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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Language Points,1. experience,vt. 经历,Our country has experienced great changes in the past thirty years.,n. 经历,体验(不可数),经历,经历过的事(可数),Please tell us of your experiences while in Africa.,She has no experience in cooking.,experienced adj. 有经历的,Mr. Li is quite an experienced teacher.,have experience in/at,be experienced in/at,龙卷风是空中的雷暴延伸到地面产生的旋转的气柱。最强烈的风力每小时超过400公里。几乎所有的龙卷风都发生在美国,从东南部的德克萨斯州直到北部的南达科他州。,龙卷风能卷起汽车、火车甚至是房子,把它们卷到旁边的街道甚至能卷到邻近的城镇。它们能扯下猫背上的皮毛,拔掉鸡的羽毛。它们能毁掉房子,却把室内的家具留在原地。,美国平均每年发生800次龙卷风,造成大约80人死亡、1,500人受伤。最恶劣的一场龙卷风发生在1925年,涉及到了美国的三个州:密苏里州、伊利诺斯州和印第安纳州。等到风停时,已有700多人死亡,2,700多人受伤。,2. rotate,vi,.,vt.,旋转;自转,rotating,adj.,The earth,rotates,once a day.,The earth,rotates,round the sun.,3. violent adj. 猛烈的,强烈的,a violent attack 猛烈的进攻,A violent earthquake struck Tangshan in 1976.,They had a violent quarrel.,violence n. 猛烈,剧烈,暴力,4. nearly, almost 几乎,当表示“接近或“就要到了时最好用nearly。,当想表达“缺乏或“差一点儿时最好用almost。,Hes only forty-one years old, and he has already been to nearly every country in the world.,I almost fell down. 我差一点儿没跌倒。,注:句中有no, none, nothing, never等词时,不可以用nearly,但可以用almost。,5. occur v.发生 (occurred / occurring),The accident,occurred,at five oclock.,Sth occurs to sb,It occurs to sb that 想起,A brilliant idea,occurred,to,me.,It suddenly,occurred to,her that Tom was afraid of being alone.,happen, occur, take place,1. happen “偶然或未能预见地发生 to,1. The accident happened yesterday.,2. Someone in the street happened to,know her.,2. occur 正式用语, 所指的时间和事件都比 较确定, 在以具体事物、事件作主语时, 可 与happen互换,These events occurred in 1909.,3. take place “事先方案或预想到的事发生,The meeting took place at 8:00 as planned.,6. pick up,1. 捡起:拿起,Zhangliang picked up the shoes for the old man again.,2. 承载客人,货物等,开车接,The bus stopped to pick up the passengers.,3. 无意中、偶然学得知识,技巧,He picked up French very quickly when he was traveling in France.,4.,接听,收听,My radio can,pick up,BBC English and VOA easily.,5.,有所起色、好转、改善,Were waiting until the weather,picks up,a bit.,Under good treatment, Linda is beginning to,pick up,and will soon recover.,7. put down,1.,写下;记下,Put down you name and address.,2.,放下,Put those heavy bags down for a minute.,8. take off,1.,脱掉,2.,起飞,3.,去掉,除去;,4.,打折,Parents are advised to,take,pressure,off,a child and give him some encouragement before an exam.,They are,taking,50%,off,all goods in that shop.,The plane,took off,very smoothly though there was a terrible storm.,When in Japan, you have to,take,your shoes,off,before you enter peoples houses.,9. ,leave,the furniture inside exactly,where it was.,leave,vt,.,让(继续处于某种状态),可以接形容词、副词、分词、介词短语等作补语,Leave the book,on the desk,.,Leave the door,open,.,Leave me,alone,.,Dont leave him,waiting,outside in the rain.,Im sorry I have left some of your questions,unanswered,.,You should make it a rule to leave things _ you can find them again.,A. when B. where,C. then D. which,10. average,adj.,平均的,通常的,1.,The,average,age of the students is 18.,2.,The car was sold at an,average,price of $10,000.,vt.,平均;求平均值,If you,average,7, 14 and 6, you get 9.,on (an) average,平均起来, 一般说来,On average, women live longer than men but men earn more than women.,11. affect, effect, influence 影响,affect vt.