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2013,届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:,Unit 4 Pygmalion,(新人教版选修,8,),作,佳,诵,读,(2012,福建厦门市三校联考,),假如你是李华,几天前你的同学从某超市买回食品请同学吃,他们吃后食物中毒,被送往医院治疗后脱险。请给报社写一封信描述他们食物中毒及脱险的经过,呼吁社会重视食品安全问题。,注意:,(1),可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;,(2),信的开头已经写好,但不计入总词数;,(3),词数,120,左右。,Dear editor,,,Im writing to tell you something about the problem of food safety.,_,_,Yours,,,Li Hua,点,考,锁,定,.,重点词汇,1,_,n,结果;效果,2,_,adj,.(,见解或判断上,),错误的,_,v,t,.,弄错,3,_,n,谈论;言论;评述,v,t,.&,v,i,.,谈论;评论;说起,4,_,v,t,.,显露出,(,本来面目,),;背叛,5,_,v,t,.,谴责;使,注定,6,_,n,相识;了解;熟人,7,_,n,身份;地位;职位,8,_,adj,.,优秀的;较高的;上级的,n,.,上级;长官,9,_,n,&,v,i,.,妥协;折衷,10,_,adj,.,使人反感的;令人厌恶的,11,_,v,t,.,俯视;忽视;不理会,12,_,v,i,.&,v,t,.(,使,),褪色;减弱;逐渐消失,13,_,v,i,.,犹豫;踌躇,_,n,犹豫;踌躇,14,_,v,t,.,编排;分类;归类,_,n,分类;归类,15_n机会;运气;大笔的钱_adj.幸运的,答案,1outcome;mistakecondemn9 promise 10disgusting;hesitation 14classify;classification;fortunate,.,短语回顾,1,pass.off_.(,把某人,),改变或冒充成,2,_ones acquaintance,结识;与,相见,3,a handful_,一把;少量,4,_amazement,惊愕地,5,_speaking,一般说来,6,_terms of,就,来说;从,角度,7,show._,带,/,领,进来,show_,炫耀,8,_more,再一次,9,in need_,需要,_need,处于困境中,10,fade_(,声音、画面,),逐渐模糊;渐淡,答案,1,as,;,off,;,in,.,句式填空,1,while/when,doing,在句中作时间状语,_(,一边看,),,,he makes notes.,2,do,用于加强语气,Oh,,,_(,买一枝花吧,)off me, Captain.,3,“,be of,抽象名词,”,表示,“,具有,(,某特征或属性,),的,”,Will that_(,有用处的,)to you?,4,every time,作连词,引导时间状语从句,But they betray themselves_(,每次,)they open their mouths.,答案,1,While watching,2.do buy a flower,3.be of any use,4.every time,频,高,考,点,即境活用,1,We are best friends. Dont _ to turn to me when you are in trouble.,A,beg,B,hesitate,C,desire D,seek,解析,hesitate,犹豫。,beg,乞求;,seek,寻找;,desire,渴望。,答案,B,be mistaken about.,误解;对,持有错误的见解,be mistaken in doing sth.,做某事是错误的,mistake.for,把,错当成,by mistake,错误地;弄错,make a mistake,犯错误,即境活用,2,He is_about what I said.,A,mistaken B,scared,C,argued D,taken,解析,be mistaken about,对,误会。,答案,A,即境活用,3,Their decision_Internet addiction as a mental disease has caused much debate.,A,to classify B,classifying,C,being classified D,to be classified,解析,现在分词作定语。,答案,B,4,remark n,谈论;言论;评述,vt.,谈论;评说;说起,You can place a man by just a few remarks.,只需要几句话就可以判定一个人。,Dont make rude remarks about her appearance.,不要对她的容貌胡乱评论。,make a remark on,/upon/,about,对,发表意见,make the remark that.,评论;评说,remark that.,评论说,remark on/upon.,对,进行评论,即境活用,4,It was his_he made at the conference that left me wondering about his real purpose.,A,marks B,remarks,C,symbols D,signs,解析,remarks,言论,评述。,mark,记号;,symbol,象征;,sign,迹象。,答案,B,5,condemn v,谴责;使,注定;判处,His bad leg condemned him to a wheelchair.,他的残腿使他不得不坐在轮椅上。,condemn sth.,谴责某事,condemn sb. for.,因,而谴责某人,be condemned to death,被判死刑,condemn sb. to sth.,迫使,(,某人,),处于,(,某种,),状态;使某人注定,condemn sb. to do sth.,使某人注定做,即境活用,5,She will be_three years in jail at least as a result of encouraging others to take drug.,A,condemned B,condemned to,C,condemning to D,condemning,解析,be condemned to,被判处。