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写作素养提升练,Module 12,Save our world,本模块以“绿色环保”为话题,以节约能源、保护环境为主线,让学生树立环保意识,并就目前的社会污染问题提出了解决措施。有关节约能源、保护环境的写作命题在近几年的中考中经常出现,所以通过本模块的学习,学生应掌握关于谈论环境和提出建议的句型。,pollute, rubbish, environment, noise, fewer, less,reduce, reuse, recycle, factory, kill, crop, plastic,cloth,单 词:,be harmful to, throw away, cause pollution,stop.from., divide.into., tons of, take some steps,turn off, instead of, be worried about, a danger to.,save energy, change.into., walk or ride a bike to school,短 语:,1. The air is becoming worse and worse.,2. There will be more endangered animals.,3. Everyone should think about pollution and recycling.,4. Throwing things away is wasteful.,5. We should stop the factories from polluting the river.,句 型:,6. Wed better save much water, paper and electricity.,7. Its important to turn off lights when we leave a room.,8. We should take our own bags when shopping instead of using plastic bags from the supermarket.,中考,安顺改编,每年流入大海的微塑料达,1, 300,万吨,导致大量鱼类死亡。科学家预测,如果不限塑,,2050,年海洋里的塑料重量会比鱼类还重。作为中学生的你应该怎么做呢?请以,“ Saying No to Plastics”,为题,写一篇,100,词左右的英语短文。文中不得出现真实校名和人名。,Saying No to Plastics,_,_,_,_,1.,体裁,:议论文,2.,人称,:第一人称,3.,时态,:一般现在时,【,审题指导,】,【,思路构建,】,Saying No to Plastics,As we know, plastics, which have seriously polluted our world, can be seen everywhere.,Actually, I use plastics too much in my daily life. Now I have come to realize that its a terribly bad habit. Im supposed to reduce the use of plastics and everyone can do,【,范文赏析,】,this. For example, we should use a cloth bag or a basket while shopping. More importantly, even if we need to use plastic bags, we should recycle and make full use of them,.,All in all, we should reduce the use of plastics so that,we can,hopefully protect the earth and make it greener. Do,you think,I am right?,点评:,1. As we know,摆出众所周知的塑料污染的既定事实,,which,定语从句的使用道出危害,开门见山引出话题。,2.,句式结构完整,运用得恰到好处。,3.,巧妙运用,actually, more importantly, all in all,起到串联递进的作用。,作为一名中学生,在日常生活中应该怎样做才能保护我 们 的 环 境 呢?请根据下面的提示以,“How to protect our environment”,为题,写一篇不少于,70,词的短文。,1.,禁止乱扔垃圾。,2.,尽量以步代车或骑自行车。,3.,节约用水、电,杜绝浪费。,4. ,_,_,_,_,_,_,How to protect our environment,As students, what can we do to protect our environment? Well, we cant throw away rubbish here and there. If possible, we should walk or ride a bike instead of taking a taxi or driving a car, because cars and taxis make a lot of pollution. Dont waste water or electricity. Always,use,_,_,_,_,_,_,reusable cups and lunch boxes so that we can reduce waste. Also, we should care for flowers and trees and take an active part in planting trees. I believe that if everyone protects our environment, it will become better.,


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