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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Unit 1,Notes & Notices Lesson 1,Notes,Contents,Section 2 Sample Study,Section 3 Composing Your Message,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Section 5 Note Practice,返回,Section 1 Getting Started,Section 6 Supplementary Materials,Section 1 Getting Started,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,John,:,Secretary,:,John,:,Secretary,:,John,:,Secretary,:,John,:,Secretary,:,John,:,Hello, may I to Mr. Brown?,He just .,When do you expect him ?,I am sorry, but he is for the day. Would you to leave a message?,Could you tell him that John and asked him to,me tomorrow?,Sure. May I your phone number?,I think he has my number., Mr. Smith. Ill tell him you called.,Thanks.,speak,_,left,_,back,_,gone/out,_,care/like,_,called,_,call/ring,_,back,_,have,_,I see/OK,_,1 Complete the dialogue and then leave a message to Mr.Brown. (1),SEC 6,Section 1 Getting Started,1 Complete the dialogue and then leave a message to Mr.Brown. (2),From,:,To,:,Date,:,Mar. 2 Time,:,10:00 a.m.,Message,:,Signature,:,Alice (Secretary),Telephone Message,John,_,John called and this morning. He asked you to call,back tomorrow.,_,_,Mr. Brown,_,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 1 Getting Started,2 Besides leaving the telephone message, in what situations will people,write notes? What are usually mentioned in the notes?,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 2 Sample Study,Sample 1,March 21,Dear Prof. Black,,,Im sorry I couldnt Prof. Wolfs lecture lasted a lot longer than I expected. I could meet you in the library Reading Room 4 tomorrow at 10:00,If not, please leave a note in my mailbox,334 this afternoon.,Thank you,!,Elizabeth,参加十一点的约会。,make our 11 oclock appointment.,如果你方便的话。,if that is convenient for you.,尊敬的布莱克教授:,很抱歉我不能在十一点钟准时赴约,沃尔夫教授的讲座比我预想的要长很多。如果您方便的话,我可以明天十点钟在图书馆的第四阅览室跟您见面。如果不方便的话,请于今天下午在我的邮箱,334,号留个条给我。,谢谢!,伊丽莎白,3,月,21,日,Translate,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 2 Sample Study,Sample 2,May 3,Denis,We are to in Room 506, Building 2 at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, May 4. The contest will last about 3 hours.,Foreign Languages Department,丹尼斯:,我们将于,5,月,4,日星期五下午两点在,2,号楼,506,室举行英语演讲比赛,本次竞赛将持续,3,个小时。如果您能来当评委,我们会很高兴。,外语部,5,月,3,日,Translate,举办英语演讲比赛,hold an English speech contest,如果你能当评委我们会很高兴,We would be very delighted if you could be one of the judges.,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 2 Sample Study,Sample 3,Mon. morning,Miss Li,Our Personnel Manager, Mr. Steward, will be in Shanghai on business for five days. Please a plane ticket from Beijing to Shanghai on April 20 for Mr. Steward and then send it to his office. Also call to book at Holiday Inn, from April 20 to April 24 inclusive. Thank you very much.,Zhang Li,预定,reserve,有浴室的单人间,a single room with bath,李小姐:,我们的人事部主任斯图尔德先生将到上海出差,5,天。请给斯图尔德先生预订一张,4,月,20,日北京飞往上海的机票,并送到他的办公室。同时打电话给假日酒店预订一个带浴室的单间,时间是从,4,月,20,日到,24,日,(,包括,24,日,),。谢谢!,张丽,Translate,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 3 Composing your Messages,Template,Date,Name of the recipient,Message (what happened/will happen, explanation of the event, what should be done ),Complimentary close (optional),Signature (writers name),SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 3 Composing your Messages,Practice 1 (1),Complete the following chart according to the information given in the samples.,Sample 1,Sample 2,Sample 3,Date,March 21,Recipient,Prof. Black,Writer,Elizabeth,Opening,Im sorry I couldnt,make our 11 oclock,appointment.,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Foreign Languages,Department,_,_,We are to hold an,English speech contest,in Room 506, Building 2,at 2:00 p.m. on Friday,May 4.,_,_,_,_,_,Our Personnel,Manager, Mr.,Steward, will be in,Shanghai on business,for five days.,_,_,_,_,_,Zhang Li,_,Miss Li,_,Mon. morning,_,Denis,_,May 3,_,Section 3 Composing your Messages,Practice 1 (2),Sample 1,Sample 2,Sample 3,Focus,Prof. Wolfs lecture,lasted a lot longer than I expected.,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Please reserve a plane,ticket from Beijing to,Shanghai on April 20 for Mr.,Steward and then send it to,his office. Also call to book,a single room with bath at,Holiday Inn, from April 20,to April 24 inclusive.