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Success With English Book 8 Module 1 Unit 1 Xiaolings New ApartmentThe First Period Dialogue一、教学内容分析本节课是UNIT 1的第一课时,主要是通过Xiaoling新家和旧家的对比,来对形容词的比较级和一般过去时的知识进行巩固学习,以求更加熟练。同时让学生在学习过程中了解有关的礼仪知识。二、教学对象分析本节课学习的比较级和一般过去时知识已经在上个学期学习过了,但由于寒假长假回来难免部分学生会对这些知识有些生疏,所以教师应做好新课前有关知识的复习。教师应采用生动有趣的教学方法,调动学生的积极性,引导学生踊跃发言,让他们在练习中更加熟练地运用比较级和一般过去时的有关知识。三、教学目标1、语言知识目标 新单词:show、change、dark、far away from、close to、grandma、try、pillow、comfortable、kung fu 句型 : was 比较级 than There was Its a lot比较级 .2、语言技能目标 通过巩固形容词比较级和一般过去时的有关知识,能更加熟练地运用能够这些知识进行交际。3、文化意识目标 了解并懂得去别人家玩应该注意的礼仪知识,学会尊重他人。4、学习策略 培养合作精神四、教学重、难点1、重点: 形容词比较级和一般过去时的运用, 2、难点: 句型There was 的运用五、教学媒体图片、录音、投影等六、教学过程A、Warming upSing a song :Cleaning My BedroomB、Revision, 出示有关图片,复习形容词比较级。T:old ( new ) P : older ( newer )C、Presentation1、Show pictures of our old school and new school,ask pupils to compare the two schools and learning the following sentence patterns.Let me show you the changes. was 比较级 than There was Its a lot 比较级 2、 Show photos of one students old house and new house, ask pupils to tell the changes between them, practicing the sentence patterns of Step 1.3、 Ask students to talk in pairs, using the sentence patterns of Step 1 to compare the pictures they drew or prepared before class.4、Watch a free-talk which is performed by the students according to the dialogue. 1) Learn the new words : grandma、try、pillow、comfortable、kung fu . 2) Make their own dialogues in groups according to the free-talk of Step 4.5、Read the dialogue in different ways.D、Consolidation Fill in the blanks with the right words after reading the dialogue. a. Xiaolings old bedroom is _ than the new one. Her new bedroom is much _ .b. The new room is much _ . The old one is _ .c. There _ one window in the old bedroom. It was not _ . The windows in the new one are much _ .E、Development Make their own dialogue by using the target language according the main idea of the dialogue of Unit 1.F、Homework 1、Recite the dialogue and new words. 2、Textbook P.3 EX.2. 3、Activity Book P2 EX . 3 4、Prepare pictures for Unit 1 Work with Language.The Second Period Work with Language一、教材内容分析:本课是Unit 1的第二课时。在第一课时,学生已经学习如何介绍新旧两个地方的不同。本课时没有出现比较难的句型和单词,主要是让学生继续学习并熟练地运用句型It was. There was/were/wasn t/werent来介绍新旧两个地方。课文的情景性较强,会引起学生较浓的学习兴趣。二、教学对象分析:虽然学生在第一课时中已经学习了相关句型和单词,但由于本单元词汇较多,课文较长,所以本课时需要对这些知识进行巩固。特别是要注意帮助学困生,要增强他们的学习的信心。通过学习,希望学生能较好地运用所学知识介绍新旧两个地方的不同。三教学目标:1、语言知识目标:a、复习巩固与家居有关的单词,如living room , study, bedroom, kitchen等b、熟练运用句型:It was. There was/were/wasn t/werent介绍新旧两个地方。2、情感态度:培养学生积极主动的学习态度,以及互相帮助精神。3、学习策略:小组合作学习,共同完成任务。