三大博物馆 museum

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Museum,Three of the worlds most famous museums,(世界三大博物馆),Louvre museum,France,(,法国卢浮宫博物馆,),British museum,,,London,(伦敦大英博物馆),The Metropolitan Museum of Art,New York,(美国纽约大都会艺术博物馆),Louvre museum,(,卢浮宫,),Location,:,In the center of Paris France beside the north side of Seine river.,(,塞纳河,),History:,The museum was found in 1204 which was just a palace of the King,Phillip Augustus II,(菲利普,奥古斯特二世),.There once lived 50 kings and queens and many famous artists.,Value,:,“Venus”statues,sttu,(,“,维纳斯,”,雕像),the Mona Lisa painting,(蒙娜丽莎),and the Winged Victory,(,“,胜利女神,”,石雕),are the most valuable treasures of Louvre museum,(镇馆之宝,),.Whats more,the museum has a large number of Greek,Roman,Egyptian and Oriental antiques,and France,Italys ancient relics.,(,博物馆内还有大量希腊、罗马、埃及及东方的古董,还有法国、意大利的远古遗物。),According to statistics,the Louvre museum collects more than 400 thousand art treasures from all over the world.The French people will display these art treasures according to their origin and the species in six large exhibition halls.,(,法国人将这些艺术珍品根据其来源地和种类分别在六大展馆中展出,),古希腊罗马博物馆,雕塑馆,绘画馆,珍宝馆,维纳斯雕像,蒙娜丽莎的微笑,胜利女神石雕,British museum,(,大英博物馆,),Location,:,At new Oxford street,(牛津街),on the northern side of the large Russell square,(大罗素广场),in British London.,History:,This museum was founded in 1753.January 15,1759 it has been opened to the public formally,(,正式对公众开放,),.,The British museum is divided into 10 branch libraries,.,(,博物馆目前分为,10,个分馆,),Value,:,At present,,,the museum has collected more than 600 thousand collections.The Book of the dead Janine,(亚尼的死者之书),and,Rosetta stone,(,罗塞塔石碑,),are the most valuable treasures of British museum,(镇馆之宝,),.,游览大英博物馆,先由图书馆开始。,亚尼的死者之书,罗塞塔石碑,Metropolitan museum of art,(,美国纽约大都会艺术博物馆,),Location,:,Metropolitan museum of art is the biggest art museum of United States.It is located in New York fifth avenue,82 street,(,纽约第五大道上的,82,号大街,),.Metropolitan museum of art and American museum of natural history face each other across a great distance.,(,与著名的美国自然历史博物馆遥遥相对,),History:,Metropolitan museum of art was founded in New York fifth avenue,number 618,(纽约第五大道,618,号),.In 1880,it was moved to actual residence,(,现址,),.,Value,:,Egyptian Tomb,(埃及古墓),This,2406 years t,omb,was moved in a huge glass house which was specially-built.,(,整座的,2460,年前的埃及古墓移置在馆内专建的巨型玻璃罩里,令人叹为观止,是博物馆中的镇馆之宝,),埃及古墓整体搬入最为叫绝,在原地建设博物馆(等同于嵌入室内)。,Maritime Museum in Mexico,Museo Subacutico de Arte,(墨西哥海洋博物馆),Cancun,(坎昆),Mexico famous seaside resort,(,著名的海滨度假胜地,),is located in the north of the,Caribbean.,(加勒比海),The white sand,(白沙滩),in Cancun is formed by coral weathering,(由风化形成),.People step in the above can feel the sand soft as silk.Warm temperature and the clean water make many tourists decide to come there to enjoy their beautiful coral world,(欣赏他们的美丽珊瑚世界),.But now,Cancun has another project that the worlds largest submarine,(海底的),museum.If people want to visit this museum can only by diving,(潜水),.,


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