英语说课课件Lighten your load and save your life

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, , , , , , ,*, , , , , , ,*,Lesson Plan Presentation,Unit 7 Section A Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life,减轻负担,拯救生命,May 16, 2012,Contents,Analysis of Teaching Material,1,Analysis of the Students,2,Teaching Methods and Aids,3,Studying Methods,4,Teaching Procedures,5,Time Allotment,6,(教学内容),(学生分析),(,教学方法与教具,),(学习方法),(教学步骤),(时间安排),Part I. Analysis of the Teaching Material,(第一部分 教学内容),I. Status and Function of this Passage,(地位和作用),This part is text A of unit 7, New Horizon College English, Book Two. It is an intensive reading lesson, which will enable students to enlarge their vocabulary and practice the basic language skills.,II. Teaching Aims,(教学目标),Students are supposed to reach :,1. Knowledge objects,2. Ability objects,3. Emotional objects,III. Key Points and Difficult Points,(重点和难点),1 Important words, expressions and sentence patterns;,2 Global understanding of the text.,Part II. Analysis of the students,(第二部分 学生分析),1. They are interested in the topic which is related to their life;,2. They are lack of vocabulary and most of the students are not active in class because they are afraid of making embarrassing mistakes,;,3. Ill give different assignments to Students according to their practical situation . For example , students who are poor at English are required to master key words , phrases and sentence patterns, while those skilled in English must write an address and give a speech during next class .,I.,Teaching Methods,1. Tasked-based approach,Learning with objects will be efficient. The teacher will arrange tasks for students to finish.,2. Question-and-answer method,Questions are asked in the class for students to discuss with each other and to understand the whole text .,3. Communicative teaching method,Language is used for communication. Thus this method is especially important.,II. Teaching Aids,1. Multimedia,2. The blackboard,Part III Teaching Methods and Aids,(第三部分 教学方法与教具),1. Presentation,It will encourage students to speak out. And it can arouse students interest and desire to study and make them study actively.,2. Practice,Practice makes perfect . Practice can help Students be proficient in new words and sentence patterns and gain basic language ability .,3. Discussion,Let students to discuss the questions the teacher presents in groups. By doing this, students interests could be stimulated.,Part IV Studying Methods,(第四部分 学习方法),Part V Teaching Procedures(,第五部分 教学步骤,),CONTENTS,step2,step5,step1,step4,step3,Revision,Warming-up activities,New contents,Assignments,Consolidation,S,tep1: Revision(,复习回顾,),Words,confess; reserve;,professional; latter,impressive; convey,refine; substitute;,approval,Expressions,fill out; if only;,for better or worse;,turn down; press for;,ill at ease.,Sentence Patterns,as., so;,while+ doing;,S,tep2:Warming-up Activities,(新课导入),1,Preview,Ask Students scan the preview of unit7,then answer the question: what we will learn about unit 7,2,Leading-in: listening practice,Listen to a passage about stress and fill in the blanks,3,Group discussion,Topic: Why do we feel stressful.,How to relax ourselves?,1. Preview,:,Lighten Your Load,(预习 ),and Save Your Life,Directions:,(听力训练),You will hear a passage, please listen carefully and fill in the blanks.,Listen Now,Stress can kill you, being,_ _,can damage your heart, so it is wise to take _ of your life and realize you cant control everything. But you can control stress which is caused by,_ _,_ _ _,_ _, &,_,. Anger may also be the,_ _,of this stress, especially for hard-working,_ _,women & people with no goals in life.,_ _ _, try the NICE factors: new, interesting, challenging experiences. & follow Ben Franklins example,_ _,. _.,tense,uncertainty,charge,professional,doubt,lack of control,root,by writing down the major goals you want to achieve in your life,To relax & take control of your life,For the problems over which you have no control, you have to learn to go with the flow,fear,(问题讨论),Why do we feel stressful?,10,Study stressexams & job-hunting,W,ork stress time & bonus,Life stresshouse & daily living,How to relax ourselves?,If you are really tired of the daily stress which you have to go through,.Enjoy the fields,and fresh air,., Get some sunshine.,Just sleep,Do some,exercises,Do some shopping or listen to the music,Study the words, expressions and sentence patterns with the teachers explanation and examples.,Ask Students read the text thoroughly and then analyze the text structure.,Study the text in details with questions and learn the important sentences.,Step3: New Contents(,新授内容,),Text structure analysis,Vocabulary,Detailed study,Of the text,1. Text structure analysis,(结构分析),Part One,Part Two,Part Three,Part I, made up of 2 paragraphs (Para. 1 & Para. 2), serves to introduce the topicstress in life.,Part II, consisting of 3 paragraphs (from Para. 3 to Para. 5),is mainly about the harmful effects of stress.,Part III, composed of 6 paragraphs (from Para. 6 to Para. 11),is designed to analyze the main factors leading to undue stress.,Part IV, formed of 9 paragraphs (from Para. 12 to Para. 20),is mainly about some suggestions from Eliot as to how to deal effectively with stress.,Part Four,2. Vocabulary in Focus,(词汇学习),overwhelm,be out of control,among other things,attribute to,perceive,delegate,blow ones top,emphasis,9.,recommend,10.,substitute for,11.,stimulate,12.,priority,13.,keep in mind,14.,troublesome,15.,deadline,overwhelm,v.,1) affect someones emotions in a powerful way,2) defeat,Example: He was overwhelmed with joy at the news that Liu Xiang won the champion.,好,争吵的,成为负担的,烦人的,孤单的,troublesome,a.,causing trouble/anxiety/pain,n.,+ some =,a. liking to/causing or producing,quarrelsome,burdensome,tiresome,lonesome,e.g.,Word Formation,Reference Words:,Tremendous and rapid increase in the blood pressure,(课文学习,-,问题引导式理解),3. Detailed study of the text:,Questions for Comprehension,Q:,1) For those who are called hot reactors, what may be the result of being tense?,(Para.4),Eg,: they have no,compass,in life. And they,give the same emphasis to,a traffic jam that they give a family argument ,(Line 59),Paraphrase :,these people have no way to know the right direction they should follow in life. And they get equally angry about a traffic jam and about a family quarrel ,Note:,“ compass” refers to a device used to indicate direction, here it is used in its figurative sense.,Sentence study,(,重点句子学习),Step 4 . Consolidation,(巩固内容),1.,减轻负担,2.,感到受不了,3.,对自己负责,4.,心脏病发作,5.,本质上,内在地,6.,痛苦的根源,7.,压力的预测指标,8.,缺乏控制力,9.,生闷气,10.,没有安全的发泄渠道,to lighten ones load,to feel overwhelmed,to take charge of oneself,to suffer a heart attack,on the,interior,the root of pain,the predictor of stress,lack of control,to stir the anger within sb.,with no safety outlet,Step 5. Assignments,(作业),Exercises for section A,Expressions and patterns in the text,Summary,Essay writing,Part VI Time Allotment,(第六部分 时间安排),Step 1. Revision,S,tep2: Warming up activities,S,tep3: New Contents,S,tep4: Consolidation,S,tep5: Assignments,10 minutes,5 minutes,15 minutes,45minutes,15minutes,90 minutes,Thank you!,


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