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1. History2. System3. Comparison4. Some famous universities5. The future This immigration of higher education background made them attach great impor tance to education. And the early immigrants from England needed a kind of culture to help them understand The Bible by themselves because of their devotion to religion. The Puritans set up schools as instinctively as they set up churches: (1). The Boston Latin School in 1635, (2). Harvard College in 1636, (3). They took their first step toward establishing a system of public schools. (4). In 1647, Massachusetts passed a radical law, which required every town to provide its children with schools and schoolmasters. In June 1753, Benjamin Franklin decided the new-model college would focus on the professions, with classes taught in English instead of Latin, have subject matter experts as professors instead of one tutor leading a class for four years, and there would be no religious test for admission The Founding Fathers of the United States, who themselves were educators, laid down the principles and institutions of education which still flourish. Of all the Founding Fathers, it was Thomas Jefferson who contributed most to American educational philosophy and practice. It was Jefferson who, in his old age, built almost single-handed, the first great state university in America- the University of Virginia. Education in American can be tracked back to the puritans in the early 17th century, they think every person should be able to read the Bible In 1634 they opened a Lain grammerschool for those who wanted to preper for college; In 1636,Haryd was founded for the training of religious ministers . During 1630s -1640s,Laws were passed for compulsory education for all children and public taxation for schools. In 1647, Massachusetts passed a radical law, which required every town to provide its children with schools and schoolmasters. Elementary and Secondary Education Act美国中小学教育法 is the basic education act of the United States, which reflects the federal governments requirements for the national public basic education schools. The Higher Education Act高等教育法案Adoption of the Higher Education Act Amendments of 1992 formalized a significant shift in federal financial aid policy from grants to loans Higher Education Opportunity Act 高等教育机会法案The Higher Education Opportunity Act (Public Law 110-315) (HEOA) was enacted on August 14, 2008, and reauthorizes the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA). General Provision of Education Act 教育总则法 General introduction Early childhood education Primary and secondary schools Higher education Supplementary information Americans are proud of the fact that the window of knowledge is never slammed shut for any of the nations citizens. Children are allowed to attend classes with kids of various races, schools have equal opportunities for both males and females, and for children with disabilities or handicaps. Now each and every student can get an equal chance to be educated. American public schools have four basic characteristics in common: they are locally controlled, free from religious influence, coeducational, and publicly supported by taxes. The American education of all types and at all levels join each other in structure and communicate with each other up and down. At any rate, from elementary school through college, Americans hold the belief that everyone deserves a fair and equal opportunity to get a good education, and that part of the responsibility of the government is to make sure that such an opportunity is not denied to any one of them.One of the striking features, differ American education system from other European countries education system, call a monorail system. It formed in the second half of the 19th century and can be specifically divided into the bottom-up structure: primary school, secondary school, and then university. Rail is the number of class in one grade. Simple generalizationPrimary school American children start school at the age of five years. The first year at school is called kindergarten. Secondary school Secondary school most commonly consists of a total of seven years, referred to as sixth through twelfth gradesUndergraduate school Undergraduate school offers either a two-year degree or a four-year degree in a specific course of major. Graduate school Students who have obtained a bachelors degree can continue their education by pursuing one of two types of degrees. Grade Age RemarksKindergarten 5-6 K-2: Primary grades1 (first) 6-72 (second) 7-83 (third) 8-9 3-5: Intermediate grades 4 (fourth) 9-105 (fifth) 10-11 Remarks 6 (sixth) 7 (seventh) 11-12 *Some systems have Junior High School for Grades 7 and 8. 