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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit,11(1),Describing Frequency of Actions,-By,Linda,2021-year 年,may-month 月,Monday-Sunny-,week 周,25-day 一天,Sunday/Saturday-weekend 周末,Vocabulary,Vocabulary,morning 早上,afternoon 午后,下午,evening晚上;黄昏,night夜晚,晚上,evening&night,Evening是“黄昏、晚上,尤其是指下午6点到晚上10点前,一般指晚上就寝之前这段时间.,eg:in the evening在晚上,Night是指“夜晚、黑夜,是指晚上10点至午夜这段时间。,eg:at night在夜里,Vocabulary,下午下了班或过了正常工作时间是evening.到了睡觉的时候便从evening转为night。,注意:,Good evening有Hello的意思,能用作晚上见面时打招呼用语。,而Good night是Goodbye的意思,不能用作打招呼,只能作为夜晚辞别时的最后一句话。,Vocabulary,Unit 11,How often,She usually studies in the library.,We have noisy neighbors.,On your own,人称代词,主格,I,he,she,it,we,you,they,宾格,me,him,her,it,us,you,them,我,他,她,它,我们,你,你们,他们,主格&宾格,什么时候用主格?什么时候用宾格?,She is a good girl.,I like you.我喜欢你。,You like me.你喜欢我。,He likes her.他喜欢她。,She likes him.她喜欢他。,We like you.我们喜欢你们。,You like us.你们喜欢我们。,They like us.他们喜欢我们。,We like them.我们喜欢它们。,规律:宾格用在动词后面。,EXERCISE,一.词形填空。1.I(宾格)_ 2.he(宾格)_,3.she(宾格)_ 4.we(宾格)_,5.they(宾格)_ 6.you(宾格)_,7.it(宾格)_ 8.me(形容词性物主代词,am a teacher.我,can help .(他,_ like English.(I),Do you know _(she),Do you like the story-books-Yes,I do.I like _.(they),Please give _(he)a book。,How often do you call your boyfriend,I call him every night.,How often does your boyfriend call you,He calls me every night.,How often do you use your computer,every day,I use my computer every day.,How often do you write to your son,every week,I write to my son every week.,How often does your boss say“hello to you,every morning,She says hello to me every morning.,How often do your grandchildren call you,every Sunday,They call me every Sunday.,every day,every week,every month,every year,every weekend,every Sunday/Monday/Tuesday,every morning/afternoon/evening,all the time,一直,make sentence,dodoesgo-goes,eat-eats,bark-barks,speak-speaks,write-writes,dance-dances,wa,sh,-washes,wat,ch,-watches,cat,ch,-catches,fi,x,-fixes,stu,dy,-studies,car,ry,-carries,always,永远,一直;总是;常常,usually/often,通常,经常,sometimes,有时,rarely,很少地;难得;罕有地,never,从不,频度副词,Lindas story,Linda,always,plays computer in the evening.,Linda,usually,watches TV after dinner.,Linda,often,goes to bed at 12:00.,Linda,sometimes,plays badminton on weekend.,Linda,rarely,washes dishes after dinner.,Linda,never,washes her car.,Does Carmen usually study in her room,No,she rarely studies in her room.,She usually studies in the library.,Does Linda usually eat lunch in her office,rarely,in the cafeteria,No,she()eats lunch in her office.She usually()lunch in the cafeteria.,Does Henry usually wash his car on Sunday,rarely,on Saturday,No,he()washes his car on Sunday.He usually()his car on Saturday.,Does Alan always watch the news after dinner,never,game shows,No,he()watches the news after dinner.He usually()the game shows after dinner.,Does Diane sometimes read The National Star,never,time magazine,No,she()reads The National Star.She usually()Time magazine.,Does your girlfriend usually jog in the evening,sometimes,in the afternoon,No,she ()jogs in the evening.,She usually ()in the afternoon.,Thank you!,See you!,


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