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BOT is a popular variant of the turnkey project. For a BOT project, a firm operate a facility for a period of time after building it up before finally transferring it to a foreign company.,4. patent,6.,value chain,: the chain of activities by which a company buys in materials, creates a good or service, markets it, and provides services after a sale is made. Each step creates more value for the consumer.,(Text P13 Ex2/ Reference P10,P15 E1-4),Translation (R-P16),国际贸易一般指不同国家的当事人进行的交易,它涉及到许多因素,因而比国内贸易要复杂得多。他们在法制体系、货币、文化和自然条件与经济条件方面都有所不同,International business refers to,transaction,between parties from different countries. It involves more factors and thus is more complicated than domestic business. They are quite different in legal systems, currency, cultural and natural and economic conditions.,2.,随着经济全球化的发展,无形贸易即使在发展中国家的国际贸易中所占的比例也逐渐增大,With the development of,economic globalization, invisible trade,accounts for,an increasing,proportion,of the world trade even in the developing countries.,3. BOT,是 “交钥匙”工程的一种流行的变通形式,BOT is a popular,variant,of the turnkey project,International Business English,LESSON TWO,Income level and the world market,Business Knowledge,GNP and GDP,are two important concepts used to,indicate a countrys total income.,GNP (gross national product),refers,to the market value of goods and services produced by the,property and labor owned by the residents,of an economy.(,国民原则,).,GDP,measures the market value of all goods and services produced within the,geographic,area of an economy,(国土原则),.,The major,difference,between them is that the former focuses on,ownership,of the factors of production while the latter concentrates,on the place,where production takes place; the former stresses the,income,generated by turning out the products while the latter ,the value of the products themselves. And we can use them interchangeable.,Per capita income and per capita GDP,Per capita income,is calculated by dividing its national income by its population.,per capita GDP,is calculated by dividing its total GDP by its population.,Per capita GDP reveals the average income level of consumers, which is important when marketing consumer durables.,Business Knowledge,Countries of the world are divided by the World Bank into three categories of high-income, middle-income and low-income economies,.,Standards for classification,:,High-income countries,refer to those with,annual per capita income,of $9386 and above, e.g. the United States.,Middle-income countries,refer to those with annual per capita income of below $9386 but above $765, e.g. Greece.,Low-income countries,refer to those with annual per capita income of only $765 or below, e.g. most African countries,PPP,(purchasing power parity),购买力平价,: parity between two currencies at a rate of exchange that will give each currency exactly the same purchasing power in its own economy.,Representative countires:,OECD,stands for Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. An organization that acts as a meeting ground for 30 countries which believe strongly in the free market system. The OECD provides a forum for discussing issues and reaching agreements, some of which are legally binding.,Business Knowledge,High income countries are important to trade and investment,: Because high-income countries often have good infrastructure, high purchasing power, advanced technology, efficient management, and favorable environment for trade and investment. They offer prime markets for expensive consumer goods and both attractive sources and destinations of investment.,But lower income countries should not be neglected in international business activities, because they constitute markets for lower-priced staple goods, provide cheap labor and are often rich in resources. What is more important, market is something to be developed. Once tapped, the business potential of these countries will one day become real business opportunities.,The best policy for China to develop business opportunities,is that we should pay particular attention to the markets around us: the Four Tigers, the ASEAN countries, Russia, India and a bit farther away Australia, at the same time, do not neglect other markets. It is not a good idea to tie ones business to only a few markets,Business Knowledge,Triad,refers to the three richest regions of the world, the United States, the European Union and Japan that offer the most important business opportunities.,Quad,extends the scope of Triad to include Canada,2012,一季度世界主要经济体排名,中国,GDP,总量靠前,,per capita GDP,靠后。总量超越,理性看待,Trade term,national income,国民收入,: the total net value of all goods and services produced within a nation over a specified period of time, representing the sum of wages, profits, rents, interest, and pension payments to residents of the nation.,staple goods,大路货,: goods produced or stocked in large quantities to meet steady demand.,3.,income distribution,收入分配,: the proportion of a markets rich, middle and low income people.,4.,infrastructure,基础设施,: the basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and communications systems, water and power lines, and public institutions including schools, post offices, and prisons.,5.,creditor country,债权国,: the country to which money or its equivalent is owed.,Translation,国民生产总值和国内生产总值体现了一个国家的全部收入,在衡量国民收入方面可以互换使用,GNP and GDP indicate a countrys,total income,. They can be used,interchangeably,to measure the level of its national income .,2.,商界人士非常关心一个市场的收入分配,因为如果在低收入国家他们就要以生产价格低廉的大路货为主,Business people,are concerned about,the,income distribution,because they have to,major in,producing,lower-priced,staple goods,if it is in a lower-income country.,3.,欧盟作为三方组合的一个分支,在使我们的市场多元化方面起着相当重要的作用,EU, as one,leg,of Triad, plays an important role,in the respect of,diversifying,our market,International Business English,LESSON Three,Regional Economic Integration,Business Knowledge,The major objectives of regional integration,is,to better enjoy the benefit of free flow of goods, services, capital, labor and other resources,at the same time possibly put up barriers to economic activities with non-members.,four levels of regional economic integration,:,1.,free trade area (FTAs),it is the first and loosest form,of economic integration. members remove barriers to the flow of goods and services among themselves while each member still adopts its own policy as regards to trade with outsiders. The most notable free trade area is the North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA),2.,Customs Union,is a,further step,. It adopts the same trade policy for all the members toward countries outside their organization in addition to abolishing trade barriers among themselves. It is more integrative than free trade area.