,答案,B,6,compromise n,& vi.,妥协;折衷,He asked more than I was willing to pay, so we compromised on a price.,他的要价超出我愿意付的数目,因而我们就价钱问题做了折衷。,The dispute was settled by compromise.,那项争端以折衷方式解决。,make a compromise with,与,妥协,compromise with sb. on.,与某人就,妥协,by compromise,通过妥协,reach a compromise,达成议协,即境活用,6,(2012,湖北孝感市统考,)We need to _with them on the price of the house.,A,compromise B,quarrel,C,argue D,consult,解析,compromise,折衷。句意:我们需要与他们就房子的价格做一下折衷。,答案,A,7,overlook vt.,俯视;未看到;忽视;不理会,Accidents happen when safety checks are overlooked.,忽视安全检查就会发生事故。,These little details are easily overlooked.,这些琐碎的细节很容易被忽略。,overlook the valley,俯瞰山谷,overlook ones mistake,原谅某人的过失,即境活用,7,Any good tips for me, Sir?,Never_your shortcomings and try to improve yourself in every way.,A,forget B,overlook,C,undertake D,mistake,解析,overlook,忽视,不理会。,答案,B,8,dismiss vt.,开除;让,离开,Dismissing her fears, she climbed higher.,消除了恐惧,她爬得更高了。,Three workers were dismissed for being lazy.,三个工人因懒惰而被解雇。,dismiss sb.(from sth.),开除;解雇;让某人离开;消除,dismiss,在表示,“,开除;解雇,”,时的同义词为,send away,;反义词为,take on,或,employ,“,雇佣,”,。,即境活用,8,The boss threatened to_all the employees who had expressed their sympathy for the strike.,A,disappear B,disagree,C,dismiss D,delay,解析,dismiss,开除,符合句意。,delay,延迟;,disappear,消失;,disagree,不同意。,答案,C,9,acquaintance n,相识;了解;熟人,I made his acquaintance at a party.,我是在一个聚会上认识他的。,He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language.,他稍微会一点儿日语。,He has a wide circle of acquaintances.,他交友甚广。,make ones acquaintance,结识;与,相见,make the acquaintance of sb.,结识某人,acquaintance with sth.,/sb.,对某事物,/,某人了解,on further acquaintance,认识一段时间后,即境活用,9,At the hotel, I made the_of a young American actor.,A,acquaintance B,choice,C,performance D,difference,解析,make the acquaintance of sb.,与某人结识。,choice,选择;,performance,表演;,difference,不同,区别。,答案,A,betray a secret to sb.,向某人泄露秘密,betray ones trust,辜负某人的信任,betray oneself,暴露本来面目,原形毕露,即境活用,10,He betrayed his friends_the enemy, which surprised us all.,A,to B,for,C,with D,by,解析,betray sb. to sb.,向某人出卖某人。,答案,A,即境活用,11,_,,,the more expensive the camera, the better its quality.,A,General speaking B,Speaking general,C,Generally speaking D,Speaking generally,解析,generally speaking,一般说来。,答案,C,2,in terms of.,就,来说,从,角度,In terms of natural resources, it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe.,从自然资源来看,它是西欧最穷的国家之一。,In terms of money Im quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.,金钱,我富有;幸福,我缺乏。,come to terms with,达成协议,和好;接受,适应,be on good,/bad terms,关系良好,/,不好,in the long,/short term,就长,/,短期而言,in ones terms,在某人看来,on equal terms,在平等的条件下,即境活用,12,(2012,山西太原市测评,)This university stands out_teaching equipment.,A,in face of B,in place of,C,in terms of D,in line with,解析,in terms of,就,而言。