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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,LOGO,本作品采用,知识共享署名-非商业性使用 2.5 中国大陆许可协议,进行许可。,专业交流,模板超市,设计服务,NordriDesign中国专业PowerPoint媒体设计与开发,本作品的提供是以适用知识共享组织的公共许可( 简称“CCPL” 或 “许可”) 条款为前提的。本作品受著作权法以及其他相关法律的保护。对本作品的使用不得超越本许可授权的范围。,如您行使本许可授予的使用本作品的权利,就表明您接受并同意遵守本许可的条款。在您接受这些条款和规定的前提下,许可人授予您本许可所包括的权利。,查看全部,Unit Six,Payment Terms,1. New Words & Expressions,2. Useful Sentences,3.,Listening Practice,5. Practice & Keys to Exercises,4.Conversations视频,terms of payment 支付方式,D/A (Document against Acceptance) 承兑交单,D/PDocument against Payment 付款交单,irrevocable irevkbl adj. 不可撤销,Letter of Credit (L/C) 信用证,at sight 即期,acceptable kseptbl adj. 可以承受的,usual practice 习惯做法、惯例,effect payment 付款,costly kstli adj. 费用昂贵的,flexible fleksbl adj. 灵活的,world monetary market 国际货币市场,unstable nsteibl adj. 不稳定的,to be on the safe side 为保险起见,customary terms 惯例,make concession 做出让步,NEW WORDS & EXPRESSIONS,understanding .ndstndi n. 理解,tie up funds 占用资金,T/T (telegraphic transfer) 电汇,additional dinl adj. . 额外的,expense ikspens n. 费用,profit margin 利润空间,down payment 定金,remit rimit v. 汇款,a/c no. (account no.) 账号,stipulate stipjuleit v. 规定,application plikein n. 申请,loss ls n. 损失,misunderstanding misndstndi 误会,concern kns:n n. 关心,subsequent sbsikwnt adj. 以后的,amendment mendmnt n. 修改,NEW WORDS & EXPRESSIONS,USEFUL SENTENCES,建议和选择付款方式,1. I wonder if we can make payment for this order by documentary collection.,不知道我们是否能用跟单托收作为这份订单的付款方式。,2. I would suggest you give us more favorable terms. What about D/A 我建议你们给与我方更优惠的条款, 用承兑交单付款可以吗,3. For this order, can we make payment by T/T,针对这宗订单, 我们可以用电汇付款吗,4. Then, is D/P acceptable to you,那么你们可以承受付款交单吗,5. Could you make some concession, say, to accept D/P,你们能不能做些让步,比方说,承受付款交单,USEFUL SENTENCES,1. In terms of payment, we only accept confirmed irrevocable L/C.,在付款方面, 我们只承受保兑、不可撤销信用证。,2. We regret we cannot accept T/T payment.,非常遗憾,我们无法承受电汇这一支付方式。,3. I am afraid we are not in a position to allow you to make the payment by L/C after sight.,我们不能够承受你方以远期汇票形式付款。.,4. We regret that your proposal of payment by L/C at 60 days is not acceptable to us.,对于你方提出的60天议付的信用证支付方式,我方抱歉不能承受。,5. While we understand your difficulty in opening an L/C, we regret that we cannot accept your D/P terms for this transaction.,我方理解你们开证的难处,但对本次交易抱歉不能承受,付款交单方式。,歉告不能承受对方要求,USEFUL SENTENCES,1. It is our usual practice to require sight L/C. We cannot make an exception this time.,要求即期信用证/见票即付的信用证支付是我方的一贯作法。这次不能破例。,2. L/C is a reliable and safe method of payment, and it protects the seller as well as the buyer.,信用证是一种可靠且平安的付款方式,同时保护买卖双方。,3. Since the total amount is so big and the world monetary market is rather unstable at the moment, we can not accept any terms of payment other than a Letter of Credit.,因为这次交易额大,而且目前国际金融市场很不稳定,所以我们除承受信用证付款外,不能承受别的付款方式。,4. As we must adhere to our customary practice, we sincerely hope that you will not think us unaccommodating.,由于我们必须坚持我们的一贯作法,所以真诚希望你们不要认为我们不予以通融。,5. To be on the safe side, we insist on the payment by L/C.,为保险起见, 我们坚持信用证付款方式.,卖方陈述坚守信用证的理由,USEFUL SENTENCES,1. To open an L/C for such a large amount at a bank is costly.,向银行申请开立如此大金额的信用证费用很高。,2. As the amount involved is too small, it doesnt pay to open an L/C.,由于涉及金额太少,开证不划算。,3. For such a small amount, payment by L/C involves additional expenses for us.,由于金额太少,用信用证支付增加了我们额外的花费。,4. Opening an L/C causes us a lot of expenses because it requires a certain sum of deposit in the bank.,因为开立信用证需要一笔保证金,这给我们带来很大的花销。