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,Period 1 Section A(1a-2d ),Unit 6 Is this your pencil?,1,2,3,4,5,eraser,teacher,mine,hers,dictionary,先练后背,答 案 呈 现,温馨提示,:,点击 进入讲评,7,8,9,10,Is this; it; mine,Are these; books; they; hers,Excuse me; Are those; dictionaries; they are,What about; Helens; hers; too,Thank you for; welcome,6,题组专训,答 案 呈 现,1,2,3,4,5,D,D,B,A,Excuse me,6,7,8,9,C,What about/How about,A,C,10,Thank; for; Thanks to,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,D,A,C,C,C,B,A,D,课后巩固,D,B,9,10,答 案 呈 现,11,12,13,14,15,schoolbag,mine,dictionary,boxes,helping,16,17,18,19,20,D,A,F,G,B,一、根据汉语提示完成,句子,并背记相应英语词汇,1. Whats this in English?,Its an,_(,橡皮,).,2. My English,_(,老师,)is,Mr. Green.,3. The kite is,_(,我的,).,eraser,teacher,mine,4. Is this Alices ruler?,Yes,its,_(,她的,).,5. This isnt my,_(,字典,).,Its yours.,hers,dictionary,二、根据汉语意思完成,句子,并,背记英语句子,6. ,这是你的铅笔吗?,是,的,它,是。它是我的。,_ _your,pencil?,Yes,_,is. Its _,.,Is this,it mine,7. ,这些是你的书吗?,不,它们,不是。它们是她的。, _ _,your,_,?,No,_,arent,. Theyre _,.,Are these books,they hers,8. ,打扰,了,格,雷丝。那些是你的字典吗?,是,的,它们,是。,_ _, Grace.,_,_ your _ ?,Yes, _,_,.,Excuse me Are,those dictionaries,they are,9. ,这本词典呢?,它是海伦的。而且那支绿色的钢笔也是她的。, _ _,this,dictionary?, Its,_.,And the green pen is,_, _.,What about,Helens hers too,10. ,谢谢你的,帮助,安娜,。,不客气。, _ _,_ your help,Anna,.,Youre _,.,Thank you for,welcome,1. ,Jim,are these,your_ ?, _,.,They are hers.,【,中考,昆明改编,】,A. key;,Yes,it is,B,. keys;,No,it isnt,C. keys;,Yes,they are,D,. keys;,No,they,arent,【,点拨,】,根据,are these,得知后面应为可数名词复数,所以答语应该用,they,。根据,They are hers.,得知应用否定回答。,D,2. My father bought two _,when,he came,back from,Guilin.,【,中考,河池改编,】,A. eraser B,.,schoolbag,C,.,box D,. dictionaries,【,点拨,】,题眼法。根据,two,得知后面应用可数名词复数,只有,D,符合题意。,D,3,.,_,. Are you Mr. Black?,No, Im not. Im Mr. Smith.,_,.,【,2021,泰安市月考,】,A. Sorry; Sorry,B,. Excuse me; Sorry,C. Sorry; Excuse me,D,. Excuse me; Excuse me,【,点拨,】,考查,excuse me,与,sorry,的辨析。,excuse me,通常在要打扰别人或要打断别人谈话或要吸引别人注意时使用。,sorry,常用于犯错误后或不能满足对方的要求时使用。分析情景可知选,B,项。,B,4. The pencil box is mine. It isnt yours.,_,.,Mine is similar,to(,与,相似,)yours,.,A. Sorry,B,. Excuse me,C. Thanks,D,. You are welcome,【,点拨,】,在做错事情后,向别人道歉,用,sorry,。,A,5,.,_ _,(,打扰了,),are these pencil,boxes yours,?,Excuse me,6.,_,going to Shanghai Disneyland Park?,OK!,【,中考,连云港改编,】,A. What color,B,. Whats this,C. What about,D,. How,【,点拨,】,前后关联法。根据答语,“OK! ”,得知,前面是在提建议,选项中只有,C,表示提建议,而且后面用动词的,-ing,形式。,C,7. I like green. _you(,你呢,)?,What about/How about,8. You,gave(,给,)me,a lot of help. Thank you., _,.,【,中考,攀枝花,】,A. You are welcome,B,. Dont thank me,C. Dont say,soD,. This is what I should do,【,点拨,】,“Thank you. ”,的回答用,“You are welcome. ”,。