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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,What were you doing when,the rainstorm came?,Section B 2,2a-2e,Unit 5,Look at the pictures and the title in the passage.,What do you think the passage is about,Presentation,The passage will talk about the,future,events(,事件,).,The passage will talk about the,present,events.,C. The passage will talk about the,past,events.,It s about events that happened in the past,2a,*,Do you know the persons name,What was he doing in the picture,When did he die,How did he die,Martin Luther King,on April 4, 1968,was killed,an important event in American history,be shock,ed,to hear the news,Many people remember what they were doing on .,*,Do you know the building in the picture,What happened to the building,When was the building taken down,September 11, 2001,the World Trade Center,was taken down,by,terrorists,.,The date has meaning to most Americans.,This was a day American people will never forget.,*,Reading the Title and First Sentences,The,title can be helpful for you to understand,a text. It is also a good idea to read the first,sentence of each paragraph before you read,the whole text.,Reading strategy:,Pre-reading:,Please read the passage and find out the main idea(主要意思) of the passage in,one minute,.,A:,Martin Luther Kings life story.,B: The terrible events in history.,C: People often remember their everyday,activities because of the events.,People often remember what they were doing when they head the news of important events in history.,Do You Remember What You Were Doing,2b,*,Read and answer the questions,1.What are the two events in the passage,A. Dr. Martin Luther King was killed.,B. Robert Allen was completely shocked.,C. Kate Smith was working near the World Trade Center.,D. The World Trade Center was taken down by terrorists.,2. When did they happen,Dr. Martin Luther King was killed on April 4,1968.,The World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists on September 11, 2001.,Fast Reading,“被杀害,“被摧毁/撤除,2b,*,part 1,part 2,Martin Luther Kings death& Roberts activities.,911 Event & Kates activities.,听读文章,理解课文,*,Do You Remember What You,Were Doing,People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history. In America, for example, many people remember what they were doing on April 4, 1968. This was an important event in,American history. On this day, Dr. Martin Luther King was killed. Although some people may not remember who killed him, they remember what they were doing when they heard the news.,Careful reading,读文章,做笔记(并标注行号),在历史上,例如,历史上的重大事件,被杀害,Robert Allen is now over 50, but he was a school pupil at that time. “I was at home with my parents, Robert remembers. “We were eating dinner in the kitchen when we heard the news on the radio. The news reporter said, Dr. King died just 10 minutes ago. My parents were completely shocked! My parents did not talk after that, and we finished the rest of our dinner in silence.,More recently, most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by,over= more than,通过播送,沉默;,默默地,在那时,其余的,剩下的,最近地;新近,撤除;摧毁,被摧毁,世贸中心,*,terrorists. Even the date September 11, 2001, has meaning to most Americans.,This was a day Kate Smith will never forget.,She remembers working in her office near the,two towers. “My friend shouted that a plane just hit the World Trade Center! I didnt believe him at first, but then I looked out the window and realized that it was true. I was so scared that I could hardly think clearly after that.,对有意义,记得做过某事,在双子塔附近,首先;最初,向外望,*,1.历史上的重大事件,2.例如,3.被杀害,4.5 0多(岁,5. 一个小学生,6. 通过播送,7.沉默;无声,8.最近地;新近,9.世贸中心,10.撤除;摧毁,11.对有意义,12.记得做过某事,13.首先;最初,important events in history,for example,be killed,over 50,a school pupil,on the radio,in silence,more recently,the World Trade Center,take down,have meaning to,remember doing sth.,at first,*,Para.1:T or F (2 mins),_1. Martin Luther King was killed on March 4,1968.,_2. Everyone in America remembers who killed,Dr. King.,F,April,F,Careful reading:,Para.2,:,Complete the chart,(2 ),When was Dr. King killed,What were Robert and his family doing,How were his familys feeling,On April 4,1968,They were eating dinner in the kitchen.,Completely shocked,Careful reading,*,1.What was Robert Allen in 1968,2. Did he and his family talk about the news during their eating,No, they just finished the rest of their dinner,in silence,.,He was a school pupil at that time.,Para.2,:,Answer the questions (2 ),Try to repeat:,Careful reading,*,Para.3&4:,Fill in the blanks,(5),Date,Event,What was kate doing ?,September,_,The World Trade Center _,_by terrorists.,She _ _ near the two towers.,What did Kate feel when she saw the event,She was so scared that she could hardly think clearly after that.,11, 2001,was,taken down,was working,in her office,What was Kate Smith doing,She was working in her office near the two towers,Careful reading,*,_,1. Everyone in America remembers who,killed Dr. King.,_2. Robert Allen was eating lunch when,Dr. King was killed.,_3. Roberts parents were shocked to hear,the news.,_4. Kate Smith was watching a movie when,a plane hit the World Trade Center.,_5. Kate didnt think her friend was telling,the truth about the event.,Read the passage again. Are the following,statements true (T) or false (F),or is the,information not given (NG),F,F,T,F,凯特认为对于这次事件她朋友没有,说出真相,。