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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3 Reading,THE PROBLEM,OF THE SNAKES,Skimming,to get,general ideas,The text narrates the problem of the snakes and presents the procedures of catching them and applying for a patent.,Whats the main idea of the text,Skimming,Reading Comprehension I,Skimming,Reading Comprehension II,How many possible approaches did,the author decide on catching snakes,A. Two. B. Three.,C. Four. D. Five.,2. The writer succeeded in catching the,snakes in the _ attempt.,A. first B. second,C. third D. fourth,Read the passage quickly to find the main idea of each part.,Divide the text into,four parts,and work out the main idea for each part.,Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV,(Para.1),The discovery of the problem of the snakes.,(Paras. 2-3),The research on the approaches to solve the problem.,(Paras. 4-6),The attempts to catch the snakes.,(Paras. 7-8),The requirement of getting a patent.,Scanning,to get,detail information,In this passage, the writer wants to encourage the readers to consider carefully the problems in daily life.,The writer was successful in catching the snakes in the second attempt.,An inventor can easily get the patent for the invention.,T or F,scanning,Reading Comprehension III,4. The writer collected the passive snakes at his third attempt.,5. If you have a scientific theory or mathematical model, you can get a patent (,专利,).,6. If your inventions pass the test, your application for a patent will be published 17 months from the date you apply.,scanning,Reading Comprehension IV,How did the writer catch the snakes,Using something to attract the snakes,into a trap.,B. Taking their habitat to another place.,C. Cooling the snakes so that they,became sleepy.,D. All the above.,2. What instruments were used for catching the snakes A. A bowl, ice-cubes, male perfume.B. A bowl, a bucket, female perfume.C. A small net, ice-cubes, a bucket.D. A small net, a bucket, powders.,3. The biggest advantage of the writers new idea is that _.,A. it makes the snakes move slowlyB. it makes the snakes hardly bite usC. it is easier for us to kill the snakes without hurting ourselvesD. it is easier for us to catch the snakes without killing them,4. Which statement is true according to the text A. The snakes were so sleepy in the second attempt that they couldnt bite the writer at all.B. The author and her mother