大学英语unit 3

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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Page,11,Module 3,Entertainment,Dialogue,Useful sentences,1.,Do you have any hobby? 你有哪些爱好呢?,2.,It will help you keep fit.它将有助于我保持身材。,3.,I think so.我认为是这样的,4.,How about going with me to和我一起去怎么样呢?,5.,I have no idea right now. 我现在没有注意。,6.,It sounds good. 听起来很好。,7.,It is a good idea. 这是个好主意。,8.,See you! 再见。,Activities,Useful sentences,1.Welcome to 欢迎来到,2.Can I help you? 我能帮您吗?,3.Could you tell me the charge of your club? 能告诉我你们俱乐部的收费情况吗?,4.Can you introduce your club for us? 能给我们介绍一下你们俱乐部吗?,5.When do you close? 你们什么时候打烊呢?,6.Could you tell me more about your club? 能再多了解一下你们俱乐部吗?,7.You will like it. 你会喜欢上这里的。,8.It really sounds like the greatest nightspot. 听起来是一个很棒的夜总会。,9.Thank you for the information. 谢谢您的信息。,10.You are welcome. 不客气。,Proverbs,谚语,Custom makes all things easy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。,Every man has his hobbyhorse. 萝卜青菜,各有所爱。,Q,uestions,1. What do you do during your spare time?,2.Whats your favorite kind of entertainment?,3. Do you like playing football or just enjoying watching football matches? Why?,Vocabulary and Expressions,1. ultimate 最后的;最终的,eg. What was his ultimate quest?他追寻的最终目标是什么呢?,This is the ultimate in modern science.这在现代科学中是最杰出的。,2. 亲密的;隐私的,eg. They are intimate friends.他们是密友。,A diary is an intimate book.日记是私人的记事本。,3. private 私人的;秘密的,eg. She is the boys private teacher. 她是那个男生的家庭教师。,This is a private university.这是一所私立大学。,4. boast 自夸,eg. Nobody should boast of his learning.,谁也不应当夸耀自己的学识。,A modest man will never boast of his merits.,谦虚的人决不夸自己的功劳。,5. prestigious 享有声望的;声望很高的,eg. The young man graduated from a prestigious university.这个年轻人毕业于一所名牌大学。,I hope that the prestigious man will be put into power at the next election.,我希望下次大选中这位德高望重之人能当选。,6. available 可用的;有空的,eg.,Any seat available?有没有空位?,We have several rooms available.我们有几种规格的房间。,7. shed 流出;去除,eg. Trees shed their leaves and flowers shed their petals . 树落叶了,花掉瓣。,He shed tears of sorrow. 他流下了伤心的眼泪。,So shed the mask and give people the real thing.,所以应该摘下面具,展现真实自我。,


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