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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,If winter comes,can spring be far behind?,Shelley-,Ode to the west wind,(,西风颂,),Unit2,Poems,诗歌,诗人,诗歌(总称),韵,压韵的词,(,n,.),压韵,(,v,.,),节奏,(,n,.),有节奏的,(,adj,.),poem,poet,poetry,rhyme,rhythm,rhythmic,Do you know the English translation of the words below?,Revision,Why do people write poems?,Warming up,People write poems,to tell a story,to convey certain emotions,to make others laugh,to tell the life or friendship,to describe something,for entertainment,to share an experience,What are the characteristics of poems,?,Poems have beats. They may rhyme or may not rhyme but they have to have rhythms. Rhyme and rhythm are essential,to poetry.,This beat is not always obvious, but its usually there.,Lets enjoy an English poem in the form of a song:,Do-Re-Me,and try to find out the rhymes and the rhythm.,Doe,- a deer a female deer,Ray,- a drop of golden sun,Me,- a name I call myself,Far,- a long,long,way to run,Sew,- a needle pulling thread,La,- a note to follow Sew,Tea,- a drink with jam and bread,That will bring us back to Doe oh-oh-oh,That will bring us back to Doe,Do-Re-Mi-,Fa,-So-La-Ti Do-So-Do,Do,Re,Mi,Reading,A Few Simple Forms of English Poems,How many kinds of poems does the text mention? What are they?,Five,kinds,Nursery,rhymes,List,poems,Cinquain,Haiku,Tang,poems,童谣 清单诗 五行诗 俳句诗 唐诗,Fast reading,A,B&C,D&E,F&G,H,Nursery Rhymes,They delight small children, strong rhythm and rhyme, easy to learn and to recite.,List Poems,They repeated phrases and some rhyme, and easy to write.,Cinquain,They are made up of 5 lines, and convey a strong picture, and easy to write.,Haiku,They are made up of 17 syllables, and give a picture and a special feeling.,Tang Poems,Their translations have a free form.,Characteristics,Form,s,Careful reading,Read the passage carefully to get enough details and finish the exercises.,Hush, little baby, dont say a w,ord,Papas going to buy you,a mockingb,ird,.,If that mockingbird wont s,ing,Papas going to buy you,a diamond r,ing,.,If that diamond ring turns to br,ass,Papas going to buy you,a looking gl,ass,.,If that looking-glass gets br,o,ke,Papas going to buy you,a,billy,-g,oa,t.,If that billy-goat runs aw,ay,Papa is going to buy you,another tod,ay,.,Nursery,rhymes(,童谣,),:d,in,a:s,u,ei,1. Whats the babys father going to buy if the mirror gets broken?,A. a mocking bird B. a diamond ring,C. looking glass D. a,billy,-goat,2. What is Papa going to buy for the baby if that,billy,-goat runs away?,A. a looking glass B. today,C. another,billy,-goat D. nothing,Poem A,is a _ _that illustrates a fathers _ for his_.,nursery rhyme,love,baby,I saw,a fish-pond all on f,ire,I saw,a house bow to a squ,ire,I saw,a person twelve-feet h,igh,I saw,a cottage in the sk,y,I saw,a balloon made of l,ead,I saw,a coffin drop down d,ead,I saw,two sparrows run a r,ace,I saw,two horses making l,ace,I saw,a girl just like a c,at,I saw,a kitten wear a h,at,I saw,a man who saw these t,oo,And said though strange they all were tr,ue,.,List poem,(,清单诗,),Poem B is an amusing nonsense poem which describes images of some _ridiculous things.,ridiculous,Our first football match,We would have won,if,Jack had just scored that goal,if,wed had just a few more minutes,if,we had trained harder,if,Ben had passed the ball to Joe,if,wed had thousands of fans screaming,if,I hadnt taken my eye off the ball,if,we hadnt stayed up so late the night before,if,we hadnt taken it easy,if,we hadnt run out of energy,We would have won,if,weve been better!,1. What sports do you think the speaker is writing about?,2. Did his team win the game?,3. How many excuses did they make to explain why they didnt win?,4. Does the speaker really believe his own excuse?,Football,No,Nine,POEM C,:,and answer the following questions,What is the reason for their failure?,No,The author doesnt believe his excuse, because at the end of the poem