,填空,1.It is_even to think of the horrors of nuclear war.,2.The _girl is speechless.,3.There was a _look on her face.,4.The news was_and they were all _.,frightening,frightened,frightened,frightened,frightening,Work in groups.Read some of the sentences and complete the others.Then choose the best to read to the class.,When the earthquake came,it was as if the world was at an end.,When the houses fell down,it sounded as if _.,a mountain had blown up,4,When the dam broke,it looked as if the sea had arrived suddenly on our doorstep.,When the bricks covered the ground,it was as if _.,When the coal mines fell,the ground above looked as if it would crack.,When the cows ran down the road,they looked as if _,_.,red autumn leaves covered the ground,they were driven by an unseen hand,When the shock hit us,we felt as if we were going to die.,When the nation turned to help us in our need,it seemed as if _,_.,all China was thinking of us and was coming to our aid,Summary,1.Some words and adjectives.,2.Language points:,The sun,gives out,heat for the earth.,He,gave out,after a long run.,The star,gave out,presents to the poor children.,The,frightening,sight made him appear a,frightened,look on his face.,Homework,Do exercises(3,、,4)on page21 on,课时训练,Thank you,


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