湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册课件 人教新目标版《Unit1 How often do you do exercise》Period 1

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湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册课件 人教新目标版《Unit1 How often do you do exercise》Period 1_第1页
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湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册课件 人教新目标版《Unit1 How often do you do exercise》Period 1_第2页
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湖南省郴州市八年级英语上册课件 人教新目标版《Unit1 How often do you do exercise》Period 1_第3页
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,*,*,Unit1,How often do you do exercise,Period One:,Section A (1a2c),I. Talk about holidays.,1.Did you enjoy,your summer vacation?,2.Was it,interesting, exciting or relaxing?,3.Would you like to,tell us?,II. Ask and answer,1.Do you like watching TV? Yes ,I do.,2.Do you watch TV every day? Yes, I do.,3.How often do you watch TV?,I watch TV every day.,I watch TV twice a week.,watch TV,shop,read,What do they do on weekends?,. New words and phases,go,skateboarding,exercise,draw,What do they do on weekends?,go to the movies,play football,swimming,What do they do on weekends?,.Adverbs of frequency,0%,never,20%,hardly ever,40%,sometimes,60%,often,80%,usually,100%,always,Tell us about him/her like that.,She,always,dances after school,alwaysusuallyoftensometimes,hardly ever(,几乎没有,) never,Tell us about him/her like that.,She,usually,swims after school.,alwaysusuallyoftensometimes,hardly ever(,几乎没有,) never,Tell us about him/her like that.,He,often,plays football after school.,alwaysusuallyoftensometimes,hardly ever(,几乎没有,) never,Tell us about him/her like that.,He,sometimes,goes skateboarding.,alwaysusuallyoftensometimes,hardly ever(,几乎没有,) never,Tell us about him/her like that.,She,hardly,ever plays badminton.,alwaysusuallyoftensometimes,hardly ever(,几乎没有,) never,Tell us about him/her like that.,He,never,plays football.,alwaysusuallyoftensometimes,hardly ever(,几乎没有,) never,3._,go skateboarding,go shopping,watch TV,read books,exercise,.Activities.,a,c,e,d,d,a,always(100%)_,usually_,often_,sometimes_,hardly ever_,never(0%)_,.Number the activities,Activities,How often,go to the movies,every day,watch TV,once a week,shop,twice a week,exercise,three times a week,read,once a month,twice a month,3 1 5 4 2,.Pair work,Activities,How often,watch TV,every day,surf the Internet,read English books,go to the movies,exercise,How often do you take a shower?,How often does he take a shower?,Activities,How often,Take a shower,every day,Wash your hair,once a week,exercise,twice a week,Clean your room,three times a week,.Make a survey:,1.,always,: adv.,总是,一直,She,always,wears a red dress,and white shoes.,2.,usually,: adv.,通常,常常,often,: adv.,常常,We,usually,/,often,do homework after school.,She,usually,/,often,watches TV on weekends.,.Language points,3.,sometimes,: adv.,有时,Sometimes,I work in the day and,sometimes at night.,4.,hardly ever,:,几乎很少,几乎不,I,hardly ever,watch soap operas.,5.,never,: adv.,从不,决不,She,never,stops talking.,Homework:,1.Do exercises on pages 1-2 of,the workbook to practice the,language presented in this unit.,2.Remember what we learn today.,Thank you for listening!,


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