四、教学重、难点1、教学重点:学习句型It was. There was/were/wasn t/werent。2、教学难点:熟练运用句型It was. There was/were/wasnt/werent来介绍新旧两个地方。五、教学媒体图片、录音、投影等六、教学过程A、Leading-in 1、Listen and chant : Textbook P.4 Rhyme 2、Free-talk: Textbook P.3 EX.2 3、Review the following words by showing pictures on TV: living room , study, bedroom, kitchen, bookshelf, slipper, chair, curtain, lamp, recorder, table, air condition, desk, fan , B、Pre-task 1、Show photos of old Tianhe Park and new Tianhe Park, learning the key sentence patterns of this lesson. T: Look at the photos. Old Tianhe Park was not nice. But now it is more beautiful. There is a children playground in new Tianhe Park. But there wasnt a children playground in old Tianhe Park. What other changes can you see ? P: It was There was It was. There was/were/wasn t/werent 2、Show photos of Xiaolings old bedroom and new one. Ask students to talk in groups by using the key sentence patterns. P1:Xiaolings old bedroom was darker than the new one. P2 : Yes. There are two big windows in the new bedroom. But there was only one window in the old one. C、While-task 用课前准备的图片,以小组为单位,每组都选定一个自己喜欢的城市,使用本课句型It was. There was/were/wasn t/werent介绍该城市的新容旧貌。D、Post-task 1、Learn “ Work with Language”, talking about the pictures.2、Activity book listening exercise : P1 Ex 1E、Assessment1. Teacher assesses the students work. 2. Self-assessmentF、Homework1、Talk about our new school and old school with your classmates.2、Activity book : P1 Ex.2 P3 Ex. 4Success With English Book 8 Module 1 Unit2 A Lovely BabyThe First Period Dialogue一、教学内容分析本课以谈论和比较目标人物的特征,主要是过去的和现在的身体和性格特征,以及目标人物的职业为主要内容。所以单词和句型都以描述人物特征为主,没有特别难的单词和句型。学生已经在四年级学过描述人物的特征,故本课旨在让学生进一步熟悉如何描述人物的特征,在此基础上进一步巩固比较级和一般过去时的知识。由于课文内容和现实生活联系密切,情景性较强,较容易学生的学习兴趣。希望通过本课的学习,能让学生更好地掌握描述过去和现在的有关知识,并在运用到情景会话中去。二、教学对象分析经过三年多的学习,六年级学生已经有了一定的英语基础,再加上刚在UNIT1中学习了如何将过去和现在的事物进行对比,所以本课的学习难度不是很大。学生在UNIT1中学习了如何描述事物的过去和现在,本课则学习如何描述人物的过去和现在,这对学生来讲是不会很难的。要求学生通过本课的学习,进一步提高自己综合运用所学知识的能力。三、教学目标1、语言知识目标 a、“四会”掌握以下单词:healthy 、good-looking、 fit、 just、 trouble、 in 、trouble 、footballer、 become、 player、album naughty diet go on a diet gosh b、学习并能初步运用以下句型: You were always in trouble. When did he (you ) become a ? In c、复习、巩固和熟练运用以下的句型 He/She/You() was/were Was / Were ? Yes,was/were. No, wasnt/ werent.2、语言技能目标(1)学习并能流利朗读本课单词和句型。(2)能较好地理解本课内容,并能初步表演课文内容。(3)能初步运用本课所学知识,谈论自己身边的真实情景。3、情感态度目标通过各种教学活动提高学生参与课堂活动的积极性,鼓励学生大胆发言,健康正确地描述和评价他人。4、学习策略目标 通过积极的评价方法鼓励学生大胆参与课堂活动,多开口多练习,主动接受语言的情景交际练习,提高自己使用语言的综合能力,并通过小组合作较好地掌握本课学习内容。四、教学策略利用多媒体辅助教学,通过UNIT1内容以旧带新引出本课新知识。在学习过程中,通过设置真实的情景引起学生的学习兴趣,通过小组合作学习和任务型教学提高学生自主学习的能力。五、教学重难点1、重点:对本课新单词、句型的学习及初步运用,以及对课文的理解和模仿表演。2、难点:运用本课所学知识对人物进行简单的描述。