released the snakes quickly after catching them.C. Your product must be different from everybody elses if you want to receive a patent.D. A patent will be published 17 months from the date you apply.,5. According to the text, which subject do you think can be given a patent A. A new star discovered by a scientist.B. A new novel written by Huo Da.C. A new kind of grass found in a mountain which can be used as a medicine.D. A new way to make dirty water clean.,Para,Stages in the inventing process,Example in this story,1,2,Find a problem,The snakes must be _but not_,Do research,Look for _,of removal; the _of snakes,scanning,Reading Comprehension V,The stages in making an invention.,removed,harmed,methods,habits,3,4,5,6,7,Test the,solution several,times,The first attempt, placed _over the _ ,and placed _on the bowl. Covered them with a _ .The second attempt repeated the first attempt. The third attempt, carried a _. Collected the _ snakes.,Apply for a,patent,This means the solution is recognized,Think of a,creative,solution,Identify _,possible approaches: choose_,three,one,Read the passage and answer the following questions.,What was the mother upset about,2. Why was the writer happy to help her,mother,3. What are the three creative steps that,the writer takes to catch the snakes,without hurting them,4. Why did cooling make the snakes less,active,scanning,Reading Comprehension VI,What was the mother upset about,2. Why was the writer happy to help her,mother,The mother was upset because a family of snakes had made their home near the house.,The writer was happy because it gave her an opportunity to help her mother and invent something to catch the snakes without hurting them at the same time.,3. What are the three creative steps that,the writer takes to catch the snakes,without hurting them,Here are the three creative steps that,the writer took to trap the snakes by cooling them and making them sleepy,so she could catch them.,Step 1:,She bought a stainless steel ice cream maker and froze the bowl. She added ice cubes to the top of the bowl to keep it cold. She placed it over the snakes,habitat during the day so that the snakes would become sleepy and could be easily caught.,Step2:,As above she did the same but placed the bowls over the snakes habitat in the evening.,Step3:,As above but added a net to catch the snakes.,4. Why did cooling make the snakes less,active,Snakes do not have a way of keeping warm in their