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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Warming up,&,reading,Unit 1 Art,What do we call these things,paintings,Warming up,Brainstorming,kinds,Of,painting,oil painting,charcoal drawing素描,brush drawing水墨画,landscape,cartoon,wash drawing,figure drawing,water color,graphic art(,形象艺术画,),Imitating,临摹,life drawing,Sketch,素描,painting,painter,Brainstorming,Can you name some famous painting and painters,Xu Beihong,Who are your favorite painters from China,Qi Baishi,Zhang Daqian,Can you match the painting with the painters,Monet,Comparison of Western and Chinese painting.,Time Western Chinese,5th to 15th century AD,15th to 16th,century,Late 19th century to early 20,th,century,20th century to today,Which do you think has a greater change,Why do western paintings have a greater change Now wed like to learn something about the history of western painting.,Scanning:,Part One An Introduction to the History of Western Painting,Go through the part and answer the following questions:,What influences art,The way of life and beliefs of the people.,Why cant the text describe all the styles of western art,Because there are too many different styles.,Part Two The Middle Ages(5th to 15th century AD),Read the part carefully and fill in the blanks:,In the _ of the Middle Ages, artist showed much _ in showing respect and love for God _ _ showing nature and people as they really were. And paintings from this period are _ with religious _. _, things had begun to change by the 13th century when some painters, _ _ Giotto di Bondone _ a more realistic style of _ religious scenes.,period,interest,instead,of,filled,symbols,However,for example,created,painting,Giotto di Bondone,乔托,迪,邦多纳,犹大之吻,Now lets know Giotto di Bondone and one of his paintings and some other paintings at that time.,圣母与圣婴,天使报喜,织锦画,The Middle Ages,Part Three The Renaissance (15th to 16th century),Reading the part and deal with the following problems,What,Why,Result,took the place of, became focused,more on.,Rich peoplecollect art for, paid,to paintthemselves, houses, possessions,activities, achievements,returned to, tried to paint as .,Fill in the blanks,Painters then _ how to draw things _ _.,And Masaccio was _ _ _use perspective in his paintings.,When his paintings _ _ _ , people _ _,_ their reality. _ the rulers of perspective not been,discovered, people wouldnt have been able to paint such,realistic pictures. And oil paints _ made colors look,richer and deeper.,discovered,in perspective,the first to,were first seen,were convinced,of,Had,development,Masaccio,(1401-1427), the first great painter of,the Italian Renaissance,whose innovations in,the use of scientific,perspective inaugurated,the modern era in,painting.,Now lets know Masaccio and his,paintings, another two painters,at that time Leonardo da Vinci and,Raffaello Sanzio and their most,famous paintings and some other,paintings at that time.,Leonardo da Vinci,(1452-1519),Raffaello Sanzio,(1483-1520),拉斐尔,The School of Athens,Part Four Impressionism (late 19th to early 20th century),Deal with the following problems:,Changes,In society,In life,In art,Three aspects,Changed from agricultural to,industrial, inventions,.moved from country to city,led to changes,broke away from,impressionistsin Paris. paint,outdoors, to showfellat different,times, becausechange, had to ,Feature,not as detailed as,Criticism,hatedbecame angry, said,carelessridiculous.,Impressionism,莫瑞桥,-,阿尔弗莱德,西斯莱,赛艇,-,局斯塔夫,卡耶博特,蓬图瓦兹,.,埃尔米塔日的坡地,-,卡米耶,毕沙罗,Lets appreciate some paintings,of that times,凡高向日葵,Modern Art,戴帽的自画像-塞尚作,被称为现代艺术的起源,Now can you tell which period the following pictures belong to,Ages:,Middle Ages,Time:,5th to 15th century AD,Artist:,Giotto,Feature:,Religious, realistic,Middle Ages,Ages:,the Renaissance,Time:,15th to 16th,century AD,Artist:,Masaccio,Feature:,perspective, realistic,Renaissance,Ages:,impressionism,Time:,Late 19th to early 20th,Artist:,not mentioned,Feature:,Not detailed,Impressionism,Ages:,modern art,Time:,20th century to today,Artist:,not mentioned,Feature:,controversial, abstract, realistic,Modern art,Discussion of the text structure,It is a historical report. The first paragraph introduces the topic and the theme of the text and then state what the rest of the text will be about. The rest of the report presents the information in chronological按年月顺序的 order.,The writing style of the passage:,The passage is a historical narrative article. It briefly introduces the main features of different Western painting styles during the main periods of times. It also analyzes why and how the styles changed. The short history of Western painting styles is described clearly and vividly, which gives the readers deep impression.,How about its writing characteristic,Arranged well in the order of time; Insert the typical paintings to make the passage more vivid and lively.,Work in pairs:,Does the change of art have any influence on peoples daily life,What style of art do you like best,Discussion,Enjoy the paintings. (Western Paintings),


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