六、教学媒体 电脑、自制课件、录音机、图片、有关人物的照片七、教学过程A、Leading-in 1、Free talk T:Is Tom tall (fat,kind,)? P:He/She is 2、Show photos to go over the words of describing and jobs. P:She/He is thin(funny,cute,). She is a doctor (). 3、1.Tell the aim of this lesson.B、Pre-task 1、Show photos of a student . One is of a baby, the other is of himself now. T: Were you that baby, Xiaodong ? P: Yes, I was. T: Oh, you were healthy and lovely. P: Thanks. But I were always in trouble. 2、Show a photo of an old teacher who just retired. T: Whos the teacher ? P1: Shes P2: Yes. Shes very kind and funny. T: When did she become a teacher ? Guess! P: 3、Show photos of some famous people, such as Zhoujielun and &. Ask pupils talk in groups. P1: When did Zhoujielun become a singer ? P2: Maybe in 2001.C、While-task 1、Listen to the tape of the dialogue. 2、Read the dialogue . 3、Answer the questions of the dialogue. 1) Was Janet a healthy baby with brown hair? 2) What did Ben look like ? 3) What was Uncle Philips job ? 4) Were Bens father a footballer before ? 5) When did he become a doctor ?D、Post-task 1、Act out the dialogue in groups.2、Talk in groups about the photos the students prepared,using the sentence patterns leaned this lesson.E、Assessment1. Teacher assesses the students work. 2. Self-assessmentF、Homework1、Read and recite the new words and dialogue.2、Activity book P7 Ex.3.3、Prepare “Work with Language”.教学反思:本单元主要是借助过去时谈论人物的成长变化,与生活实际密切联系。在本单元的对话教学中,我借助自己的宝宝成长照片在课堂中向学生展示,并用简单、清晰的英语描述,学生在观察相片的同时,能够理解和明白教师所使用的英语描述,并因此很好地完成了课文的对话教学。对话教学完成后,我布置了任务:以小组为单位,做一个小组成员的成长PPT。刚开始的时候学生不是很乐意拿出自己小时候的相片与他人分享,觉得自己小时候很丑、很调皮,与现在的自己变化很大。于是我就联系自己的实际努力劝说他们并加以诱惑,各小组长终于在组员的积极配合下,利用周末的时间完成了我布置的任务并及时地发到我的邮箱让我帮忙批改、提建议。同时我利用了两节课的时间让学生充分展示、解说他们自己所做的PPT。经过这两节课的观察、交流与沟通,学生相互之间知道了彼此的成长经历,了解更深、相处得更加融洽。通过这样的一个任务让我充分地认识到:要给予学生适当的指导、充分的时间与机会展示他们生活中的英语,提升他们的综合语言的应用能力,增进师生之间、生生之间的感情,让课堂更加和谐、教学效果更好!Unit 2 Work with Language The Second Period一、教学内容分析本节课是Unit 2的第二课时,学生在第一课时中已经学习了如何谈论和比较目标人物的特征,主要是过去的和现在的身体和性格特征,以及目标人物的职业。本节课主要是对前面知识的复习、巩固和运用,通过创设情境,希望学生能模拟交际中更加熟悉地使用所学的知识进行对话,提高学生的语言运用能力。二、教学对象分析六年级学生已经有了一定的英语基础,对于他们而言,现阶段的学习要求他们能更灵活地运用所学知识进行情景交际。所以我们要多创设情景,提高学生的学习效率和他们综合运用语言的能力。三、教学目标1、语言知识目标1)复习巩固UNIT2 DIALOGUE。2)复习有关描述人物的单词和句型,要求学生能较熟练的使用这些知识。2、语言技能目标(1)能正确本课所学知识描述目标人物的变化。(2)能较好地理解本课内容,并能初步表演课文内容。3、情感态度目标 通过创设情景,让学生在愉快的氛围中学习英语,教育学生要用正确的方法去描述和评价别人。4、学习策略目标 通过积极的评价方法鼓励学生大胆参与课堂活动,多开口多练习,主动接受语言的情景交际练习,提高自己使用语言的综合能力,并通过小组合作较好地掌握本课学习内容。四、教学策略1) 用创设真实语言情境的方式,让学生在实际生活中自由地运用所学的语言。2) 教学生学会观察他人的特征和进行正确的描述他人的变化。五、教学重难点1、重点:对第一课时所学单词、句型的学习及初步运用,以及对课文的理解和模仿表演。2、难点:运用本课所学知识对人物过去和现在进行描述。