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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Go for it,九年级,The First Period,Section A,Unit 15 We are trying to save the manatees!,Lets go to the zoo.,What animals can you see in the zoo,Name,Food,Description,zoo,gray gentle enormous,furry brown,aggressive,spotted fast,aggressive,cheetah,elephant,bear,Name,Food,Description,zoo,gentle,furry shy,white and black,tiger,panda,chimpanzee,aggressive,fast,playful,Furry,noisy,1b.,Listen and circle the words in 1a that Victor and Ginny use to describe the animals.,gentle furry enormous playful,noisy shy aggressive gray fast spotted,Grammar:,Were,trying,to,save,the manatees.,我们正,努力,地去,拯救,海牛。,1try to do sth. 意为:尽力、努力做某事。try doing sth.:意为:试着做某事。但try 也可以作名词,意为:尝试,努力。,eg:,We should try,to help,others in trouble,.,Let me have a,try,.,让我试试吧。,2save 在这里用作及物动词,意为:“挽救,搭救。它还有“储蓄,节省,节约的意思。,eg: He,saved,the boy from drowning.,他救起落水的男孩。,He,saved,money for his old age.,他为老年的生活而存钱。,2. I,am like,this animal because I am strong and intelligent.,解析: 1 be like = look like 意为:像,看起来像。这里like 为介词,意为“像。,eg: He,is like,his father,= He,looks like,his father.,他看起来像他的父亲。,2like 也可以作动词,意为:喜欢。like to do / doing sth. 意为 “喜欢做某事。,eg: Mary likes,singing,.,2a,.listen and match the words with definitions.,1.,endangered,2.,mangrove swamps,3.,habitat,4.,aquatic feed,a.,the place where something lives,b.,there arent very many of them,c.,underwater plants and vegetation,d.,a place where trees grow in water,Kind of animal,manatee,Numbers,Habitat,Reason why they are endangered,Description,Listen,Listen and complete the chart.,2a,2500,the water under the trees in mangrove swamps.,*,swamps being polluted.,* not enough food.,*,10 feet long,*1000 pounds heavy,Grammar,3,.,Theyre about 10 feet long and they,weigh,about 1,000 pounds.,weigh 用作不及物动词时,意为“重;用作及物动词时意为“给称重;量.的体重。,eg: The baby,weighs,three klios.,这婴儿三公斤重。,The shopkeeper,weighed,the tomatoes,.,售货员把西红柿称了一下。,1.,根据提示把下面的句子补充完整。,我正在尽力成为足球队的一员。,I m,my,a member of the football team.,2.His life was,by the doctors efforts.,remained B. left C. kept D. saved,3.Look at the kites. They,birds in the sky.,A. like B. likes C. are like D. looks like,Exercise,trying best to become,D,C,4.The child,about 3 kg when he was born.,A.weighs B.weighed C.was weighed D.has weighed,5.,根据提示完成句子。,The Changjiang River is,(,6300,公里长,),Exercise,6300 kilometers long,解析:英语中表示“长、宽、高的方法和汉语中类似,都是使用“数词+表示量的名次+形容词。,eg: The mountain is 2000 metres high.,B,Pairwork,A: 1_,B: Ive just been to the natural museum.,A: 2_,B: We saw a lot of endangered animals, like manatees, pandas,chimpanzees (黑猩猩)and so on.,A: 4_,B: Because people have done something bad to them and theyre,dying out.,A: Thats a really bad thing. But 5_,B: Yes, I think we can do something to help. We can tell people,how important these animals are.,A: I agree with you.,Where have you been,What did you see,Why,can we do something to help,3a. Read the letter to the editor and,underline,the reasons why the writer is against the zoos.,Dear Editor,I am writing to say that I,am against,building a new zoo in our town. Zoos are terrible places,for animals to live,. Ive visited a lot of zoos,in my life, and I have never seen one I liked or one that,was suitable for,animals to live in. Just last week, I visited a zoo and couldnt believe what I saw. The animals are kept in tiny cages and can hardly move at all. And they are only given food once a day. Is this a good way for animals to live? I dont think so.,.,.,.,.,.,1.against是个介词,表示“反对,依靠。短语be against 意为“反对,不同意,这时其反义词是:be for,意为:“赞成。,Grammar,eg: No one,is against,this proposal.,没有人反对这项提议,。,Some people,were for,the strike and others,were against,it.,有些人赞成罢工,另一些人反对。,2. Zoos are terrible,places,for animals to live,.,(1). 本句中的for animals to live 称为不定式的复合构造,animals 是to live 的逻辑主语。即:for sb. to do sth.,Grammar,(2),. for animals,to live,在句中作定语,修饰名词,places,。,解析:当一个不定式作定语修饰一个名词时,在很多情况下,这个不定式和被修饰的名词之间有逻辑上的主谓或动宾关系。当存在逻辑上的动宾关系时,不定式动词如果是不及动词,那么在这个动词后应加上一个适宜的介词。但place/way后的不定式是不及物动词时,后面的介词可以省略。,eg,: I have a lot of,work,to do,.,I have an important,report,to listen,to,.,The poor man had no,house,to live,in,at that time.,I must find a,place,to live,(,in,).,3. in ones life是个常用的短语,意为“在某人的一生中。,Grammar,eg: Thomas Edison had a lot of inventions,in his life,.,4. be suitable for 意为“适合的。,eg: This job,is suitable,for,a girl.,The film,is suitable,for,children.,这部电影适合孩子们看,。