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课后巩固提升(二十),九年级(全)Unit 9Unit 10,一、单项选择,(,),1.,(2019,本溪,),The article gives students some _ about how to stay safe online.,A,.,suggestions B.activities,C,.,decisions D.advantages,A,(,),2.,(2019,泰州,),My mother has a poor _ of direction,,,so she is always afraid to go out alone.,A,.,scene B.silence C,.,service D.sense,(,),3.,(2019,广东,),Not all children _ watch this video will become a scientist,,,but some may become interested in science.,A,.,whom B.which C.who D.whose,D,C,(,),4.,(2019,天水,),Businessmen,prefer _ emails to communicate with each other rather than _ phone calls.,A,.,write,;,make B.to write,;,make,C,.,to write,;,to make D.write,;,to make,(,),5.,John,,,you should mind your _.Its rude to push others away like that.,Sorry,,,it will not happen again.,A,.,duties B.habits C,.,hobbies D.manners,B,D,(,),6.,After working for a long time,,,I feel _ to listen to soft music.I enjoy this moment.,A,.,surprised B.angry C,.,relaxed D.nervous,(,),7.,(2019,天水,),Hong Kong Disneyland is well worth _.,A,.,too visit B.visited C,.,visit D.visiting,C,D,(,),8.,(2019,天水,),Have you seen the film,The,Wandering,Earth,(,流浪地球,)?,Yes.Its the best one _ I have ever seen.,A,.,that B.which C.what D.it,(,),9.,(2019,兰州,),We,are supposed _ some housework with our parents when we have free time.,A,.,to share B.sharingm C,.,shared D.share,A,A,(,),10.,(2020,天水,),The,boy _ is holding a ball is my brother.,A,.,what B.which C./ D.who,D,.,完形填空,(2020,重庆,A,卷,),Our junior high school life is coming to an end.So my classmates and I decided to make a special _,11,_,for our own favorite teacher in the ceramics(,陶艺,) class.,(,),11.,A.gift B.hat C.bag D.coat,A,After being dried for a long time in the fire,,,our gifts for teachers were _,12,_.Chen Hui took them out of the kiln(,窑,).CRASH(,碎裂声,),!,His cup,,,Xiao Yaos _,13,_,,,and my heart broke into pieces all over the floor.,“,My elephant lost her trunk(,象鼻,),!”,Xiao Yao shouted.“My heart is broken,!”,I _,14,_,almost at the same time.,(,),12.,A.safe B.broken C.ready D.wet,(,),13.,A.dog B.elephant C,.,cat D.panda,(,),14.,A.smiled B.read C.wrote D.cried,C,B,D,“,Im so sorry,!”,Chen Hui said.,“,Bring _,15,_,to the repair station,,”,said Xiao Yao,,“,Lets see what we can do with some magic glue.,”,We tried many times,,,_,16,_,the magic glue worked only on Chen Huis cup.The trunk and the heart were in too many broken bits to put back together.,(,),15.,A.something B.nothing,C,.,everything D.anything,(,),16.,A.as B.but,C,.,so D.though,C,B,“,Now my elephant has a short nose instead of a trunk,,”,said Xiao Yao,,“,It _,17,_,like a little dog with big ears.And its _,18,_,lovely!,Lets call it doglephant,!”,(,),17.,A.looks B.sounds,C,.,smells D.tastes,(,),18.,A.still B.even C.almost D.hardly,A,A,“,A cute doglephant!,Cool! You just turned the accident into a happy one,!”,I said.And right then,,,I knew _,19,_,to do.Maybe I could make a mosaic(,镶嵌画,) by using the pieces of my broken heart.,When it was all done,,,everyone thought it was pretty cool.Yes,,,my present didnt turn out the way Id planned,,,but it turned out even _,20,_,!,(,),19.,A.when B.how C.which D.what,(,),20.,A.worse B.better C,.,heavier D.cheaper,D,B,三、阅读理解,A,(2020,嘉兴改编,),Is there a connection between music and language,?,According to recent studies,,,the answer is yes,:,Music helps develop certain language abilities in the brain.,A study from Northwestern University shows that playing a musical instrument can improve a persons hearing ability.As a part of the study,,,two groups of people listened to,a person talking in a noisy room.The people in the first group were musicians,,,while those in the second group had no musical training.The musicians were found to be able to hear the talking person more clearly.,Musicians hear better,,,says study leader Nina Kraus,,,because they learn to pay attention to certain sounds.For example,,,when the violinists play in an orchestra(,管弦乐队,),,,they must listen closely to what they are playing and ignore(,忽视,) the other sounds.In this way,,,musicians can hear certain sounds,better,,,even in a room with lots of noise.,Gottfried Schlaug,,,a doctor at Harvard Medical School,,,works with stroke(,中风,) patients.,Because of their illness,,,these people cannot say their names,,,addresses,,,or other information normally However,,,they can still sing.Dr.Schlaug was surprised to find singing words helped his patients finally speak.Why does this work,?,Schlaug isnt sure.Music seems