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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,大学英语词汇活记活用,1.Peoples,_,expectations about the future may have more influence on their sense of well-being than their,state does.A) current B) initial C) modern D) primitive2.After working all day, he was so tired that he was in no,_,to go to the party with us.A) taste B) mood C) sense D) emotion,current,:,a.,流通的,现在的,最近的,initial,:,a.,最初的,开始的,;,primitive,:,a.,原始的,上古的,expectation: n.,期待,指望,展望,well-being,:,n.,健康,幸福,福利,The answers: A B,1,3.There is already _ clear to show that plants and animals are being affected by climate change.A) witness B) certification C) identity D) evidence,4.Many women still feel that they are being _ by a male culture, particularly in the professional services sector.A) held back B) held forth C) held on D) held out,witness: n.,证人,目击者,证据,;v.,目击,作证,证明,certification: n.,出证明,identity: n.,相同,身份,一致,evidence: n.,根据,证据,迹象,sector,:,n.,部门,区域,,(,数学,),扇区,hold back,:,阻碍,;,退缩,;,隐瞒,hold forth,:大发议论,夸夸其谈,hold on,:握紧,;,等候,hold out,:持续,;,伸出,The answers: D A,2,5.The findings paint a unique picture of the shopping habits of customers, plus their motivation and _.A) privileges B) possibilitiesC) possessions D) preferences,motivation: n.,动机,刺激,推动,privilege: n.,特权,优惠,恩典,荣幸,preference: n.,偏爱,优先,喜爱物,The answer is D,3,1. Some people argue that the death,_does not necessarily reduce the number of murders.A) plot B) practice C) penalty D) pattern,2. Many personnel managers say it is getting harder and harder to,honest applicants from the growing number of dishonest ones.A) distinguish B) disguise C) dissolve D) discount,necessarily: ad.,必定,必然,plot: n.,图,阴谋,情节,;v.,绘图,密谋,计划,practice: v.,练习,实习,训练,;,从事,;,执行,penalty: n.,刑罚,罚款,报应,pattern: n.,模范,典型,式样,;v.,模仿,仿造,personnel,:,n.,全体人员,人事,(,部门,)applicant,:,n.,申请者,请求者,distinguish,:区别,辨别,;,看清,听出,;,使杰出,使扬名。,4,disguise,:,n.,假面目,假装,;v.,假装,dissolve,:,v.,溶解,解散,discount,:,n.,折扣,贴现率,;v.,打折扣,贴现,3. A study shows that students living in non-smoking dorms are less likely to _ the habit of smoking.A) make up B) turn up C) draw up D) pick up,4. Almost all job applicants are determined to leave a good,_,on a potential employer.A) illusion B) reputation C) impression D) reflection,make up:,补足,;,编造,;,组成,turn up:,出现,发生,draw up,:起草,制定,;,逼近,;,停住,pick up,:拾起,;,收拾,;,学到,获得,5,determine,:,v.,决定,决心,测定,确定,potential: n.,潜在性,可能性,;a.,有潜力的,可能的,潜在的,illusion,:,n.,幻觉,错觉,错误的信仰,(,或观念,),reputation: n.,名誉,声望,impression: n.,印象,意念,盖印,reflection: n.,反映,沉思,映像,5. A special feature of education at MIT is the opportunity for students and faculty to_ together in research activities.A) specialize B) participate C) consist D) involve,6,specialize,与,in,搭配表示专攻与某一门学科,.,注意与,specialist,的区别,例如,:a specialist in history,表示历史学家,to specialize in history,表示专攻历史,.participate,与,in,搭配表示参与,参加,.participate in=take part inconsist,与,in,搭配表示在于,存在于的意思,.consist,的其它搭配还有,: consist of,表示由,.,组成, consist with,表示与,.,一致,.involve,与,in,的搭配有两种形式,:involve sb./sth. in,表示使卷入,使介入,. be involved in,表示包含,.,The correct answers: