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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,attend,vt.& vi.,出席;参加;照顾;护理;注意;专心;留意,【,经典例句,】 Will you attend the wedding ceremony tomorrow?,你要参加明天的结婚典礼吗?,记住,attend,的常见用法,attend to sb./sth.,处理,料理(,see to,),attend sb.,照料、护理某人,attend sth.,参加(讲座、活动等),attend sb. as,给。当。,expose,He exposed the plan to the newspapers.,他向几家报纸透露了这个计划。,The film has been exposed.,这胶卷已经曝光了。,Do not expose babies to strong sunlight.,不要让婴儿受到强烈的日光照射。,归纳总结,expose sth.,显露或露出某事物,expose sth./sb./oneself (to sth.),显露或暴露,人,/,某事物,/,自己,exposed adj.,(指地方)无遮蔽的;不遮挡风雨的,be exposed to,暴露于,运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。,Those who _ (expose) to bird flu were separated and treated without delay., Stay at home and dont expose your skin _ the sun.,注意:常用于,be exposed to(,暴露,),were exposed,to,Its dangerous to be exposed to these viruses for,so long.,Its dangerous to expose yourself to these viruses for so long.,So many thousands of terrified people,died every time there was an outbreak.,每次爆发霍乱时,都有大批惊恐的老百姓病死。,Every time I went to see her,she was reading.,每次我去看她,她都在看书。,Every time I see the old photo,I will think,of my deskmate in the primary school.,每次看到这张老照片,我都会想起小学时的同桌。,归纳总结,every time,意为:“,每当,”,引导一个时间状语,从句,相当于,whenever.,(,1,)名词词组作连词用,引导时间状语从句的有:,every time,each time,any time,the last,time,next time,the first time,the moment,the,second,the minute,the hour,the day,等。,(,2,)有些副词,如,directly,instantly,immediately,也可引导状语从句。,即学即用,(1),我每次感冒背就痛。,(2),我第一次爬到墙上去时,感到很紧张。,(3),她一看到蛇就叫了起来。,(4),钟刚敲了五下我就离开了。,Every time,I catch a cold,I have pains in,my back.,The first time,I climbed onto the wall, I,felt very nervous.,She let out a cry,the moment,she saw the,snake.,I left,immediately,the clock struck 5.,suggest,的用法与使用错点,错点一,误用不定式作宾语,要表示汉语的“建议做某事”,英语通常用,suggest doing sth,,而不能用,suggest to do sth,他建议坐飞机去。,正:,He suggested going by plane.,误:,He suggested to go by plane.,汤姆建议把房子卖了。,正:,Tom suggested selling the house.,误:,Tom suggested to sell the house.,错点二,误接不定式的复合结构作宾语,汉语通常说“建议某人做某事”,但英语习惯上不能说,suggest sb to do sth,,而说,suggest sbs sbdoing sth.,或后接,that,从句的形式来表达此意思,(,注意谓语用 “,should+,动词原形”这样的虚拟语气形式,),。,他建议我们早点动身。,正:,He suggested our,(,us,),leaving earlier.,正:,He suggested that we should leave,earlier.,误:,He suggested us to leave earlier.,错点三,混用其后宾语从句的语气,suggest,后接宾语从句时,从谓语既可用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气,其区别与,suggest,所表示的意思有关:,1.,若,suggest,表示“建议”,则其后接的,that,从句谓语通常用“,(should)+,动词原形”这样的虚拟语气形式,.,我建议她回家去。,I suggested that she should go home.,2.,若,suggest,表示“暗示”“表明”等义,则其后接的,that,从句要用陈述语气。如:,他说的话表明他是个骗子。,What he said suggested that he was a cheat.,absorb vt.,吸收,全神贯注,1.be absorbed in,全神贯注于,专心致志于,=put ones heart into,专注;聚精会神,2.absorb.into.,吸收,到,3.absorbfrom,从,当中吸取,根据汉语意思完成英文句子。, 当我进来时,他正聚精会神地在看小说。, 我们可以从外国语言中吸收我们需要的东西。,When I entered,,,he was absorbed in reading a novel.,We can absorb what we need from foreign languages.,suspect vt.,怀疑,;n.,嫌疑犯,;adj.,不可靠的,suspect sb.of .,认为某人有,的嫌疑,suspect sb.to be,怀疑某人是,He is suspected of murder., I suspected him to be the spy., What made you suspect her of having taken the money?,be determined to do sth.,下决心做某事,Because he was determined to find out the reason,Determined to find out the reason,.,First he marked (on a map) the exact places (where all the dead people had lived).,blame,:,blame sb.for sth./doing sth.,因为某事责备某人,/,责备某人做了某事,be to blame (for),应(为,)承担责任;,该(为,)受责备(此处不能用被动语态),He was to be blamed for breaking the rule.