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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Maybe you should learn to relax.,Section 1 Before You Read,What do you usually do after class,I do:,I dont do:,play football,dancing club,listen to music,He studies for a test.,After school,what activities do you,usually do,Before-reading,Do you think you are under pressure,If so,what should you do to relax,Section 1 Before You Read,Look up these words in a dictionary.,football,complain,pressure,freedom,organized,pushy,compare,查字典是学习的好方法. 但是因为语境的原因,有时候给你的意思是错误的.因此,最好是用学习字典,帮助你理解单词在不同的语境下的意思.,Maybe you should learn to relax,organized,pushy,pressure,complain,compare,freedom,Words,study,complain,词义,vi. 抱怨,发牢骚,词组,complain about /of sth.,例句,He complained,to,me,about,the food.,他向我抱怨伙食不佳。,他在有压力的情况下工作很出色,.,He works well under pressure.,例句,n. 压力;压迫,词义,pressure,我们没有自由做自己喜欢的事。,We do not have the freedom to do just what we like.,例句,n. 自由,词义,freedom,compare,词义,vt. 比较;对照,词组,compare with 与比较,例句,Compare,this,with,that, and you will see which is better.,将这个与那个比较一下,你就会知道哪个比较好了。,望子成龙古而有之,但如今家长好似对给孩子的压力大多了。,Pushy,parents are nothing new, but now parents seem to push their children a lot more.,例句,adj. 争强好胜的;事业心强的,词义,pushy,一方面,孩子们需要有组织的活动。,On the one hand, children need organized activities.,例句,adj. 有组织的;有系统的,词义,organized,Reading Skills,1.速读以求理解,2.带着问题复读,3.细读解决疑难,1.Where does Cathy Taylors take,her sons and daughter to,2. What does Dr. Alice Green say about the children under the pressure,She takes her sons to from football,to basketball.Then she has take his daughter to pinao lessons.,She says that they may find it hard to,think for themselves when they are older.,Skim reading: Answer two questions,True or false:,1.Cathy Taylors children do many after- school activities.,2.Doctors say many children arent under too much pressure.,3.Few children take part in after school activities.,4.Parents dont think their children should do the same as others.,T,F,F,F,5.Its crazy for parents to compare their children with others.,6.Competition between families starts at a young age.,7.Parents shouldnt learn to give their kids a bit more time.,8.Children should have time to relax.,T,T,F,T,1.When do Taylors children get home,2.Do American and British children do many after-school activities,3. What after-school clubs do children take part in after school,4.Are many children under pressure,Till 7p.m,.,Yes ,they do.,Yes,they are.,Language club,Scan reading:answer eight questions,5. Do parents push their children too hard these days,6.When does competition between families start,7. What is difficult for these children when theyre adults,8.Whats the result of this passage,Yes ,they do.,At a young age.,Its difficult for them to plan things for,themselves.,Children need freedom to relax,在字典中查找 look upin a dictionary,与比较 compare with,向抱怨某事 complain to sb about sth,处于(太多的)压力之下 be under (too much) pressure,把从带到 take sb from to ,直到才 notuntil,尽可能多地充实到孩子们的生活中来,fit as much as possible into their kids lives,屡见不鲜 nothing new,厉害地强迫某人 push sb. hard,总是在做某事 be always doing,方案做某事 plan to do,一方面另一方面on the one hand on the other hand,从很小的年龄开场 start from a very young age,单独 by oneself,Useful expressions,( )football,( )compare,( )complain,( )push,( )pressure,( )organized,( )freedom,( )include,( )crazy,( )adult,( )send,Exercise:,A. soccer,B. mad or foolish,C. grown-up,D. worry and problems,E. being free,F. well planned,G. to have something as part of a whole,H. ask to go to some places,I. try hard to make someone do something,J. try to know the differences between two things,K. say unhappiness about