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2013,届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:,Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note,(新人教版必修,3,),作,佳,诵,读,(2011,四川卷,),最近,某中学生英文报开设了,“,After,class Activities,”,的栏目。请你根据以下提示,为该栏目写一篇英文稿件,并鼓励同学们积极参加课外活动。,1.,你校开展课外活动的情况;,2.,你参加过的课外活动及给你带来的益处;,3.,为同学选择课外活动提出建议;,4.,为学校开展课外活动提出建议。,注意:,1.,词数,100,左右;,2.,文中不得提及人名、校名及地名;,3.,稿件的开头已为你写好,(,不计入总词数,),。,After,class Activities,Nowadays, after,class activities are becoming more and more popular in high schools.,_,点,考,锁,定,.,重点词汇,1,_,n,奇遇;冒险,_,n,冒险者,2,_,n,作者;作家,3,_,n,(,戏剧,),一场;现场;场面;景色,4,_,v,i,.,漫游;漫步;飘泊,_,n,徘徊者,5,_,n,人行道,6,_,n,商人,7,_,v,t,.,许可;允许;准许;,n,通行证;许可证;执照,8,_,n,船费;通道;,(,一,),段,9,_,v,i,.,认为;说明;总计有,n,说明;理由;计算;帐目,10,_,n,大使馆;大使及其官员,11,_,n,耐心;忍耐,_,adj,.,有耐心的,12,_,n,反面;对立面,adj,.,相反的;相违的,13,_,n,信封,14,_,adj,.,难以置信的,15,_,n,菠萝,16,_,n,餐后甜点,17,_,n,数量,18,_,adj,.,粗鲁的;无礼的,_,n,粗鲁;无礼,19,_,v,i,.,尖声叫,n,.,尖声叫;喊叫声,20,_,adj,.,真的;真诚的,答案,1,adventure; adventurer,4,wander; wanderer,7,permit,11,patience; patient,14,unbelievable,18,rude; rudeness,.,短语回顾,1,bring _,抚养;培养;教育;提出,2,_ ones childhood,在某人的童年时期,3,go _,前进;可以;往下说,4,_ accident,偶然;无意中;不小心,5,stare _,盯着看;凝视,6,account _,导致;做出解释,7,_ the contrary,与此相反;正相反,8,a large amount _,大量;许多,9,_ a chance,冒险,10,_ a rude manner,以粗鲁的方式,11,_ rags,衣衫褴褛,12,_ for,关于;至于,答案,1,up,7,on,.,句式填空,1,find, 宾语 宾语补足语,Well, towards nightfall I _ (,发现自己被刮进了海里,) by a strong wind.,2,when,作并列连词,意为,“,此时,这时,”,The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost _(,此时我被发现,) by a ship.,3,强调句式,And _ (,就是那艘船,) brought you to England.,4,it,作形式主语的主语从句,Well, _ (,众所周知,)that Americans like to eat a lot.,5,疑问词,ever,引导的让步状语从句和名词性从句,You must come _ (,无论你什么时候想要,) and have _ (,你喜欢的任何东西,),答案,1,found myself carried out to sea,2.when I was spotted,3,it was the ship that,4.it is well,known,5,whenever you want; whatever you like,频,高,考,点,考点单词,1,scene n,(,戏剧,),一场;现场;场面;景色,These objects were found at the scene of the crime.,这些物品是在犯罪现场找到的。,The first scene of the play is so wonderful.,那个戏剧的第一幕非常精彩。,on the scene,在现场;当场,appear/come on the scene,出场;登场,behind the scenes,在幕后;暗中,即境活用,1,The crime _ was completely destroyed by design.,A,sight,B,scene,C,view D,scenery,解析,scene,现场。,sight,视线;,view,远景,看法;,scenery,景色。,答案,B,2,permit vt.,许可,n,许可证,permission n,允许,许可,We do not permit smoking in the office.,在我们的办公室里不准吸烟。,The council will not permit you to build here.,委员会不会允许你们在这一带搞建筑。,Ill come tomorrow, weather permitting.,要是天气许可,我明天一定来。,The windows permit light and air to enter.,这些窗户采光及通风性能良好。,permit sth.,允许某事,permit doing sth.,允许做某事,permit sb. to do sth.,允许某人做某事,be permitted to do sth.,被允许做某事,即境活用,2,On Saturday evenings guests are entertained in the garden, weather _.,A,permits B,permit,C,permitting D,permitted,解析,weather permitting,为独立主格结构。