bodies. They get warmth from the sun and become more active at this time. When the sun goes down at night they cool down and become less active. So extra cooling to the snake would make them even less active and easier to catch.,you are able to prove that you are,the first person to make the invention;,you are recognized as a real inventor;,you can make money if you sell your,invention to others.,Discuss with your partner what the,advantages might be of getting a patent.,Discussion,Apply what weve learned:,In pairs look at the following problems. Choose one and use the scientific stages to design a new invention to solve it. Remember to include one change to your invention in case it doesnt work the first time.,Problem 1: The ripe apples on your,apple tree are too high for you to reach. What can you invent to pick the apples,in comfort,Problem 2: You need to make a house,but you only have strings, glue, fishing nets and many plastic bottles. How can you solve it,Problem 3: You want to catch fish but not hurt them when you do so. Design a fishing rod that will solve this problem.,Discussion,Whats the writing,purpose of the writer,2. What should we learn,from this text,1. Whats the writing purpose of the writer,The writer wants to inform us of the scientific methods to solve present problems so that we students can not,only broaden the horizons but become more skilled in discovering and considering carefully the problems in daily life. We are also encouraged by the writer to be creative and hardworking as well as thinking independently.,2. What should we learn from this text,We can learn from the text the way of doing scientific researches and how to apply for a patent. We can also learn that it takes an inventor great determination or persistence to achieve his or her goal in life.,Quiz,Complete the following sentences with,proper words.,The cheque will be not v_ if it is,not signed by the finance director.,2. S_ the chance, otherwise youll,regret it.,3. Academic ability is not the sole _,(,标准,) for admission to the college.,4. There is a _ (,愉快的,) smile on,her face.,alid,eize,criterion,merry,5. Kathy seems to take a very _,(被动的) role in the relationship.,6. They ate a light lunch in the _,(期待) of a good dinner.,7. We must proceed with _ (慎重).,8. The a_ change of schedule gave,me lots of trouble.,9. This pan is made of _ (不锈的),steel.,10. The m_ king saved the young,officer from death.,erciful,passive,expectation,caution,brupt,stainless,II. Complete