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,Travel,Module 1,Unit 1,We toured the city buy bus and buy taxi.,1,Module,To understand the conversation with,regard to “travel”.,2. To learn some key words and useful,expressions,.,3. To talk about one,s holiday using the,structures below:,I most/least like to travel by,I travel most often/ least often by, What did you do during the winter,holiday?, I went to see my grandparents in Xian.,Objectives,Objectives,How do you often travel by?,Lead in,bike,bus,ship,walking,/plane,underground,We have talked about the ways of transportation in Grade 8. Can you list some of them now? Lets review them.,Lead in,Forms of transportation,Look at the following pictures and talk about them.,plane,train,Lead in,subway,bus,Lead in,taxi,bike,Lead in,ship,coach,car,Lead in,travel on foot,Whats your favourite type,of transportation? Why?,Lead in,I most like to travel by,plane, because its fast.,I travel most often by,bus, because its cheap.,I travel least often by,taxi, because its expensive.,I least like to travel by,train, because its crowded.,For example,Lead in,airplane,Have you ever taken an airplane?,train,Do you like traveling by train? Why?,Discussion,ship,Can you describe your feeling,of taking a ship?,Lead in,taxi,When do you choose to take a taxi?,bus,Do you often go to school by bus?,Whatre the advantages of,taking the subway?,subway,Lead in,Which of these forms of transportation do you,like most,?,like least,?,use most often,?,use least often,?,Why do you like travelling by .?,I like travelling by . because .,Lead in,Talk about these questions and describe your last trip:,Where did you go?,How did you go there?,What did you do there?,How was your trip?,Did you have a good time?,Lead in,Work in pairs. You may talk like this:,A,: Do you like travelling?,B,: Yes, I like it a lot.,A,: How do you often travel?,B,: I often travel by plane.,A,: What about you?,C,: I often travel by train.,A,: We all like travelling. Its very,exciting and interesting.,Lead in,Read the words and expressions aloud.,Presentation,n.,航班;飞行,因为;由于,adv.,径直地;直接地,n.,飞行员,v.,成功做成,只要,n.,毕业生,adv.,确切地,;,完全,;,(,表示赞同,),确实如此,flight,because of,direct,pilot,succeed,as long as,school-leaver exactly,Words review,/flait/,/dairekt/,/pailt/,/sksid,/,/izktli/,Presentation,Words:,flight direct pilot succeed school-leaver exactly,Phrases:,be full of because of as long as,succeed in doing look forward to,Focus on,Presentation,Patterns:,We toured the city by bus and by taxi., What did you do during the winter,holiday?, I went to see my grandparents in,Xian.,Presentation,Complete the sentences so they,are true for you.,1 I most like to travel by _.,2 I least like to travel by _.,3 I travel most often by _.,4 I travel least often by _.,Listening and vocabulary,taxi,bus,bicycle,ship,Presentation,2.,Listen and complete the notes.,1 The flight takes about _ hours.,2 Time difference: _ hours,3 Flight number: _,4 From _ to _,5 Leave at (new time): _,6 Arrive at (new time): _,ten,eight,CA938,London,Beijing,11:30,5:30 in the afternoon,Presentation,Learning to learn,When you listen to the recording, try to note down the key information. Your notes will then help you retell the main information.,Watch and read,备注:见视频,Module 1 Unit 1 Activity 3,Presentation,3. listen and read.,Lingling: Welcome back, everyone!,Betty: Hi, Lingling! How was your,holiday?,Lingling: Not bad! I went to see my,grandparents in Henan Province.,The,train,was full of,people, and I,had to,stand for over three hours!,Betty: Bad luck. Why is travel so difficult,in,winter,?,Lingling: Well, its the busiest season in,China,Presentation,because of,the Spring,Festival.,Wheres Tony?,Daming: He went to stay with his family in,the,UK,. Hes flying back today. But,the,flight is late.,Betty: Where did you go, Daming?,Daming: We flew direct to,Hong Kong,and the,plane left a bit late,too! But the pilot,succeeded in,landing on time. Then,we took a,boat to Lantau Island and,Presentation,went to,Disneyland,. It was great fun!,Lingling: How about you, Betty?,Betty: We had quite a good time in,Beijing. We,toured the city by bus,and by taxi. Last,weekend, we took,a tour by coach to the,Summer,Palace and went for a long,walk around the lake.,Lingling: That sounds great! But now, wed,better get back to work. Were,going,to have a big exam at the,end of the,term.,Presentation,Betty: Theres nothing to worry about,as,long,as,you work hard.,Daming: And after the exam, theres,the,school-leavers party,. Were all,looking,forward,to it!,Betty: Exactly! Well,have a great,time!,Everyday English,Not bad!,It was great fun!,How about you?,Wed better get back to work.,Well have a great time!,Presentation,Now complete the table.,Holiday activities,Lingling,went to see her grandparents in Henan Province by train,Tony,Daming,Betty,went to stay with his family in the UK,by plane,flew to Hong Kong and visit Lantau Island and Disneyland,Toured Beijing by bus and by taxi and took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace,Presentation,Language points,The train,was full of,people, and I had,to stand for over three hours!,火车上全,是人,我不得不站了三个多小时,!,be full of,意为“,充满,;装满,”,,其后可接,可数名词复数,或,不可数名词,。