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,The contest will last about 3 hours,_,_,Section 3 Composing your Messages,Practice 1 (3),Sample 1,Sample 2,Sample 3,Action,I could meet you in the library Reading Room 4 tomorrow at 10:00, if that is convenient for you. If,not, please leave a note in,my,mailbox,334, this afternoon.,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,We would be very delighted if you could be one of the judges.,_,_,_,Thank you very much.,_,Section 3 Composing your Messages,Practice 2 (1),Classify the following sentences into groups according to the function: A ( Make an apology), I( Make an invitation), F( Ask for a favor), and T( G,i,ve thanks).,1. Thanks for your generous help.,2. I do apologize for missing my appointment yesterday afternoon.,3. Please accept my deepest thanks for your beautiful present.,4. My wife and I would like you to come to our tea party on Friday.,5. All of us were touched by your thoughtfulness.,T,_,T,_,T,_,A,_,I,_,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 3 Composing your Messages,Practice 2 (2),6. I am terribly sorry I couldnt get to the cinema last night.,7. Would you please write for me a letter of introduction to your uncle?,8. I wonder if you could allow me to delay handing in the paper until,Tuesday.,9. Please excuse my inattention.,10. Are you free after work on Friday to join a few of us for dinner?,A,_,I,_,A,_,F,_,F,_,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Practice 3 (1),Dec. 20,Paul,Im still lying in bed with the bad cold. The doctor advised a rest of three days. Please give me an extension of leave for three days.,Encl: Doctors Certificate of Advice,Love,Hob,The first note, a note asking for a leave, is written by a student. The,student should use a formal style: Dear + teachers full name or,Dear+Mr,./,Mrs,/Ms.+ family name. The complimentary close should be formal, too.,e.g. “Sincerely yours”.,Answer:,Read the following notes and decide whether the writer uses the proper salutation and complimentary close.,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Practice 3 (2),10:30 a.m.,Peter,I wont be able to come this afternoon because I have to go to the airport at 2:00 p.m. to meet a visitor from UK. Could you please call me to make another time?,Yours respectively,Rose,In the second note, the relationship between the writer and the recipient seems to be friends. Therefore, “Yours respectively”, which is very formal should be replaced by “Yours ever” or “Yours sincerely”.,Answer:,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Practice 4 (1),Join the sentences with the word (s) given in the parentheses.,1. I sincerely thank you,You have taken the trouble for my sake. (for),2. She has been absent from work.,She is ill. (due to),I sincerely thank you for the trouble you have taken for my sake.,1,She has been absent from work due to her illness.,2,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Practice 4 (2),3. Congratulations!,You are named this years outstanding manager. (on),4. I am sorry to have to tell you that I shall not be able to come to the party. My parents have already invited several of our relatives over for a celebration. (because),Congratulations on being named this years outstanding manager!,3,I am sorry to have to tell you that I shall not be able to come to the party because my parents have already invited several of our relatives over for a celebration.,4,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Practice 4 (3),5. I am sorry to inform you that I shall be unable to attend classes tomorrow. I was asked to do something urgent. (as),6. I cant be at your daughters birthday party this evening.,I have the task of meeting an important delegation. (because of ),I am sorry to inform you that I shall be unable to attend classes tomorrow as I was asked to do something urgent.,5,I cant be at your daughters birthday party this evening because of the task of meeting an important delegation.,6,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Practice 4 (4),7. I am sorry that I cant pass on the message to you in person.,There is some important business in my family. (due to),8. I have to cancel the meeting we set up for Friday, September 3, at 2:30. Weve some trouble at the Valliscourt plant. (as),I am sorry that I cant pass on the message to you in person due to some important business in my family.,7,I have to cancel the meeting we set up for Friday, September 3, at 2:30 as weve some trouble at the Valliscourt plant. Practice 5,8,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Practice 5,Complete the following sentences with proper prepositions.,1. She had a deep gratitude David, but she did not love him.,2. Many warmest congratulations your graduation from Columbia!,3. I had a bad attack flu at Christmas.,4. behalf of the family, I thank you for your kind expression of sympathy.,5. Burt had high regard his old law professor, Dr.Finch.,6. We apologize the delay,it is unfortunately unavoidable.,7. If you would like to discuss this, I could meet with you at a time,convenient you.,8. Received the student, Wang Haochi, one hundred yuan for this,months tuition fee only.,of,_,on,_,towards/to,_,for,_,from,_,On,_,for,_,for,_,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 5 