,in face of,面对;,in place of,代替;,in line with,与,一致。,答案,C,3,fade out(,声音、画面,),逐渐模糊;渐淡,The picture faded out over the time.,这张照片随着时光逐渐模糊。,【,思维拓展,】,fade away,消失;逐渐减弱;褪色,fade in,淡入;渐渐显示出;使渐强,(,指电影、电视中的画面与声音,),fade up,渐强,(,指电视、广播中的声音,),即境活用,13,When day dawned, stars_from the sky.,A,kept away B,faded out,C,gave out D,died out,解析,fade out,消失。,keep away,远离;,give out,用完,耗尽;,die out,灭绝。,答案,B,4,pass. off as(,某人,),冒充,She passed herself off as an experienced actress.,她冒充有经验的演员。,【,思维拓展,】,pass away,消失;去世,pass by(,时间,),逝去,pass.down (from sb.) to sb.,把,传给,;把,往下传,pass.on to,传递,pass out,晕倒,pass through,经历;体验,pass over,忽略;省略,即境活用,14,He passed himself off _ a businessman in the war.,A,as B,by,C,at D,with,解析,pass off.as,冒充。,答案,A,5,show.in,带,/,领,进来,Show her in, Mrs Pearce.,珀斯夫人,领她进去。,【,思维拓展,】,show sb. out,领某人出去,show sb. into,领某人进入,show sb. around/round,领某人参观,show sb. to the door,送某人到门口,show off,炫耀,show up,出席;到场,即境活用,15,(2012,江苏栟茶中学调研,)Poor as she was,,,she was eager for attention.Thus she had to think of borrowing some jewels to _at the party.,A,show up B,show out,C,show in D,show off,解析,show off,炫耀。,show up,出席;,show out,领某人出去;,show in,领某人进去。,答案,D,对比:,So what,?那又怎么样?,He doesnt like your suggestion.,他不喜欢你的建议。,So what? Anyway, the majority are for it.,那又怎么样?反正,多数都支持。,即境活用,16,_he gets angry?,A,So what B,What if,C,If D,Whether,解析,what if,倘使,怎么办。,答案,B,2,How about beginning with the alphabet?,先从字母教起怎么样?,How/What about.,?是常用句型,介词,about,后可接名词、代词、动名词,多用于征求意见。注意:征求对方对某事或某人的看法时还可以用下列句型:,What do you think of.,?询问某人或某物稳定的特点或某人的相貌、性格。,How do you like/find.,?询问容易变化的特征,如天气、旅途或电影、电视、比赛等。,What is/are.like,?询问天气或某人、某物的外表特征。,How about going for a walk,?去散步好吗?,What do you think of the customs here?,你认为这儿的风俗如何?,How do you find your new job?,你认为你的新工作怎么样?,Whats the weather like in London?,伦敦的天气怎么样?,即境活用,17,_going to the cinema tonight?,A,How about B,How,C,What D,So how,解析,How about doing sth.,做某事怎么样?,答案,A,3,Will that be of any use to you,?那对你有用吗?,be of,n,.,具有,(,特征,/,属性,),,相当于,be,(,相应的,),形容词。,be of use,be useful,I dont think the new book is of any use to me.,我觉得这本新书对我没有用处。,【,思维拓展,】,be of great,/little/,no use,非常有用,/,几乎无用,/,没用,be of great,/little/,no value,非常有价值,/,几乎没有价值,/,没有价值,be of great,/little/,no importance,非常重要,/,不大重要,/,不重要,The suggestion given by him is of great use to us.,他提出的建议对我们很有用。,The young man is of great importance in deciding the future of his family.,这个年轻人对于决定他家族的未来有着很重要的作用。,即境活用,18,This book is_great value for you.,A,in B,of,C,with D,at,解析,of great value,有价值。,答案,B,堂,课,双,基,.,词义辨析,1,Having retired from business, he now _ himself with the welfare of the disabled and lives a meaningful life.,A,associates,B,occupies,C,charges D,rewards,解析,occupy oneself. with sth.,忙于,。,答案,B,2,Eggs are _ by weight as Extra Large, Large,,,Medium, and Small.,A,separated B,distributed,C,arranged D,classified,解析,classify,分类。