,A,9. Thanks for,_,me,.,Youre welcome.,A. help,B,.,helps C,. helping,D,. to help,【,点拨,】,thanks for,后面用动词的,-ing,形式。,C,10.,感谢你的帮助。由于你的帮助,我有美好的一天。,_,you,_,your,help,. _,_,your,help, I have a good day.,Thank for Thanks,to,一、单项选择,1. That is _,eraser,and those are _,.,A. a; dictionary,B,. an; dictionarys,C. the; dictionaries,D,. an; dictionaries,D,2,. Sally, theres a pen on the floor. Is it yours?,Oh. yes. Its _,.,Thank you.,【,中考,成都,】,A. mine,B,. yours,C,. hers,【,点拨,】,mine“,我的,”, yours “,你的,”; hers “,她的,”,是名词性物主代词,后面不加名词,;,再由句意可知应用,mine,。,A,3,. This is my bike. _,is,red.,【2021,新泰市期中,】,A. She,B,.,Her C,. Hers,D,. Shes,【,点拨,】,考查,her,与,hers,的辨析。,her,为形容词性物主代词,后接名词,; hers,为名词性物主代词,后不接名词。分析题目可知后面没有接名词,选,C,项。,C,4,. _,.,Is this your book?,Yes, it is. Thank you!,【,中考,菏泽,】,A. Sorry,B,. Thanks,C,. Excuse me,C,5,. Thank you for your book.,_,.,A. Im OK,B,. Thats good,C. Youre welcome,D,. No, thanks,【,点拨,】,交际法。,“Youre welcome. ”,是回答表示感谢的答语,意为“不客气,;,不用谢”。,C,6,. Is this dictionary yours, Tim?, No, _,is,in my desk.,【,中考,辽宁,】,A. yours,B,.,mine C,. his,D,. hers,B,7,. I,love(,喜欢,)Chinese,and English. _,you, Mary,?,I love Chinese, too. But I dont like English.,A. What about,B,. Whats,C. Where are,D,. How are,A,8,. Thank you _,your,computer.,Thats OK.,【,2021,泰安市期中,】,A. at,B,. in,C,. of,D,. for,【,点拨,】,考查,Thank you for. . .,。其意思为“因为,而感谢你。”,D,9,. Are those your pencils?,_,.,A. No, they are,B,. No, I am not,C. Yes, theyre,D,. Yes, they are,D,10,. These are,_,.,And that is my pencil box.,A. Anna,rulers B,. Annas rulers,C. Anna,ruler D,. Annas ruler,B,二、根据句意、首字母提示或汉语提示完成单词,11. Her,_ (,书包,)is,black.,12. The ruler is _,(,我的,).,13. Whats that in English?,Its a,_ (,字典,).,schoolbag,mine,dictionary,14. My books are in these,_,(,盒子,).,15. Thank you for,h,me.,Youre welcome.,boxes,elping,三、从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话,A. No, it isnt.,B. Thank you.,C. How are you?,D. Is this your pen?,E. My name is Lily.,F. What about this pencil box?,G. Whats in your pencil box?,A:,Good morning, Alice!,_,16,B:,Yes, it is.,A:,And is that ruler yours?,B:,_,17,Its Jacks.,A:,_,18,D,A,F,A. No, it isnt.,B. Thank you.,C. How are you?,D. Is this your pen?,E. My name is Lily.,F. What about this pencil box?,G. Whats in your pencil box?,B:,It is the same as(,与,相同,)mine. Oh, mine isnt in my bag.,A:,_,19,B:,A red ruler and two yellow pencils,.,G,A. No, it isnt.,B. Thank you.,C. How are you?,D. Is this your pen?,E. My name is Lily.,F. What about this pencil box?,G. Whats in your pencil box?,A:,Thats your pencil box.,B:,_,20,A:,Youre welcome.,B,


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