C A D C B,7,1.Its good to know that quite a few popular English expressions actually _ from the Bible.A) acquire B) obtain C) derive D) result,2.Tom, did it ever _ to you that you would be punished for cheating on exams?A) happen B) occur C) reflect D) strike,由题干可知,要求所填的动词可以和,from,搭配,由此可以直接排除及物动词,acquire,和,obtain, derive from,由,.,起源,result from,因,.,引起,由词义可知选,C,8,要区别,acquire,和,obtain,当表示获得词义时的区别,.acquire,表示用于通过不断的学,问等慢慢地获取学问,技术等较抽象的事物,.obtain,表示经过相当长的时间或经过很大的努力,获得期望已久的东西,.,it occurs to sb. that.,,意思为某人想起了,.,it happened that.,意为碰巧,.,或发生,., it strikes sb. that.(=it occurs to sb. that.),意为使某人忽然想起,.,3.,In the U.S. 88 percent of smokers had started smoking before they were 18, despite the fact that it is _ to sell cigarettes to anyone under that age.,A) liable B) liberal C) irrational D) illegal,be liable for,对,.,有责任,be liable to,易于,.,9,liable: a.,有义务的,应负责的,;,有,.,倾向,易于,.,的,;,可能的,大概的,.liberal: a.,自由主义的,;,慷慨的,大方的,;,心胸宽阔的,开明的,;,自由的,不受约束的,.irrational: n.,无理数,;a.,无理性的,不合理的,illegal: a.,违法的,不合规定的,4.According to the key witnesses, a peculiarly big nose is the criminals most memorable facial _.A) feature B) hint C) spot D) signature,feature,意思为特征,原指面貌等显著的部分,用以指心中所留印象的显著部分,.,注意与,characteristic,相区别,characteristic,意为特征,指与他物区别的特征,.,10,give/drop sb. a hint,给人暗示,; take a hint,会意,.,5.Brazils constitution _ the military use of nuclear energy.,A) withdraws B) forbids C) interrupts,D) objects,当表示禁止,阻止意思时,可以表示为,stop/prevent/hinder/prohibit/restrain + from doing sth.,而,forbid,的用法为,:forbid sb. to do sth.,或,forbid sb. sth.object,的用法为,:object to doing sth.(to,为介词,).,答案,:B,11,1.Although they lost their jobs, savings and unemployment benefits allow the couple to _ their comfortable home.,A) come in for B) catch up with,C) look forward to D) hold on to,2.Although many experts agree that more children are overweight, there is debate over the best ways to _ the problem.,A) relate B) tackle C) file D) attach,come in for,接受,受到,继承,catch up with,赶上,look forward to,盼望,hold on to,坚持 答案,:D,relate:v.,讲,叙述,有关系,tackle:vt.,对付,处理,;n.,用具,器具,滑车,file:n.,档案,公文箱,锉刀,;v.,列队行进,归档,12,relate,这个词有两种搭配,即,A relate to B,表示,A,与,B,有联系, A relate with B,表示把,A,和,B,联系起来,.,be attached to,表示附属于,;,依恋于 答案,:B,3.An important factor in determining how well you perform in an examination is the _ of your mind.,A) state B) case C) situation D) circumstance,4.Research shows that there is no _ relationship between how much a person earns and whether he feels good about life. A) successive B) subsequent C) significant D) sincere,本题主要是考察表示心境意思的固定搭配,由此不难选出,state,13,succeed (v.,继承,接替,)succession (n.,接替,继任,;,接续,连续,)successive (a.,连接的,连续的,)successor (n.,接替人,继承人,),5.Sadly, as spending on private gardens has _, spending on public parks has generally declined. A) heightened B) lifted C) flown D) soared,heighten: v.,增高,提高,加强,soar: vi.,高飞,翱翔,高涨,猛增 答案,:D,14,1.Lung cancer, like some other cancers, often doesnt produce _ until it is too late and has spread beyond the chest to the brain, liver or bones.,A) trails B) therapies C) symptoms D) symbols,2.With the increasing