六、教学媒体图片,录音,自制教学课件等七、教学过程A、Warming up (Show the chant on TV)Chant : (学生一边说一边做动作)Tall,tall,you are tall,.Short, short, Im short.Fat, fat, he was fat.Fit, fit, he is fit.Healthy, healthy, theyre healthy.Naughty, naughty, were naughty.B、Revision1、Dictate the words learned last class.2、Show some photos ,review the words that describe person.(出示六组图片,学生说出与之相关的单词,复习描述人物特征的词汇。前三组图片出示提示词,后三组就不出示了。) P: She was young. But she is old now. C、Presentation1、Free-talk: (出示一些学生熟悉的明星的过去和现在的照片,师生进行快速对话,再过渡到生生进行快速对话,复习巩固描述人物特征的有关句型) 1) T:Manadola was very fit before. P : But now he is not fit. And he is weak. 2) P1: Look at that picture. Zhoujielun was short when he was a child. P2: Yes. But he is tall and handsome now.2、Learn Book P10 Ex 2. Find the differences or changes of the Webbs family. ( 要求学生认真观察本题的两幅图片,运用DIALOGUE中所学的知识进行描述BEN一家的变化) P1: Look at Picture 1. Bens house was old. His parents were very young. P2: Look at Picture 2. His new house is very nice. And his parents are prttier. D、Consolidation1、Book P10 Ex.2 .(要求学生把两幅图片中的不同之处进行小组讨论,然后形成文字,填写本题句子所缺的单词,并进行朗读)2、Activity book P8 Ex4 E、DevelopmentTalk about the pictures in groups the students bring themselves.(要求学生运用本课所学的知识对自己所带来的照片进行讨论,对目标人物的变化进行描述,然后代表小组发言。) P1: Look at the man. Hes my father. P2: Oh, he is fat. P1: But he was fit before. P2: What does he do ? P1: Hes an office worker. P2: When did he become an office worker ? P1: In 1999.F、Homework1、Book P10 EX.32、Activity book : P6 Ex.1 Teaching Plan for Unit 4Tree Planting Day教学对象分析:六年级学生已掌握了一定数量的词汇、句型和语法的语言知识,上学期已学动词过去式,本节课通过对植树的几个步骤的英语用语学习,教师通过创设情景、自编歌曲、运用多媒体等方法,使学生掌握植树方面的一般用语和用英语写日记的基本时态、格式,从而进一步学习巩固动词的过去式。教学内容分析: 本节课是Unit 4的第一节课。主要学习用英语描述植树的几个步骤,及用英语写日记的基本时态、格式。一、 教学目标1、知识:(1)能听、说、读本课的生词:diary/Tree Planting Day/dig/into/hole/fill/earth/carry(2)能用英语谈论种树的几个步骤Can tell how to plant trees in English.2、技能(1)学生能听懂课文,并能从课文中提取关键的信息。 (Listening Skill)(2)学生能基本掌握本课新出现的动词过去式,并能运用于日常交际中。 (Speaking Skill)(3)学生能熟读课文。(Reading Skill)(4)学生能快速记录下关键的信息,学习用英语写简单的日记。 (Writing Skill)3、学习策略学生通过情景化练习和任务型的课文学习掌握主要的知识点,并培养英语交际的能力。4、情感态度学生能在轻松的环境中学习英语,掌握日常对话并体验英语交流的乐趣。培养学生的环保意识和热爱劳动的品德。二、教学策略:主要以听、说为主,提高学生的交际能力;通过歌曲、抢答游戏小组评比的方式激起学生的兴趣和竞争意识;通过课文的呈现与理解“任务化”提高学生的听力水平;通过表演的方式培养学生的自信心。 三、教学用具:多媒体教学课件、卡片、图片 、实物四、教学步骤(Teaching Steps):(一)Warming up(热身准备):Lets chant(朗读自编小诗)(二) Presentation and practice(呈现和操练):1、与学生交流 :Whats the date today?(今天是几月几日?)由Teachers Day,Childrens Day 引出Tree Planting Day.2、设置情景:What are we going to do on Tree Planting Day?Weare going to plant trees on Baiyun Hill.今天让我们先一起学怎样植树,看谁学得好,哪组表现棒,收获的果实多。(说明本课学习目标及小组评比的方法,把植树的五个步骤渗透到评比栏中。)3、图片和动作呈现、学习植树的步骤:挖洞把树苗放入洞里土填入洞中提水浇水(dig holes-put the young trees into theholes-fill the holes with earth-carry water-water thetrees)4、操练巩固所学单词及词组。