,3b. Now read this letter to the editor. Do you agree with“Disgusted or “Animal Friend Write a letter to the editor and give your opinion.,Dear Editor,I visited our zoo yesterday and I,was very surprised to,find hardly anyone there. Zoo are very important places. They are like living textbooks for young people. They,provide,homes,for,many endangered animals and help to educate the public about caring for them. If you dont support our zoos, they wont have,enough,money to take care of so many fine animals. I urge all of your readers to visit our wonderful zoo soon.,sincerely,Animal Friend,1.,be surprised,to do sth,.,因做某事而吃惊。,Grammar,be surprised,at sth,.,对某事,/,物吃惊。,eg: I was surprised,to,hear,/,at,the news.,听到这个消息我感到很吃惊。,in surprise,惊讶地;,to,ones,surprise,使某人吃惊的是,eg: He looked at me,in surprise,.,To,my,surprise, he came back so late,.,3.,They provide homes for many endangered animals and help to educate the public about caring for them.,Grammar,解析:provide常用作及物动词,意为“提供,和介词“for或with构成短语:provide sth. for sb. 或provide sb. with sth.意思均为“向某人提供某物。,eg:,Our parents,provide,us,with,food and clothes,.,=Our parents,provide,food and clothes,for,us,.,Reading,Zoos are terrible places,Zoos are important places,*,*,*,*,*,*,3a and 3b,Fill in the chart.,Animals are kept in tiny cages,Animals can hardly move at all,Animals are only given food once a day.,Zoos are living textbook.,Zoos provide homes for endangered animals.,Educate people about caring for them.,1.Are you for or our plan,A.opposite B. refuse C. against D. not,2.My old pen is lost, but now I have a new one to .,write B.be written C. writing D.write with,3.Some people had no contribution to the people .,A.in all his life B. on all his life C.in life,4.Thick clothes are not hot weather.,suit B. suit for C. suitable D. suitable for,5.Who will the house while the family be away.,A. care B. care for C. careful D. take care,Exercise,C,D,A,D,B,6.Our government provide the people,food and,clothes during the flood.,of B. to C. for D. with,7.His brother is,to join the army.,enough old B. old enough C.young enough,8.He is,boy,but the knows,English words.,A.a such little; so much B. a so little; so many,C.so a little; so few D.such a little; so many,注解:so 是个副词,放在形容词或副词的前面“so +adj.+a/an+n.,such是形容词,可修饰名词,放在a/an之前 “such+a/an+adj.+n,D,B,D,Debate,Zoos are bad for animals,*,*,*,*,*,*,Zoos are good for animals,I think I believe that,I feel that,I agree with you. I disagree with you.,Task 1,Advantages for students mobile phone,Disadvantages for students mobile phone,*,*,*,*,*,*,Debate,spend too much money,parents burden becomes heavy.,keep in touch with parents,friends conveniently and quickly.,get help in time when get in trouble,My favorite animals are pandas. I like them very much because they are gentle and shy. They are also 1_to people. And they look funny, too. Their eyes are the most interesting part. The black circles around their 2_ make them look like they are wearing glasses or have just been in a fight. Their favorite food is bamboo 3_. They dont like to move around very much. But now pandas are endangered .For one thing, people have destroyed many of their habits. For another, they dont have 4_ food to eat. We must think of ways to 5_ them. I think we should build more panda zoos and plant more bamboo for them.,I hope everyone can do something for animals, so that we can keep our world rich and colorful and full of interesting animals.,friendly,eyes,leaves,enough,protect,Task 2,Fill in the blanks according to the main ideas.,Homework,*,Try to find more endangered animals in the world and write a short passage about how to save them or protect them.,The Second Period,Section B,Endangered,animals,Desertification,Natural,disasters,Pollution,The worlds problems,Talking,How to save the planet Check easy (E) or difficult (D).,_,*,stop riding in cars.,_* recycle books and paper.,_* turn off the lights when you leave the room.,_* refuse to use the plastic bags.,_* dont put the waste water into the river.,_* plant more trees and grass.,_*.,A: Recycling books and paper is really easy.,B: I agree. But its difficult to stop riding in cars.,A: Recycling books and paper is really easy.,B: I agree. But its difficult to stop riding in cars.,A: Recycling books and paper is really easy.,B: I agree. But its difficult to stop riding in cars.,A: Recycling books and paper is really easy.,B: I agree. But its difficult to stop riding in cars.,E,D,E,D,E,D,Listen,to what Julia and Jack,talk about. Check the things.,Things Julia and Jack talk about,Things Julia is doing now,Things Julia will do in the future,Things Julia would never do,_,_,turning