unemployment rate, workers who are 50 to 60 years old are usually the first to be _.A) laid off B) laid aside C) laid out D) laid up,trail: n.,踪迹,小径,尾,; v.,拖,尾随,追踪,therapy: n.,治疗,symbol: n.,象征,符号,标志,symptom: n.,病症,症候,征兆,表征,lay off:,解雇,;,停止做,lay aside:,把,.,搁置一旁,;,储存,lay out:,安排,布置,;,摆出,展开,lay up:,使卧床不起,15,3.The physical differences between men and women can be _ directly to our basic roles as hunters and child-bearers.A) pursued B) traced C) switched D) followed,4.It is clear that the dog has a much greater _ of its brain devoted to smell than is the case with humans.A) composition B) compound C) percentD) proportion,pursue: v.,追捕,追求,继续从事,trace:n.,踪迹,痕迹,;vt.,跟踪,追踪,;,追溯,探索,;,临摹,switch: n.,开关,突然转变,;v.,改变,交换,follow: vt.,跟随,追赶,沿着,前进,仿效,devote: vt.,将,奉献,(,给,),,致力于,composition: n.,作文,著作,组织,16,compound: n.,混合物,复合字,;a.,复合的,混合的,合成,proportion: n.,比例,率,份儿,部分,均衡,调和,; vt.,使成比例,使均衡,5.American college students are increasingly _ with credit card debt and the consequences can be rather serious.A) boosted B) burdened C) discharged,D) dominated,consequence: n.,结果,后果,boost: n.,推进,支援,;v.,推进,提高,burden: n.,重负,负荷,;,重担,v.,使负重,装载,;,加重压于,烦扰,discharge: v. & n.,排出,放出,允许,离开,释放,放电,dominate: vt.,支配的,统治,控制,高出于,居高临下,;vi.,居支配地位,处于最重要的地位,17,1.Numerous studies already link the first meal of the day to better classroom _.A) performance B) function C) behavior D) display,2.The most successful post-career athletes are those who can take the identity and life skills they learned in sports and _ them to another area of life.A) utilize B) employ C) apply D) exert,performance:n.,绩效,表现,演出,function:n.,功能,函数,;,计算机,函数,behavior:n.,行为,display:vt. & n.,显示,表现,陈列,展览 答案,A,utilize:v.,利用,employ:n.,雇用,;v.,雇用,;,利用,使用,apply:vi. (for),申请,请求,,(to),应用,适用,;,vt.,把,应用于,应用,运用,exert:v.,发挥,运用,施以影响 答案,C,18,3.The technological advances made it possible for the middle classes to enjoy what had once been _ only to the very rich.A) manageable B) measurableC) acceptable D) affordable,4.Being out of work,L,ane can no longer _ friends to dinners and movies as she used to.,A) urgeB) treatC) appealD) compel,答案,D,urge:v.催促,力劝treat:v.宴请,招待,款待appeal:n. 恳求,上诉,吸引力;v. 求助,诉请;有吸引力compel:v.强迫,迫使,答案,B,19,5._ by the superstars on television, the young athletes trained hard and played intensely.A) Imitated B) ImposedC) Insured D) Inspired,imitate:vt. 仿效的行为,模仿,impose:v. 把.强加于;征(税),处以(罚款,监禁等)insure: v. 保险,确保,投保.险,I,i,nspire:vt. 鼓励,鼓舞,激发,激起,答案,D,20,1.Some people believe that since oil is scarce, the _ of the motor industry is uncertain.A) terminal B) benefit C) fate D) estimate2.To speed up the _ of letters, the Post Office introduced automatic sorting.A) treatment B) delivery C) transmissionD) departure,terminal: a.,末端的,终点的,学期的,期末的,晚期的,致死,; n.,终点,(,站,),末端,终端,终端机,benefit: n.,利益,;v.,获益,fate: n.,命运,运气,estimate: n.,估计,判断,;v.,估计,评价,判断,答案,C,delivery: n.,递送,交付,分娩,transmission: n.,传输,传送,departure: n.,起程,背离,发射,飞出,答案,B,21,3.These overseas students show great _ for learning a new language.A) enthusiasm B) authority C) conventionD) faith,4.The defense lawyer was questioning the old