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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,2021中考英语预测作文-兴趣爱好话题,2021中考英语预测作文-兴趣爱好话题,命题探索,分析河北近10年中考真题的书面表达可知,针对“兴趣爱好”这一话题,仅在2013年考查了就,“课堂上应讨论爱好而不是压岁钱”,发表观点,谈论爱好的好处。,全国关于这个话题的命题角度还有:,谈论自己的兴趣爱好;就某一兴趣爱好发表自己的观点。,命题探索 分析河北近10年中考真题的书面表达可知,针,教材链接,人教教材中涉及“兴趣爱好”这个话题的单元具体如下,(可参考对应教材单元记背优秀文段):,写作角度,年级、单元(Unit),话题(Topic),谈论自己的,兴趣爱好,七(下)Unit 1Can you play the guitar?,Joining a club,七(下)Unit 5Why do you like pandas?,Animals in a zoo,八(上)Unit 4Whats the best movie theater?,Your town,教材链接人教教材中涉及“兴趣爱好”这个话题的单元具体如下(,写作角度,年级、单元(Unit),话题(Topic),谈论自己的,兴趣爱好,八(上)Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show?,Entertainment,九(全)Unit 9I like music that I can dance to.,Music and Movies,写作角度年级、单元(Unit)话题(Topic)谈论自己的兴,佳句储备,1,角度,谈论爱好的好处,【好句,范例,】,1.A hobby,can help build,your confidence and make your life more,colourful.冀教八(下)Unit 7 P100,2.The hobby is a topic,that,is very familiar with students.,3.Students would have,a lot,to say when talking about hobbies.,4.Talking about the movies they like often,makes them relaxed,.,佳句储备1角度谈论爱好的好处【好句范例】,【句子仿写】,1.,爱好能使你快乐,并且帮助你学到一些新技能。,_,2.,篮球是个能吸引很多男生注意力的话题。,_,3.,谈论最喜欢的画家总是让他们很兴奋。,_,Hobbies can make you happy and help you learn some new skills.,Basketball is a topic that can draw many boys attention.,Talking about favorite artists often makes them excited.,【句子仿写】Hobbies can make you hap,2,角度,介绍自己的兴趣爱好,【句子扩写范例】,5.Many students have hobbies.(举例说明哪些爱好),Many students have hobbies,such as reading,painting,growing,vegetables and looking after animals,.外研八(下)Module 6 P50,6.I like music.(扩写自己喜欢的音乐类型),I like music,that I can sing along with,.人教九(全)Unit 9 P65,2角度介绍自己的兴趣爱好【句子扩写范例】,7.I can never stop the love for reading.(扩写原因),I can never stop the love for reading,because it can bring,me happiness,.,8.I enjoy my hobby.(扩写爱好带来的好处),I enjoy my hobby.,It,s my hobby that offers me a chance to,do something interesting and creative,.,7.I can never stop the love f,【句子扩写】,4.,My sister likes watching all kinds of movies.(举例说明具体的电,影类型),_,_,5.,I like sports.(扩写自己喜欢的运动类型),_,My sister likes watching all kinds of movies,such as action movies,science fiction movies and so on.,I like sports that can develop the spirit of teamwork.,【句子扩写】My sister likes watching,6.,I love keeping a diary every day.(扩写原因),_,_,7.,I enjoy acting very much.(扩写爱好带来的好处),_,_,8.,I love doing exercise very much.(扩写运动带来的好处),_,I love keeping a diary every day because it,s a good way for me to record my life and express my feelings.,I enjoy acting very much.Its acting that gives me a chance to experience different lives.,I love doing exercise very much.Its exercise that helps me keep fit.,6.I love keeping a diary ever,3,角度,就某一兴趣爱好发表自己的观点,【好句范例】,9.Some students think that spending too much time on hobbies,has a bad,influence on,their study.,10.,If I take up,dancing,as,my hobby,my spare time will be more,meaningful.,11.In my opinion,taking up,swimming,as a hobby is not only,fun,but,also,useful.,12.Playing the piano,is a hobby that,makes me feel happy.,3角度就某一兴趣爱好发表自己的观点【好句范例】,【句子仿写】,9.,有的学生认为参加俱乐部对丰富他们的生活有重大的影响。,_,_,10.如果我把旅行当做我的爱好,那么我会交到更多的朋友。,_,11.对一名学生而言,把阅读当作爱好不仅是必要的,而且是重要的。,_,_,Some students think that joining clubs has a big influence on enriching their life.,If I take up travelling as my hobby,I will make more friends.,For a student,taking up reading as a hobby is not only necessary but also important.,【句子仿写】Some students think that,三阶攻关,一阶 审好题 定方向,(2013河北)假如在英语课上,老师请你们就“Lucky Money(压岁钱)”这个话题分组进行讨论。但你认为同学们对“,Hobbies(爱好)”更感兴趣,,建议老师更换话题。请你根据下面的提示和要求,写一篇,发言稿,谈一谈你的理由,。,定主题:谈论爱好,而不是压岁钱,定文体:应用文;定人称:第一人称,三阶攻关一阶 审好题 定方向(2013河北)假如在英语,提示:(1),Why do you like talking about hobbies?,(2)What,s,your reason for not talking about lucky money,?,定要点1:选择讨论爱好这一话题的原因;,定时态:一般现在时,定要点2:不讨论压岁钱的理由;,定时态:一般现在时,提示:(1)Why do you like talking,要求:(1)发言稿须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。,(2)发言稿中不得涉及真实的人名、校名和地名。开头已,给出,不计入总词数。,(3)词数:6080。,参考词汇:one,s own hobby,a proper topic(合适的话题),personal,unhappy,要求:(1)发言稿须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。,I think talking about hobbies is better than talking about lucky money.It is _,_,_,_,_,I think talking about hobbies,列框架,列要点,要点扩句,(,注意时态,),句子提升,二阶 谋布局 写好句,开篇:提出自己的观点(已给出),正文:描述支撑观点的理由,谈论爱好比谈论压岁钱好,(better than),I think talking about hobbies is better than talking about lucky money.,1.,谈论爱好的原因,(have a lot to say,),Everyone has his own hobby.,Everyone has his own hobby,such as playing ball games,listening to music,drawing and so on,我来写:,_,列框架列要点要点扩句(注意时态)句子提升二阶 谋布局 写好,It can bring us pleasure.It can make us relaxed.,正文:描述支撑观点的理由,1.,谈论爱好的原因,(have a lot to say,),It can,not only,bring us pleasure,but also,make us relaxed.,我来写:,_,On the one hand,it can bring us pleasure.,On the other hand,it can make us relaxed.,列框架,列要点,要点扩句,(,注意时态,),句子提升,It can bring us pleasure.It c,Lucky money is not a proper topic for us.,Lucky money,however,isnt a proper topic for us,because its too personal,我来写:,_,Some may feel unhappy.,Some may feel unhappy,i


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