8 (eighth)13-14 13-14 Grade Age9 (Freshman) 14-1510 (sophomore) 15-1611 (Junior) 16-1712 (Senior) 17-18 Types of SchoolsuPublic Schools:Financed with tax money.Face to all(K-12)uPrivate Schools:Religious or with a particular educational philosophyuHome Schools:Parents teaching children at home public education Between 1825 and 1850, public education was established in America. Public education is universally required at the K12 level, and is available at state colleges and universities for all students. K12 public school curricula, budgets, and policies are set through locally elected school boards, who have jurisdiction over individual school districts. State governments set overall educational standards, often mandate standardized tests for K12 public school systems, and supervise, usually through a board of regents, state colleges and universities. Funding comes from the state, local, and federal government. Private schools Private schools are generally free to determine their own curriculum and staffing policies, with voluntar y accreditation available through independent regional accreditation authorities. About 87% of school-age children attend public schools, about 10% attend private schools, and more than 3% are homeschooled. Home SchoolsIn home schooling,parents teach their own childrenUsually done for religious reasons or because parents are unhappy with public schoolsApproximately 2.2% of American children are home schooled SAT: Scholastic Assessment Test 学术评价测验 Scholastic Aptitude Test 学术性向测验 ACT: American College Testing GRE: Graduate Record Examination 美国研究生入学考试 China America EnglandCollege for 3 or 4 years College for 3 years College for 4 yearsStudents take the CEE ,that is “Gaokao” before University Student take the A-levels before University Student take the SAT(or ACT) and 2 SAT IIs before UniversityBefore the age of 5,schools are called kindergarten Before the age of 5,schools are called nursery schools Before the age of 5,schools are called preschoolsIn China, the purpose of school is to let everyone accepts education, have knowledge and skills to make life. In the UK the purpose of school is to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society, and also to socialize children In the USA, the goal is to achieve universal literacy and to provide individuals with knowledge and skills necessary to promote both their own individual welfare as well as that of the general public. In Britain, America and China, schools enrolling all kind of people to equalize educational opportunities. And after graduated from university, degree titles, which school provided, is called Bachelors Degree, while a secondary degree is called Masters Degree, and Doctorate Degree. final examinations mid-term examinations China: Study in classroom all day America: Emphasize social practice China: Emphasize mechanical memorizing America: Emphasize children “power of understanding Characteristics of American Education In many fields and industries, the American educational system is recognized as offering the most cutting-edge, sought-after programs at the worlds best schools. That is why we believe graduating from an accredited American school and being exposed to the rigors of the American educational system is a sound investment in your childs future. American schools offer a holistic program that encourages a broad educational experience in both curricular and co-curricular areas. Brown Columbia Cornell Dartmouth Pennsylvania Nowadays American plans to to regain the worlds highest rate of college graduates by 2020. The goal is for all students to perform at the proficient or advanced level. Also, Obama suggests to put free community college education to all students, and want to make this idea spread to the United States, so that two years of community college would become as popular as high school education and free. 1. History2. System3. Comparison4. Some famous universities5. The future Education in American can be tracked back to the puritans in the early 17th century, they think every person should be able to read the Bible In 1634 they opened a Lain grammerschool for those who wanted to preper for college; In 1636,Haryd was founded for the training of religious ministers . During 1630s -1640s,Laws were passed for compulsory education for all children and public taxation for schools. In 1647, Massachusetts passed a radical law, which required every town to provide its children with schools and schoolmasters. Elementary and Secondary Education Act美国中小学教育法 is the basic education act of the United States, which reflects the federal governments requirements for the national public basic education schools. The Higher Education Act高等教育法案Adoption of the Higher Education Act Amendments of 1992 formalized a significant shift in federal financial aid policy from grants to loans Higher Education Opportunity Act 高等教育机会法案The Higher Education Opportunity Act (Public Law 110-315) (HEOA) was enacted on August 14, 2008, and reauthorizes the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA). General Provision of Education Act 教育总则法 The American education of all types and at all levels join each other in structure and communicate with each other up and down. At any rate, from elementary school through college, Americans hold the belief that everyone deserves a fair and equal opportunity to get a good education, and that part of the responsibility of the government is to make sure that such an opportunity is not denied to any one of them.One of the striking features, differ American education system from other European countries education system, call a monorail system. It formed in the second half of the 19th century and can be specifically divided into the bottom-up structure: primary school, secondary school, and then university. Rail is the number of class in one grade. final examinations mid-term examinations China: Study in classroom all day America: Emphasize social practice


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