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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,中考英语专题复习,任务型阅读,Learning aims:,1.,了解任务型阅读解题步骤和技巧。,2.,运用任务型阅读解题技巧,培养查找、转化和归纳信息的能力。,3.,培养提高,任务型阅读,成绩的自信心,What is he good at,A. good observation ability观察力,B. good athletic ability运动能力,C.good analyzing ability逻辑分析能力,D.good performance ability表演能力,E.good summarizing ability概括总结能力,What abilities must a good detective have,Conan is coming !,987432,940jh514,Jforqu56-3559-14360,Yt8qtygt3409581,347034t93988433,75394635y560413t8-3y4g0hejvpfjvfdj,0wur0rit-rjpgvhEF0UGEQRTRRU,05340HTENVBPELFGUQ0TU30R,8T7034TJ-RWGPVEF-IG-QERITFRE,W84RU0WIRTERNGPVIADF-BIATRGET,T57304GEJGVETG-TGTEHBTBHP4TIG,94T034TG3GI-TIGYTEYJY,0TU0G-GH-QREJGV-IE-GI-ER,W9RTUF0ERI-ERO0TER0O-TER,1242355698 4,江苏南京中考英语,1.What is task-based reading,什么是任务型阅读?,Conan wants to know :,Read the article,Finish the task,答复以下问题,表格填空,Conan wants to know :,2.How does the exam check our ability,(考试中怎么检测我们这局部的能力?),信息查找分值,信息转换分值,信息概括分值,2013,中考,4,5,1,2014,中考,4,5,1,2015,中考,4,6,0,Searching,Transforming,Concluding,查找,信息,转换,信息,概括,信息,考察内容,Searching,Transforming,Concluding,Task-based Reading,Searching,(,信息查找,),Find out the clues to help,you get the information!,Conans suggestion :,Which picture is the same as No.5,Clue :,信息查找,searching,1.When Noah Webster died in 1843 , he was,considered an American hero.,hero,(2021 年南京中考),1843 :,Because of his contribution to America ,Noah was considered an American_,when he died .,Time,?,In 1970, 1,089 footprints were discovered in the snow near Bossburg, Washington in the United States.,Bossburg, Washington in the USA,60,footprints were discovered in the snow .,1,089,Clue :Place names,That year, Daguerre, another Frenchman, took a picture of his studio. This kind of photograph was called a daguerreotype,.,Another Frenchman Daguerre invented a kind of photograph,65,daguerreotype.,called,Clue:,Peoples names,Clue:,Number,These footprints are about 14 to 18 inches long, 5 to 9 inches wide and much larger than those of a human. Also, they are always deeper than footprints made right next to them by men.,Many footprints were discovered: 14 or 18 inches long, 5 to 9 inches wide.,They are,61,than those men made right next to them.,deeper,age , date , year ,Learning Sheet Exercise 1,Searching,Transforming,Concluding,Task-based Reading,信息转换,(transforming),Find out the differences according to the key words!,Conan is giving us this suggestion,:,So, in order to make a living , Noah taught in Glasttonbury ,Hartford an West Harford.,v.,n.,转换,词性,part of speech,信息转换,transforming,After graduating, Noah had to work as a _,to make a living .,teacher,teach -teacher,2021 年南京中考,Mayme Clayton collected books , magazines and letters written by African American.(2021年南京中考,转换,词形,form of the word,信息转换,transforming,collecting,Personal,information,She liked_ books magazines and letters written by African Americans.,like doing sth,.,He spent over 27 years writing his dictionary.,2021 年南京中考,Findings,It,him over 27 years to write his dictionary .,sb. spend time doing sth.,转换,句式,sentence structure,信息转换,transforming,took,It takes sb time to,do sth.,sb. spend time doing sth.,We should learn to use another word to translate the sentence.,转换,释义,explanation,信息转换,transforming,By the time she passed away at age 83, Mrs. Clayton had more than 30,000 books by or about black people.,Personal,information,She _ when she was 83 years old.,died,Learning Sheet,Exercise 2,1.Its reported that exercise is important,to peoples health.,Problem,Its reported that exercise is of great,_ to peoples health.,Finish the exercises of transforming,importance,be +adj.=,be of great +n,.,2,.,He worked so hard that he succeeded in the development of hybrid rice.,In 1973,It was_of him to succeed in the development of new rice.,hard-working,It be +adj. of sb.to do sth.,3.The old lady was so tired that she couldnt go any further.,At that time , she was _ tired to go any further.,too,so +adj. +that (否认句 = too to,4.They were neighbours for 5 years but they were never interested in each other.,An exmaple,_they were neighbours for 5 years ,they were never interested in each other.,Although/,Though,Searching,Transforming,Concluding,Task-based Reading,信息概括?,(Concluding),63,Prepare well,You should make good preparations,If you have studied well and long enough, you would,be,64,that you are well-prepared.,Be,65,Confidence before a test can have two,66,You could fail the test and feel as if your confidence was unfounded.,Your confidence could lead to your,67,in the test.,Confidence comes from,68,hard enough.,Ask your teacher,You can ask your teacher what material the test will,69,.,Hold a positive attitude,Keep in mind that tests just,70,your knowledge and don,t lose heart because of one test failure.,Conclusion,Right attitude and,71,are the key factors,(因素),in overcoming your fear of tests.,Title:,62,to overcome your fear of tests,Ways/,How,Tips/,Advice,Try to remember some useful words which are often used in the form.,记住一些表格中常用的概括性词汇,Conans suggestion :,idea/ thought / opinion,List the concluding words,1.,话,/,标题,3.,原 因,5.,方 法,7.,优 劣,6.,观 点,10.,结果,/,影响,4.,目 的,8.,建 议,topic / title,cause / reason,way / method,(dis) advantage,influence/result,purpose,advice / suggestion,常用的概括词,信息,概括,(,Concluding),2.,介 绍,introduction,一览:浏览表格,明确构造,二读:通读全文,了解大意,通读文章,了解话题或主题,找出文章中的关键词、关键句,重视文章首尾段落和每个段落的首尾句。,三明辨:围绕题目,细读明辨划、标、辨,在文中划出题目相关语句,标上相应的题号,细读明辨。先易后难。,四求稳妥,再查看。,解题步骤建议,Conan tips,一览、二读、三明辨,,四求稳妥,再查看。,Learning Sheet,Exercise 3,1.,完成学案阅读材料第二篇内容,2.,完成中考指导,P85,五题,Homework,Thank you !,Mayme Clayton and Her Collection,Personal information,She liked,56,books, magazines and letters written by African Americans.,She,57,when she was 83years old.,Her collection,Compared with other books, the books she collected couldn,t be found,58,., The only copy written and,59,by Phillis Wheatley was in her,collection., She had a large collection ,60,books, paper, photographs and,other things by black leaders and artists., Her collections is of great,61,to African American history and,culture.,Her,62,dream,A,63,for the treasure would be created., He hopes to,64,the culture riches collected by his mother with more people, especially,65 .,collecting,died,easily,signed,including,importance,museum,sons,share,kids,


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