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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Business Negotiation English,Areas of Negotiation,Sales Negotiation,Objectives,Areas of Negotiation,Sale of Goods/ Services,Simulated Negotiation,Sale of Goods/ Services,What Should Be Negotiated,A detailed description of the goods or services for sale including quality, discount on quantity, packing, etc.,The total payment due, along with the time and modes of payment and how late payment should be penalized.,3. Warranty or guarantee for the goods or services.,4. When the buyer has to inspect or evaluate the goods before taking legal possession.,5. How each party must deliver changes or notices related to the agreement.,6. The key legal statement in the agreement.,7. A clause stating that the agreement is the only legal document covering the sale and that no other agreements, written or oral, will be legally binding.,8. A clause stating that both parties approve any changes or additions to the agreement in writing.,II. Quality,Ways for identifying the quality of products:,Sale by sample.,Sale by description.,Sale by trademark or brand.,Sale by specification, grade or standard.,Attach importance to the following:,As a buyer,order a sample,before committing to a purchase order to be sure that the product meets your expectations.,Use,pre-shipment inspection services,. If you are a buyer, you can protect yourself against poor quality by ordering a pre-shipment inspection of the products. You can demand the inspection as a condition to payment.,Packing must be done in a way to provide the goods with adequate protection.,If a seller fails to ensure that the quality of the goods delivered is in accordance with the contract or sample, the buyer is entitled to,demand for repair,or,return of the goods or to rescind the contract,depending on the seriousness of the breach.,III. Packing,Appropriate packing deserves special attention for three reasons:,Preventing or minimizing the damages of shipment.,Promoting product sales.,Avoiding possible rejection of the shipment by the buyer.,Points to consider:,Avoid using unclear terms such as “seaworthy packing and “customary packing.,Packing cost is usually included in the price, but if the buyer makes special request for packing, it must be specified in the contract that the cost is to be paid by the buyer.,According to international trade practices, the shipping marks are designed and determined by the seller. However, they can also be supplied by the buyer within a period of time before the shipment date if the contract so stipulates.,Types of Packing,outer packing外包装,inner packing内包装,packing for shipment运输包装,commercial packing商业包装,polybag聚乙烯塑料袋, paper box纸盒, case箱 tin/can听 gunny-bag/sack麻袋, drum铁皮圆桶, barrel琵琶桶bundle捆,扎, bale包, chest茶叶箱, crate板条箱, container集装箱, cask桶, keg小圆桶 packet小包,Buyers requests for packing,1. I wonder if you could pack the goods according to our design.,2. Could you accept orders to be packaged with our own material,3. We hope the packing must be in line with local market preference.,4. Nowadays many consumer products are being sold through mail order houses(邮售机构), so we prefer small packing.,5.Consumer packages消费包装 allow the commodity to be put directly onto the shelves of supermarkets or department stores.,6. Im afraid