man who was one of the _ of the murder committed last month.A) observers B) witnesses C) audiencesD) viewers,enthusiasm: n.,狂热,热心,authority: n.,权威,专家,威信,convention: n.,习俗,惯例,,(,正式,),会议,公约,契约,faith: n.,信心,信任,忠实 答案,A,witness: n.,证人,目击者,证据,; v.,目击,作证,证明,audiences: n.,听众,观众,viewers: n.,幻灯机,;,观察者,22,5.Politically these nations tend to be _, with very high birth rates but poor education and very low levels of literacy.A) unstable B) reluctant C) rationalD) unsteady,literacy: n.,读写能力,unstable: a.,不稳定的,reluctant: a.,不情愿的,勉强的,厌恶的,rational: a.,有理的,合理的,unsteady: a.,不安定的,;,反覆无常的,答案,A,23,1.The chairman was blamed for letting his secretary _ too much work last week.A) take to B) take out C) take away D) take on,2.“You try to get some sleep. Ill _ the patients breakfast, “said the nurse.A) see to B) stick to C) get to D) lead to,take to:,开始喜欢,对,.,产生好感,;,开始从事,形成,.,的习惯,take out:,带,.,出去,;,除掉,毁掉,;,取得,办理,take away:,减去,take on:,承担,从事,;,呈现,具有,;,开始雇用,;,同,.,较量,接受,.,的挑战 答案,D,see to:,留心,照料,注意,stick to:,坚持,;,粘住,get to:,开始,;,接触,lead to;,通往,;,导致 答案,A,24,3.The London Marathon is a difficult race._, thousands of runners participate every year.A) Therefore B) FurthermoreC) Accordingly D) Nevertheless,4.The bank refused to _ him any money, so he had to postpone buying a house.A) credit B) borrow C) loan D) lease,furthermore: ad.,而且,此外,accordingly: ad.,因此,于是,如前所说,nevertheless: ad.,然而,虽然如此,;conj.,然而,loan: n.,贷款,借出,债权人,;v.,借,供应货款,借给,lease: n.,租约,租期,租,;v.,出租,租出,租得答案,C,25,5.The more a nations companies _ factories abroad, the smaller that countrys recorded exports will be.A) lie B) spot C) stand D) locate,spot: n.,点,斑点,污点,地点,场所,; vt.,认出,发现,玷污,污辱,; vi.,沾上污点,stand: vi.,站立,起立,放置,位于,; vt.,使站立,经受,; n.,货摊,观众席,立场,态度,locate: vt.,把,设置在,使,坐落于,探明,找到,答案,D,26,1.Being ignorant of the law is not accepted as an _ for breaking the law.A) excuse B) intention C) option D) approval,2.Within two days, the army fired more than two hundred rockets and missiles at military _ in the coastal city.A) goals B) aims C) targets D) destinations,option: n.,意见,见解,;,主张,;,评价,approval: n.,赞成,承认 答案,A,goal,指人们心目中较为理想或遥远的目标,target: n.,靶子,目标,,(,嘲笑、批评、轻蔑等的,),对象,目标,拟达到的总数指标,destination: n.,目的地,终点,目的,目标 答案,C,27,3.It is said in some parts of the world, goats, rather than cows, serve as a vital _ of milk.A) storage B) source C) reserve D) resource,4.“This light is too _ for me to read by. Dont we have a brighter bulb some where”; said the elderly man.A) mild B) dim C) minute D) slight,dim: a.,暗淡的,模糊的,;v.,使,.,暗淡,;,minute:,微小的,;,琐细的,;,详细的,;,精密的,slight: a.,少许的,稍微的,; vt.,轻视,答案,B,28,5.We have arranged to go to the cinema on Friday, but we can be _ and go another day.A) reliable B) probable C) feasible D) flexible,feasible: a.,能实行的,可行的,适宜的,flexible: a.,可弯曲的,易弯曲的,;,柔韧的,;,有弹性的,;,柔顺的,温顺的,;,可变通的,;,灵活的,;,易适应的,答案,D,29,1.We are quite sure that we can _ our present difficulties and finish the task according to schedule.A) get across B) get over C) get away,D) get off,2._ recent developments we do not think your scheme is practical.A) In view of B) In favor ofC) In case of