A全班读、小组读、并做动作。B小组活动;边做动作边练习说出植树的步骤。C实物操作植树过程,边操作边说。D.由What did they do just now?自然引出过有关植树动词词组的过去式,操练。5、Lets sing.(齐唱自编的英语歌曲,进一步巩固植树的几个步骤)(三)Sumarry(小结):怎样种树?(让学生自己总结)(四)Consolidation(巩固):1、听录音,完成相关练习(课件呈现课文)。2、听、跟读课文。3、齐读课文,观察英语日记的格式。(五)Development(发展):1、小结英语日记的基本格式及方法。2、试写一篇有关春节的一天的日记,不少于5句话。3、展示所写的日记(如时间不够,可留到课后完成)。(六)Assessment(评价):哪组收获做多?(七)Homework(作业):1、听读第四课,理解并试背。2、抄写生词8次,听写1次。3、试写一篇日记。附:自编的小诗和歌曲Lets ChantTrees,trees,trees. Beautiful green trees.Spring is coming. Lets plant trees.Trees,trees,trees. Our good friends.Spring is coming. Grow well and high.Lets Sing:Plant TreePlant,plant,plant trees.First dig holes.Put the young trees into the holes.Fill the holes with earth.Carry water,water the trees.The trees will grow well.Module 2 DiariesUnit 5 Saving the Broken Tree一、教学对象分析:学生在学习unit 4后,对植树的各环节已有一定的认识,已掌握植树的几个步骤。unit 5是在此基础上继续学习以日记的形式的文章,巩固DIARY的知识,并渗透环保教育。二、教学内容分析:unit 5 单词较少,知识较易,因此可利用“半扶半放”的形式完成,重点的句型:时间状语从句:.was .when 的练习,可以通过大量的听、说、写练习进行巩固。此外操练把一般将来时和一般过去式结合运用,使得学生在应用一般过去时方面达到一个更高的层次。三、 教学目标: 语言知识 学会本课的单词 sad/broken/crash/by/save初步掌握时间状语从句:.was .when 语言技能 学生能掌握过去时,并能运用于日常交际中。 (Speaking Skill) 学生能听懂课文,并能从课文中提取关键的信息。 (Listening Skill) 学生能快速记录关键的信息。(Writing Skill) 学生能熟读课文。 (Reading Skill) 学习策略学生通过情景化练习和任务型的课文学习掌握主要的知识点,并培养英语交际的能力。 情感态度学生能在轻松的环境中学习英语,掌握日常对话并体验英语交流的乐趣。培养学生的环保意识。(5)教学策略:主要以听、说为主,提高学生的交际能力;通过歌曲、抢答游戏的方式激起学生的兴趣和竞争意识;通过课文的呈现与理解“任务化”提高学生的听力水平;通过表演的方式培养学生的自信心。(6) 教学用具:多媒体教学课件、词卡、图片三、Teaching steps(一) Warm up: Sing the song The tree in the parkRead the rhyme: page 18(利用多媒体电脑)(二)Revision1、Greeting.2、Listen and action:Dig a hole/Put the young tree into the hole/fill the hole with earth/carry water and water the tree.(三)Presentation and practice1. 设置情景:Last night a car crashed into the tree. The tree was broken. I was sad when I saw that. Lets try to save it. (通过图片的展示帮助学生理解)2. Show the pictures and learn the new words: crash/broken/save/sad3. Look and listen, and then answer the question。(借助多媒体,电脑课件,学习理解对话,并回答问题。)Questions:Did Janet plant a tree seed last month?Where did she plant the tree?What happened to the tree last light?Did Ben cut down the tree?How did they try to save the tree?4. Read the dialogueRead after the tapeThe whole class read again. Read in group.5. What have you learned just now ?(小结所学的内容)6. How to write a diary ?(让学生归纳说)7Correct the statements about the tree in the diary.(改正下列关于日记中的内容)Janet and Ben planted a tree seed last month.They watered the tree every day but the tree grew slowly.Last week a cow crashed into the tree but the tree was fine.Ben and Janet cut down the broken tree.Ben and Janet took the broken tree to a doctorBen and Janet put the broken tree in a pot.