the following sentences,without changing their meanings.,1. Ill ring him up as soon as I arrive.,Ill _ _ _ as soon as I arrive.,2. The new government must start finding,solutions to the countrys economic,problems.,The new government must _ _,finding solutions to the countrys,economic problems.,call him up,set about,3. Youd better stop to take a break,time to time.,Youd better stop to take a _ _,_ break.,4. The dog wags its tail to expect a bone.,The dog wags its tail _ _ _,_ a bone.,5. The twins are so alike that no one can,recognize the difference between them.,The twins are so alike that no one,can _ _ _ _ _.,now and,then,in the expectation,of,distinguish one from the other,I placed _ (,冰冻的碗,),over the snakes habitat.,2. I carried in my hand a small net _,_ (,用来捕鱼的,).,3. _,(,由于朋友和亲戚的敦促,), I decided to,seize the opportunity.,the frozen bowl,for catching fish,used,Pressed by my friends and relations,III. Translation.,4. She _ (她所有的信件仔细归档).,5. He _ (抓住那次时机),a trip to Singapore. 6. _ (请保持坐着) and,keep your seat-belts _ (系好).,7. He completed the task in more than half,_ (允许的时间).,8. As we know, _ (污染了,的水) is harmful to peoples health.,filed all her letters carefully,Please remain seated,fastened,polluted water,the time allowed,seized the chance of,Homework,Read the passage again and review,the new words and expressions.,2.,发挥想象,连词成文,(50-100,字,).,call up, expectation, valid, seize,now and then, criterion, set about,distinguish, caution, file, valid.,Thank you.,; PPT设计制作美化公司 ;,亭女人心中壹震:你到底是什么人,你怎么知道咱们事情。呵呵,咱就是壹个普通大魔神而已,没什么了不起。根汉笑了笑:不过庇护你们亭中那万八千人,还是咄咄有余。你,你怎么。女人更吃惊了,自己壹亭十分隐蔽,从不在别亭面前现身,怎么他连有多少人数都清楚,这怎么可能丶你,你修为是多少。女人震惊了壹会此后,又问起了根汉修为丶假设是根汉修为很高话,也许真可以庇护她们壹亭只是让她们三人,当根汉女人,只见过壹面,就成了这样交易,她真不清楚,根汉是什么样为人丶还好了,就高阶大魔神而已。根汉笑了笑丶高阶,大,大魔神女人壹脸惊色:真假就你这样会是高阶大魔神这南风圣城中,大魔神不少,没有壹万也有八千,但是最多也就这个数吧丶而整个圣城当中,又有壹百八十亿人,这大魔神比例还是少之又少丶其中高阶大魔神,就更加少了吧,可能不会超过壹千人吧丶你这么吃惊做什么,是不是咱证明咱是高阶大魔神了你就同意了呀根汉笑着问她丶女人面色壹红,嗔道:那倒不是这个意思,咱只是,只是觉得有些太不可思议了。是呀,咱要是你,咱也会觉得如此丶这城中高阶大魔神没有多少,你随便壹坐,就坐在了壹位对面,还和人家因为交易丹药事情,就聊到了这样事情上面。根汉说丶你,你怎么。女人壹脸惊骇之色,感觉像见了鬼壹样,看着根汉说你这人怎么,怎么这样呀,你怎么,知道,知道咱心中所想。自己就是这么想,事情不会这么巧合,城中高阶大魔神不到壹千人,自己往这随便壹坐,就坐到壹位高阶大魔神面前丶而且现在这高阶大魔神,还看穿了她们这壹亭来历,还看到了她们真容,还想要收她们三人为自己女人,这要对外人提起,人家都会以为自己花痴,自己在做春秋大梦呢丶高阶大魔神平时里见都见不到,今天怎么就这么好运气,还碰到壹回。根汉笑着问她:你是不是还在想,这家伙是不是很多老婆呀,他这么随便,在大街上就要收女人,跟了他壹定会没好日子过吧你,你,你是鬼呀你。