,读文章,判断T/F/NG,(,P1,L5),(,P2,L3),(,P2,L5),(,P4,L2),(,P4,L4),NG,讲实话,听到这个消息很震惊,2c,*,Not everyone will remember who killed,him, but they can remember what,they were,doing when they heard that he got killed.,Find out sentences from the passage,with,similar,meanings to the ones below.,Although some people may not remember who killed him, they remember what they were doing when they heard the news.,找到文章中与以下句子意义一样的句子,并划线,(,P1,L4-6),被杀害,2d,*,2. No one said anything for,the rest of,dinner.,3. September 11, 2001 the date alone,means something to most people in the US.,We finished the rest of our dinner in silence.,Even the date September 11, 2001, has meaning to most Americans.,4. I,had trouble thinking,clearly after that,because I was very afraid.,I was so scared that I could hardly think,clearly after that.,后来由于害怕我无法清晰地思考,。,(,P2,L7),P3,L2-3),(,P4,L6),have trouble doing sth,做某事有麻烦,那顿晚饭的剩下的时间,*,part 1,part 2,1,2,3,4,*,A: When did Dr. Martin Luther King die,B: He died on .,How much do you remember about the,events in the passage Test your partner.,Pair Work,2e,*,After reading:,Sharing your opinions,( 思维碰撞 ),Lose their lives,Homes be taken down.,Bring people together.,Make people brave,*,1.,My parents,were,completely,shocked,!,我父母完全震惊了,.,complete adj. 完整的 completely 彻底地;,e.g. I understand,completely,. 我完全明白。,He believes my words,completely,.,shocked adj. 惊愕的;受震惊的,e.g. She was so,shocked,that she could hardly,say a word.,她大为震惊, 几乎一句话也说不出来,。,be shocked at=对感到震惊,He was socked at what she said.,be shock to do 是震惊的去做,He is socked to her smoking in the bedroom.,*,2.My parents did not talk after that , and we finished the rest of our dinner in silence.之后我的父母没再讲话,我们在沉默中吃完了晚饭。,the rest of “其余的,剩下的,做主语时, 谓语动词与the rest of 后的名词一致。,e.g. The rest of meat goes bad.,The rest of workers are still working hard.,in silence 沉默地、无声地 = silently,We should keep silence in the library.,e.g. Many reporters were waiting in silence. 许多记者在静静地等候着。,After arguing with each other , both of them are in silence.,*,3.More recently , most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists. 最近,大局部美国人还记得当纽约世贸大楼被恐惧分子袭击的时候自己在做什么。,【1】take down 拆掉;拆毁,They took down the old bridge.,【拓展】记下,写下; 拿下,Tom took the picture down from the wall.,He took down her speech. 他记下了她的演说,【2】terror n 恐惧 terrorist 恐惧分子,art n 艺术 artist n艺术家 science n 科学 scientist 科学家 piano n 钢琴 pianist n 钢琴家,*,4. I didnt believe him at first.,at first “起初,首先,作为介词短语,只起副词作用在句中用作状语。 at first 主要用于强调前后对照,暗示接下去的动作与前面的动作不同甚至相反,因此常有 but, afterwards, soon, at last 等相照应。如:,At first we used hand tools.首先我们使用手工工具。,At first I didnt want to go, but soon I changed my mind. 我开场不想去,但我很快就改变了主意。,*,5. She remembers working in her office near the two towers.她记得当时自己正在距两座塔楼不远的办公室工作。,【1】 remember doing sth,记得做过某事此事已做完,I dont remember seeing him anywhere.,I remember turning off the light when I left the room.我记得离开房间时关灯了,【2】remember to do sth,记得去做某事此事还未做,Remember to turn off the light when you leave the room. 当你离开房间的时候记得关灯。,towers 指世贸中心的双子塔,*,6.,I was so scared that I could,hardly,think clearly after that. 我很害怕以至于后来我几乎无法正常思考。,hardly 几乎不; 绝不,Mike hurt his back seriously and can,hardly,get out of bed without help.,David was so excited at the good news that he could,hardly,say a word.,*,7.I had trouble thinking clearly after that because I was very afraid.后来由于害怕我无法清晰地思考。 trouble n 困难; 苦恼; 忧虑,in trouble 处于困境中,get sb. into trouble 使某人陷入困境,Whats the trouble/matter with you,= What wrong with you 你怎么啦?,have trouble indoing sth 做某事有麻烦,have problem /difficulty/fun (in) doing sth,做某事有问题/困难/乐趣, I had trouble finishing my homework., Mr. Wang , I have trouble understanding the text. -Remember to read it three times at least.,*,in history,in silence,at first,tell the truth,be shocked to do sth.,have trouble doing sth.,so that,1. 在历史上,2. 默默地,3. 首先,4. 讲实话,5. 做.感到吃惊,6. 做某事有麻烦,7. 如此.以致,*,1. Remember the words and phrases in this lesson.,2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.,*,


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