英语教学法 Unit 11 Teaching Writing

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Unit 11 Teaching Writing,11.1The nature of writing in reality,11.2A communicative approach to writing,11.3Problems in writing tasks,11.4A process approach to writing,11.5Writing through e-mail,Aims of the unit,11.1,The nature of writing in reality,Write an advertisement for each of the following products,Practice,Examination,Writing in English enables us to pass examinations,Communication,Writing in English is necessary in communicating with others.,Entertainment,Writing in English can be entertaining for us.,Why do we write in English?,(Group work,),In line with the question, what do we write?,essays, thesis, letters, dissertations, reports, notes, compositions, etcnotes, letters, explanations, instructions, invitations, applications, complaints, etcpoems, stories, novels, diaries, etc,We write letters, journals, notes, instructions, posters, essays, reports, poems, stories, menus, etc. mostly for communication, to reflect our inner thoughts or feelings.,So we should realize that there is a great variety of things we write in reality,.,What do we write in reality?,(Brainstorm),How do we write in the ELT classroom?,Writing is often seen as a means to consolidate language that is recently studied. So it can be seen as “writing as language learning” or “pseudo writing”, which lacks authenticity and doesnt motivate students.,Writing often goes this way (hand-in-and-return model):,T: topic,T: requirements,Ss: finish the task,Ss: hand in product,T: evaluation on the quality or the accuracy of the language( only comments on the quality of the language,What are the differences between the writing in class and in real life?,In class,Writing as language learning,The process (plan, draft, rewrite) is ignored,Pseudo writing, no interest,In real life,Writing for communication,Authenticity/real ideas,Real writing, authentic, motivation,In order to motivate students, we should advocate authentic writing. If writing tasks focus on the,product rather than on the process, they do,not help students to develop real writing skills.,Fill in the table below with things that come to your mind first.,Writing in Chinese,Writing in English,What do we write?,Why do we write?,How do we write?,Diary Passage,To keep record Teacher asked,Without With,planning,requirement,12,-Step Resume Writing,Focus,Education,Job Descriptions,Keywords,Your Jobs,Duties,Accomplishments,Delete,Sentences,Rearrange,Related Qualifications,Profile,11.2,A communicative approach to writing,Traditional writing:,No real desire for writing just because the teacher requires them to do so, and real ideas are cut off in their writing, only leaving the teachers framework which usually focus on consolidating language rather than on writing for communication,But in reality, we may have some ideas long before we put them on paper. And we often plan, draft, and rewrite.,The communicative approach:,writing for a certain intended audience with the purpose of communication. Students can be motivated by authentic writing tasks that have some communicative elements.,The process approach:,focus on what students do before /while /after their writing.,A communicative approach to writing,Not everything can be purely communicative. Some writing activities can be between “writing for learning” and “writing for communication.,(1)Writing for leaning -form,(2)Witing for communication-skill,Writing activities,Tasks,Read through the following writing activities and decide which activities are writing for consolidating language, which are writing for communication, and which are perhaps for both. Try to give reasons for your decision.,Activity 1 Writing,Example:,Join the pairs of sentences, using,when/where.,Kentucky,is the state. Lincoln was born there.,Kentucky is the state,where,Lincoln was born.,This book is about,the time,. Lincoln was President then.,The school,is still standing. Lincoln learnt to read and write there.,There were many poor people in,the,town,. Lincoln grew up there.,Lincoln had very little,free time,. He could study then.,Activity 1 is obviously “writing for consolidating language”.,Activity 2 Letter Writing,A friend is coming to visit your hometown/village. Unfortunately you will be away. Writing a short letter to your friend and makes some suggestions about sightseeing and other activities in your area.,Activity 2 can be considered as “writing for communication” though the situation is an imagined one.,Activity 3 Writing,Have a look at our classroom for a moment. Then write a paragraph to describe our classroom. Make your writing as interesting as possible.,Activity 3 can be between “writing for learning” and “writing for communication”.,Activity 4 Writing,Imagine you are a caged bird. You saw another caged bird in the park this morning. Write a letter to her/him and introduce yourself.,Activity 4 typical of imaginative writing.,Activity 5 Letter writing,Do you think any of the courses (math, physics, English, history, etc.) you are talking now can be improved in some way. If yes, write a short letter to the teacher and present your suggestions.,Activity 5 can involve true communication,11.3 Problems in Writing Tasks,In our daily life, we may write various kinds of writing tasks, eg. greeting, forms, invitations, notice, letters, or even contracts, advertisements etc.,Usually, they fail to have a communicative element due to the following seven deficiencies:,1.,There are mainly accuracy based, that is to say, some of such tasks only focus on “writing for learning.,11.3 Problems in Writing Tasks,2. There are designed to practice certain target structures.,3.There is insufficient preparation before the writing stage,4. There is no sense of audiences.,5.There is no sense of authenticity on reality.,6. Students are given ideas to express rather than being invited to invent their own. : We give a title “Does Practice Really Make Perfect?”