Unit 9 Animals

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 9 Animals,Teaching Procedures,Part 1 Lead-in,Part 2 Watching and Listening,Part 3,Video,Appreciation,Part 4 Tasks for Cooperative Groups of,Oral English,Outline,Teaching Objectives,In this unit, students are going to watch and listen to some,news reports and,news stories . Through doing a series of tasks, they will,learn some facts about animals and get to know that animals are mans friends;,realize that a lot of animals,are in danger now and some actions should be taken to protect them.,Part 1 Lead -in,1.Discuss the names of the following animals and some strange animal facts within your group.,For examples : Which is the noisiest land animal? Which has 3 eye balls?,Which eats human hair? Which only sleep 2,hours a day?,2.How would you treat your pet if you had one? Would you dye(,染色),its coat,?,Why?,.,1.Rhinoceros Beetle,犀牛甲虫,10.leopard,lepd,2.crocodile,3.monkey,4.,giraffe,5. lizard,6.,koala,7.,rhino,8.zebra,9.elephant,11.anaconda nknd,水蟒(产于南美洲),12.toad,13.frog,14.lion,15.cricket,Section A,Directions:,In this section, you are going to watch a video clip,“some strange animal facts”,Read the following words and phrases aloud first and then finish the tasks below.,Word Bank,1.crocodilekrkda,i,l,鳄鱼,2.howlerhaul,咆哮者,3.weird,wi,d,怪异的;,4.lizard l,i,zd,蜥蜴,5.giraffe dir:f,长颈鹿,6.toad tud,蟾蜍,;,7.stripesstra,i,p,条纹,8.imprint,i,mpr,i,nt,刻上,;,9.zebraszibr,斑马;,10.anaconda nknd,水蟒,11.cricket,蟋蟀,12.koala k:l,考拉/树袋熊,13.mammal mmI,哺乳动物,14.gallon gln,加仑,(,液量单位,),15.rhino rainu,(犀牛),16.rhinoceros,ra,i,nsrs,Beetle,犀牛甲虫,Part 2 Watching and Listening,So today, we have some strange animal facts that I (1)_you didnt,know. So if you think that the noisiest land animal would be something,like an elephant or even a lions,(2)_, but its not. It is actually a,monkey. The howlermonkey is the noisiest land animal,and you can hear his cries (3)_.,So there is a river in east Australia that was named Alligator River.,But that was a mistake, because there a no alligators l,get,(,美洲鳄,)in this river at all, only,(4) _.,Believe it or not, elephants teeth are so big, that they can,Weight,(5)_.,Directions:,Watch the video clip,“Some strange animal facts”,and fill in the following blanks.,bet,roar,over two miles away,crocodiles,up to 12 pounds,Task 1,So you can know those little tiny crickets,that like to,(6)_. Well in Africa there is a cricket called the giant African cricket and whats weird,about it, is that it actually,(7)_.,So you can know how you usually need about eight hours sleep at night.,Well guess how much sleep an elephant needs? An elephant only sleeps,About,(8)_.,There is this lizard in New Zealand called Tuatara ,tutr(,新西兰产的大蜥蜴,) and whats interesting about the Tuatara, is that,(9)_, two in the front and one on the top. Do you know the Disney movie lion king where the little lion roars? Well, thats not true, because (10)_until it is at least two years old,.,make noise at night,eats human hair,two hours a day,it has 3 eye balls,a lion cannot roar,1.A full grown Giraffes dir:f (,长颈鹿,) neck can weigh up to_.,(B),A. 50 pounds B. 500 pounds,C. 1500 pounds D. 150 pounds,2. Rhinoceros Beetle is so strong that it can,carry up to _its weight,on its back.,(D),A.8500,times,B. 5800,times,C. 580 times,D. 850 times,3. If you shave a tiger, you have to shave their stripes _.,(C),A.,in their fur,B. on their skin,C. in their fur and on their skin,D. neither their fur nor their skin,4. An elephant eats up to _of hay a day.,(A),A. 500 pounds,B. 150 pounds,C. 5000 pounds,D.1500 pounds,Directions:,Watch the video clip,“Some strange animal facts”,again and choose the best one from A, B,C and D.,Task 2,5.,The difference between a toad and a frog is that_.,(C),A. a toad can jump but a frog cant.,B. a,toad,can run but a,frog,cant.,C. a frog can jump but a toad,cant.,D. a frog can run but a,toad,cant.,6. An anaconda nknd,(蟒蛇),_.,(C),A. lays eggs,B. is the largest snake in Asia.,C. gives birth to live young,D. None of the above.,7. All zebraszibr,(斑马),look alike because of their stripes,_.,(D),A. So they have the same stripes,B. But a few of them have the same stripes,C. So most of them have the same stripes,D. But no two zebras have the same stripes.,8. The only mammal mmI (,哺乳动物,) in the world that cant jump is _.,(A),A. an elephant,B. a rhino rainu,C. Koala,D. an anteater nti,:,t,Discussion,Do you know any animal