that cartons are not strong enough for ocean transportation. Could you use wooden cases instead,7. As to inner packing, it must catch the eye and help promote sales.,8. The goods must be packed in such a way that they can be well protected from dampness or rain.,9. In order to facilitate selling, it would be better to pack the goods with assorted colors/sizes.,10. Please see to it that the cartons are marked/stenciled “Fragile and “Handle With Care.,11. The packing must be able to stand shock and rough handling.,12. We prefer small cartons of 30cm60cm with two or three dozen to one carton.,13. This is our design for packing. Could you possibly pass it on to the manufactures and ask them to design the packing according to our request,Seller introduces his packing,1. Our packing is strong enough to withstand bumping and rough handling under normal conditions.,2. Our packing is to the taste of the European market and suitable for display in supermarkets.,3. As to inner packing, we put each silk scarf in a polybag and put it in a beautifully-designed gift box.,4. As to inner packing, we use a polythene wrapper for each blouse, ready for window display.,5. You will find the beautiful design and bright colors are just to the American tastes.,6. I think you will find our new packing beautiful and in line with customer expectation.,7. The cartons lined with foam-plastics are well protected against press/shockproof.,8. Each dress is packed in a polybag and they are packed five dozen to a carton.,9. Im sure your customers will be satisfied with our new packing.,10. Each TV set is to be wrapped in a transparent plastic bag, and fixed with hard fermented plastic padding.,Special packing,1. Well pass your comments on packing on to the manufacturers.,2. Well ask our manufacturers to have the goods packed according to your sample.,3.Please be assured that well pack the goods according to your instruction.,4. Well use wooden cases if you insist, but the charge for packing will be considerably higher.,5. Im afraid well have to charge more for the special packing as it calls for extra labour and expenses.,6. The price has already been calculated in such a way that we cant provide special packing free of charge.,7.(seller)Your way of packing takes time and increases the cost of the goods.,8. Cardboard boxes are light and less expensive while wooden cases are clumsy and more expensive. Furthermore, they would slow down delivery.,IV. Payment,Questions to be asked:,How much will be paid and by whom,When is the payment to be made,What are the steps before payment is required,What is the form of payment Is it check, telegraphic transfer, promissory note or something else,1.Payment terms:,Remittance :,m,ail,t,ransfer( M/T信汇),t,elegraphic,t,ransfer (T/T电汇),Letter of credit (L/C信用证),D,ocument against,P,ayment (D/P付款交单),D,ocument against,A,cceptance (D/A承兑交单),付款交单DP。出口方在委托银行收款时,指示银行只有在付款人进口方付清货款时,才能向其交出货运单据,即交单以付款为条件,称为付款交单。按付款时间的不同,又可分为即期付款交单和远期付款交单。即期付款交单DP Sight,出口方按合同规定日期发货后,开具即期汇票或不开汇票连同全套货运单据,委托银行向进口方提示,进口方见票和单据后立即付款。银行在其付清货款后交出货运单据。远期付款交单DP after Sight,出口方按合同规定日期发货后,开具远期汇票连同全套货运单据,委托银行向进口人提示,进口方审单无误后在汇票上承兑,于汇票到期日付清货款,然后从银行处取得货运单据。 远期付款交单和即期付款交单的交单条件是一样的:买方不付款就不能取得代表货物所有权的单据,所以卖方承担的风险责任根本上没有变化。,远期付款交单是卖方给予买方的资金融通,融通时间的长短取决于汇票的付款期限,通常有两种规定期限的方式:一种是付款日期和到货日期根本一致。买方在付款后,即可提货。另一种是付款日期比到货日期要推迟许多。