the speaker admits that they just did not play well enough to win.,Brother,Beautiful, athletic,Teasing, shouting , laughing,Friend and enemy too,Mine,- 1 word,- 1 noun,- 2 adjectives,- 3 verbs,- 4 words,D,Summer,Sleepy, salty,Drying, drooping, dreading,Week in, week out,Endless,E,Poem D,:,Judge the following statements true or false.,1,.,PoemD,is about the authors brother.,2. The author doesnt like his brother because he is his enemy.,Poem E,:,Q: Does the author like summer?,The words _ _ _ _ _ convey this feeling.,T,F,No,week in,drying, drooping, dreading,week out,A fallen blossom,is coming back to the branch.,look, a butterfly!,(by Moritake),Snow having melted,The whole village,is brimful,of,happy children,(by Issa),Haiku (,俳句诗,),17,syllables,1. Whats the title ?,Where she awaits her husband,On and on the river flows.,Never looking back,Transformed into stone.,Day by day upon the mountain top,Wind and rain revolve.,Should the,traveller,return,This stone would utter speech.,- by Wang,Jian,A.,蝶恋花,B.,竹枝词,C.,望夫石,D.,一剪梅,H,望夫石,王 建,望夫处,江悠悠,,化为石,不回头。,山头日日风复雨,,行人归来石应语。,Do you know the Chinese version of poem H?,A womans,h,_,has gone away. The woman,w,_,for him by the river where she last saw him. She waits and waits, never,_(,移动,),from that spot and never speaking, while the river,_(,继续,),to flow and the wind and rain come and go.,What is the story that poem H tells?,Tell the story in your own words.,husband,waits,continues,moving,Which of the following words can convey the womans feelings,loneliness B. joy C. love,D. trust E. anger F. hate,G. sorrow,A. loneliness,C. love,D. trust,G. sorrow,?,Summary,1. Poetry is used to tell a story or _ what will give us a strong impression. Or it is used to _ certain _.,2. _ is a common type of childrens poetry. They _ children because of strong rhythm and _ and also _. This make them easy to learn and _ when they learn about language.,3.,Cinquain, a poem, consists of _ lines, where students can convey a strong _ in just a few words.,describe,convey,emotions,Nursery rhymes,delight,rhyme,recite,five,picture,repetition,4. Haiku, a _ form of poetry rather than a traditional form of English poetry, has _, and gives a clear picture and creates a _ feeling using the _ of words.,5. Tang poems, a Chinese form of poetry, its English _ have a _ form.,Japanese,17 syllables,special,translations,free,minimum,Can you recite the Chinese traditional poems according to their English translation,?,Lets have a competition.,Post-reading,Thoughts on the Quiet Night,In front of my bed, I see a silver,light,I wonder if its frost on the,ground.,Looking up, I find the moon,bright;,Bowing, in homesickness Im,drowned.,By Li,Bai,静夜思,床前明月光,疑是地上霜。,抬头望明月,低头思故乡。,If you would ask me how my sorrow has increased,Just see the over-brimming river flowing east!,虞美人,李煜,问君能有几多愁,恰是一江春水向东流。,When will the bright moon appear?,Wine-cup in hand, I ask the sky.,I do not know what time of year,It would be tonight in the palace on high.,明月几时有? 把酒问青天。,不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年?,水调歌头,苏轼,Goodbye Again, Cambridge!,Very quietly I take my leave,As quietly as I came here;,Quietly I wave good-bye,To the rosy clouds in the western sky.,再别康桥, -,徐志摩,轻轻的我走了,,正如我轻轻的来;,我轻轻的招手,,作别西天的云彩。,I look for her in vain.,When all at once I turn my head,I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed.,I,s,eek but,s,eek in v,ain,I,s,earch and,s,earch ag,ain,;,I feel,s,o,s,ad ,s,o dr,ear,s,o lonely, without ch,eer,.,李清照,-,声声慢,寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。,青玉案,元夕,辛弃疾,众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。,Discuss with your partners and choose your favorite poem to show us.,Explain why you like it.,Discussion,Homework,1.Review the passage and surf the Internet to find more information about poets and their poems.,2.,目标检测,unit2 reading B,C,3. Preview Section1 on P15-16 in Victor English.,


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