defenses? If yes, share them with your group membe,rs. After that one student from each group comes to the front to tell the class what they have talked about.,Animal use a lot of tricks to protect themselves:,change colors-chameleon,变色龙,cast off,(抛弃),a part of body-gecko,壁虎,imitate the surroundings-walkingstick,竹节虫,use warning colors- sea snake,shoot liquid-cuttlefish,墨鱼,gas odor-yellow weasel,黄鼠狼,shoot organ-sea cucumber,海参,play dead- fox,use hard shell, hard thorn or sting-tortoise hedgehog,刺猬,bee,.,Section,B,Directions: In this section, you are going to,listen to a passage.,Read the following,words a,nd phrases aloud first and then,answer the following questions,.,Word Bank,1.sea dragon 海龙 2. disguisedisgaiz 伪装;假装;,3. seaweed 海藻,海草 4. grasshopper,蝗虫,蚂蚱,5. backup 候补的 6. school 鱼群,1. What is the speaker mainly talking about?,How animals protect themselves.,2.What is a predatorpredt?,A predator is an animal that hunts and eats other animals.,3 .What protects the sea dragon from the meat eaters attack?,Its plant-like appearance.,4. How do grasshoppers protect themselves?,By showing off their own bright colors and making lots of foam.,5. According to the passage, why do many fish stay in groups?,It helps improve their safety.,.,Section,C,Directions: In this section, you are going to watch a video clip,“,Dogs dyed in a rainbow of colors,”,Read the following words and phrases aloud first and then finish the tasks below.,Word Bank,1.booming,大受欢迎的,2.trim,修剪,装饰,;,3.caninekena,i,n,犬;,犬的,4.spasp,: 游乐胜地,5.turtle,海龟,6.puppy,小狗,7.parlorprl,接待室,8.bleach,漂白 9.,tan,黄褐色的,10,.,inhumane,i,nhjme,i,n,不人道的,;,1,1,.pigmentation,p,i,mnten,染色,着色,1,2,.,itching,i,t,i,痒的,13.inhale,i,nhe,i,l,吸收,14.fume,香气,15.digestive tract,消化道 16.,pampered,娇养的,1,7,.pooch,(美俚),1,8,.groom,修饰,使整洁,1,9,.,extract,ekstrkt,提炼物,20,.,make-up,化妆品,21,.lipstick,口红,,唇膏,2,2,.,session,一段时间,1.Why are pet owners starting to trim and dye their canines coats?,To make them look cuter.,2.What is the Old English sheepdog famous for?,His panda-like appearance.,3.Why are owners satisfied with their dog looking like pandas and tigers?,Because pandas and tigers are rare.,4. Where is dyeing pets popular ?,In more developed countries,5.Why do critics say the new trend,(,dyeing pets,),is inhumane(,非人道 的,),?,Because the dogs are sometimes forced to undergo hours of unnecessary,dyeing.,Task 1,Directions:,Watch the video clip “Dogs dyed in a rainbow of colors” ”,and answer the following questions.,Task 2,Directions:,Watch the video clip “Dogs dyed in a rainbow of colors” again and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write T for true and F for false.,1.Tian Haiyan said that dyes of bad quality could hurt the pets skin;,their skin could be dry.,(F),2.If they lick these dyes, their digestive tract will be harmed, and in some,cases they could even die.,(T),3. Sun Ruowen says her products are completely natural and the whole,process is only an innocent dress-up session.,(T),4. According to Sun Ruowen, most of the dyes they are using were,Imported from Japan. The dyes are extracts,from peoples make-up,such as lipstick.,(F),5. Sun says that its not harmful for the dogs to lick the dyes.,(T),Part 4 Tasks for Cooperative Groups of Oral English,1.Whats the relationship between human beings and animals?,2. Some animals are facing extinction, what measures should be taken to,save them ?,Part 3,Movie Appreciation,Lovely Animals,Some words and sentence patterns related to animals,1.,人类,human being/ human/ mankind,2.,珍稀动物,rare animals,3.,募捐,筹款,raise money,4.,自然保护区,nature reserve(s)5,.濒临灭绝 be on the verge of extinction 6.灭绝go extinct,7.生物多元化的消失 loss of biodiversity,8,.,处在危险之中,be in danger,Eg:Many rare animals are in danger.,9,.,保持生态平衡,keep the balance of nature,Eg:A lot of measures should be taken to keep the balance of nature.,10,.,众所周知,as is known to a,l,l +,句子,It is generally/publicly known that.Eg:It is generally/publicly known that Michael Jackson is a great dancer.,11,.,毫无疑问,there is no doubt that+,句子,Eg:There is no doubt that protecting animals is our responsibility.,12,.,下决心,决意,决定,. Determine to do.;Make up ones mind to do1,3,.,再怎么强调,.,的重要性也不为过,.can not emphasize the importance of.too much,Eg,:,We can not emphasize the importance of protecting animals too much.1,4,.enable +,sb/sth,+to +v. .,使,.,能够,Eg,:,Nature reserve enables animal to be out of danger.,


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