(四)Development:write an ending for the story and draw a picture.(先自己独立完成,然后互相交流,评出最好的故事结尾,并利用实物投影展示交流)(五)Homework.Copy the new words and text.Listen to the tape and try to recite the dialogue.Unit 5 Work with language一、 教学目标1.语言目标:掌握新单词:surprised./someone./the day before yesterday和句型:.was . when 2语言技能:能够运用.was .when引导的时间状语并从句中获取信息。3.情感态度:通过学习表情态度的词江,培养学生健康乐观的心理。4.学习策略:培养与他人协作的团队精神。二、 教学重点:.was when.引导的时间状态从句,注意前后时态的一致性。三、 教学难点:surprised的正确拼读及记忆。四、 教学工具:各媒体软件,图片,实物投影。五、 教学过程(一) Leading in1. Greeting2. Read the dialogue of unit 5.(二)Pre-task1Free talk(通过问答的形式,检查学生对Unit 5的理解。)2Listen and try to learn.I was sad when my students didnt listen to me.I was angry when my daughter did not practice the piano.I was happy when the students gave me a card on Teachers Day.I was excited when I won the games.I was surprised when I saw the alien.(通过教师说,让学生锻炼听力及理解能力,并引出表情感态度的词:sad./happy./excited/angry并学习新单词surprised,此词较难上口及记忆,用多次跟读、抽读、正音,并利用语音的知识进行记忆。)3 Game: Listen and action.You are sad/angry/excited/happy/worried/bored/surprised(可整体或小组活动)4.Make sentences with the given words. surprised/angry/worried/excited/happy/(小组交流完成后记和展示,评选出最好的小组。)5.Finish the sentences about yourself.(根据你的真实情况完成句子)1)I am happy when_.2)I am angry when_.3)I am sad when_.4)I was surprised when_.5)I was excited when_.6.Say two things you did before and you will do again ,and two things you did and you will not do again.(说两件你做过,并且还会再做的事情,以及两件做过但不会再做的事)E.g. I traveled last summer. I am going to travel again this summer.E.g I saw that film last week. I am not going to see it again. (先给出例子,然后小组交流并汇报,通过对比操练一般将来时和一般过去式,以巩固两种时态的应用)(三)Post-talk完成书P24(2)朗读P24(3),并学习新词Someone,理解句子小组交流完成书P24(4)(四)While-taskListen and write the numbers of the pictures in the bracket(书P23听力练习)完成书P24第四题(1)(2)(五)Homework完成书P24第四题(3)(4)用“I wasWhen ?”造两个句子。复习今天所学内容。Module3 Unit7Dr Sun Yatsen 教材内容分析:Module 3 主要是学习历史人物的事迹,从中教育学生要爱国,爱校,热爱生命。本单元内容丰富,知识点系统。但是单词多,并且长。要学生一节课掌握,需要老师很好地把握教材,抓住重难点。教材中涉及到历史文化,人物事迹,老师要学生通过各种途径查找资料,扩大知识面。二教学对象分析:六年级的学生个性较强,喜欢自我表现。在教学设计上,要采用灵活有趣的教学方法,激发他们的兴趣,同时满足他们的要求。Teaching Aims:1. Can talk about some famous people.2. To extend the pupils knowledge of past simple verb forms rsed to talk about past events in the life of a historical figure. Language focus: To introduce useful vocabulary for narrating historical events. Teaching important points: Can talk about some famous people, for example Dr Sun Yatsen,Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, and Mao Zedong. Teaching Difficult points: Use the past tense.and some sentence patterns. Including:He was born in Guangdong. Dr Sun Yatsen