something,A,J,K,I,D,F,E,G,B,C,H,Maybe you should learn to relax!,Questions,Do American and British children do many after-school activities,Are many children under pressure,Do parents these days push their children much harder than before,When does competition between families start,Life for Cathy Taylors three children,is very busy. Their school days are busy,enough. After school, though, Cathy takes,the two boys from football to basketball.,Then she has to take her daughter to piano,lessons. The tired children dont get home,until 7 pm. They have a quick supper, and,its time for homework.,生活对于Cathy Taylor的三个孩子来说是非常忙碌的.,这些疲倦的孩子们要到晚上7点才得到家.,The Taylors are like many American,and British parents. They take their children,from activity to activity, and try to fit as,much as possible into their kids lives. Doctors,say many children are under too much,pressure. Teachers complain about teaching,tired kids in the classroom.,他们把孩子从一个活动送到另一个活动. 竭尽全力把孩子的生活填满.,在繁重的压力下.,Most children take part in after-school,clubs. Activities include sports, language,learning, music, and math classes. Pushy,parents are nothing new, but now parents,seem to push their children a lot more.,Parents see other children doing a lot of,things and they feel their own children,should do the same.,固执的家长们并不少见, 而现在家长们似乎把孩子们逼迫得更加厉害了.,参加,参加,包括,固执己见的,一意孤行的,Linda Miller, a mother of three in,London, knows all about such pressure.,“In some families, competition starts from,a very young age, she says. “Mothers send,their kids to all other children. Its crazy.,People shouldnt push their kids so hard.,父母不应该把孩子们逼得这样厉害.,疯狂的,Dr Alice Green agrees. She also says,that these children may find it hard to think,for themselves when they are older. “Parents,are trying to plan their kids lives for them.,When these kids are adults, they might find,it difficult to plan things for themselves.,这些孩子们就会发现当他们长大后要自己,思考问题是多么困难的事.,家长们总是尽力为他们的孩子们方案事情.,但是当孩子们成年后就回发现自己方案事情是多么困难.,Parents should learn to give their kids a bit,more time to themselves. On the one hand,children need organized activities. On the,other hand, they also need time and freedom,to relax, and they need time to do things by,themselves.,学会做某事,一方面另一方面,自由,通过某人自己,1.asas possible ( 或asas one can)尽可能地,Please come here as soon as possible (you can).请尽快来这里。,Please eat as much as possible.请尽量多吃。,2.fit v.适合,符合,The coat doesnt fit me.,adj. keep healthy=keep fit,3 plain about (ding) sth. 抱怨做某事,他们抱怨没吃饱。,They are complaining about not having enough.,4.include v.包含,包括,这个价格包括房子和里面的家具。,The price includes both house and furniture.,Including prep. 包括,Ten students got A in this exam, including me.,5.push. v.推,推动,push a door,v.(force) 强迫,敦促,We always have to push him to do his homework.,6 pare with 和比照,My mom often compare me with other children.,7.find it +adj.+(for sb.) to do sth. 发现做很,I find it important for us to learn English well.,8.plan for sth.为某事做准备,plan for the future,Unit3课件,Section 3 After You Read,Pressure is a serious problem in todays,world. What should we do to relax.,Lets discuss.,Questions:,When do you feel under pressure,What should you do to relax,After You Read,Is the situation the same in China,Discuss with your partner:,American and British children do many after- school activities.,Many children are under pressure.,Parents these days push their children much harder than before.,Competition between families starts at a young age.,Children should have free time to relax.,作文,1.写一封信给MAY,说一说自己生活中遇到的问题,并说出自己将要的解决方法,2.DENIS说自己英语总是写不好,希望你写封信给他提建议,作文,1.玛丽是一名中学生,她的学习成绩很不好,请你替她给奶奶写一封信,请奶奶帮助。,2.奶奶收到玛丽的来信后,想给玛丽一些主意,请你在第一封信的根底上,写一封回信。,


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