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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,11/7/2009,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高考英语书面表达指导,短话长说,2024/10/1,1,高考英语书面表达指导 短话长说2022/9/241,1 General structure,3 Advanced expressions,Various structures,Graceful words,2 Linking words,Elements of a passage,Topic sentence,Supporting sentences,Concluding sentence,2024/10/1,2,3 Advanced expressionsVariou,一、文章总体模板,1.,文章开头的总体交待,起(引出主题),A.Recently,we had a discussion about,B.we carried out a survey of,C.When it comes to the topic whether,2.,呈现不同观点的句式,转承(陈述观点),A.Some of them are in favor of the idea that,However,others hold a completely opposite opinion.,B.Some people firmly believe that.Others argue that,呈现论据时常用的连接词,inthefirstplace,_(,原因一,).Furthermore,inthesecondplace,_(,原因二,).Soitgoeswithoutsaying that_(,观点一,).,Some people holdtheideathat_(,观点二,).Intheirpointofview,ontheonehand,,,_(,原因一,).Ontheotherhand,_(,原因二,).Therefore,there isno doubt that_(,观点二,).,3.,结尾部分表达个人观点和总结的用语,结(总结观点),As far as Im concerned,/From my point of view,/To sum up,2024/10/1,3,一、文章总体模板1.文章开头的总体交待 起(引,方法一,:,使用多种句子结构,If she is compared with other teachers,we find she pays more attention to her way of teaching.(,状语,),Compared with other teachers,she pays more attention to his way of teaching.,2 You should keep silent at the meeting unless you are invited to speak.(,连词,+,分词,),Unless invited ,you should keep silent at the meeting.,3,He didnt realize his foolishness until he returned home.(,倒装,/,强调,),Not until he returned home did he realize his foolishness,It was not until he returned home that he realized his foolishness.,二、高分作文技巧,2024/10/1,4,方法一:使用多种句子结构If she is c,4 We can achieve a satisfying grade by changing the way we study.(only,倒装,),.,5 How should we protect eyesight?It still remains a question among us.(,主语从句,),6 We should emphasize the importance of protecting our eyesight.(cant too much),Only by changing the way we study can we achieve a satisfying grade.,How to protect our eyesight still remains a question among us.,We cant emphasize the importance of protecting our eyesight too much.,2024/10/1,5,4 We can achieve a satisfying,方法二,:,善用高级词汇,Which is better?,1,周末我们会有很多作业要做,.,A We have endless homework to do at the weekend.,B We have a lot of homework to do at the weekend.,2,在我所有的老师里,毛老师给我留下了很深的印象,.,A Of all my teachers,I still remember Mr.Moore.,B Of all my teachers,Mr.Moore gave me the deepest impression.,2024/10/1,6,方法二:善用高级词汇Which is better?1,3,高级培训班结束后回到家,他的妻子感到精疲力尽。,A.His wife came back home after the advanced training class,feeling very tired.,B.His wife came back home after the advanced training class,feeling very exhausted.,4.,他没听我课上讲的东西。,A He turned a deaf ear to what I said in the class.,B He didnt listen to what I said in the class.,2024/10/1,7,3 高级培训班结束后回到家,他的妻子感到精疲力尽。4.他没,Topic:,How to Lengthen Your Composition,2024/10/1,8,Topic:2022/9/248,When it comes to the issue of,the majority of people,seem to get accustomed to the idea that However,attitudes towardsvary from person to person.,some people firmly believe that,there are some factors,contributing to this attitude as follows,in the first place,in the second place,.On top of that,As a matter of fact,it is not often the case.Others have,a preference of,there are several remarkable reasons.,For one thing,for another,On my part,.,1.,利用模板,2024/10/1,9,When it comes to the issue o,2,、附加成分作解释说明,方法,添加与所给信息有关的前因后果及条件,目的等内容,例一:这样更方便照顾父母。,拓展:因为父母越来越年迈。,原因,as they are getting older and older.,Owing to/because,例二:因广告过多,影片放映晚点,。,拓展:这导致观众不耐烦甚至恼火,。,后果,which made audience impatient and some of them even annoyed.,making audience impatient and some of them even annoyed.,It will be much more convenient to look after your parents,There were too many advertisements that they delayed the time of showing,the film,2024/10/1,10,2、附加成分作解释说明方法添加与所给信息有关的前因后果及,2,、附加成分作解释说明,方法,添加与所给信息有关的前因后果及条件,目的等内容,条件,目的,例三:安全出口(,exit,)标志不明,存在安全隐患,(potential hazard,)。,拓展:万一遇到危险,观众难以逃脱。,In case of danger,it is difficult for the audience to escape.,例四:对中学生假期通讯方式进行了一项调查,We did a survey about how our high school students communicate with,each other during the holiday,拓展:为了了解对中学生假期通讯方式,In order to learn about how our high school students communicate with,each other during the holiday,we did a survey with the help of my classmates.,The exit is not clear,so there will be potential hazard.,2024/10/1,11,2、附加成分作解释说明方法添加与所给信息有关的前因后果及,2,、附加成分作解释说明,方法,添加与所给信息有关的前因后果及条件,目的等内容,(1),表达不同原因的概括语,There are several reasons for this.,The reasons are as follows.,The reason foris that,The reason why is that,(2),表示无需说明的事实的概括语:,It goes without saying that,Its needless to say that,Needless to say,Its obvious that,2024/10/1,12,2、附加成分作解释说明方法添加与所给信息有关的前因后果及,3.,加谚语,(Proverb),锻炼对学生有好处,It is good for us students to take exercise.,As the saying goes,“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”It is good for us students to take exercise.,3.,添加谚语,2024/10/1,13,3.加谚语(Proverb)锻炼对学生有好处 It is g,加谚语,(Proverb),集中注意力于学习,We sho


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