to be able to make different parts of the brain active,,,including the bad parts.In some way,,,this helps patients use those parts of the brain again.,So music is not only enjoyable,,,but also good for us in many other ways.Playing an instrument or singing,,,says Nina Kraus,,,can help us do better in school and keep our brain sharp as we get older.,(,),21.,What were the people in the first group asked to do in the study of Northwestern University?,A.Listen to different kinds of music.,B.Make some noise in an empty room.,C.Give the second group musical training.,D.Find out what the talking person was saying.,D,(,),22.,A persons hearing ability can be improved by _.,A.talking to a musician,B.having musical training,C.staying in a noisy room,D.listening to music,B,(,),23.,The writer uses the example of violinists in Paragraph 3 to explain _.,A.how musicians play in an,orchestra,B.how musicians ignore certain sounds,C.why musicians have better hearing ability,D.why musicians are not afraid of loud noise,C,(,),24.,Gottfried Schlaug helps his stroke patients speak by _.,A.playing music for them,B.getting them to sing words,C.teaching them to play instruments,D.joining the bad parts of their brain,B,(,),25.,What is the main purpose of the passage?,A.To introduce different ways of playing music.,B.To give some advice about making our brain active.,C.To show the relationship,between music and language abilities.,D.To share the results of recent studies on treating stroke patients.,C,B,(2020,宜宾改编,),根据短文内容,从方框中选出适当的句子补全短文,使短文意思通顺,内容完整。,To speak to people in a foreign language requires courage.Some people are afraid of making mistakes.,26.,_ And thats the biggest mistake of all.Now if you have courage and are ready to make a few mistakes,,,what will you say?,27,._ Finding a proper topic is half the battle.Some topics,,,such as the weather and news,,,work well.But others,,,such as age,,,money or peoples look do not.The following are some ways to start a conversation.,WeatherIt is cold today,,,isnt it?,B,C,News,28.,_,A conversation in a foreign language doesnt always go easily.Sometimes your partner talks too fast and you find it difficult to follow.Dont worry.You can always ask your partner to repeat what,he has said or to speak more slowly.For example,,“,Excuse me,,,but could you say that again,?,I didnt catch it.,”,or “,29.,_”,At the end of a conversation,,,you need to find a,way to finish it in a polite way.,“,Well,,,I really,need to go.,”,and “,30.,_”,are often used by people to end a conversation.,E,D,A,A.It was nice talking to you.,B.They never open their mouths.,C.First of all,,,you have to start a conversation.,D.Could you speak,more slowly,,,please?,E.Did you hear about that terrible forest fire?,四、短文填空,(2020,菏泽,),从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空。,During the Warring States Period,,,there was a musician called Gongming Yi,,,who played the musical instrument,qixianqin,very well.He loved it so much,31.,_ he played it at home almost every day.A great number of people would like,32.,_ to him,,,and admired him very much.They all said that the man was such a great musician.When they,33.,_ free,,,they often went to Gongming Yis house and listened to his music.,cow,if,listen,that,grass,difficult,two,in,he,be,that,to listen,were,One day,,,Gongming Yi saw a,34.,_ when he was having fun in the countryside.Suddenly,,,he had a strange idea.,“,Since everybody loves my music,,,why dont I play some music for this cow,?”,Then he moved his,qixianqin,35.,_ front of the cow.And he began to play it.He played the,qixianqin,very well and the music was beautiful,,,but the cow showed no,cow,if,listen,that,grass,difficult,two,in,he,be,cow,in,reaction at all.It just kept eating,36.,_ with i,ts,head down.He thought the music he played might be too,37.,_ for th,e c,ow.So he tri,e,d to play some easy music.However,after playing for a l,o,ng time,Gongming Yi was disap,p,ointed.He began to question his musical ability.He said to,38.,_,“The c,ow,didnt under,st,and my music.” Then he shook his he,ad,and went away.,cow,if,listen,that,grass,difficult,two,in,he,be,grass,difficult,himself,This is a funny story,,,but it is educational.We can learn,39.,_ lessons from the story.First,,,dont,say anything to the people who dont understand you at all.Second,,,40.,_ you talk to a wrong listener,,,you are silly and wasting time.,cow,if,listen,that,grass,difficult,two,in,he,be,two,if,


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