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It often answers the questions how and why.,Its purpose is to present ideas and to make it as clear as possible.,The process of making a machine;,The causes of a phenomenon;,The planning of a project;,The solution of a problem,Structure,Introduction, thesis,Body, topic sentence + supporting,details, from general to particular,Conclusion,Methods of Development,Illustration 举例,Division & Classification 分类,Comparison & Contrast 比较和比照,Causes & Effects 因果分析,Definition 下定义,Comparison and Contrast,Definitions,Purposes,Patterns,Transitions,Practice,Please look at the following two pictures. What have you seen,If you are figuring out the similarities, you are making a comparison of these two pictures.,If you are figuring out the differences, you are making a contrast of these two pictures.,Whats comparison,The process of examining,two or more things in,order to establish their,similarities.,They are both round fruits.,Both can be made into healthy juice.,Both grow on trees.,You have to peel both of them.,apples and oranges,Whats comparison,The process of examining,two or more things in,order to establish their,differences.,Contrast,apples,oranges,r,ed or green,in color,smooth,skin,grow best in,cool,climate,orange,in color,rough,skin,grow best in,warm,climate,Purposes,To explain something which is,unfamiliar,to the reader,.,To show the,superiority,of one thing over another.,To understand two or more things more clearly and make,judgments,about them.,Two Patterns of Development,Subject by Subject,(block/one side at a time),整体分析,Point by Point (alternating),逐点分析,Thesis,Subject,A,Subject,B,Point 1,Point 2,Point 3,Point 1,Point 2,Point 3,Subject-by-Subject Pattern,Diagram,Sample Outline,I. Introduction,Thesis: College requires students to study,differently than they did in high school.,II.,College,A. Self-directed study,B. Campus environment,C. Heavy course load,III.,High school,A. More in-class time for study,B. Fewer distractions at home,C. Lighter course load,IV. Conclusion,Diagram,Thesis,Point 1,Point 2,Point 3,Subject,A,Subject,B,Subject,A,Subject,B,Subject,A,Subject,B,Point-by-Point Pattern,Sample Outline,I. Introduction,Thesis: College requires students to study,differently than they did in high school.,II.,Support for study,A. College,B. High school,III.,Study environment,A. College,B. High school,IV.,Word load,A. College,B. High school,V. Conclusion,Which Pattern to Choose,subject-by-subject pattern: 整体比较,a. In short essays,b. A few aspects are considered.,c. The writers interest is in the whole.,point-by-point pattern:逐点比较,a. In long essays,b. Many aspects are mentioned.,c. Release the burden on readers memory.,Common words and phrases of comparison,Like,the same as,similarly,in the same manner,in common,in comparison with,resemble,compare with,compared with,Examples,Sentence Patterns,The similarity between A and B lies in,A is similar to B in,A has something/many features in common with B,A is the same as B,A and B share similar,Common words and phrases of contrast,unlike,on the other hand,in contrast to,on the contrary,but,yet,although,however ,nevertheless,whereas,while,conversely,in spite of,differ from,be different from,Examples,Sentence Patterns,The obvious differences between A and B are,The difference between A and B lies in,A differs from B in,Compared with A,B has some/many/more advantages.,A has nothing/little in common with B,(1) Though the governments of Great Britain and the United States are quite different, they share basic similarities in some aspects. (2) First, the British Parliament is made up of two separate houses - the British House of Commons, and the British House of Lords. (3) Likewise, the U. S. Congress has two divisions - the House of Representatives and the Senate. (4) Next, the essential function of the British Parliament is to make laws; a bill has to be presented to both houses for debate to get passed before it can become a law. (5) In the United States, the House of Representatives and the Senate play similar functions. (6) Third, the Prime Minister in Great Britain appoints the members of the cabinet, who serve as advisors and make government policies. (7) In the same manner, the U. S. President appoints his cabinet, which is composed of heads of the governmental departments. (8) Finally, the British monarch (queen or king) has the right to veto any law. (9) The U. S. President can also refuse to sign any bill passed by the Congress.,Which sentence is the topic sentence And what is the controlling idea,What are the main ideas of the compared points,the form of the government,the law making function,the appointment of the cabinet,the veto right,What pattern does this paragraph employ,Please underline the signal words for comparison,point-by-point,Professional Reading,Text B, Unit 1,American Family Life :,The Changing Picture,Donna Barron,Text Study,Organization,Introduction,Body,Transitions,Conclusion,Organization,As shown by the outline below, the organization of the text resembles the traditional one-three-one model. Fill in the missing paragraph numbers.,I. Introduction: Paragraphs _,II. Body: Paragraphs _,Supporting Point 1: Paragraphs _,Supporting Point 2: Paragraphs _,Supporting Point 3: Paragraphs _,III. Conclusion: Paragraphs _,Introduction,What is the main idea of the introductory part,What method best describe the introductory paragraphs to the essay,a. General to narrow,b. Questions,c. An opposite situation,d. Anecdote,Body,According to the author, what are the three changes of American family life And what are the effects of those changes respectively,It is obvious that the author presented her evidence by contrast Whats the pattern, subject by subject or point by point Explain your answer.,Transitions,Can you find the following contrast signals used in the essay (write the para. number after the signal),1. first ( ), second( ), finally ( ),2. a generation ago( ); thirty years ago( );,today ( ),3. but ( ),Conclusion,What is the main idea of the concluding part,With which common method of conclusion does the essay end,a. A summary and final thought,b. Thought-provoking questions,c. A prediction or recommendation,Writing Practice,Writing Task,Steps to Writing,Model Paper,Assignment,Writing Task,Essay writing,Title: Recent Changes in Chinese Family Life,(see Page 30),Writing Strategy,Comparison and Contrast,Steps to Writing,Brainstorming,Group Discussion,(see Page 30),Drafting,Outline,Recent Changes of Chinese Family Life,Subject-by-Subject Pattern,T.S.:_,Subject A: _,Sub-topic 1: _,Sub-topic 2: _,Sub-topic 3: _,Subject B:_,Sub-topic 1: _,Sub-topic 2: _,Sub-topic 3: _,Conclusion: _,Point-by-Point Pattern,T.S.:_,Point 1: _,Subject A: _,Subject B: _,Point 2: _,Subject A: _,Subject B: _,Point 3: _,Subject A: _,Subject B: _,Conclusion: _,Assignment,Based on the outline youve worked out, write an essay entitled “ Recent Changes in Chinese Family Life about 200 words after class. It is due on xxx.,Assessment,Peer Check,Selection of Excellent Essay,


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