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Her clothes make her full.,The girl in dark and cold-colored clothes looks slimmer.,broad,adj.宽阔的,广阔的;广泛的,waist,n.腰,腰部,They are tall and thin.,They wear warm colors.,They appear strong and full.,Look at the pictures and decide which of the clothes do not make the people look good. Then give your suggestions.,Read 1a and find out the suggestions for dressing.,Dear Judy,Congratulations! You opened your own clothing store.I hope you will succeed.Its important for you to help people choose suitable clothing.,I have a few suggestions for success. Fat customers should wear dark color clothes and simple styles. These clothes will make them look smaller.They should not wear bright or light colors. Short people should wear soft colors,and their clothes should not have big contrasts. Fancy designs or flowers do not look good on short people. If tall and thin people wear warm colors,they will appear strong and full.Customers with broad waists will look good in dark or cold-colored clothes that will make them look slimmer.,Helping people choose clothes is important. I know you will be very good at this work,and I hope your business does well.,Your friend,Tom,Body shape,Should wear,Reason,Shouldnt wear,fat,_color clothes _styles,make them look_,_or_colors,short,_color with no big_,make them look taller,clothes with _ designs and flowers,tall and thin,_colors,appear _ and_,cold colors,broad waist,_ or _clothes,make them look_,bright or warm colors,Read 1a and find out the suggestions for dressing. Then complete the table.,1b,dark,simple,smaller,bright,light,soft,contrasts,fancy,warm,strong,full,dark,cold-colored,slimmer,Look,listen and understand.,The key points of 1a,1.Congratulations ! You opened your own clothing store.I hope you will succeed.,祝贺你!你的服装店开场营业了!我希望你取得成功。,congratulations “祝贺,用于对别人取得进步或成功时表示祝贺。,own 自己的 succeed 到达目的;成功,2.Its important for you to help people choose suitable clothing.,帮助顾客挑选得体的服装对你来说是很重要的。,此句为形式主语it引导的固定句型:It is +adj. (for sb.) to do sth.,意为“做 某事对于某人来说是.的,E.g:学好英语对我们来说是很重要的。,Its very important for us to study Enlgish well.,3.I hope your business does well.,我希望你的生意兴隆。,business 意为“生意,公事;职责,4.Customers with broad waists will look good in dark or cold-colored clothes that will make them look slimmer.,腰粗的顾客穿上黑色或冷色调的衣服看上去效果比较好,因为这种颜色的,衣服会使人看上去更苗条。,Body shape,Should wear,Reason,Shouldnt wear,Fat,_color clothes _styles,make them look_,_or_colors,Short,_color with no big_,make them look taller,clothes with _ designs and flowers,Tall and thin,_colors,appear _ and_,cold colors,Broad waist,_ or _clothes,make them look_,bright or warm colors,dark,simple,smaller,bright,light,soft,contrasts,fancy,warm,strong,full,dark,cold-colored,slimmer,Listen and follow,then try to retell the letter with the help of the table.,Work in groups and talk about what Li Mings family should wear to the party. Use the advice in 1a and the following information.,Li Mings father has a broad waist.,Li Ming mother is a little fat.,Li Ming is tall and thin.,bright color warm colors,slimmer thinner,simple styles cool-colored strong and full,2,Example:,Li Mings father has a broad waist.I think he should wear. because .make him.,3,Here is,part of the,fashion show on Monday. Look at the pictures and,answer in pairs,.,great, bright, beautiful, lively, pretty, handsome, cute, cool, lovely, nice,Example:,A: Whats Kangkang wearing,B: He is wearing a T-shirt. Its such a bright T-shirt/so bright that,Kangkang looks lively.,Revising with a clear purpose is important in writing.You should read your writing carefully to see if you expressed your ideas clearly.Then you should check the spelling and the punctuation.,Survey your friends about what they like to wear and give them some suggestions on dressing.Th,en write a short passage about the information.,Name,Body shape,Clothes,Color,Style,.,You may begin like this:,A, B and C are my good friends. A is tall and thin. He/,She likes wearing. but I think he/she should wear . Then,he/she will look.,4,Project,Tom, Mary and Jane are my good friends. Tom is tall and thin. He likes wearing cold colors,but I think he should wear warm colors. Then,he will appear strong and full. Mary is fat. She likes wearing bright colors,but I think she had better wear dark colors and simple styles. Then,she will look smaller. Jane is short. She likes fancy designs,but I think she should wear soft colors with no big contrasts so that she will look taller.,Example:,Exercises in class,根据句意或汉语提示完成句子。,1. I want to have my _(自己的)computer.,2. Many _ are in the shopping center,they will buy many things.,3. Her dress is _(简单的),but its very nice.,4. Most of the girls wear beautiful clothes so that they look _(苗条).,5. There are many dresses in her shop,and the _are very special.,6. I hope your _does well and you will make more money.,7. _! Your group won the game.,own,customers,simple,slimmer,styles,business,Congratulations,Summary,We learn:,We can:,Some new words,:,congratulation,own,succeed,customer,simple,style,contrast,fancy,design,broad,waist,cold-colored,Give suggestions about how to dress,:,Fat customers should wear dark color clothes and simple styles. These clothes will make them look smaller.,They should not wear bright or light colors.,Short people should wear soft colors,and their clothes should not have big contrasts.,Fancy designs or flowers do not look good on short people.,If tall and thin people wear warm colors,they will appear strong and full.,Customers with broad waists will look good in dark or cold-colored clothes that will make them look slimmer.,1.,Write a short passage about dressing.,2. Finish Section C in your workbook.,3. Preview Section D.,Homework,Thank you,


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