,答案,C,3,account n,说明;计算;账目,My wife keeps household accounts.,我太太记家庭收支账。,open an account,开一个账户,keep account,记账,charge sth. to ones account,记入某人账户,account sb.,adj,.,认为某人,by all accounts,根据各种报道,on account,作为定金,on account of,因,的缘故,由于,on all accounts,无论如何,on no accounts,决不,take sth. into account,对,加以考虑,take no account of,对,不加考虑,即境活用,3,(2012,成都外国语学校月考,),Jack cant concentrate on his lessons recently.,Yes, that might _ his low score in the last test.,A,stand for B,apply for,C,account for D,call for,解析,account for,对,做出解释,导致。句意:,杰克最近不能专心于他的学习。,是的,那也许导致了他上次考试的低分。,stand for,代表;,apply for,申请得到;,call for,需要。,答案,C,4,stare vi.,凝视;盯着看,Do you like being stared at?,你愿意人家盯着你看吗?,stare at,盯着看,stare sb. into sth.,瞪着某人使其做出某种反应,be staring sb. in the face,就在某人眼前;十分明显,即境活用,4,When I came in, he was _ the TV screen.,A,staring at B,glaring at,C,glancing at D,looking at,解析,stare at,凝视。,glance at,扫视;,glare at,怒视;,look at,看一看。,答案,A,5,appearance n,出现;外表,The building was like a prison in appearance.,这座建筑的外观像监狱。,We should not judge a person by his appearance.,我们不应该以貌取人。,by all appearances,显然,in appearance,看起来;外表上,make ones appearance,登台,出现,即境活用,5,The environmentalists said wild goats _ on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment.,A,escape B,absence,C,attendance D,appearance,解析,appearance,出现。,escape,逃跑;,absence,缺席;,attendance,出席。,答案,D,6,wander vi.,漫游;漫步;漂泊,His eyes wandered towards the photographs on the wall.,他的目光慢慢地移向墙上的照片。,Ill just wander around the mall for half an hour.,我要在商场闲逛半个小时。,【,思维拓展,】,wander about/over.,漫游,wander through.,穿过,wander off away,迷路;走散,即境活用,6,We were having class when a sudden noise set my mind _.,A,flying B,wandering,C,racing D,flowing,解析,wander,漫游。,fly,飞;,race,赛跑;,flow,流动。,答案,B,7,spot vt.,发现;认出,n.,斑点;污点;地点,I finally spotted my friend in the crowd.,我终于在人群中发现了我的朋友。,We walked along the beach looking for a spot to sit.,我们沿着海滩往前走,想找个地方坐下。,【,思维拓展,】,be spotted with,点辍着,on/upon the spot,当场;在现场,in a spot,处于困境,put sb. on the spot,使某人尴尬,即境活用,7,When the man was trying to break into the bank, he was caught by the police_.,A,in a spot B,on the spot,C,off the spot D,to the spot,解析,on the spot,当场。,答案,B,8,seek vt. & vi.,寻找;探索;寻求,They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter.,他们怎么也找不到一个藏身的地方。,We are currently seeking new ways of expanding our membership.,目前,我们正探索发展会员的新途径。,【,思维拓展,】,seek after,/for,寻找,/,追求,seek to do sth.,设法做某事,seek through,在,中搜索,seek sth. from sb.,向某人寻求某事,即境活用,8,More and more countries are trying to _ closer trade ties with China.,A,seek B,connect,C,search D,link,解析,seek,寻找。,connect,连接;,search,搜查;,link,联系。,答案,A,9,fault n,缺点,缺陷;故障;过失,过错,He had to admit that it was his fault.,他只得承认这是他的过错。,The truth is that I can find no fault with her.,事实是,我对她挑不出一点毛病。,find fault in,看出,的缺点;找出,毛病,find fault (with),挑剔;找,(,的,),岔子;对,吹毛求疵,【,易混辨析,】,fault, weakness,与,mistake,fault,多指性格上的弱点,行为上的过失,强调因过失所导致的应负的责任。