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,Haga clic para modificar el estilo de ttulo del patrn,Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrn,Segundo nivel,Tercer nivel,Cuarto nivel,Quinto nivel,*,Haga clic para modificar el estilo de ttulo del patrn,Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrn,Segundo nivel,Tercer nivel,Cuarto nivel,Quinto nivel,*,Haga clic para modificar el estilo de ttulo del patrn,Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrn,Segundo nivel,Tercer nivel,Cuarto nivel,Quinto nivel,*,Haga clic para modificar el estilo de ttulo del patrn,Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrn,Segundo nivel,Tercer nivel,Cuarto nivel,Quinto nivel,*,Haga clic para modificar el estilo de ttulo del patrn,Haga clic para modificar el estilo de texto del patrn,Segundo nivel,Tercer nivel,Cuarto nivel,Quinto nivel,*,四六级阅读之语法精讲,Bryan Wong,Blog: http:/, the start of the test, the participants had to declare their race and were told their results would be used to assess their strengths and weaknesses.,基础词义,语法讲解与分析,知识扩展,在测试伊始,参与者需要声明其种族,并被告知测试结果将用于评估其长处和不足。,10. Brian,Nosek,of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, who runs a website that measures implicit bias using similar test, has also observed a small drop in bias in the 700,000 visitors to the site since January 2007, which might be explained by Obamas rise to popularity.,基础词义,语法讲解与分析,知识扩展,美国弗吉尼亚州的夏洛茨维尔的,Brian,Nosek,,他运营着一家使用相似测试进行隐性偏见的计量的网站,从,2007,年一月起,他通过七十万访客中观察到隐性偏见的降低,这或许可以用奥巴马逐渐走红来解释。,11.People now have the opportunity of expressing support for Obama every day, says Daniel,Effron,at Stanford University in California. Our research arouses the concern that people may now be more likely to raise negative views of African Americans.,基础词义,语法讲解与分析,知识扩展,加利福尼亚斯坦福大学的,Daniel,Effron,称,现在人们天天有机会对奥巴马表示支持,同时我们的研究也激发了,人们或许现在更可能对非裔美国人产生负面的看法。,12. Another part of the study suggests far more is at stake than the mere expression of views.,基础词义,语法讲解与分析,知识扩展,另外一部分的研究表明,多得多的人已经受到了影响并非只停留在这些观点的字面含义上。,13. This should have primed the subjects with stereotype threat an anxiety that their results will confirm negative stereotypes, which has been shown to damage the performance of African Americans.,基础词义,语法讲解与分析,知识扩展,这些数据本应该是为有关典型威胁的课题准备的,事实上让令人忧虑的是其结论将佐证负面的刻板印象,但就是这些负面的刻板印象破坏了非裔美国人的表现。,14.Obamas successes seemed to act as a shield against this. We suspect they felt inspired and,energised,by his victory, so the stereotype threat wouldnt prove a distraction, says Friedman.,基础词义,语法讲解与分析,知识扩展,Friedman,称,奥巴马的成功似乎成为强有力的声音反对这一理论。我们揣测非裔美国人因为奥巴马的成功感到启示和激励,所以典型威胁将无法证明能进行干扰。,15. Just one week after Obama was elected president, participants were less ready to support policies designed to address racial inequality than they had been two weeks before the election.,基础词义,语法讲解与分析,知识扩展,就在奥巴马被选为总统后一周,参与者比起选举前两周对解决种族间不公政策的支持稍显不足。,16. It could, of course, also be that Obamas success helps people to forget that a disproportionate number of black Americans still live in poverty and face huge obstacles when trying to overcome these circumstances.,基础词义,语法讲解与分析,知识扩展,这当然也可以说成是奥巴马的成功让人们忘记了还有相当大比列的美国黑人仍然生活在贫困中,当试图克服种种困境时要面对巨大的困难。,17. Those trying to address issues of racial inequality need to constantly remind people of the inequalities that still exist to counteract the Obamas effect, she says.,基础词义,语法讲解与分析,知识扩展,她说,那些努力解决种族不公问题的人需要不断提醒公众不公仍然存在着进而中和奥巴马成功事例中带来的不公已经根除的假象。,18. Though Plants findings were more positive, she too warns against thinking that racism and racial inequalities are no longer a problem. The last thing I want is for people to think everythings solved.,基础词义,语法讲解与分析,知识扩展,尽管,Plant,的发现是相当积极的,她也警告不要认为种族主义偏见和种族间的不公已经不再是难题。我最不想让人们认为一切都已经解决了。,


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