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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit1 Did he live in New York?,江苏省泰州市实验小学 王素玫,1,泰州梅兰芳纪念馆,泰 州 望 海 楼,泰 州 大桥,水乡千岛油菜花,泰 州 溱湖 会船 节,中 国 医 药 城,泰 州 火 车 站,I come from Taizhou, Jiangsu.,I was on holiday in Beijing.,About my holiday,在度假,Many foreigners were on holiday in Beijing.,许多国外游客到北京度假,Listen and,chant,Welcome to China!Welcome to Beijing!,Did you come by train,Did you come by plane,欢送来到,你是乘飞机来的吗?,Did. 用来表示询问某人过去,所做的事情。,这是我们迎接外国友人时的欢送,辞,而不能用于邀请他们到中国。,编一个欢送Ms Wang 的chant吧,Make a new chant,Welcome to _省 !,Welcome to _县 !,Did you come _,Did you come _,Gansu,Tianzhu,by,on foot,创编chant时要注意句尾尽可能押韵哦!,by,on foot,(,小组合作编chant,),编一个欢送Ms Wang 的chant吧,Read the,chant,Welcome to _ !,Welcome to _ !,Did you come _,Did you come _,Gans,u,Tianzh,u,by,on f,oo,t,你体会到句子的韵脚了吗?,My new chant,Thank you,dear,girls! Thank you,dear,boys!,I,came,by plane,and also,came,by bus.,机票,图片,亲爱的,come的过去式,Dalongs holiday,Dear Daming,Im on holiday in New York. I came here by plane.,I went to a pop concert and a basketball game last week.,Dalong,Lets learn,明信片,Its a,postcard,from,my,cousin,Dalong.,Think and choose,Damings,cousin,Dalong,A. Damings,mothers son,B. Damings,aunts son,B. Damings,aunts son,表堂兄弟,Dalong,Sam wants to know.,L,isten, point and find,(听对话,,用“ ”,划出Sam的,问句,,和同桌,校对,。,),2 Did he live in New York last year,1,Does,he live in New York?,3 Did he travel by plane,旅行,Lets report,(,说出,Sam的,问句,),Cities in the US,New York:纽约。美国最大的城市,昵称“大苹果,自由女神像是纽约的标志性雕像。,2 Did he live in New York last year,1 Does he live in New York?,3 Did he travel by plane,Read, point and find,(读对话,用“划出相应的答句,和同桌校对。),No, he lives in San Francisco.,Cities in the US,San Francisco,San Francisco:旧金山。最受美国人欢送的城市,金门大桥是旧金山的标志性建筑。,2 Did he live in New York last year,1,Does he live in New York?,3 Did he travel by plane,Read, point and find,(读对话,用“划出相应的答句,和同桌校对。),No,he live,s,in,San Francisco.,No,he,didnt,. He,live,d,in,Washington DC.,Cities in the US,Washington DC,Washington DC:华盛顿特区。,美国的首都,很多行政机构如国会大厦、白宫等都在华盛顿。,2 Did he live in New York last year,1 Does he live in New York?,3 Did he travel by plane,Read, point and find,(读对话,用“划出相应的答句,和同桌校对。),No, he lives in San Francisco.,No, he,didnt,. He lived in,Washington DC.,Yes, he,came,by plane.,Read and judge, Dalong went to a school,concert,last week., Dalong went to a basketball game in New York.,读一读,判断对错,用 和 表示,音乐会, Dalong went to a,pop,concert,last week.,流行音乐会,Read and judge, Dalong went to a school,concert,last week., Dalong went to a basketball game in New York.,读一读,判断对错,用 和 表示,Listen and repeat,跟录音读对话,跟读时要注意模仿正确,的,语音,语调,哦!,Reading time,选择你喜爱的方式朗读吧!,可以齐读,可以对话,可以,Lets dub,动画配音,男生 Sam,女生 Daming,Look and guess,看图猜城市,My friend Jane had a good holiday.,What city is it,New York,.,Try to ask,看图片,提问题,Did she.,朋友,在美国,的图片,Dear Sumei,Im on holiday in New York. I came here by plane. I went to Central Park yesterday. Its big and beautiful. I will visit the White House tomorrow.,Yours,Jane,Read the postcard,Central Park 中央公园,the White House 白宫,Complete and,read,A: Ms Wangs friend Jane was on_,in New York.,B: Great! Did she_ by plane,A: Yes, she _.,B: _she_ _ New York Zoo,A: No, she _. She went to Central Park.,B: We also went to a park.,Tianzhu Forest (森林) Park!,A: Yes! Its very big and beautiful too!,Ha ha.,holiday,travel,did,Did,go,to,didnt,Beautiful Tianzhu,1,欢迎做客泰州!,Welcome to Taizhou!,Cheer for myself,根据学习情况做个自评与同桌互评,在相应的,括号里打,我对自己的评价,:,同学对我的评价,:,( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),1 正确地流利朗读,50-51,页内容。,2 模仿本课对话,谈论自己好朋友,上周,的活动。,3 通过多种途径更多地了解美国的主要城市信息。,Homework,


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