,mistake,指“错误;误会,误解”,多指缺乏正确理解造成行动上或认识上的错误。,weakness,指弱点或不足之处,是通用词,很少具有特殊的词义色彩。,Its your fault to make such a mistake.,是你的过失导致了这样的错误。,We all have our little weakness.,我们都有小的弱点。,He made several mistakes in the exam.,这次考试他犯了几处错误。,即境活用,9,The glass is broken. Its my _.,A,fault B,mistake,C,error D,shortcoming,解析,fault,过失,过错,符合句意。,mistake,错误;,error,误差;,shortcoming,短处,缺点。,答案,A,考点短语,1,bring up,抚养;培养;呕吐;教育;提升,He left her to bring up the three young children on her own.(,抚养,),I shall bring up this question at the next meeting. (,提出,),He was so sick that he brought up everything.(,呕吐,),In my day, children were brought up to respect the law. (,教育,),【,思维拓展,】,bring about,导致;造成,bring back,带回;恢复,bring down,降低;减少,bring forth,使产生,bring in,带来;引进;赚钱,bring on,引起;导致;促进,bring out,使显现;出版;阐明,即境活用,10,Mr. Green _ his three children after his wife died.,A,brought up B,brought in,C,brought about D,brought out,解析,bring up,抚养。,bring in,引进;,bring about,引起;,bring out,展现。,答案,A,2,go ahead,前进;,(,用于祈使句,),可以;往下说,You go ahead; well catch up with you later.,你先走一步;我们随后就跟上。,The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned.,新桥的修建将按计划进行。,【,思维拓展,】,go after,追求;设法获得,go against,反对,违背,go by,路过,go in for,从事;爱好,go out,外出;,(,灯、火,),熄灭,go over,检查;复习,go through,经历;游览,go up,上升;上涨,即境活用,11,May I use your pen?,_,,,please.,A,Go ahead B,Go on,C,Go out D,Of course not,解析,go ahead,用吧。,答案,A,3,on the contrary,与此相反;正相反,You didnt bother me. On the contrary, I like your company.,你没有打扰我。相反,我喜欢有你做伴。,【,思维拓展,】,to the contrary,意思相反的,/,地;完全不同的,/,地,be contrary to,与,相反,just/quite the contrary,恰恰相反,即境活用,12,This is not a cheap way to get more water; _,,,it is not a little expensive.,A,worse still B,on the contrary,C,in short D,in addition,解析,on the contrary,正好相反。,worse still,更为糟糕的是;,in short,简言之;,in addition,另外。,答案,B,4,take a chance,冒险;碰碰运气,Lets take a chance. There may still be some tickets left.,让我们碰碰运气看。或许还有票剩下。,【,思维拓展,】,get/have a chance,有机会,take chance,抓住机会,by chance/accident,碰巧;偶然,take ones chance,碰运气;听天由命,(The) chances are (that),.,可能性是,There is a chance that.,可能是,即境活用,13,The rope might break, but thats a chance well have to _.,A,have B,get,C,take D,make,解析,take a chance,冒险。,答案,C,5,as for,至于;关于,Nick can stay, but as for you, you can get out of my sight.,尼克可以留下来,但是至于你,可以从我眼前消失了。,【,易混辨析,】,as for/as to,(1)as for,至于,常用于单句或并列句之首,用来引入新话题,所引话题常带有消极或轻视之义。,(2)as to,至于,关于,根据,尤其用于争论和做出决定时,在语体上,as to,比,as for,更正式;且,as to,之后可跟宾语从句。,Hes very uncertain as to whether its the right job for him.,关于他是否适合做这项工作,他实在拿不准。,The fabrics were arranged as to size and colour.,纺织品按规格和颜色排列。,即境活用,14,She could stay for one day or two days, but _ whether she is staying for a week, it would be out of the question.,A,as for B,as far as,C,as to D,but for,解析,as to,后可跟从句;,as for,后跟名词或动名词。