(Southern Cone Customs Union),3.,Common Market,is the further up the scale of regional economic integration. Besides free movement of goods and services and adoption of common external trade policy,factors of production,such as labor, capital and technology are free to move among members so that they can be utilized in a more efficient and productive way. In the past, the European Community remained a common market for some years.,Business Knowledge,four levels of regional economic integration,:,4.,economic union,is,the highest form,of economic integration. Which is characterized by integration of the domestic policies of its members in respect of economy, finance etc. in addition to absence of trade barriers, practice of common external policy and free production factor mobility. The members are required not only to harmonize their taxation, government expenditure, industry policies, etc, but also use the same currency(EU-euro),成员国之间的自由贸易,共同对外关税,生产要素的自由流动,各种经济政策的协调,Free trade area,Customs union,Common market,Economic union,Business Knowledge,European Union (EU),:,the economic association of over a dozen European countries which seek to create a unified, barrier-free market for products and services throughout the continent, as well as a common currency with a unified authority over that currency.,the origin and development of the EU,: The European Unions history dates back to the early post-war years. 1952-the European Coal and Steel Community;1957-the European Economic Community;1967-the European Community;1992-the true common market as envisaged by the Single European Act;1994 the European Union,The most powerful institution of the EU,is the,Council of Ministers,.,Its executive body is the European Commission,. It is composed of 20 commissioners overseeing 23 departments in charge of different affair. Though appointed by member governments, the commissioners are responsible to the Union instead of their home country.,Business Knowledge,European Union (EU),:,Business Knowledge,Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC),:,is an international group of countries and economies whose goal is to promote trade and investment by changing policies and laws that slow down and, or prevent the process of people doing business with each other. it was not exactly an organization but an official forum.,The tenet and objectives of APEC,are ”inter-dependence, mutual benefits, adhering to and open and multilateral trading system and reduction of regional trade barriers”.,The two wheels of APEC,refers to trade and investment liberation and facilitation (TILF) and economic and technical cooperation (ECOTECH),APEC has a five-layer organizational structure,.,The first is the Informal Meeting of Economic leaders held annually.,The second is the Dual-Ministerial Meeting attended by foreign ministers(excluding Chinese Taipei and Hong Kong) and ministers in charge of foreign trade.,The third is the Meeting for Ministers Responsible for Trade.,The fourth is the Senior Officials Meeting.,The fifth layer refers to the four subordinate committees under SOM,Business Knowledge,Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC),:,Business Knowledge,Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC),:,a group of countries which are major producers and exporters of crude petroleum. The organization, set up in1960, acts as a forum for discussion of and agreement on the level at which the member countries should fix the price of their crude petroleum exports by production quotas.,the nature of OPEC,is commodity cartel. Its objective is to limit the overall crude oil supply of the world for the purpose of maintaining higher oil prices.,Trade term,eonomic integration,经济一体化,:economic integration is a term used to describe how different aspects between economies are integrated. As economic integration increases, the barriers of trade between markets diminish. The most integrated economy today, between independent nations, is the European Union and its euro zone.,tariff rates,关税率,: proportion of duties.,3.,cartel,卡特尔,:,a combination of independent business organizations formed to regulate production, pricing, and marketing of goods by the members.,4,.,North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA,北美自由贸易协定,):NAFTA is a trade agreement between Canada, Mexico, the United States, which entered into force on January 1, 1994. It was preceded in 1988 by a trade agreement covering Canada and the U.S.the CanadaU.S. Free Trade Agreement, which served as a negotiating framework for the expanded agreement.,Translation,各成员国采用相同的贸易政策,以扫除彼此之间商品、服务自由流通的障碍,The member countries,adopt,the same trade policy so as,to remove barriers,to the,free flow,of goods and services among themselves.,2.,共同市场具有使商品,服务,劳动力甚至资本,技术在各成员国之间自由流通的特点,.,The common market,is characterized by,the free flow of capital and technology besides goods, services and labor,3.,欧盟是一个机构齐全的实体,其历史可以追溯到,1952,年,.,The European Union is a,full-fledge,d entity, whose history,dates back,to 1952.,各国推行自由贸易就是为了更好地享受地区经济一体化带来的益处。