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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Topic 1 How is the weather in winter,Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather,Class: Class,2,Grade7,Teacher: 王莉莉,Learning aims and demands(学习目标与要求),Learn new words: weather, spring,summer, fall, winter, warm, season, cold, rain, snow, climb hills, make a snowman,2. Learn how to describe weather:,(1)Whats the weather like in summer,Its hot. We can go swimming.,(2)How is the weather in fall,It is cool. Its a good time to climb hills.,(3) Which season do you like best?,I like fall best.,fall,spring,summer,winter,season,s,Words I know,s,pring,s,ummer,f,all,w,inter,w,arm,h,ot,c,ool,c,old,A:Whats the weather like in spring?,(春天的天气怎么样?,B: Its warm.,hot,cool,cold,warm,A:,Whats the weather,like,in summer?,B:,Its hot.,A:,Whats the weather,like,in fall?,B:,Its cool.,A:,Whats the weather,like,in winter?,B:,Its cold.,A:Whats the weather like in spring?,(春天的天气怎么样?,B: Its warm.,hot,cool,cold,warm,How is the weather in spring,A: What can we do in .?,B: We can .,fly kites,go swimming,climb hills,make snowmen,1.Its a good season for flying kites.,2.Its a good season to fly kites.,(是放风筝的好季节,1.Its a good season for going swimming.,2.Its a good season to go swimming.(是游泳的好季节,fly kites,go swimming,climb hills,make snowmen,1.Its a good season for climbing hills.,2.Its a good season to climb hills.,(是爬山的好季节,1.Its a good season for making snowmen.,2.Its a good season to make snowmen.,(是堆雪人的好季节,spring,summer,fall,winter,plant trees,see beautiful flowers,eat ice creams,wear beautiful skirt.,go skating,eat moon cake,Its a good time to do sth(是做某事的好时节,spring,summer,fall,winter,cool,warm,cold,hot,go swimming,make snowmen,fly kites,climb hills,Match the seasons with the weather and activities.,read 1a .,listen,Listen,look and say.,P81,1a,视频,flash,Section A,七下,81-1a.swf,Lets enjoy a song-whats your favorite season,C:UsersASUSDesktopwhats your favorite season-儿 歌-英文歌曲.flv,Example:Whats your favorite season,A:Which season do you like best,B:I like .best./My favorite season is.,A:Why do you like it,B:Because its a good time for doing sth/ to do sth,Because we can.,Talk about your favorite season.,spring,summer,fall,winter,Example:Whats your favorite season,A:Which season do you like best,B:I like fall best./My favorite season is fall.,A:Why do you like it,B:Because its a good time for climbing hills.,Talk about your favorite season.,(K-Kang, J-Jane),K:Jane, which season do you like best, spring, summer,fall or winter,J:Well, its hard to say. I liked winter before, but now I like _ best.,K:Why,J:Because I learned to swim last year, and I can often _ in summer. What about you,K:I dont like summer very much because it often rains. My favorite season is _ . When it snows, I can make_ .,Listen and complete the conversation.,summer,go swim,m,ing,winter,snowmen,listen,Discuss,Why do English people like to talk about weather,1.The weather in England is changeable.,(天气多变,2.Its an useful way of starting a conversation.,应酬语,homework:,Write a short passage about the season you like best. (About 50 words) 可适当发挥想象,Example:,Winter,There are four seasons in a year. I like winter best. There are three months in winter. The weather is very cold. But when it snows, I can make snowmen with my friends. Its very interesting. Do you like winter,练习册第88页,Unit8 Topic1 SectionA全做,Goodbye!,homework:,调查一下,你的好朋友最喜欢的季节,那个季节的天气如何以及喜欢的原因,练习册第88页,Unit8 Topic1 SectionA全做,Favorite season,The weather,Reasons(理由),Name _,Listen and read the sounds and words aloud.,Read each group of words.Circle the letters with the same sound.Then listen,check and repeat.,A:Whats the weather like in.,How is the weather in.,B:Its.,Its a good time/season to do/for doing.,We can do.,Work in pairs and practice 1a. Then make up a new conversation with the following sentence stuctures.,


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