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,Unit6,Birdwatching,Period 5,Integrated skills & Study skills,答 案 呈 现,温馨,提示,:,点击,进入,讲评,习题链接,1,speakers,2,binoculars,3,tour,4,cover,6,7,8,9,10,Nature Reserve; East China,covers an area of;,square,kilometers,Nature Reserve; home to; rare,not only; home to; but also;,important,to; health,more clearly,课内知识,夯实基础,5,clearly,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,题组专训,突破考点,1,D,2,tourists,3,painters,4,scientist,5,visitors,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,1,form,2,natural,3,address,4,introduce,6,7,8,9,10,scientist,pianist,speaker,actor,clearly,5,chairperson,课后巩固,拓展延伸,11,12,13,14,15,write down,including,different kinds of,is important to,is home,to,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,课后巩固,拓展延伸,16,17,18,19,20,B,A,D,D,C,21,22,23,24,25,A,C,B,A,A,26,27,28,29,30,B,A,C,B,C,一、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语词汇,1. All the,_(,说话者,) at,the meeting are careful and serious.,2. With,_(,望远镜,),I can see the things far away,.,speakers,binoculars,3. That brave man is going on a riding _(,旅行,) from Sichuan to Tibet.,4. When the winter comes, snow will _(,覆盖,) the small town quietly.,5. Sit in the front row and you can see the pictures _ (,清晰地,).,tour,cover,clearly,二、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记英文句子,6,.,盐城自然保护区在华东地区的江苏省。,Yancheng,_,is in Jiangsu Province in,_.,Nature,Reserve,East,China,7.,它占地面积为,4,530,多平方千米。,It,_,over 4,530,_.,covers an area,of,square,kilometers,8.,盐城自然保护区是各种植物和珍稀鸟类的家园。,Yancheng,_,is _ different kinds of plants and _ birds.,Nature,Reserve,home to,rare,9.,我们保护湿地,不仅因为它们是很多植物和鸟类的家园,而且还因为它们对全世界人们的健康也是重要的。,We protect the wetlands _ because they are,_,many plants and birds,_,because they are,_,the _ of people all over the world.,not,only,home to,but also,important to,health,10.,它们会帮助你更清楚地看见鸟类。,They will help you see the birds _.,more clearly,1. He was born in Germany, but he has made China his,_.,【,中考,绵阳,】,A. family,B. address,C. house,D.,home,D,【,点拨,】,本题,考查名词辨析。,family,家庭,家人,多指家庭成员,; address,地址,; house,房子,住宅,多指建筑物,; home,家,居住的地方,有感情色彩,有团聚、思念之含义。此处指情感意义上的家,富有感情色彩。故选,D,。,2. Every year many,foreign _(,tour) come to visit the Great Wall of China.,【,中考,安顺,】,tourists,3. Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics were a group,of _(,paint) who created their own style,.,painters,4. Im going to be,a _(,science) when l grow up.,scientist,5. Is this your umbrella?,No, its,another _(,visit).,visitors,一、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子,1. The information in the _ (,表格,) is wrong; check it carefully.,2. The _ (,自然的,) colour of your hair is so beautiful,.,form,natural,3. Make sure,your _,(,地址,) before posting the packet.,4. At first, please,_,(,介绍,) yourself to us.,5. I heard that Tom was chosen to be the new,_,(,主席,) of the Students Union(,学生会,).,address,introduce,chairperson,二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,6. Amy wants to be,a _(,science) when she grows up.,7. Lindas sister wants to be an excellent,_ (,piano).,scientist,pianist,8. Who will be the _ (speak) of the speech?,Doctor Zhong.,9. Which _ (act) do you like best, Jackie Chan or Jet Li?,10. Its noisy outside. I cant hear you _(clear) .,speaker,actor,clearly,三、从方框中选择单词或短语并用其适当形式完成句子,11,. Please,_,your address to let me know,.,write down,write down, different kinds of, include, be important to, be home to,12. The band played many songs,_,some of my favourites.,13.,Its,fun for me to talk with _ people,.,including,different kinds of,write down, different kinds of, include, be important to, be home to,14.,Protecting,wetlands _ the health of people all over the world.,15.,Yancheng _,red,-crowned,cranes in China.,is important to,is home,to,write down, different kinds of, include, be important to, be home to,四、单项选择,16. Heilongjiang Province is _ Northeast China.,A. to,B,. in,C,. on,D. at,B,17. The mother _ her little baby_ a soft blanket.,A. covers; with,B,. covers; in,C. puts; with,D. puts; in,A,18. In my opinion, animals shouldnt be kept for fun.,I think so. Forests are the best places for animals _.,A. live,in,B,. living,C,. to living,D,. to live,in,D,【,点拨,】,考查动词不定式作后置定语。,live,是不及物动词。故选,D,。,19.,In,public, we should wear masks _ avoid catching the virus(,病毒,).,A. so,B,. in order that,C. so that,D,. in order,to,D,【,点拨,】,so,所以,后接结果状语从句,; in order that,和,so that,都翻译成“为了”,后接目的状语从句,; in order to,为了,后接动词原形。故选,D,。,20. Look at the words here. Please _ on your notebook.,A. write it down,B,. write down it,C. write them down,D,. write down them,C,【,点拨,】,write down,写下,这是个动副结构的词组,如果宾语是代词,需要放中间。所以排除答案,B,和,D,。代词是指代上文的,words,是复数,应用,them,指代。故选,C,。,21. What do you think of his words?,What he said,sounds _.,A. friendly,B,. nicely,C. pleasantly,D,.,wonderfully,A,【,点拨,】,friendly,形容词,友好的,; nicely,副词,很好地,; pleasantly,副词,高兴地,; wonderfully,副词,精彩地。,sound,是系动词,意为“听起来”,后面接形容词作表语。故选,A,。,22. Sally considers Wuhan to be her second _ because she has lived here for 13 years.,A. family,B. house,C. home,D.,room,C,【,点拨,】,family,家庭,侧重家人,; house,家,侧重房子,; home,家,侧重家庭,家乡,; room,房间。句意为“萨莉把武汉作为她的第二个家乡,因为她在这里生活了,13,年了”。这里侧重的是家乡,故选,C,。,23. How long will it _ you to fly to Beijing from your hometown?,A. spend,B. take,C. pay,D. use,B,【,点拨,】,考查句型,It takes sb. some time to do sth.,。故选,B,。,24. You look worried. Youd better _ your problem with others.,Oh, yes. _ a problem is like cutting it in half.,A. share; Sharing,B,. sharing; To share,C,. to share; To share,D,. share; Shared,A,【,点拨,】,youd better do sth.,意为“你最好做某事”,;,第二空所在句子中已经出现,is,这个动词了,所以缺少的是主语。故选,A,。,25. Not only you but also,I _,interested in the cartoon called Peppa Pig,.,【,中考,广元,】,A. am,B. is,C. are,A,五、阅读,理解,26. The bird was _ after she heard the snakes words.,A. happy,B. angry,C. surprised,D. afraid,B,请同学们看,典中点,第,71,页短文,。,【,点拨,】,细节理解题。由第五段中,的,“The,bird was angry”,可知,鸟儿生气了。故选,B,。,27. The bird wanted to teach the snake a lesson,because _.,A. the snake always ate the birds eggs,B. the snake had taken the birds necklace,C. the bird didnt like the snakes children,D. the bird had been beaten by the snake,A,【,点拨,】,细节理解题。根据前五段的内容可知,蛇总是吃鸟蛋,并且不听劝阻,因此鸟儿决定教训蛇。故选,A,。,28. After the soldiers came to the tree, the bird _.,A. built another house in the same tree,B. began to talk with the snake,C. dropped the necklace into the snakes house,D. started to repair the,necklace,C,【,点拨,】,细节理解题。由文章倒数第三段中,的,“Within,a short time the soldiers found the bird that was sitting in the tree. Then she dropped the necklace, and it fell right into the snakes house. ”,可知,士兵们发现了那只坐在树上的鸟时,鸟儿把项链掉了下来,正好掉进了蛇的家。故选,C,。,29. The soldiers got the necklace back after _.,A. asking the bird to go away,B. killing the snake,C. cheering up the princess,D. cutting down the tree,B,【,点拨,】,细节理解题。根据文章最后两段的内容可知,士兵在杀死蛇之后,取回了公主的项链。故选,B,。,30. What is the passage mainly about,?,_,A. Soldiers in a,palace. B,. A poor snake.,C. A clever bird.,D. A princesss necklace.,C,【,点拨,】,主旨大意题。本文主要叙述了一只鸟儿如何智斗蛇,利用士兵寻找公主的项链来杀死蛇,从而保护鸟蛋的故事。说明鸟儿很聪明。故选,C,。,


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