对.产生不利影响Smoking affects health.,effect n. have an effect onThe drug had an immediate effect on the pain.,influence n. vt. 指“对行动、思想、性格等产生潜移默化的影响My teacher influenced my decision to study science.,Missouri,密苏里州,Illinois,伊利诺斯州,Indiana,印地安那州,Maine,缅因州,Texas,德克萨斯州,South Dakota,南达科塔州,Galveston,加尔维斯敦,mi,zu,ri,Ili,n,i,(,z,),indi,n,mein,tekss,d,kut,glvstn,1.by the time,后接从句为,一般过去时,,主句动词用,过去完成时,By the end of,last term, we,had finished,learning Book 2.,2.by the time,后接从句为,一般现在时,,主句动词用,将来完成时,The task,will have been completed,by the time you,come back,.,12. by the time 到的时候,飓风是强烈的热带风暴,通常发生在南大西洋,加勒比海及墨西哥湾。强烈的飓风其风速可达每小时,120,公里甚至更多,并引发巨浪、暴雨和洪水。每年平均有六次大西洋飓风,通常会影响到从得克萨斯州到缅因州的美国东部海岸。,最严重的一次飓风于1900年9月8日发生在Galveston。时速达200公里的狂风和高达5米的巨浪袭击了加尔维斯顿城。灾难使37000人口中有6000人丧生,3600栋大楼被摧毁。,13.beat, strike, hit,(1),beatbeatbeaten,1),接连地打/敲(某物); 猛击(某人),Someone is,beating,a drum outside.,We,beat,the enemy at last after the eight-year-long war.,2),(比赛, 竞赛, 战斗中)打败;战胜,3),(心脏、脉搏) 跳动,His heart,beat,fast when the teacher called his name.,He,struck,the table with his fist.,The clock has just,struck,5.,The little girl,struck,a match.,A good idea,struck,me.,He was,struck,with a bad cold.,It was not long before the typhoon,struck,again.,They,strike,for better working conditions.,(2),strike,打, 击; (钟)敲响; 罢工(课,市);,(疾病, 痛苦, 灾害等)侵袭,(,3),hit,打,击(仅只一次的); 袭击;撞击,He,hit,the boy,on the head,/,in the face.,He,hit,the bird with the first shot.,The district was,hit,by a violent earthquake on November 30th.,14. damage, destroy, ruin,破坏、毁坏,damage,n. v.,价值、用途降低或外表损坏等,不一定全部破坏, 损坏了还可以修复,The heavy rain,damaged,many houses.,destroy,彻底毁坏,使之不复存在或无法修复,That town was,destroyed,in a big fire.,ruin n. v.,彻底破坏,表示毁坏某种好的或有用的东西,使其失去有用的价值。,The fire,ruined,the books in the library.,in ruins,成为废墟,严重破坏,Irish,n.,爱尔兰人, 爱尔兰语, 爱尔兰,Scottish,n.,苏格兰人,Welsh,n.,威尔士人,威尔士语,English,n.,英国人,英格兰人,UK,Prince Edward Island 爱德华王子岛,Caribbean,加勒比海,kri,bi,(,:,),n,edwd,这是关于1900年飓风侵袭加尔维斯敦时发生的故事。,查尔斯科格伦是一位19世纪移居加拿大的爱尔兰演员,后来搬到纽约并在那儿获得了成功。19世纪90年代末,他迁居加尔维斯敦,于1899年,也就是飓风侵袭的前一年去世。科格伦的墓地被飓风摧毁,他的棺材也被卷进茫茫大海而不知去向。,八年后,渔民们在位于加拿大东部爱德华王子岛他家附近发现了他的棺材。墨西哥湾流将它从美国的东部沿海冲到了3,000公里外的爱德华王子岛。埋葬于德克萨斯州的查尔斯科格伦又回到了加拿大。,15. end up 以告终/完毕,in (finally finally be in a particular place or situation) 结果,with (finish by doing or having)方式,doing sth,1. The Long March ended up with victory.,2. If you go on doing that kind of thing, youll end up in prison.,3. Each time she argued with her husband she ended up crying her eyes out.,4. We ended the dinner up with fruit and coffee.,end n. 