,答案,C,6,by accident,偶然;无意中;不小心,As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident.,事实上,我在英国上岸是偶然的。,【,思维拓展,】,by chance,偶然;意外,by any chance,万一;碰巧,by no means,绝不,by means of,凭借;通过,by mistake,由于差错,by the hour,按小时,by weight,按重量,即境活用,15,Have you seen my notebook?,Oh, Jane must have taken it _,;,she has the same one as yours.,A,on purpose B,by chance,C,by accident D,by mistake,解析,take sth. by mistake,拿错某物。,答案,D,重点句型,1,Well, towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.,傍晚时我发现我被一阵大风刮到海上去了。,句中,“,find oneself, 宾补,”,指,(,不知不觉地,),发现自己处于某情况中,多表示意料之外的情况。该句型中可用形容词、介词短语、现在分词及过去分词作宾补。,Jack found himself more and more interested in collecting stamps.,杰克不自觉地对集邮越来越感兴趣。,The soldiers found themselves walking in the opposite direction.,战士们发现他们自己居然走向相反的方向。,Then I found myself surrounded by a troop of children.,这时,我发现很多孩子围住了我。,即境活用,16,What happened to you this afternoon?,I found myself _ to the tree when I came to life.,A,tying B,tied,C,to be tied D,was tied,解析,find myself tied to the tree,发现自己被捆在树上。,答案,B,2,Indeed, sir, I hope youll come here whenever you like.,先生,真的,我希望您随时光临。,句中,whenever,引导让步状语从句,意为,“,在任何时候,无论何时,”,,这一从句可以用,no matter when,替换。可以这样使用的连词有,wherever,no matter where,。,Ill discuss with you about the matter whenever you like.,你愿意什么时候我就什么时候和你商量这件事情。,Wherever there is enough rainfall, the crops are growing well.,无论哪里有足够的雨水,庄稼就长得好。,【,思维拓展,】,whatever,无论什么,,whoever,无论谁,,whichever,不管哪一个,/,些,,however,adj,./,ad,v,.,都可以引导让步状语从句。,However hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish this loaf of bread.,无论我多么饿,我都好像无法吃掉这条面包。,Whatever your problems are, you mustnt lose heart.,不管你面临的是什么问题,都不要失去信心。,即境活用,17,The lawyer seldom wears anything other than a suit _ the season.,A,whatever B,wherever,C,whenever D,however,解析,whatever the season,无论什么季节。,答案,A,3,The next morning, Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship.,第二天早晨我正感到绝望的时候,一艘轮船发现了我。,had just done. when.,刚做完某事,这时,be doing. when.,正在做,这时,be about to do. when.,正要做,这时,be on the point of doing. when.,正要做,这时,I was about to leave when it began to rain.,我刚要离开这时天下起了雨。,She was wandering through the street when she caught sight of a tailors shop.,她正在街上徘徊,,(,这时,),忽然看见了一家裁缝店。,即境活用,18,Jenny was holidaying with her family in the countryside _ she was bitten on the leg by a dog.,A,while B,as,C,when D,before,解析,be doing. when.,正在干某事突然。,答案,C,堂,课,双,基,.,词义辨析,1,Investigators are now on the _,,,searching for clues to the cause of the explosion.,A,platform,B,stage,C,court D,scene,解析,scene,现场。,platform,讲台,站台;,stage,舞台;,court,法庭。,答案,D,2,As soon as I try to work, my mind starts _,,,which annoys me much.,A,wandering B,reminding,C,absorbing D,arising,解析,wander,徘徊。,remind,提醒;,absorb,吸收;,arise,出现。,答案,A,3,Carrying a gun without a _ is punishable by up to four years in prison.,A,brand B,permit,C,type D,spot,解析,permit,许可证。