.,Success=99%sweat +1%inspiration,7. There is no opportunities for creative writing, particularly, for expressing unusual or original ideas,11.3 Problems in Writing Tasks,For example, write a passage about your opinions on:,1. Little knowledge is dangerous,2.Conscious and unconscious confidence,3.What can you do for the assessment,4. Live to eat or eat to live,5. Dating in campus,6. An idle youth, a needy age.,If we want to make the teaching of writing effective, we should:,Make students want to write as they expect to communicate with others in a,communicative approach,: Their work is intended to be read by other people,Teach them how to write and guide them through the process of writing in a,process approach,: Guide the students through the writing process, and gradually to make them to become independent writers,On the contrary, the product-oriented method of teaching writing pays great attention to the accuracy of the final product but ignores the process, which the students go through to reach the final goal.,11.3 Problems in Writing Tasks,11.4 A process approach to writing,Features of process writing,(1) Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written product.,(2) Help students write to understand their own composing process.,(3) Help them to build repertoires of strategies for prewriting, drafting and rewriting.,(4) Give students time to write and rewrite.,(5) Please central importance on the process of revision.,(6) Let students discover what they want to say as they write.,(7) Give students feedback through out the composing process (not just on the final product) to consider as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention.,(8)Encourage feedback both from the instructor and peers.,(9) Include individual conferences between teacher and students during the process of composition.,3-Stage Model:,Pre-writing:,A group of students work together to brainstorm topics and ideas, and it would be more productive.,While-writing:,As soon as the students start writing, it is basically an individual activity (help from the teacher if necessary),Post-writing:,When students finish writing, there are lots of options for the teacher to decide what to do next, such as peer reading or group reading, discussion, rewriting, etc.,11.4 A process approach to writing,1.Pre writing,Developing a sense of purpose and a sense of audience,Gathering information or ideas about the topic:,The purpose of the topic can be various:,1)Examinations: dissertations, essays, notes, reports,2)Communication: letters, invitations, complaints, notes, instructions, examinations,3)Entertainment: stories, novels, poems, diaries,Organizing relevant ideas to make an outline,Focusing information,( find a focus),Grafting,(first draft),Revising checklist:,keep or raise some relevant questions to check whether your essay is satisfactory or (not purpose, organization, arguments, conclusion, spelling, punctuation, grammar),Editing:,The purpose of it is to check for accuracy and feedback for further improvement, which can be done by,(,1)Pair-work editing;(2)group-work editing,The writing Process:,The process of writing should be from:,controlled to guided writing and to free writing,1.Controlled writing,Combining: join words into sentences,Substitution: New words, sentences, paragraphs, etc are to be substituted,2.Guided writing:,Completion: sentences, diagrams,Reproduction: copying, rewriting,Compression: summary,Paraphrase: change the vocabulary or the structure of the sentences,3.Free writing,Getting ideas on the topic,Selecting and expanding one idea,Make an outline,Writing and improving a draft,Correct and improve draft,Write final version,3 types of writing tasks:,Activity:,Answer following questions:,Do you often play computer?,Can you set up an e-mail list?,Have you ever written a letter to your friends through e-mail?,Have your teachers or others asked you to write something through e-mail?,Do you think its a good way or not?,11.5 Writing Through E-mail,E-mail provides a perfect mechanism for students to submit drafts and for teachers to look them over at their convenience and send them back with comments -once, twice or several times. New ideas are shared promptly and can be responded to quickly. So writing through e-mail has become very important for every student. When writing through e-mail students have a feeling of real-time writing. They feel they are writing for real purposes of exchanging ideas. We must treat it seriously.,11.5Writing Though E-mail,Practice:,Ask students to write a composition through e-mail.,Summary: In an e-mail based writing scheme, the students can not only send their writing to the teacher they can also send their work to each other simultaneously.,Titles:1.My best friend,2.,A greeting letter,3.My favorite sports,Practice:,When writing on e-mail, every word the students put down is not for the purpose of being corrected by their teacher, but rather for the purpose of sharing ideas with their classmates.,Homework: Write a letter to your pen pal on e-mail.,Now, we will practice:,In my childhood , I remembered.,Finish it within five minutes.,Transition device (TD):,Because not all writing activities can be designed for communication, it can be a good idea to transfer “writing for learning” to “writing for communication” by the adoption of the TD approach.,Conclusion,We have emphasized that the teaching of writing should focus on the process rather than the product, and that writing should have communicative purposes.,11.6 Conclusion,


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