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题组训练(三),一、完形填空,(2020,江西,),Cowboys have lived and worked in the west and southwest of the United States for over three centuries and they are a famous symbol of the USA.When you watch those old Hollywood cowboy films from the fifties and sixties,,,you dont see a job.You see a _,1,_,of freedom and adventure(,冒险,).However,,,the real job of an American cowboy has always been _,2,_,and sometimes dangerous.It is physical with long hours and low pay.,(,),1.,A.life B.place C.way D.day,(,),2.,A.interesting B.boringC.hard D.easy,A,C,Life hasnt _,3,_,much for cowboys since the early days.Cows walk across huge plains(,草原,) to _,4,_,the grass and the cowboy rides on his horse to bring _,5,_,home.Like the cowboys of the past,,,a 21st century cowboy _,6,_,gets up early on freezing cold mornings and makes breakfast over a fire.,(,),3.,A.got B.paidC.done D.changed,(,),4.,A.catch B.eat C.touch D.take,(,),5.,A.it B.him C.her D.them,(,),6.,A.just B.still C.even D.never,D,B,D,B,So why does a manbecause it is usually a manbecome a cowboy,?,For some,,,it isnt,a _,7,_,,,because they are born into the life.They have worked with _,8,_,since,they were children.They _,9,_,the traditional cowboy culture,:“,Its a real life about you,,,your horse and the open _,10,_.,”,(,),7.,A.problem B.choiceC.plan D.dream,(,),8.,A.parents B.brothersC.cows D.sheep,(,),9.,A.create B.miss C.love D.refuse,(,),10.,A.country B.cultureC.mind D.cowboy,B,C,C,A,Some people choose the job _,11,_,in life.Pat had an office job with the US government with high pay,,,_,12,_,he didnt like city life and spending all day inside.So one day,,,he _,13,_,his job and moved to a ranch(,牧场,) in Texas,,,making much less money _,14,_,a cowboy.He wanted job satisfaction.And for a cowboy,,,job satisfaction doesnt come from the money or a comfortable office.It comes from,being _,15,_,to wake up under the sky and being your own boss.,(,),11.,A.later B.earlyC.quickly D.suddenly,(,),12.,A.so B.and C.since D.but,(,),13.,A.looked for B.took upC.gave up D.cared about,(,),14.,A.for B.as C.with D.like,(,),15.,A.relaxed B.slowC.late D.free,A,D,C,B,D,二、阅读理解,A,(2020,荆门,),To improve childrens fitness,,,Freestyle360 has introduced some fun fitness classes for children between nine and thirteen years old.We want to encourage children to turn energy into sports and have social fun in a caring and professional environment.,Kids Karate,(Mondays),Time,:,16,:,30,17,:,30,Coach,:,Brett Ukich,It is a fun karate class for children to increase skills.They will also learn some of the Japanese terminology,(,术语,).,Fitness Fun,(Wednesdays),Time,:,16,:,30,17,:,15,Coach,:,Lynsey McDonald,This class offers fun lessons including bodyweight exercises.Its purpose is to help children get stronger.,Team Games,(Thursdays),Time,:,17,:,00,18,:,15,Coach,:,Lorraine Clayton,This class teaches children to work as a team.We offer fun fitness games so there is something for everyone.,Physical Activity,BetterHealth,By exercising,,,children will become happier and fitter.,Price,:,7.5/lesson or,28/month,Tel,:,01386 700039 or 07818 033629,Email,:,info,freestyle,360.co.uk,Address,:,Draycott Road,,,Blockley,,,GL569DY,(,),16.,Who,will train the children on Monday afternoons?,A.Brett. B.Lynsey.,C.Lorraine. D.Draycott.,(,),17.,How long does each lesson of Fitness Fun last?,A.30 minutes. B.45 minutes.,C.60 minutes. D.75 minutes.,(,),18.,Where can we most probably find the above information?,A.In a hotel. B.At a school.,C.In a cinema.,D.At a hospital.,A,B,B,B,(2020,十堰,),If you look at the top of your phone,,,you will usually see a little symbol that says 3G or 4G.The G means,“,generation,”,of your mobile network.But these symbols will become things of the past after 5G networks fully arrive.,On March 30,,,Shanghai vicemayor(,副市长,) Wu Qing made the first 5G video call on the HUAWEI Mate X smartphone.Shanghai has also become the first city in our country to start testing 5G networks.,More and more people start to learn about 5G because it has many advantages.5G will let people download and upload the data(,上传数据,) faster than before.People can use it for many other things as well.For example,,,5G will help to make selfdriving cars safer.Todays selfdriving test cars take time to send the information and to receive instructions.They,cant react in time.With the help of 5G,,,this can be greatly improved.,People could also use 5G to power the Internet of Things(IOT,物联网,).Its a large online network that connects all things and people.Fast Internet speed will be the key to developing this technology.,5G is on the way.It will lead us to a new world.Are you ready?,根据短文内容,完成下面表格,(,每小题不超过两个词,),。,How,19.,_ Will Change the World,Introduction,The G means “generation”,of your mobile network.,On,20.,_,,,Wu Qing made the first 5G video call on,a HUAWEI Mate X smartphone.,21.,_ has also become the first city in our country to start testing 5G networks.,Advantages,It will let people download and upload data faster than before.,It will make selfdriving cars,22.,_.,It can,23.,_ all things and people.,5G,March 30,/ March,30th,Shanghai,safer,connect,三、综合填空,(2020,绍兴改编,),阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。,Mark Quinn is trying to make the world happyone person at a time.He hit upon the idea after studying how a persons happiness could be,24.,_(influence) by social media(,媒体,).Instead of just thinking about his own happiness,,,he wondered,25.,_,there was a secret way to make people around the,world happy.,influenced,if/whether,Quinn turned to something he,26.,_(him) loves.,“,All my life Ive been taking photos,,,”,he says,,,“,and for the past seven years,,,Ive spent a lot of time making scrapbooks(,剪贴簿,),27.,_(fill) with photos,,,postcards,,,tickets,It gives me such joy to look,28.,_ on these.I just thoughtmaybe I could create,29.,_ online scrapbook that everyone could share in.,”,From his idea came the book,The,Happiness,Scrapbook,.Quinn travelled in America,30.,_(take) pictures and asking people the same question,:,himself,filled,back,an,taking,what,31.,_(make),you happy,?“,Ive got photos and answers from strangers,,,friends,,,family,,,as well as others who,32.,_(clear) have something to say,,,”,he says.,Quinn hopes to start a website or a book,,,which can be something for people to turn to when they are full of,33.,_(sad).,“,That idea makes me more than,just happy,,,”,says Quinn.,makes,clearly,sadness,


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