,separate,分开;,distribute,分配;,arrange,安排。,答案,D,3,She tried to pretend to be calm, but her voice _ her nervousness.,A,betrayed B,condemned,C,faded D,bothered,解析,betray,背叛,出卖。,condemn,谴责;,fade,消褪;,bother,烦扰。,答案,A,4,Bryant was _ from his job when he was caught stealing money.,A,undertaken B,committed,C,dismissed D,indicated,解析,dismiss,开除,解雇。,undertake,承担;,commit,犯;,indicate,预示。,答案,C,5,The mayor was strongly _ by the public for the citys high crime rate.,A,charged B,accused,C,argued D,condemned,解析,condemn,谴责。,charge,控告;,accuse,指责;,argue,争论。,答案,D,6,He has been dreaming of making a_ .,A,pence B,credit,C,fortune D,status,解析,make a fortune,发财。,pence,便士;,credit,信用;,status,身份。,答案,C,7,The clothes a person wears may express his _ or social position.,A,curiosity B,status,C,determination D,significance,解析,status,身份,地位。,curiosity,好奇心;,determination,决心;,significance,意义。,答案,B,8,These details are easily _,,,so you should pay attention to them.,A,classified B,overlooked,C,compromised D,resisted,解析,overlook,忽视。,classify,分类;,resist,抵抗;,compromise,折衷。,答案,B,9,Hopes of finding the missing climbers are now beginning to_.,A,reduce B,faint,C,fade D,sink,解析,fade,消褪。,reduce,减少;,faint,晕眩;,sink,下沉。,答案,C,10,This medicine turned out to be quite _ against cancer.,A,effective B,accessible,C,sensitive D,convenient,解析,effective,有效的。,accessible,可接近的;,sensitive,敏感的;,convenient,方便的。,答案,A,.,短语填空,in terms of; in need of; apart from; take.for.; pass.off; fade out; shelter from; take down; hold up; deal with,1,There is rarely any attempt to _ these copies _ as originals.,2,Will all those in favour_ the right hand?,3,We sat in the shade, _ the sun.,4,Have you any concrete thoughts on how to _this difficulty?,5,The idea seemed to _ and the club was never formed.,6,She carefully _ my name and phone number in her book.,7,_their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.,8,I wont tell her the secret,what do you _ me_,?,9,The house is _ a thorough cleaning before we move in.,10,The job is great _ salary, but it has its disadvantages.,答案,1,pass; off,2.hold up,3.sheltering from,4.deal with,5.fade out,6.took down,7.Apart from,;,for,9.in need of,10.in terms of,.,单词拼写,1,Luckily, he made a_(,大笔的钱,) by dealing with foreigners.,2,If you have any questions, please dont_(,犹豫,)to ask me.,3,Todays computers are_(,优秀的,)to any one we had ten years ago.,4,Lets_(,折衷,)and each pay half the damages.,5,We must think how we can make the room more_(,舒服的,)for you.,6,If Im not_(,错误的,),,,thats the man we saw on the bus.,7,We can_(,俯视,)the sea from the window of our room.,8,That was a really_(,可怕的,)thing to say!,9,He was_(,判刑,)to death for murder and later hanged.,10,Our happiness began to_(,减弱,) and our heart began to grow heavy.,答案,1,fortune,


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