,Countries liberalize trade in order to better enjoy the benefit of regional economic integration.,International Business English,LESSON FOUR,Economic Globalization,Business Knowledge,Business Knowledge,芭比娃娃由:,中国大陆,生产棉布衣服;,台湾地区,生产塑料身体;,日本制造,尼龙头发;,马来西亚,负责组装;,最后,美国,贴上标签负责全球销售,Business Knowledge,数据线(泰国),充电器(中国),处理器(美国),储存卡(美国)液晶屏(日本),电路板整合(芬兰),Business Knowledge,Economic globalization as an objective trend,Basic feature,is the free flow of commodity, capital, technology, service and information in the global context for,optimized allocation,.,Advantages and negative impacts:,1.,advantages, it is to give new impetus and provide opportunities to world economic development and economic integration enables countries benefit from the boom of other countries.,2.,negative impacts,meanwhile, it is making the various economies more and more interdependent and interactive, thus making countries more vulnerable to the adverse events across the globe; besides, different countries and peoples do not enjoy balanced benefits in it.,1997,年亚洲金融危机,/,微笑曲线,The right attitude,should be to follow the trend closely, availing the opportunities it offers to develop ourselves and avoiding its possible impacts.,Business Knowledge,不同生产环节的附加价值,比如,,一双售价为,80-120,美元的耐克鞋,在珠三角鞋加工企业的利润只有美元。,一台,600,美元的,IPHONE4,苹果挣,360,美元,而中国的组装企业只得到每台不足,6,美元的酬劳,Business Knowledge,Multinational corporations,A typical,multinational enterprise MNE,shall be defined,as a business organization which owns (whether wholly or partly), controls and manages assets, often including productive resources, in more than one country, through its member companies incorporated separately in each of these countries.,Organization-parent and affiliate:,1. in a typical multinational enterprise(MNE), each its member company is known as a multinational corporation(MNC). Each MNC is purported to represent certain interests (or fulfill certain goals) of the multinational enterprise and is linked to one another within the organizational framework of the same MNE.,2.If a multinational corporation is the original investing corporation, it is the,parent MNC, which is normally also the international headquarters of the MNE. Otherwise, if it is established as the result of investments by the MNE, whether through the parent or through another of its already established MNC, it is an,affiliated MNC,.,Business Knowledge,Multinational corporations,characteristics:,1. enormous size,2. wide geographical spread,3. longer and rapid growth,Needs, goals, and roles:,1. profit: Like most business organizations, MNEs are formed for profits. There is little doubt that the profit goal represents the basic need of the MNEs shareholders. It is also the need of all groups interested in the continued survival of the MNE.,2. security,3. as vehicles for cross-border transfer of resources.,Business Knowledge,Multinational corporations,Four types:,Multinational Corporations can be classified into four different types according to their organization and way of operation,1.,The first type is called multi-domestic corporation,that is a group of relatively independent,subsidiaries,. The parent company delegates sufficient power to teach subsidiary to manage the production and marketing in the host country for the needs of local customers. This is a useful approach when there are distinct differences in the specific conditions of host countries,2.,The second type is the global corporations,which operates under an opposite principle from the first type and views the world market as an integrated whole. Power and responsibility are concentrated at the headquarters that manages production and marketing to achieve the economies of scale as much as possible,3.,the third type, the transnational corporation, aims to combine the advantages of the above two ways of operation so as to achieve both efficiency and flexibility. The activities and resources of the transnational corporation are neither highly centralized as the second type nor decentralized as the first type but are integrated in an interdependent network of affiliates.,4.,The fourth type,can be referred to as,world companies,as their national identities are blurred to a large extent. Very few companies, if any, have reached this level of internationalization. But they will be great movers of economic globalization.,衡量跨国公司有两个指标,:,一个是公司在国外资产的规模,;,一个是公司在国外的资产占总资产的比重,。,Trade term,Shareholders,股东,:owner of business shares,board of directors,董事会,:a group of people controlling a company, usu. consisting of the large shareholders of the company.,inputs,投入,: the services of factors of production and usage of fuels, materials and intermediate products necessary for process of production.,home country,母公司所在国,:the country where the parent company of a MNE locates.,host country,东道国,:the country where an affiliate MNC locates.,International Business English,LESSON 21.,WTO and China,Business Knowledge,GATT,Most-favored nation clause and generalized system of preferences,MFN(,最惠国条款,),is laid down in part 1 of GATT as one of basic obligations to be fulfill by the contracting parties. MFN clause lays down the,non-discriminated principle,in world trade, which means that the conditions applied to the most-favored trading nation(i.e. the one with the least restrictions) apply to all trading nations. In effect, having MFN status means that ones nation will not be treated worse than anyone elses nation.,The Generalized system of preferences(GSP),普惠制,:,The Generalized System of Preferences is meant to assist developing countries in their economic development efforts. The GSP was established in 1968 after years of endeavors by developing countries in the UNCTAD and the GATT. Under the system, developed countries grant developing countries favorable lower tariffs without granting them to developed members. And the developing countries do not have to reciprocate such favorable treatment to the developed countries.,Business Knowledge,The three major objectives of WTO,are:,1) to promote free trade by encouraging members to adopt nondiscriminatory, predictable trade policies;,2)to further reduce trade barriers through multilateral negotiations;,3)to establish more effective trade dispute settlemen


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