买方必须请求代收行同意其凭信托收据TR借取货运单据,以便先行提货。所谓信托收据,是进口方借单时提供的一种担保文件,表示愿意以银行受托人身份代为提货、报关、存仓、保险、出售,并成认货物所有权仍归银行。货物售出后所得货款应于汇票到期时交银行。代收行假设同意进口方借单,万一汇票到期不能收回货款,那么代收行应承担归还货款的责任。但有时出口方主动授权代收行凭信托收据将单据借给进口方。这种做法将由出口方自行承担汇票到期拒付的风险,与代收行无关,称之为付款交单,凭信托收据借单DP, TR。从本质上看,这已不是“付款交单的做法了。,承兑交单:是代收行在进口商承兑远期汇票后向其交付单据的一种方式。指出口方发运货物后开具远期汇票,连同货运单据委托银行办理托收,并明确指示银行,进口人在汇票上承兑后即可领取全套货运单据待汇票到期日再付清货款。承兑交单和上面提及的“付款交单,凭信托收据借单一样,都是在买方未付款之前,即可取得货运单据,凭以提取货物。一旦买方到期不付款,出口方便可能银货两空。因而,出口商对采用此种方式持严格控制的态度。,所谓“承兑就是汇票付款人进口方在代收银行提示远期汇票时,对汇票的认可行为。承兑的手续是付款人在汇票上签署,批注“承兑字样及日期,并将汇票退交持有人。不管汇票经过几度转让,付款人于汇票到期日都应凭票付款。,信用证Letter of Credit简称L/C是一种付款方式,是贸易双方基于躲避商业风险由进口方向银行申请由银行出面开出的有条件付款的文件,属于银行信用。在理论上来说只要单证无误,就没有收汇的风险。 贸易双方在贸易的过程中会有以下情况: 进口方先付款有出口方不交货的风险。 出口方先出货有进口方不付款的风险。 就此,双方要求银行作保,开信用证。 1.进口方向进口地银行提出开证申请并把货款或抵押文件交给银行,开证行向出口方开出信证. 2.出口方按信用证的要求出货和缮制单据并通过议付行将单据交开证行收汇. 3.开证行收到出口方的正确单据,就把货款付给出口方,把单据交给进口方,进口方就可以报关提货。所以出口方只要向银行递交单证一致,单单一致的单据,按照国际惯例一定能收到货款. 银行在处理上述业务时会收取一定比例的开证费,结汇费用和手续费.,L/C,1. letter of credit, L/C, credit信用证,2. sight L/C,即期信用证,3. usance L/C,time L/C, 远期信用证,4. transferable L/C,可转让信用证,5. revolving L/C,循环信用证,6. documentary L/C, 跟单信用证,7. reciprocal L/C,对开信用证,8. divisible L/C,可分割信用证,9. counter L/C对开信用证,(1)以信用证项下的汇票是否附有货运单据划分为:,跟单信用证(Documentary Credit)是凭跟单汇票或仅凭单据付款的信用证。此处的单据指代表货物所有权的单据如海运提单等,或证明货物已交运的单据如铁路运单、航空运单、邮包收据。,光票信用证(Clean Credit)是凭不随附货运单据的光票(Clean Draft)付款的信用证。银行凭光票信用证付款,也可要求受益人附交一些非货运单据,如发票、垫款清单等。,在国际贸易的货款结算中,绝大局部使用跟单信用证。,(2)以开证行所负的责任为标准可以分为:,不可撤销信用证Irrevocable L/C。指信用证一经开出,在有效期内,未经受益人及有关当事人的同意,开证行不能片面修改和撤销,只要受益人提供的单据 符合信用证规定,开证行必须履行付款义务。,可撤销信用证(Revocable L/C)。开证行不必征得受益人或有关当事人同意有权随时撤销的信用证,应在信用证上注明“可撤销字样。但UCP500(Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits)规定: 只要受益人依信用证条款规定已得到了议付、承兑或延期付款保证时,该 信用证即不能被撤销或修改。它还规定,如信用证中未注明是否可撤销, 应视为不可撤销信用证。,最新的规定银行不可开立可撤消信用证!,(3)以有无另一银行加以保证兑付为依据,可以分为:,保兑信用证,(Conformed L/C)。指开证行开出的信用证,由另一银行保证对符合信用证条款规定的单据履行付款义务。对信用证加以保兑的银行,称为,保兑行,。,不保兑信用证,(Unconfirmed L/C)。开证行开出的信用证没有经另一家银行保兑。,(4)根据付款时间不同,可以分为,即期信用证,(Sight L/C)。指开证行或付款行收到符合信用证条款的跟单汇票或装运单据后,立即履行付款义务的信用证。,远期信用证,(Usance L/C)。指开证行或付款行收到信用证的单据时,在规定,期限,内履行付款义务的信用证。,(5)根据受益人对信用证的权利可否转让,可分为:,可转让信用证(Transferable L/C)。指信用证的受益人(第一受益人)可以要求授权付款、承担延期付款责任,承兑或议付的银行(统称“转让行),或当信用证是自由议付时,可以要求信用证中特别授权的转让银行,将信用证全部或 局部转让给一个或数个受益人(第二受益人)使用的信用证。开证行在信用证中要明确注明“可转让(transferable),且只能转让一次。,不可转让信用证。指受益人不能将信用证的权利转让给他人的信用证。凡信用证中未注明“可转让,即是不可转让信用证。,(6)循环信用证(Revolving L/C),指信用证被全部或局部使用后,其金额又恢复到原金额,可再次使用,直至到达规定的次数或规定的总金额为止。它通常在 分批均匀交货情况下使用。在按金额循环的信用证条件下,恢复到原金 额的具体做法有:,自动式循环。每期用完一定金额,不需等待开证行的通知,即可自动恢复到原金额。,非自动循环。每期用完一定金额后,必须等待开证行通知到达,信用证才能恢复到原金额使用。,半自动循环。即每次用完一定金额后假设干天内,开证行未提出停顿循环使用的通知,自第天起即可自动恢复至原金额。,(7)对开信用证(Reciprocal L/C),指两张信用证申请人互以对方为受益人而开立的信用证。两张信用证的金额相等或大体相等,可同时互开,也可先后开立。它多用于易货贸易或来料加工和补偿贸易业务。,(8)背对背信用证(Back to Back L/C),又称转开信用证,指受益人要求原证的通知行或其他银行以原证为根底,另开一张内容相似的新信用证,背对背信用证的开证行只能根据不可撤销信用证来开立。背对背信用证的开立通常是中间商转售他人货物,或两国不能直接办理进出口贸易时,通过第三者以此种方法来沟通贸易。原信用证的金额(单价)应高于对背信用证的金额(单价),背对背信用证的装运期应早于原信用证的规定。,(9)预支信用证/打包信用证(Anticipatory credit/Packing credit),指开证行授权代付行(通知行)向受益人预付信用证金额的全部或一局部,由开证行保证归还并负担利息,即开证行付款在前,受益人交单在后,与远期信用证相反。预支信用证凭出口人的光票付款,也有要求受益人附一份负责补交信用证规定单据的说明书,当货运单 据交到后,付款行在付给剩余货款时,将扣除预支货款的利息。,(10)备用信用证Standby credit,又称商业票据信用证(Commercial paper credit)、担保信用证。指开证行根 据开证申请人的请求对受益人开立的承诺承担某项义务的凭证。即开证行保证在开证申请人未能履行其义务时,受益人只要凭备用信用证的规 定并提交开证人违约证明,即可取得开证行的偿付。它是银行信用,对受益人来说是备用于开证人违约时,取得补偿的一种方式。