同义短语为,be filled with,。,箱子里装满了书。,Theboxis,books.,full of/ filled with,Presentation,2.,Well, its the busiest season in China,because of,the Spring Festival.,由于春节,冬季成了中国交通最繁忙,的季节。,becauseof,意为“,因为;由于,”,后可,接名词、代词或,V-ing,形式,。例如:,e.g. Wecantgooutforawalk,becauseof,therain.,因为下雨,我们不能出去散步。,Presentation,because,意为“,因为;由于,”,是连词,,后接句子,,常用来,回答由,why,引导的特殊疑问句。,e.g. Whydoyougetupsoearly?,Because,Iwanttocatchtheearlybus.,Presentation,选用,becauseof,或,because,填空。,1.Shebroketheglass_her,carelessness.,2.Shebroketheglass_shewascareless,.,because of,because,Presentation,3. But the pilot,succeeded in landing,on time.,不过飞行员成功地按时着陆了。,succeed in doing,表示“,成功做成,”,。,e.g. He,succeeded in working out,the maths problem.,他成功地解出了这道数学题。,Presentation,4. Theres nothing to worry about,as long as,you work hard.,只要你努力,没什么好担心的。,as long as,在这里,引导条件状语从句,,表示“,只要,”,也可以用,so long as,表达同样的意思。,e.g. You can invite your friends,as/so long as,you tell me two days before the party.,你可以邀请朋友来,只要在聚会前两天,告诉我就行。,Presentation,My parents dont care what job I do,as/ so long as,Im happy.,我父母对我从事什么工作无所谓,只要我开心就好了。,只要你承诺,11,点以前回来就可以出去。,_,_,Youcangooutas/solongasyoupromisetobebackbefore11oclock.,Presentation,4. Answer the questions.,1. When do you think the conversation takes place?,2. According to Lingling, why is travel so difficult in winter?,It takes place in winter.,Travel is difficult because of the Spring,Festival.,Presentation,3. What are Daming and Betty looking,forward to at the end of the term?,They are looking forward to the school-leavers party.,Presentation,5. Choose the correct answer.,1.,When you fly,direct, you _.,a),arrive without stopping at another place,b),stop at another place before you arrive,2. When you say “,Exactly,”, it means _.,a),you do not agree,b),you completely agree,d,irect,exactly,pilot,succeed,Presentation,3. The,pilot,of a plane _.,a),flies it,b),gives you food and drink during the,flight,4. If you,succeed,in doing something, you,_.,a),manage to do it,b),nearly do it,d,irect,exactly,pilot,succeed,Presentation,Lingling: How about you, Betty?,Betty: We had quite a good time in Beijing. We,toured the city by bus and by taxi. Last,weekend, we took a tour by coach to the,Summer Palace and went for a long walk,around the lake.,Lingling: That sounds great! But now, wed,better get back to work. Were going to,have a big exam at the end of the term.,6. Listen and mark the pauses.,Pronunciation and Speaking,Presentation,Now listen again and repeat.,Presentation,7. Work in groups. Talk about your,winter holiday.,Ask and answer about what you did during the winter holiday., What did you do during the winter holiday?,I went to see my grandparents in Xian.,Talk,Presentation,7. Work in groups. Talk about your,winter holiday.,Talk about what happened during the trip.,The train was full of people and I had to,stand for three hours!,Talk,Presentation,The train was full of people and I had to stand for three hours!,I went to see my grandparents in Xian.,For example:,What did you do during the winter holiday?,How was your travel?,How did you get there?,I went there by train.,Presentation,本课时主要短语和句型,总结回顾,1. be full of 2. because of,3. succeed in doing,4. What did you do during the winter,holiday?, I went to see my grandparents in,Henan Province by train.,5. We took a boat to Lantau Island and went to Disneyland.,Summary,1.,欢迎回来,2.,充满,的,3.,不得不做,4.,和,待在一起,5.,乘飞机飞回,6.,最繁忙的季节,7.,乘飞机去香港,welcome back,be full of,have to do,stay with,fly back to,the busiest season,fly to Hong Kong,Important phrases,Summary,8.,乘船去,9.,玩的非常高兴,13.,最好做某事,14.,最好不做某事,15.,在学期末,17.,学校毕业晚会,18.,去,的参观,take a boat to,have quite a good time,had better do sth.,had better not do sth.,at the end of the term,the school leavers party,the visit to,Summary,Practice,The first _ was flown by the,Wright brothers over 100 years ago.,2. A _ is a large comfortable bus used for sightseeing or long-distance travel.,3. Will the head teacher attend the,_ party next Friday?,一、用方框内所给单词的恰当形式填空。,coach flight succeed plane school-leaver,plane,coach,school-leavers,Practice,4. Its only about forty minutes _ from Taiyuan to Beijing by air.,5. Im sure you will _ if you work hard.,coach flight succeed plane school-leaver,flight,succeed,Practice,二、根据上句完成下句,使上下句意思,相同或相近。,1. What was your trip to London like?,_ _ your trip to London?,2. The Blacks enjoyed themselves very,much in Hangzhou last week.,The Blacks _ _ _ _,in Hangzhou last week.,How was,had a great time,Practice,三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。,1.,你最好早点回来。,You _ _ _ _ early.,2.,欢迎回来,孩子们!,_ _, children!,3.,下课时把作业交上来。,Give in your homework _ _ _ _ the class.,had better come back,Welcome back,at the,end of,Practice,Homework,Have a talk with your parents and,get more information about their,holiday. Then make a short dialogue,with your partner.,Homework,


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