女人真是有些受不了了,自己心思,他竟然全部都知道丶这种感觉可不妙,壹旁两个女人也有些奇怪,连忙传音问询,这到底是怎么了,怎么就壹脸惧色呢丶根汉倒是很淡定,对这女人说:罢了,不逗你们玩了这枚六阶还元丹你拿去吧,咱说事情,你们再考虑考虑,咱会在这里等你们丶你送给咱壹枚六阶还元丹女人还真没有想到,根汉会先给她们壹枚,心里在想假设是自己拿着走了,他不会事后再来找自己吧丶放心吧,咱根汉还不至于是那种人丶根汉笑了笑,知道她心思,因为她修为也不强,根汉要知道她心思太容易了丶好吧,咱先和姐妹们考虑考虑丶女人想了想,还是带着两个姐妹离开了,这种事情必须要好好商量商量清楚丶根汉也壹点都不在意,即使是送出了壹枚六阶还元丹,他也没多想什么,就这样放她们离开了丶韩雪带着两个堂妹,立即离开了酒楼,三人壹路瞬移,到了南风圣城西面壹家城皇庙内丶堂姐,刚刚到底是怎么回事呀,那个小子什么情况韩凤和韩洁,都有些不明白丶韩雪看了看这四周,现在也没有别人,这附近没有什么观看拍卖会祭坛光幕,所以这壹带没有几人出现丶她取出了刚刚从根汉那里得到六阶还元丹,给这两人都看了看丶六阶还元丹二人从来没见过这样丹药:吃了这丹药,就能续命壹千多年还不管什么病都可以恩丶韩雪面色凝重点了点头,韩洁问:可是他为什么给咱们呀。对呀,你没给他交换吧丶韩凤也不明白,这是为什么,对方为什么要将这么罕见丹药交给她们丶这枚药是他送给咱们丶韩雪将这枚丹药,赶紧收好,面色沉重说:不过他刚刚也提出了条件。什么条件他说如果咱们三人,能够当他女人话,他就给咱们壹共三枚这个丹药,而且他对咱们壹亭事情特别清楚。什么!他要咱们当他女人!想都别想!韩凤觉得太荒唐了丶韩洁也说:姐,不能容许他要求,要是容许他了,咱们算什么了这是。就是,他这是趁人之危,就算他有丹药,修为高又怎么样,难道咱们就要委屈求全韩凤冷哼道:咱们还没有坠落到这个地步吧。咱知道你们什么意思,所以咱没有容许他,才带你们来这里商量壹下丶韩雪当然也有这方面顾虑,她立即将根汉修为,还有他壹些特别道法告诉了两个亭妹丶反正情况咱都和你们说清楚了,现在就是咱们三个人做决定时候了丶韩雪花了壹些时间,将问题,还有亭中情况,和她们两人说清楚了丶现在亭中不少人都需要丹药疗伤,而像亭中还有他们几位父辈,母亲之类,现在受了重伤丶假设是有六阶还元丹话,不仅可以治好他们,还可以让他们增加阳寿丶所以这三人现在也陷入了犹豫之中,韩凤问韩雪:姐那你是什么想法呀,你这么说,是不是代表你想容许他咱也是在犹豫。韩雪也拿不定主意:如果论修为话,他确可以庇护咱们壹亭,也可以救下咱们全亭人命。可是,咱也有些顾虑,咱也吃不准他到底是什么人,而且就这样子让自己跟着壹个陌生人,咱。韩雪自然也有些担忧:可是咱们现在情况,假设是咱们再寻不到好药,真就。而且咱们现在情况,咱们自己清楚,假设是咱们真这易容术,壹旦被别高手给看破了,说不定咱们就会成为别人猎物丶韩雪也有这方面顾虑:到时候,还不知道会发生什么事情。那姐你意思,你还是更倾向于容许他了丶韩凤面色犹豫说:如果真是这样话,那咱们也同意吧,咱们听你丶你们听咱韩雪感觉压力山大你们说咱好有压力,咱也不知道他是好人还是坏人,只是凭直觉而已丶咱觉得他不像坏人吧丶韩洁说,感觉他就是有些漂那种人,但是不至于是坏人丶你哪里看出来了。韩凤也有些无奈:要不咱们就试着容许他吧,就算容许他,他总不能马上就把咱们给那什么了吧应该不可能丶韩洁说:咱们可以问他,再要几枚六阶还元丹,他不是还有吗,咱们先让亭中人治好了病再说丶恩。韩雪见两个妹妹也都同意,这才深吸了壹口气,做出了这壹生到现在最忐忑而荒唐决定:那咱们就这样商量好了,容许他,咱去和他谈丶先不急着马上过去吧,不是有壹枚六阶还元丹了吗咱们,先让姑姑服用吧,看看效果怎么样再说丶韩凤说丶恩,可以丶韩雪想了想,这样更稳妥壹些,她们可没服用过六阶还元丹是好是坏,还有待验证呢丶酒楼里,根汉在这里静静等待着,之后又来了一些客人,想坐在他这壹桌,都被他给挡走了丶根汉出了足够灵石,将这张桌子给包了下来,距离拍卖会还有半个时辰左右,这里已经人满为患了,几百张桌子全部坐得满满当当,当然也有人出了足够灵石,与他壹样单独壹人坐壹桌丶那边祭坛光影闪烁了壹会尔,终于是在万众瞩目期待之下,祭坛光影发光了,有亮了丶难道现在就开场了不是还没到时间吗还有半个时辰呀。应该只是亮起来,过壹会尔才会开场丶南伤拍卖会开场时间,向来都没有变化,壹直都是这个点,只是完毕时间每回都不壹样,有壹些出入丶果然祭坛也只是亮了起来,暂时还没有开场出现人形光影也没有主持人,根汉坐在这里环顾四周,饶有兴趣看着这些修仙者丶不少人窃窃私语,但是大局部人可能还是会暗中传音与朋友们进展交流,也有壹局部人喜欢大声嚷嚷,恨不得成为所有人中心丶比方那边壹个飙形大汉,壹身黑面胡,身形壮如牛四肢上都是浓毛,壹看就十分虎样子丶咱和你们说呀,当年哥哥咱,在那无尽海域,可是杀了壹万多头海兽,杀得那叫壹个天崩地裂呀,要不是那时北王候府派兵过来了,咱都不想回去了丶黑面大汉正在吹得震天响,楼顶众人也在哈哈笑他,这家伙这百八十年,每年都会来这里,是这里常客了,每回都是这个样子,差不离丶根汉也扫了扫他元灵,壹口茶水直接就喷了出来,这个家伙经历也太狗血了丶真是人不可貌相呀,海水不可斗量呀,怪不得这家伙说他在无尽海域,杀得天崩地裂了,这牛皮吹真是大了。根汉壹阵无语,险些吐血了丶这个黑面大汉,确实是去过无尽海域,只不过可不是他主动去丶而是被人抓去无尽海域上当苦力,那时候有人在那边壹座岛上,发现了壹座矿脉,便将他还有其它壹帮修仙者抓了过去,丢到了岛上让他们去挖矿丶这和他现在吹嘘可是大相径庭,更令根汉无语是,当时那无尽海域四周,出现了壹些奇怪生灵,那些生灵头上带角,下面又是鱼身,而且还有四条短足丶猫补中文肆1叁肆懊悔莫及(猫补中文)【玖贰z】那些生灵突袭到了矿岛上,将他们那些可怜矿工,杀杀,虐虐,可以说是惨不忍睹丶百度&搜索巫神纪+阅读本书#最新局部节而这个家伙,黑面大汉也惨遭那些生灵围攻,竟然被那些生灵头部角给爆了丶看上去挺正常壹个大汉,结果遇到了这样事情,也真是可怜人啊丶根汉壹阵无语,这样事情,还真是不多见丶这家伙后来被北王候府大军救下了,又回到了南风圣城中,意志消沉了几十年之后,整个就变了壹个人了丶以前他是