,5. In opening an L/C, I have to pay a deposit and that will tie up my fund and add to the cost of my imports.,为了开立信用证,我们不得不支付一笔保证金,这会积压我们的资金,同时增加我们进口本钱。,买方陈述拒绝采用信用证的理由,USEFUL SENTENCES,做出让步,1. As a special accommodation, we agree to your proposal and accept payment by D/P at sight, but this should not be regarded as a precedent.,作为特殊照顾,我们同意你方建议承受即期付款交单,但是这不应视为先例。,2. Since you are our old customer, I agree. However, youll send us the L/C within 30 days.,由于你是我们的老客户, 我同意你的建议。但是你必须在30天内给我方寄开信用证。,3. In view of our long business relation, we will make an exception to our rules and accept L/C at 30 days .,鉴于我们长期业务关系,我们破例地承受见票后30天议付的信用证。,4. In order to conclude the business, I hope youll meet me half way. What about 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P,为了做成这批生意,希望双方都各让步一半。百分之五十以信用证付款,百分之五十按付款交单怎么样?,5. Your request for D/P payment has been considered and we agree to grant you this facility.,我们已经考虑过了你方付款交单的要求,并同意给予你们这个方便。,A: Id like to discuss the terms of payment with you. I wonder if you would accept _.,B: I am so sorry, we cant. Generally, we only accept payment by,_.,A: I understand your position. But at this moment, I do have some difficulty. Could you,make some concession, say, to accept_,B: Sorry, it cant be done. It is our _to effect payment by L/C, especially,with our new customers.,A: You know the total amount is so big this time. To open an L/C for such a large amount,at a bank is_. And it will waste much time to get the money. Can you be a bit more,flexible,B: I regret we cant. Since the world monetary market is rather _ at the moment and,this order is very large, to be_, we insist on the payment by L/C.,A: We hope you can accept our suggestion and we will place _with you soon.,B: I really cant help you. As this is the _ between us, I hope we can trade on,customary terms, i.e. irrevocable Letter of Credit at sight. We may consider more _,payment terms after we have done more business.,A: Well, I think I have no other choice. But we hope you can give us more favorable terms,next time.,B: Sure. Thank you for your understanding.,LISTENING PRACTICE,favorable,irrevocable Letter of Credit at sight,D/A,usual practice,D/P,on the safe side,unstable,costly,further order,first deal,A: Hello, Peter. Long time no see. How are you these days,B: I am fine, thank you. Everything goes well.,A: Id like to discuss our order No.123 for the coffeemakers with you. To,avoid having our _can we make the payment by _,B: I am sorry. I have to think it over. You know payment by L/C is our _.,A: For such a small amount, payment by L/C involves _ for us.,This leaves little _ on your terms of payment.,B: Yes, I know it. Well, since you are our old customer, considering our long,_ , we agree to the payment by T/T. However, you should prepay,30% amount as _ before production, and the remaining 70% should be,_ through bank after receipt of documents within _. Is it ok,A: No problem. By the way, can you give us your _ I want to make a,confirmation.,B: Of course, here you are.,A: Thanks a lot. You are so helpful.,B: You are welcome. Hope to see you soon.,LISTENING PRACTICE,funds tied up,T/T,usual practice,additional expenses,profit margin,business relations,down payment,remitted,14days,a/c no.,Video 1,Video 2,Video 3,PRACTICE 1,实训场景,支付方式,地点,模拟公司谈判室,形式,口头洽谈,内容, Tony works for Shenzhen Yuan Wei Bikes Company. It has a stand at the