,As far as the sellers benefit is concerned,* L/C is better than D/P (DP,:,low cost but high risk);,* D/P at sight is better than D/P after sight;,* D/P is better than D/A,电汇是汇款人将一定款项交存汇款银行,汇款银行通过电报或电传给目的地的分行或代理行汇入行,指示汇入行向收款人支付一定金额的一种汇款方式。,票汇是汇出行应汇款人的申请,代汇款人开立以其分行或代理行为解付行的银行即期汇票Bankers Demand Draft D/D支付一定金额给收款人的一种汇款方式.票汇是进口人向进口地银行购置银行汇票寄给出口人,出口人凭此向汇票上指定的银行取款的一种方式。汇出银行在开出银行汇票的同时,对汇入行寄发“付款通知书,汇入行凭此验对汇票后付款。,信汇是指汇款人向当地银行交付本国货币,由银行开具付款委托书,用航空邮寄交国外分行或代理行,办理付出外汇业务。采用信汇方式,由于邮程需要的时间比电汇长,银行有时机利用这笔资金,所以信汇汇率低于电汇汇率,其差额相当于邮程利息。,Sample Negotiation 1,T: Now lets discuss the packing. How would you pack the embroidered table-cloths we have ordered,C: We usually wrap each article in a polybag and then pack it in an exquisitely-designed small box.,T: Good. May I have a look at a sample packing,C: Sure. Here you are.,T: The box is really beautifully designed. I believe it will help promote sales in our market. Then what about the outer packing,C: Well pack them 10 dozen to one carton. The gross weight is around 25 kilos a carton.,T: Cartons Im afraid they are not strong enough for sea transportation.,C: You may rest assured of that. Well reinforce the cartons with nylon straps.,T: But the goods are to be transhipped at Hamburg. If the cartons are moved about on an open wharf, dampness or rain may get into them and could make the table-cloths spotted or ruined.,C: You dont have to worry about that. Each carton is lined with plastic sheets so that it is water-proof. Besides, well put a “Keep Dry sign on the outside.,T: But Im still afraid that in case of damage or pilferage, the insurance company will refuse compensation on the ground of improper packing, or packing unsuitable for sea voyage.,C: Cartons are quite seaworthy. Such packing has been approved by our insurance company for WPAwith particular average,and TPND (theft, pilferage and non-delivery). And so far, we havent heard any complaints from customers about our outer packing.,T: OK. Since you are so confident about your packing, I accept cartons. But I do hope the goods will turn out to be satisfactory.,C: Im sure you will be satisfied.,Simulated Negotiation,Glassware,Seller: carton, foam-plastic bag,Buyer: sample packing, satisfied with the picture on the box( for display), wooden cases, more expensive, accept cartons,Sample 2,A: How do you usually pack your glassware,B: We always wrap each article in a foam-plastic bag and then put it in an exquisitely-designed box.,A: May I have a look at your sample packing,B: Of course. Here you are.,A: Good. There is a picture of the article on the box, so it is ready for shelf display. Besides, the design is to the taste of our consumers.,B: Im very glad you like our design.,A: Then, what about the packing for transport,B: We will pack two dozen to one carton.,A: Sorry to interrupt, but are the cartons strong enough to stand rough handling Isnt it better to use wooden cases,B: If you prefer wooden cases, we shall do as you request. But wooden cases would cost you more and slow down the delivery. As a matter of fact, our cartons are strong enough to stand rough handling.,A: OK. I accept your way of packing the goods.,Sample Negotiation 3,W: Well, weve settled the question of price, quality and quantity. Now what about the terms of payment?,B: We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents.,W: I see. Could you make an exception and accept D/A or D/P,B: Im afraid not. We insist on a letter