,brand,商标,品牌;,type,类型;,spot,斑点。,答案,B,4,“,I dont think it is my _ that the TV blew up. I just turned it on, and thats all.,”,said the boy.,A,belief B,manner,C,fault D,shortcoming,解析,fault,过失,过错。,manner,行为;举止;,belief,信仰;,shortcoming,缺点。,答案,C,5,Dick is very tall, so he is easy to _ in a crowd.,A,spot B,stare,C,shock D,ignore,解析,spot,发现。,stare,盯着;,shock,使震惊;,ignore,忽视,不理睬。,答案,A,6,I think you should _ medical advice if symptoms last more than a week.,A,consult B,seek,C,benefit D,concern,解析,seek,寻找。,consult,咨询;,benefit,使受益;,concern,关心。,答案,B,7,Ill look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little _.,A,power B,weight,C,patience D,impression,解析,patience,耐心。,power,权力;,weight,重量;,impression,印象。,答案,C,8,_ to popular belief, sharks do not often attack humans.,A,Convenient B,Accessible,C,Obvious D,Contrary,解析,contrary to,与,相反。,convenient,方便的;,accessible,可到达的;,obvious,明显的。,答案,D,9,The manager requested the salesgirls to treat customers in a friendly _.,A,amount B,manner,C,scene D,basis,解析,manner,方式。,amount,数量;,scene,现场;,basis,基础。,答案,B,10,Shots rang out, and people started _ in terror.,A,applauding B,exploring,C,competing D,screaming,解析,scream,尖叫。,applaud,喝彩;,compete,竞争;,explore,探索。,答案,D,.,短语填空,1,He was _ in London, and came to America for further education.,2,It wasnt a good thing; _ it was a huge mistake.,3,Success in business is simply a matter of knowing when to _.,4,I found a woman _ trembling with cold at the corner of the street.,5,They found the cave quite _ when they were walking across the field.,6,Dont worry about your accommodation. Ill _ it.,7,_,,,I dont quite agree to this plan.,8,We had a wonderful time in the country. _ the traffic, we had no difficulty.,9,Shall I go on with the talk?,Sure. _. Theyre all listening.,10,How do you _ the sudden disappearance of the murder weapon?,答案,1,brought up,2.on the contrary,3.take a chance,4,in rags,5.by accident,6.take care of,7,To be honest,8.As for,9.Go ahead,10,account for,.,单词拼写,1,Bob earned his _ (,船费,) on an English boat when he traveled to China.,2,Usain Bolt set an _(,难以置信的,) world record in the 100,meter race at the Beijing Olympics.,3,We missed the first few _ (,场景,) of the play because we were caught in a traffic jam.,4,It isnt your _ (,过错,). You neednt apologize to him.,5,The job is not tiring at all. On the _ (,相反,),,,its very relaxing.,6,By law, the youth under eighteen are not _ (,允许,) to enter net bars.,7,These children are very naughty, so you need _ (,耐心,) to deal with them.,8,Good _ (,举止,) are a very important key to your social success.,9,I dont like to talk with him; he has a very _ (,粗鲁的,) manner.,10,Recent pressure at school may _ (,解释,) for his strange behavior.,答案,1,passage,5,contrary,9,rude,


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