(),He was to blame for breaking the rule.(),handle n.& v.,把手,处理;操纵,【,经典例句,】,Do you know how to handle the computer,?,你知道怎样 使用这台电脑吗?,【,考点聚焦,】,当,handle,意为“处理”时,相当于,deal with.,she had it delivered to her house ,她派人送到她家里,have sth done,,,have sb do sth,,,have sb/ sth doing,一、,have sth done 1.We,(,mend,),just now.,我们刚才请人把机器修好了。,(cut).,他(请人给他)理发了。,3.The patient,.,(take),这个病人准备请,/,叫,/,让人量体温。,1.had the machine mended,2. has had his hair cut,3. is going to have his temperature taken.,二、,have sb do sth “,让,/,叫,/,使某人做某事”。,1.The boss often,for 14 hours a day.,老板经常要他们一天工作,14,个小时。,2.I,(repair) for you.,我会让人为你修理自行车的。,3.Dont forget to,to our party.,别忘了让布朗先生来参加我们的晚会。,1.has them work,2.ll have someone repair the bike,3.have Mr.Brown come,三、,have sb / sth doing “,叫,/,让,/,使某人做某事或让某种情况发生”。,1.Dont,(,cry),!,不要让婴儿啼哭!,2.Dont,(bark)much,,,Lilin.,李林,别让狗狂吠不停。,3.Youd better,(run)slowly.,你最好把车子开慢点。,1.have the baby crying,2.have the dog barking,3.have your car running,with certainty,肯定的,It is said,with certainty,that,instruct vt.,命令;指示;教导,instructive adj.,有指导意义的,有益的,instructions n.,指导;说明书,(,复数,),instruct sb. to do sth.,命令,/,指示某人做某事,My mum always instructs me _ (keep) the room clean and in good order., Read the _ (instruct) carefully before taking the medicine., Your words are very _ (instruct),,,so I will keep them in my mind.,1.became,inspired,表语,2.helping ordinary people,exposed,to cholera,定语,3.thousands of,terrified,people,定语,4.became,interested,表语,5.the,affected,person,定语,6.was,determined,to,表语,7.came from the river,polluted,by the dirty water,定语,8.the,astonished,people,定语,9.that,polluted,water,定语,1.attendas,2.personal physician,3.be exposed to,4.deadly disease,5.face the challenge,6.solve the problem,7.absorbinto,8.need evidence,9.spread through,10.gather information,11.make further investigations,12.be to blame,13.look into,14.remove the handle,15.slow down,16.supporting evidence,17.move away from,18.with certainty,Before Copernicus theory,Showing,Copernicus theory,A diagram showing the solar system with the earth at its center,A diagram showing the,solar system with the sun,at its center,What you say does not make sense to me.,你说的话我弄不明白。,No matter how you read it,this sentence,doesnt make sense.,不论你怎么读,这个句子都讲不通。,make sense:,make sense of,理解,明白,make no sense,没道理;没意义,I cannot,make any sense of,the sentence.,The sentence doesnt,make any sense,.,Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.,只有把太阳作为(太阳系)的中心,其他星球的运动才讲得通。,The movements of the other planets in the sky made sense only if you put the sun there.,只有通过努力工作,我们才能取得成功。,Only by working hard can we succeed.,1)only,放在句首用来加强语气。,2,)以,only,引导的短语作状语或状语从句放在句首时,为了加强语气,句子需要部分倒装。,The problem arose.,问题来了。,arise - arose - arisen,指问题出现或发生,(),The problem was arisen.,at times,有时;,I do feel a little nervous,at times,.,我有时的确感到有点紧张。,1.,一度;过去曾经”,2.,一次;每次,3.,一直;无论何时,1.at one time,2.at a time,3.at all times,与,time,相关的词组,:,at timesand at others.,有时。有时。,He lay dying in 1543.,临终之前,He lay and was dying in 1543.,现在分词做伴随状语,He came running here.,第三段:,he worked on it,gradually improving his,现在分词做结果状语,最后一段:,rejected his theory,saying it was against,现在分词做伴随状语,1.be surprised,2.be confused,3.ignore sth.,4.make sense,5.punish sb.for doing sth.,6.The problem arose.,7.at timesat others,8.work on sth.,9.a fixed sun,10.change in,11.be cautious,12.lie dying,13.be attacked,14.be built on the basis,15.a direct link betweenand,


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