of credit.,W: To tell you the truth, a letter of credit would increase the cost of my import. When I open a letter of credit with a bank, I have to pay a deposit. Thatll tie up my money and increase my cost.,B: Consult your bank and see if they will reduce the required deposit to a minimum.,W: Still, there will be bank charges in connection with the credit. It would help me greatly if you would accept D/A or D/P. You can draw on me just as if there were a letter of credit. It makes no great difference to you, but it does to me.,B: Well, Mrs. Wang, you must be aware that an irrevocable letter of credit gives the exporter the additional protection of the bankers guarantee. We always require L/C for our exports. And the other way round, we pay by L/C for our imports.,W: To meet you half way, what do you say if 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P,B: Im very sorry, Mrs. Wang. But Im afraid I cant promise you even that. As Ive said, we require payment by L/C.,Simulated Negotiation,Peterson and Mr.Zhang have reached an agreement on price and quantity. Now they are negotiating about the mode of payment. Peterson hopes to pay by D/A or D/P. Mr. Zhang accepts only L/C. They also talk about the time to open the L/C:,Zhang:L/C should reach us a month before the time you want the goods to be delivered.,Peterson:effect shipment within 15 days after receipt of the L/C.,Zhang: 20 days,Validity of the L/C:15 days after shipment,Sample 4:,P: Im very glad that we have settled the problem of price and quantity. Now lets discuss the mode of payment.,Z: You know very well that we only accept confirmed, irrivocable L/C payable against draft at sight.,P: Could you make an exception and accept D/A or D/P this time,Z: Im afraid not.,P: You know its very troublesome to open a letter of credit. Besides, I have to pay a deposit when I open an L/C. Itll tie up our money and add to the cost of my imports.,Z: But its the rule of the company. I can do nothing about it.,P: It seems I have no alternative but to agree to use an L/C. Then when shall I open the L/C,Z: Your L/C should reach us a month before the time you want the goods to be delivered.,P: Im afraid thatll tie up our money in the bank for too long. Could you effect shipment within 15 days after receipt of our L/C.,Z: Generally speaking, that wont do. Because it takes time to get the goods ready and book the shipping space. But to help get round your difficulty, I promise to effect shipment within 20 days after receipt of your L/C. Is that OK,P: OK. Ill arrange for the L/C to be opened in your favor as soon as I get home.,Z: When will that be,P: Early next month. Another thing, Id like to put down in the contract that the L/C shall remain valid until the 15th day after shipment. You know, sometimes it takes us a week or so to get all the shipping documents ready for presentation and negotiation.,Z: No problem. That can be done.,P: Im glad that we have reached an agreement on the method of payment, but I still hope youll be more flexible in doing business next time.,Z: Perhaps after more business between us in the future, we could consider using some other terms of payment. Shall we take our minds off business now and have a cup of coffee,P: Yes, its time we relaxed ourselves.,


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