was the father of modern China. He was against the emperor. Finally he started to change China.Teaching Aids: Multi-media, words cards and some other objects. Some information about the famous persons from the Internet.Teaching steps:I热身、复习和导入Warming -up1 Sing the song “ I want to be a teacher”.2Review the words about “job” T: a: What do you want to be when you grow up? S: answer: I want to be a fireman/ doctor/ nurse/ teacher/ solider/(flash words cards.)II新授内容1.学习单词 ( 运用单词卡片和free talk) 指导学生用新单词造句Be born: Where were you born? I was born in _.Modern: 理解Modern China Go on 用go on doing something 造句Leader 理解group leaderAgainst 理解句子He was against the emperor.EmperorFree 告诉学生free 可以做动词,也可以做形容词。Finally 和at last 的区别。Memorial hall2学习课文、基本句子(运用图片和课件)1. Share the materials about the famous persons, such as “Zhou Enlai, Dr Sun Yatsen, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping” in class.2. 出示中山纪念馆的图片。 Teacher asks: Can you see a memorial hall? Do you know where is the memorial hall?Yes. In Dongfengdong Road. Do you know Sunzhongshan? His another name is“ Sun Yatsen”One day, Jiaming was reading. What was he reading? Lets read and listen then answer my questions.III.Give five minutes to the students for reading.请小老师起来带读,然后听录音,跟带读课文。IV.A看图,提问ask some students questions:(出示课件)i. Dr Sun Yatsen was a very _person in Chinas history.ii. Dr Sun Yatsen was born in_.iii. Dr Sun Yatsen was the _of modern China.iv. Dr Sun Yatsen was a great _.v. Dr Sun Yatsen _the Chinese people and the people _him.vi. Dr Sun Yatsen was against the emperor and he _China.vii. Check the answers.viii.V.Sum-upWhat have you learnt in this lesson? (把学生说的话编成一篇叙述文)Dr Sun Yatsen was a famous historical person. He was born in Guangdong. He was the father of modern China. He was very important. He was a great leader. He was against the emperor. He tried to change China and free the people. Finally he started to change China.VI.家庭作业:1.读,背单词。读课文两次。2,根据自己的理解,写一篇有关孙中山的短文。 Module 3 Unit 7 (Book 8)Work with Language 一、 教学内容分析本节课是Unit 7的第二课时,通过第一课时的学习,学生已知道用一般过去时来介绍历史人物的生平事迹和掌握了一些相关的词汇和句型,因此本节课主要是利用教材所提供的一些新的词汇巩固用一般过去时来谈论历史人物的生平事迹并做适当的拓展,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。二、 教材对象分析六年级学生通过将近四年的大量的英语输入,有了一定的词汇量和英语口头表达能力,因此教师应该充分利用这一优势,在启发、鼓励学生大胆地说、多说的同时给与学生适当的书面练习,加强对一些语法知识的理解训练,提高学生的书面表达能力。三、 教学目标1、 语言知识 1) 词汇: lose及过去式(三会) president, premier, speech, make a speech (四会)2) 复习有关描述历史人物的句型。2、 语言技能:能口、笔头熟练地运用一般过去时描述历史人物的生平事迹。3、 情感态度:通过对更多历史人物的了解,培养学生的爱国主义精神。4、 学习策略:在听、说基础上,加强读、写训练,采取小组合作学习方式,共同完成学习任务。四、 教学重点本课词汇和用一般过去式介绍历史人物的句型。五、 教学难点:知识的拓展(用一


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