最后,完毕,尽头,at the end of 在末尾/尽头/完毕时,by the end of 在完毕之前,come to an end 完毕,in the end 最终,终于,Youre going on holiday at the end of this month, arent you,The work should be completed by the end of the year.,There is a hospital at the end of this road.,Choose the best answer:,He stopped the car, _ the injured old man and sent him to the hospital.,A. took up B. got up,C. picked up D. put up,2. You should make it a rule to leave things _ you can find them again.,A. when B. where,C. then D. which,3. The car ran so fast that it _ on the wall at the corner.,A. was driven B. strikes,C. beat D. hit,4. While working in the countryside, the students _ a great deal of knowledge on plant life.,A. looked up B. picked up,C. put up D. called up,5. The clock has just _ five. All the students should get up and do morning exercises.,A. hitB. beaten,C. struckD. knocked,6. John _ the thief _ the nose before he could draw out his knife.,A. hit; in B. beat; on,C. hit; on D. stricken; on,7. Under good treatment, Linda is beginning to _ and will soon recover.,A. pick upB. wake up,C. grow upD. show up,8. The precious picture was hopelessly _ by long exposure in the cold, damp air.,damagedB. destroyed,C. harmedD. ruined,9. Four hundred people a year die of this disease _ average.,A. above B. on,C. about D. below,10. At first they hated each other, but they ended up _.,A. got married,B. getting married,C. gotten married,D. being married,11. At the dinner, we started with soup and ended up _ fruit.,A. with B. in C. for D. at,12. While you are at home alone, please dont leave the door _.,A. opened B. open,C. opening D. to open,1. What is a volcano,3. What may come out of a volcano when it erupts,2. Can you tell me the three types of volcanoes,It is an opening in the ground that reaches into the Earth.,There are dead, sleeping and active volcanoes.,Ash, steam, lava.,Fill in the blanks with proper or phrase.,Ash and lava,_ (,倾泻,),the mountain, _ (,放火烧了,),hundreds of houses,.,Hundreds of housed _ (,着火了,) when the lava reached them.,We _ (,设法使得,) get half the population to another island.,We _. (,把火都扑灭了,),When Mr. Smith got the message that his house _ (,正被大火烧着,) , he rushed home as quickly as he could.,poured down,setting fire to,caught fire,managed to,put all the fires out,was on fire,Stomboli _ in Italy has erupted. The _ occurred on Saturday and thankfully, no one was killed. The eruption blew the top off the volcano and sent _ and steam into the air. _ and rock from the eruption caused a huge _ when it reached the sea. This turned over boats in the port and caused a _ in the village of Ginostra.,ash eruption flood lavatidal wave volcano,volcano,eruption,ash,Lava,tidal wave,flood,旋转的_ 猛烈的_,飓 风_ 龙卷风_,雷 暴_火 山_,经 历_ 袭 击_,墓 地_ 摧 毁_,平 均_ 放 下_,捡 起_ 去 掉_,rotating,violent,hurricane,tornado,thunderstorm,volcano,experience,hit/strike,cemetery,destroy,on average,pick up,take off,put down,Word-spelling:,1. Thousands died in that natural,d,_.,2. Smoking can,c,_ lung cancer.,3. The river had burst its banks and,f,_ the valley.,4. Tom never,e,_ some natural disasters.,isaster,ause,looded,xperienced,Fill in the blanks with proper words.,5. We bought some _ (家具) to go with the new house.,6. He was _ (埋葬) with his wife.,7. When did the accident _ (发生),8. Hurricane is a very _ (强烈) wind or storm.,furniture,buried,occur,violent,


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