Note Practice,Practice 6 (1),terribly certificate appointment meet pass,book ticket enclose reservation due to,Complete the following notes with the proper form of the words given in the box.,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Jan. 10,Dear Ms. Jiang,I am,(,1,),sorry that I shall be unable to attend this mornings two periods of English class,(,2,),a bad cold and high fever.,(,3,),is a,(,4,),from the doctor who said I must stay in bed for a few,days. I will go back to school as soon as I recover.,Yours sincerely,Tian,Ye,terribly,_,Enclosed,_,certificate,_,due to,_,Section 5 Note Practice,Practice 6 (2),terribly certificate appointment meet pass,book ticket enclose reservation due to,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,August 2,Ms. Zhao,A friend of yours, Li Ping, made a long distance call from Xian this morning while you were out. She asked you to,(,5,),an air ticket for Shanghai at 9 oclock, August 5, and make a,(,6,),for a single room tonight. I am sorry that I cant,(,7,),on the message to you in person, because I have,a(n,),(,8,),with my client. See you then.,Mary,pass,_,book,_,appointment,_,reservation,_,Section 5 Note Practice,Practice 6 (3),terribly certificate appointment meet pass,book ticket enclose reservation due to,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,July 20,Jack,Here are the two,(,9,),I mentioned yesterday for the Childrens puppet play “Nut Cracker”. Bring your son along with you.,(,10,),you at the theatre gate at 3:00 p.m.,Zhang Hong,tickets,_,Meet,_,Section 5 Note Practice,Practice 7 (1),SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,The colored parts are the places where the writer made errors. Write the correct words.,Sept. 16, 2006,from the Foreign Languages Department Reference Library three books as :,a copy of A Practical English Grammar by A. J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet, a copy of Practical English Writing by Zhou,Bangyou, and a copy of College Writing Skills with Reading by John,Langan,.,Rita,For the Office of English,Science Department,Borrowed,Borrow,following,following,Section 5 Note Practice,Practice 7 (2),SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Feb. 20,Liu Fan,I will leave for Shanghai at 8:00 a.m. this morning. It is a pity that I cant see you to say goodbye before,for home. I have here. Thank you very much for the , hospitality and the trouble you have taken my behalf. Please remember me to your husband.,Rose,leaving,leave,enjoyed,enjoied,staying,stay,kindness,kind,in/on,for,Section 5 Note Practice,Practice 7 (3),SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Sept. 24,Alice,Just a line to tell you that tomorrows meeting has to,off the college-wide sports meeting. Please notify the concerned if possible.,Guo,Xin,be put,put,because of,because,others,other,Section 5 Note Practice,Practice 8,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,(1) Write a note entitle “Asking for Leave of Absence” according to the,following guidelines:,Your name and role: Sam, a sophomore in English Class Two,Your foreign teachers name: Ms. Riddle,Reason: You cannot come to her class because you have to attend an English competition.,(2) Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation:,You have promised to join your friend on a trip to Dalian during the summer vacation, but now you cant go. Write to apologize and explain why.,Section 6 Supplementary Materials,Useful Expressions (1),1.,我想请一天假。,I would like to ask for leave of absence for one day.,2.,我想请一周假,从,15,日到,21,日。,I beg to apply for one weeks leave of absence from 15th to 21st.,3.,请准予续假三天为盼。,Please give an extension of leave for three days.,4.,望我的缺席不会给你带来太大的不便。,I hope (that) my absence will not cause you any serious inconvenience.,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 6 Supplementary Materials,Useful Expressions (2),5.,明天下午三点到我这来好吗?,Could you come and see me at my place at three oclock tomorrow afternoon?,6.,这周末去跳舞怎么样?,What about going dancing this weekend?,7.,我想让你明天和我一起去公园。,Id like you to go to the park with me tomorrow.,8.,你去图书馆时帮我还这几本书好吗?,Would you please return these books for me when you go to the library?,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Section 6 Supplementary Materials,Useful Expressions (3),9.,麻烦你在回家的路上帮我买几张明信片。,I would be much obliged if you can buy me some postcards on your way home.,10.,谢谢你的慷慨援助。,Thank you so much for your generous help.,11.,见条后,请来我办公室。,Upon receiving this note, please come to my office.,12.,如您方便,请早日来电,我将不胜感激。,I shall feel obliged if you will favor me with a call at your earliest convenience.,13.,希望能及早处理此事。,Hoping that the matter will be dealt with as soon as possible.,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Thank You !,返回,


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