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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Where do you like to travel,Landscape of Yunnan,Simon,Wakefields,Yunnan Diary,Reading and vocabulary (1),Match the photos with the paragraphs.,1,2,3,4,5,6,Fast reading to get the main idea,1.Follow the listening of the text and read the whole diary, pay attention to the pronunciation .,2.During your reading ,please think about the main idea of each part.,2. skimming,3. Careful reading :,Para1: 1. word: including many different kinds of things _,2. In what way is the Yunnan landscape varied,3.The old town Lijiang is _.,(a). on the side of Yulong Xueshan Mountain,(b). opposite Yulong Xueshan Mountain,(c). covered with snow,varied,The south is tropical and the north is mountainous.,B,Para2: 1. words: many small streets that are easy to get lost in _,a road surface made from many small round stones_,2. Why do tourists get lost in Lijiang,3.Why does Simon say “wherever you go, you hear the sound of rushing water in the old town_,(a). Because there is a big waterfall in it,(b). Because three rivers run through it,(c). Because there is a big lake in it,(d). Because it is near the sea,maze,cobbled,Because there is a maze of small streets.,b,Para3.1.word: control_,to receive money ,property from someone after they have died_,2. In what way are Naxi women unusual,3. Naxi women _,(a) will inherits all property for ever,(b) are very interested in foreign tourists,(c) wear blue blouses and trousers covered by a blue or black apron,They are unusual because they run Naxi society. It is usually the men who run societies.,run,inherit,c,Para4.1. words: a type of writing that uses pictures_,to be born from an egg_,2.What is unusual about the Naxi language,3. How do the Naxi believe their people started,4. The Naxi language _.,(a). is almost 1,000 years old,(b). is not spoken any more,(c). is still spoken today,They believe that they hatched from magic eggs helped by a creature called Tabu.,The language is the only language still used which is written in hieroglyphics.,hierogliyphics,hatch,C,Para5. 1. word :a man who is polite and behaves well_,2. Why is Naxi music famous,3.The Naxi men who played in the orchestra _.,(a)played music that had not changed for centuries,(b) were all very old,(c) played instruments that sounded sad,Because it has been passed on orally for eight centuries.,gentleman,A,Para6. 1. word:something you cant forget_,2. In what way does Simon say that people are all the same,3. Simon now realizes that _.,(a) we are all very different,(b) people are equal,( c ) love and friendship are very important,Because, regardless of ethnicity, we all need to laugh, cry and love.,unforgettable,b,Imagine that you are Simon or a friend of him. Make up a dialogue or interview about Simons journey.,Questions:,1.Wheres Lijiang,2.Is Lijiang a new town,3. Do you find Lijiang interesting and why,4. What have you learned about the Naxi people, for example, the women there,5. What about their language/ music.,6. Whats your feeling about your journey in Lijiang,4. post-reading,Speaking (pair work),S1: Simon Wakefield,S2: Simons friend who asks Simon about his travelling experiences in Yunnan.,Qs:1. Where is Lijiang,2. Whats the weather like there,3. What is the old town like,4. What do you know about Naxi ethnic group,5. What do you think of the Naxi old music,.,Love our big family, and build our big family!,Retell the passage and fill in the blanks,Im astonished by how _ the landscape is. Down in the south, its very _ , but in the north , Lijiang, a half new and half old town is on the side of a mountain, its peak _ with snow. _ from above ,the old town is a maze that the tourists get _ in.,This region is where the Naxi ethnic group live. Its the women who _ Naxi society. They _ all property and have the _ of playing cards in the middle of the street. The Naxi language is the only_language still_ _.Naxi culture is particularly famous for its music._ from father to son,the music hasnt changed for centuries.,At last I know I _different we may appear to be first , we are all the same,all equal.,varied,tropical,covered,Seen,lost,run,inherited,custom,hieroglyphic,in use,Passed,however,According to the chart in ACTIVITY 1 on P 57 , finish the composition,Yunnan, _ is Kunming, _the southwest of China.It _394,000 square kilometers and _about 42million.,Besides, Yunnan is _ 25 ethnic minorities and the most _ region of China.,Whats more, there are mountains and lakes as well as _ where _animals such as golden monkey and Asian elephant live.,Yunnan is a beautiful place and its_ are well known, including_, _ and first bend of Yangtze River.,Many people from all over the world are attracted by its,beauty.,whose capital city,lies in/ is situated /located in,covers an area of,has a population of,home to,diverse,rainforests,rare,natural wonders,Stone Forest,Tiger Leaping Gorge,Stone forest,Tiger Leaping gorge,First bend of Yangze River,三江并流 长江第一湾,玉龙雪山,梅里雪山,滇池-云南第一湖,亚热带雨林,Golden monkey,elephant,peacock,西双版纳,香格里拉,Watch the video about the drought in the countrys southwest,Then discuss the video and share your feeling with your partners,Discussion,


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