D) In memory of,get across:,解释清楚,;,使人了解,;,通过,get over:,克服,;,复元,;,恢复,get away:,逃脱,;,离开,;,出发,get off:,下,(,车等,);,逃脱惩罚,答案,B,in view of:,鉴于,;,考虑到,in favor of:,赞成,.;,支持,.;,有利于,.in case of:,如果发生,in memory of:,纪念,答案,A,30,3.Jessica was _ from the warehouse to the accounting office, which was considered a promotion.A) delivered B) exchanged C) transferredD) transformed,4.Mr. Smith asked his secretary to _ a new paragraph in the annual report she was typing.A) inject B) install C) invade D) insert,transfer:,传送,;,搬迁,转移,;,调任,transform: vt.,使改观,使改变 答案,C,inject: vt.,注射,注入,插进,(,话,),,引入,install: vt.,安装,安置任命,使就职,invade: v.,侵入,拥入,insert: vt.,插入,嵌入答案,D,31,5.Theres the living room still to be _, so thats my next project.A) abandoned B) decorated C) dissolvedD) assessed,6.The old paper mill has been _ to make way for a new shopping centre.A) held down B) kept down C) cut downD) torn down,abandon: v.,放弃,沉溺,decorate:,dissolve: v.,溶解,解散,assess: v.,估定,评定,答案,B,hold down:,抑制,;,压制,keep down:,控制,;,减少,cut down:,砍倒,;,删减,tear down: v.,推倒,(,尤指建筑物,),拆毁 答案,D,32,7.It may be necessary to stop _ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.A) at a distance B) at intervals C) at caseD) at length,8.You can hire a bicycle in many places. Usually youll have to pay a _.A) deposit B) deal C) fare D) fond,at intervals:,不时,;,到处,;,每隔,.,时间,(,或距离,)at case:,无此词,at length:,终於,;,详尽地,答案,B,deposit: vt.,安置,使沉淀,储蓄,;vi.,沉淀,存储,;n.,沉积物,;,储蓄,;,押金,定金,fare: n.,费用,旅客,食物,;v.,进展,进步,经营,fond: a.,喜欢的,答案,A,33,9.My grandfather had always taken a _ interest in my work, and I had an equal admiration for the stories of his time.A) splendid B) weighty C) vague D) keen,10._ quantities of water are being used nowadays with the rapid development of industry and agriculture.A) Excessive B) Extensive C) ExtremeD) Exclusive,weighty: a.,重的,沉重的,;,繁重的,累人的,;,重大的,重要的,;,有力的,;,有势力的,vague: a.,模糊的,不明确的,说话含糊不清的 答案,D,keen: a.,渴望的,热心的,理解力强的,敏锐的,敏捷的,excessive: a.,过多的,过分的,极度的,extensive: a.,广的,广泛的,多方面的,extreme: n.,极端,末端,;a.,极端的,尽头的,偏激的,exclusive: a.,独占的,唯一的,排外 答案,A,34,1.John cannot afford to go to university, _ going abroad.A) nothing but B) anything butC) not to speak of D) nothing to speak of,2.Most laboratory and field studies of human behavior _ taking a situational photograph at a given time and in a given place.A) involve B) compose C) enclose D) attach,nothing but:,只不过是,;,除了,.,都没有,anything but:,决不,一点也不,not to speak of:,更不用说,nothing to speak of:,不值一提,答案,C,enclose: v.,围绕,放入封套,装,attach: v.,附上,使依恋,爱慕,答案,A,35,3.If you dont like to swim, you _ as well stay at home.A) should B) may C) can D) would,4.Dr. Smith was always _ the poor and the sick, often providing them with free medical care.A) reminded of B) absorbed in C) tended byD) concerned about,remind of:,使回想起,be absorbed in:,全神贯注于,tend: v.,有某种的倾向,易于,移向,(be tended by,为被动结构,)concern about:,关心 答案,B D,36,5.Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on July 4, 1826, the fiftieth _ of American Independence.A) ceremony B) occasion C) occurrenceD) anniversary,6.A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and _ your text more easily.A) register B) edit C) propose D) discharge,occurrence: n.,发生,事件,发现,anniversary: n.,周年纪念 答案,D,discharge: v. & n.,排出,放出,允许,离开,释放,放电 答案,B,37,7.We dont know why so many people in that region like to wear dresses of such _ colors.A) low B) humble C) mild D) dull,8.The news has just _ that the president is going to visit China next month.A) come down B) come up C) come outD) come about,humble: a.,卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的,;v.,使谦卑,dull: a.,枯燥的,迟钝的,,(,天气等,),阴郁的,,(,颜色等,),暗淡的 答案,D,come down:(,物价,),下跌,;,落魄,潦倒,.come up:,发生,出现,;,走上前来,come out:,出现,显露,;,出版,发表,;,结果是,come about:,发生,;,产生 答案,C,38,9.The _ that exists among nations could certainly be lessened if misunderstanding and mistrust were removed.A) tension B) strain C) stress D) intensity,10.The other day, Mum and I went to St. Jamess Hospital, and they did lots and lots of tests on me, most of them _ and frightening.A) cheerful B) horrible C) hostile D) friendly,tension: n.,紧张,不安 一般多用来指双方或各方关系不好所造成的紧张状态,strain: n.,极度紧张,张力,应力,; vt.,拉紧,绷紧,扭伤,损伤,intensity: n.,强烈,紧张,强度 答案,A,horrible: a.,可怕的,极可憎的,极可厌的,hostile: a.,怀敌意的,敌对 答案,B,39,1.,翻译,:Some women _(,本来能够挣一份很好的工资,) in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sale of the family.2.,翻译,:Though you stay in the sea for weeks, you will not_(,失去联系,) the outside world.,1.could have made a good salary.,虚拟语气,2.lose contact with,固定搭配,40,1.In the Mediterranean seaweed is so abundant and so easily harvested that it is never of great _.A) fare B) payment C) worth D)expense,2.The writer was so _ in her work that she didnt notice him enter the room.A) absorbed B) abandoned C) focused D) centered,fare: n.(,交通工具的,),票价,车,(,船,),费,payment: n.,支付,付款,worth: n.,价值,财产,;a.,值,值得,expense: n.,花费,,(pl.),费用 答案,C,absorb,与,in,搭配,abandon,是及物动词,focus on,与,center on,意思接近,都表示集中于,专注于,.,答案,A,41,3.Actually, information technology can _ the gap between the poor and the rich.A) link B) break C) ally D) bridge,4.Some research workers completely _ all those facts as though they never existed.A) ignore B) leave C) refuse D) miss,link: n.,环,节,联系,;vi.,连接,联系,break: vt.,打破,破碎,中断,中止,违反,(,法律、规定等,);vi.,破,断裂,;n.,中断,间歇,ally: n.,盟友,同盟国,;v.,联盟,联合,与,.,有关系 答案,D,bridge: n.,桥,v.,架桥于,;,把,.,连结,(,或弥合,),起来,;,使渡过,ignore: v.,不理睬,忽视,; leave: n.,许可,告别,请假,;v.,离开,出发,留下,refuse: v.,拒绝,谢绝,miss: n.,过错,避免,失败,vt.,未得到,未达到,未听到,未觉察,逃脱,遗漏,错过 答案,A,42,5.Computer power now allows automatic searches of fingerprint files to match a print at a crime _.A) stage B) scene C) location D) occasion,6.The most basic reason why dialects should be preserved is that language helps to _ a culture.A) retain B) relate C) remark D) review,stage: n.,阶段,舞台,场所,戏剧,站,驿站,级,层,脚手架,vt.,上演,表演,scene: n.,场,景,情景,镜头,发生地点,道具,布景,景,location: n.,位置,场所,特定区域,;occasion: n.,场合,时机,机会,诱因,理由,vt.,致使,惹起,引起,答案,B,retain: vt.,保持,保留,relate: v.,讲,叙述,有关系,remark: n.,评论,意见,注意,; vt.,说,评论,注意,;vi.,评论,谈论,答,43,7.Companies are struggling to find the right _ between supply and demand, but it is no easy task.A)


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