Guangzhou Trade Fair. Mr. Smith from Atlantic Bikes Company is interested in the mountain bikes and he enquires for 500 pcs. The catalogue and the quotation offered to him are as follows:,MB-005,Buyer:,Mr. Smith from Atlantic Bikes Company,Seller:,Tony from Shenzhen Yuan Wei Bikes Company,Commodity:,Mountain Bikes,Quantity:,500 sets,Price:,at USD 100/set CIF Charleston,Payment Terms:,By Irrevocable L/C at sight,Shipment:,In May,要求学生两人一组,根据给出的情景进展关于付款方式的谈判,洽谈要点如下(供参考):,1.,提出能否用付款交单,1.,按照惯例要求用不可撤销即期信用证支付,2.,阐述开立信用证费用高、积压资金,2.,说明坚持用信用证支付的原因,3.,做出让步,3.,承诺将来的贸易会给与更优惠的条款,买方,卖方,PRACTICE 2,Direction:左图是上海亨特国际的圣诞礼品在网页上的报价单。,要求 学生两人一组,根据给出的情景设计对话,商讨支付方式,最后达成一致意见。,KEYS TO EXERCISES,EXERCISE 1,1. Translate the following sentences into Chinese orally.,(1) 为了按要求装运,请在五月底前尽快开出相关的信用证。,(2) 用电汇支付肯定有助于我们节约时间和开立信用证的大笔费用。,(3) 我们惯用的支付方式是即期信用证。,(4) 折中一下,50%用信用证,剩余款项用承兑交单方式支付,可以,吗?,(5) 为了我们之间的达成交易,你方能不能放宽一下条款?,KEYS TO EXERCISES,2. Translate the following sentences into English orally.,(1) As the amount of this transaction is not big, we,request terms of payment by TT.,(2) Our terms of payment are made by confirmed, irrevocable,letter of credit at sight and the L/C should reach us 30,days before date of shipment.,(3) We agree terms of payment by documents against payment(D/P),if the amount is less than US$1,000.00.,(4) We request terms of payment by irrevocable L/C at sight,as this is our first transaction.,(5) As the international currency market is not stable, we,regret that we only accept terms of payment by L/C at sight,EXERCISE 2,KEYS TO EXERCISES,EXERCISE 3,(1),A: Can we make payment by T/T,B: But we only accept terms of payment by confirmed,irrevocable L/C at sight.,A: However, it is said that you can accept difference,terms of payment, such as D/A and D/P.,B: It depends on specific circumstances.,A: For this trade, I hope that you can give us more,favorable terms of payment.,B: We are very sorry. We only accept terms of payment,by L/C as it is our first transaction.,A: We seems we have no choice.,B: Thanks for your understanding.,KEYS TO EXERCISES,EXERCISE 3,(2)-1,A:Would you please do me a favor for this transaction by,50% D/P and 50% D/A,B:But as usual, we always request payment by L/C at sight.,A:To be frank, it will increase our cost for issuing L/C,and we must pay certain deposit to the bank, and that,will tie up funds.,B:We also understand your difficulty. But I cant make,decision now, I have to contact our head office.,A:Okay. We dont mind waiting for your reply.,KEYS TO EXERCISES,EXERCISE 3,(2)-2,B:Well, lets make each other half way, our head office,says the best we can do is to accept 50% L/C and 50% D/P.,A:Can you be more flexible,B:We are very sorry. It is the best we can do,we also have,difficulty.,A:Okay, thanks for your cooperation.,B:You are welcome.,KEYS TO EXERCISES,EXERCISE 3,(3),A: When can we have your L/C,B: L/C will reach you 30 days before time of shipment,that is the end of June.,A: Couldnt it be a little earlier,B: We will try our best. When will you arrange shipment,A: The sooner we receive your L/C, the sooner we arrange,production and shipment.,B: Okay. Besides, do you have any requirement for the validity of L/C,A: By convention, L/C will expire after 15 days of shipment.,B: Okay, no problem.,A: We hope to receive your L/C earlier.,B:Okay, we will open the L/C as soon as possible as requested.,


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