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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,To every boy and girl:,Happy New year and New Term,!,The Introduction to the Teacher,The name:Yang Zhiyong(,杨志勇,),The telephone number:136 2372 5009,The email:,workharder_,The no-teaching time:Tuesday morning,and afternoons of Monday,Wednesday and Thursday,The Jobs and Targets Today,1.The basic principles(1.1)of and practical solutions(1.2)to writing in English effectively,2.To have a general review of what we have covered in the last term,esp.Chapter 11(2.1)and basic framework of the two volumes(2.2),3.To finish the section of logical reasoning in the paragraph,(Page195-207),4.To talk about the wishes and expectations,1.1.The basic principles of writing in English effectively,1.What we discuss is the subject of English writing as a branch of science,not as a casual skill based on smart instinct and intuition.The learners are supposed to be serious and more attentive to the basic principles,rules and procedures.,2.The relationships between writing and the subjects of intensive reading,extensive reading,listening and grammar,2.1.English language learning at college is a unified and organic process,which is divided into subjects in practice.,In this sense,all the subjects,including writing,should be viewed and handled interconnectedly within the overall framework of language learning.,2.2.The ability to write effectively(,language output,)is one of the two fundamental targets of English language learning,and it is the final reflection of the learning results of intensive reading,extensive reading,listening and grammar(,language input,).,2.3.The learning of intensive reading,extensive reading,listening and grammar should be rethought and done according to the principles and rules of writing.,中文版,基本原则:英语教学和学习在本质上是一个完整的,不间断的有机过程。在英语专业教学中被划分为多种课程,其本身正是为了从立体的,全方位,可操作的角度来体现这个完整过程,而在实际教学过程中,对这一点的强调和重视往往不够。,讲授不同专业课程的教师在教学过程中,应该依据“分工但又合作”的原则,抓住具体课程的不同特点和任务,体现出不同课程之间的自然衔接和相互渗透,“有所为,有所不为”,因为基于课程的自身特点和学生的认知状况,试图面面俱到,但结果往往会难如人意。,1.,写作,和,口语,的目的在于以书面和口头的形式表达个人与社会、与自然以及与自我的关系。随着年龄和阅历的增长,学生(也包括教师)对此的体会必定越来越深刻。,2.,以促进,写作,和,口语,为目标,学习,精读、泛读、听力、语法,和,修辞,课程。,3.,在增强,写作,和,口语,能力的过程中,不断总结和反思,精读、泛读、听力、语法,和,修辞,的学习。,4.,以学习,精读,的精神学习,泛读,。(虽不能至,但要心向往之。),5.,以促进,精读、泛读、写作,、,听力,和,口语,为目的,学习,语法,。(这样就不会感觉空洞乏味,看不到实际价值了。),6.,在,精读,、,泛读、写作、听力,和,口语,的学习过程中,不断深化和佐证对,语法,的认识和理解。,1.2.In order to write in English effectively,learners are supposed to do well in the following tasks:,1.To know what the requirements and rules of English writing are.,2.To know how to put these requirements and rules into the practice of writing.,3.To read standard and high-quality English articles,essays,proses,stories,novels,texts,written by famous writers in Great Britain and the United States.,4.To know what they are of in meaning,style and social values while reading.(cultural context),5.To select useful language materials at word level,sentence level,paragraph level and essay level,and then found your own library or data card available for reference.,6.Practice makes perfect.,7.To be active,passionate,patient and prudent while reading and writing.,2.1.To have a general review of what we have covered in the last term,Chapter 11 in particular,(,Done after class,),2.2.The Basic Framework of the Two Volumes,1.The whole framework of these two volumes are divided into the two parts of general writing,(Chapter 1-17),and practical writing,(Chapter 18-20).,2.The part of general writing is organized along the scale of sentence level,(Chapter 1-10),paragraph level,(Chapter 11-13),and,essay level,(Chapter 14-17).,3.Each section is designed according to the sequence of concepts and rules,examples and analysis,summary,and exercises.,3.The section of logical reasoning in the paragraph(Page195-207),1.Inductive Pattern,1.1.What inductive pattern is?,1.2.Examples and analysis,1.3.Summary,2.Deductive Pattern,2.1.simple deductive pattern,plex deductive pattern,2.2.1.What complex deductive pattern is?,2.2.2.Examples and analysis,2.2.3.Summary,3.Inductive-deductive Pattern,3.1.What inductive-deductive pattern is?,3.2.Examples and analysis,3.3.Summary,4.Exercises,4.The wishes,expectations,The learners are supposed to do the jobs as follows:,1.To be well prepared by previewing what will be covered in class.,2.To be actively involved in the teaching and learning by thinking,speaking,asking and answering questions.,3.To review what have been covered in class and finish the homework.,4.To keep the teacher informed of what you want,worry about and expect of him.,Writing,as a branch of science and practical skill,for the teacher and the learners,is a highly demanding but rewarding activity,which requires hard work,respect for writing rules,and great passion.,In conclusion,we should be more professional and well-trained because we are the majors in the language of English.,Thank you,!,http:/


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