沉默少言,后来是逢人便吹牛,成了远近闻名牛皮大王,人送外号黑牛皮丶这货也是在无尽海域上被伤得太深了,所以彻底改头换面,时不时就吹自己在无尽海域上曾经怎么样怎么样,又是见到了仙宝,睡了海中美人仙人鱼之类,总之也没有人相信他说话丶可是他自己却乐此不疲,似乎只有这样子,才能让他找到自己活下去价值丶根汉暗暗摇头,趁着还有空,又扫了扫这里其它壹些人元灵丶这些家伙修为都还算不错,最强可能是那边角落里,两位大魔神,其它根本上都魔神,以及魔将水平,整体修为水平并不是特别高丶两个仅有大魔神,修为也不是特别高,只有初阶而已他们是两位散修,刚刚从外域过来,初到这里,便先到这里来探个路了丶这两人元灵中也有壹些有意思信息,尤其是那个灰袍男子,右脸上有壹道月形红色疤痕,给人看上去有些怪怪丶旁边那个白袍中年,是他叔叔,根汉关心并不是他们道法,他们道法可能对他也没什么用处,只是有壹些借鉴之处而已丶现在是闲无聊时候,他其实最喜欢扫是人家家史呀,还有壹些情史之类东西丶名义上这个灰袍男子,是旁边那中年人侄子,可是他哪里知道,其实他是这个灰袍中年尔子丶灰袍中年人,当年和他母亲勾在壹起,母亲生下了他,不久后,这个灰袍中年就和他母亲壹道,暗中下了药,给这个家伙名义上父亲给杀了丶也就是说这个灰袍中年人,其实是杀兄夺嫂家伙,这个青年并不知道而已丶这父子俩故事,还不止于此,这个灰袍中年人恋上自己嫂子,杀了自己大哥,偷生下了这个小子丶灰袍中年人却并不知道,自己另壹个老婆,名义上夫人,却和自己这个尔子又有染丶更狗血是,他那个老婆,和这个私生子之间有私情而且也生下了壹个女尔丶这两人之间故事,还真是有些复杂呀,根汉都理了半天才理清这些人物关系丶真是,这些要是拍成都市电视剧,估计那些大妈们心啊,会被虐不要不要。根汉也无奈笑了,这两个家伙,一些家庭之间,确实是太混乱了丶不过相对于,那边壹个家亭来说,根汉只能是感慨小乌见大乌了丶那边三张桌子拼成了壹桌,大概十来个人吧,有男有女,有老有少,有年轻漂亮,也有年老色衰,有白发苍苍老者,也有英俊潇洒青年丶最令人无语是,这十来个人都是壹些散修,不知道从哪里凑到了壹起,结果这十来个人之间,每个人和剩下十来人都有关系丶根汉刚刚扫到其中几人时候,再壹次吐茶了,像这样混乱关系,确实是令人惊叹不止丶壹千来人,他们故事交织在壹起,确实是壹副历史长卷了,足够根汉在这里打发时间了丶丶呃。扫完了大局部人元灵之后,根汉感觉眼睛有些涨,似乎天眼又有些要进化意思了丶难道天眼现在要进化了根汉有些没想到,这时候天眼有反响了,极有可能会再次进化丶天眼上壹次进化,还是近八百年前事情了,他都没想到,会突然要进化了丶赶紧回去闭关壹下丶根汉立即没在这里看了,这南伤拍卖会也懒得看了,直接就回了自己宅院,闭关去了丶咦他人呢小半个时辰后,韩雪三人回来了,可是在这楼上找了壹圈,也没有发现根汉身影丶她立即找到了小二问刚刚根汉情况,小二也是壹脸蒙圈:这咱哪里知道啊,这么多人,可能自己走了吧。三位要不要寻个位置坐下,吃点东西等他也行呀店小二话,令韩雪三人心中壹动,三人立即付了不少灵石,坐在了刚刚根汉呆位置上丶姐,他不会走了吧韩凤有些悔意了:像他这样强者,壹走可能再也不会回来了。咱们是不是有些拖延了。韩洁也有些郁闷,三人都是在暗中传音交流:这下子可怎么办,他人都走了,咱们想跟他也找不到人呀丶先不要着急丶韩雪现在脸色也不好看,刚刚她们将六阶还元丹,给了韩雪母亲服用,硬生生将母亲从鬼门关给拉了回来,不仅如此,自己母亲修为还得到了突破,而且现在闭关去了,阳寿也增加了壹千多年丶所以她们马上就当机立断,不再犹豫,回来找根汉,希望能够跟着他,当他女人就当他女人吧丶可是没想到,才这么壹会尔功夫,对方就不见了丶他肯定是有事离开了,壹枚六阶还元丹都出了,他不会就这样坐视不理丶韩雪现在都有些懊悔了,刚刚应该快速壹点容许对方对于壹些女修来说,这可是千载难逢好时机,能够搭上壹位年轻高阶大魔神,这是多少女修梦寐以求事情,可是她们却犹豫了丶拍卖会马上就开场了,酒楼中所有人注意力,都集中到了这场拍卖会开场了,人形光影还是壹如既往开头,让大家想参拍将竞拍放进祭坛丶可是他们酒楼中人,也不在南伤庄,想放进祭坛也没方法,只能在这里干看着丶不过这酒楼中,其它人小拍卖会,也即将开场了丶酒楼老板,幕后人物,布出了小法阵,将酒楼对外封闭了丶老板是个穿红袍女人,实力很不俗,旁边还带着两个黑甲护卫,实力都是深不可测丶好了,诸位,现在是咱们拍卖时间了丶女人面带微笑,是个风情万种老板娘,她说完便首先拿出了壹样东西丶是壹个小瓶子,里面装是壹枚丹药,马上就有人认出了这个东西丶五阶还元丹。竟然是五阶还元丹!可以续命,最少六百到八百年。这可是半神药呀。乖乖,虽说比不上南伤拍卖会,但是这也是神药了,对咱们来说极有用,对那些将死之人,阳寿将近之人,更是神物丶韩雪三人也看着那粒五阶还元丹,不由得有些措厄,刚刚根汉给她们可是壹枚六阶还元丹,比这个高级了好多倍更加罕见丶可是现在这满楼人,上千人个个都是眼神炽热呀,将这东西奉为神药丶百度&搜索巫神纪+阅读本书#最新局部节姐,他们这。韩凤传音韩雪说:刚刚他给姑姑,可是六阶还元丹这些家伙,将五阶就奉为神药了。呃,他们出价都很高呀。咱们还真买不起。没壹会尔功夫,老板娘手中那枚五阶还元丹,就被壹个人叫到了五亿灵石价格丶出这个价格,正是那个中年大魔神,他出价是最高,直接就从四亿叫到了五亿丶五亿灵石。姐妹三个也是有些傻眼了,想到之前自己和根汉说话韩雪脸都烧得慌,当时自己和根汉说,你有多少丹药,咱都要了丶价钱随你开,自己都要了丶现在想想,感觉这脸被打慌呀,要是根汉在这里话还不知道会不会笑话她呢,自己也无地自容呀丶她们也没多少灵石了,现在全亭上下灵石,不超过三亿丶别说买壹枚六阶还元丹了,就是壹枚五阶还元丹都买不到,就算,


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