off the light,_ turning off the shower,_ stopping using paper napkins,_ taking your own bags,when shopping.,_ not riding in cars,_ riding a bike,_ recycling paper,Read the article.,3a,.,The house of trash,You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne, but she is a most unusual woman. She lives in a house that she built herself out of trash. Well, the stuff used to be called trash, but now its called “recycledmaterial. The windows and doors came from old buildings around the town that were being pulled down. The walls are made from old glass bottles that are glued together. The roof is made from discarded tiles. And the fence is built out of used soda cans. Amy recently won an award from the Help Save Our Planet Society. The president Jackson Smith said, Amy is an inspiration to us all. And what does Amy do in her spare time She makes model toys out of old TVs and sells them to raise money for the Childrens Hospital.,You have probably never,heard of,Amy Winterbourne, but she is,a most,unusual woman.,Grammar,(1) hear: v.意为“听到 hear of :听说; hear from:收到的来信。,I,heard,someone laughing.,我听到有人在笑。,I never,heard of,such a thing.,我从来没有听说过这样的事情。,I hear from my mothers letter every week. ( ),每星期我都收到我母亲的来信。,1.Who taught her how to make her house,2.What isnt made out of trash in her house,3.When did she start making her trash house,4.Where is the house,5.Why did she use trash to built a house,6.How long did it take to build her house,QUESTIONS,2.but she is,a,most,unusual,woman.,注:在形容词最高级前一般加“the,但如果在在形容词最高级前用不定冠词a/an时,就没有最高级的意思,而是“非常之意。,eg: She is,a most,beautiful girl.,她是一个,非常,美丽的女孩。,Its,a nicest,day today.,今天天气,非常,好。,3.She lives in a house that she built herself out of trash.,build sth.,out of, = build sth.,of/from,用,修建,/,建造某物。,eg: The bridge was,built,out of,steel,.,这座桥是用钢建成的,。,The house is,built,of,wood,.,这房子是用木头建造的。,4.,The walls are,made,from old glass bottles that are glued together.,(1) be made from 意为“用制成,表示制成品中不可以看出所使用的原材料;,(2) be made of 也意为“用制成,但表示制成品中 可以看出所使用的材料。,eg: Books are made,paper and paper is made,wood.,of,from,书籍是用纸张做成的,而纸张是用木材做成的。,5. in ones spare time 意为“在某人的业余时间里,spare: adj. 意为“空闲的,剩下的,备用的,eg : We just have a,spare,room for you.,Reading,House parts,Things made from,The walls,The fence,The roof,old glass bottles,discarded tiles,used soda cans,*,Fill in the chart.,*,Answer the questions.,Who is Amy Winterbourne,2. Did she win an award Whats it,3. What does she do in her spare time,3a,Writing,Joe Winterbourne loves the clothes his mother made for him. At school, everyone calls him Mr. Recycle. His hat is made from_,_,_,Look at the pictures and finish the article . Use the phrases “made from and “used to be.,the bottom of the petrol drum. His bag comes from red trousers which is too short for him. His beautiful scarf used to be the carpet in his house,.,Task 1,Please write something about how to recycle these things,1.Why are you a coat Its not very suitable for this hot weather.,2.Our school soccer team needs more .They arent doing very well.,3.Pandas are animals. There arent many of them left.,4.Its important to paper to save the trees.,5.That apartment block is old and dangerous.It should be .,Selfcheck,support endangered recycle wear pull down,wearing,support,endangered,recycle,pulled down,Thank you !,Task 2,Every day, we throw much rubbish. Where does the rubbish go We bury most of it in a land fill(垃圾填埋场), but the landfills in many cities in the U.S. are almost filled. Many of the old landfills have poisons that can make water and soil (土壤) around them dangerous to your health. What can we do to help,Follow the three Rs: REUSE, REFUSE, and RECYCLE.,REUSE You dont need new bags every time you go to the store. Reuse the old ones-and you had better use cloth bags, not plastic ones.,REFUSE Stop buying anything that is over packaged. Also look for products that come in boxes made of recycled cardboard(硬纸板).,RECYCLE People can use cans, newspapers and plastic bottles again. So dont throw them away. Send them to the recycling center., If we go shopping we neednt take any bags because there are enough plastic bags.,( ) “Ruse meansuse old bags again.,( ) “Refuse means “dont buy products that comes in boxes made of new cardboard.,( ) “Recycle means “collect cans,newspapers and plastic bottles and use them again.,Read the article and choose (T) or (F).,F,F,F,T,Can you see what these things are made from Try to think out more ways to recycle these things,Homework,


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