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,Unit1,Friends,Period 5,Integrated skills & Study skills,答 案 呈 现,温馨,提示,:,点击,进入,讲评,习题链接,1,plan,2,shy,3,social,4,ponytail,6,7,8,9,10,listen to; carefully,make other people happy,as famous as,travel around; learn more,What is; like,课内知识,夯实基础,5,future,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,1,B,2,C,3,A,4,C,题组专训,突破考点,1,the,most,lovely,2,to have,3,waiter,4,policemen,6,7,8,9,10,works,harder,thinner,meaning,highest,5,artists,课后巩固,拓展延伸,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,课后巩固,拓展延伸,11,12,13,14,15,A,B,C,B,B,16,17,18,19,20,C,C,D,B,A,21,22,23,24,25,C,B,D,B,A,答 案 呈 现,习题链接,课后巩固,拓展延伸,26,27,28,29,30,Having,cares,friends,well,planting,31,3,2,3,3,3,4,3,5,are not,carefully,would,really,bigger,一、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记相应英语,词汇,1. The boys are talking about their new _ (,计划,).,2. Dont be _ (,害羞的,) when you speak in class,.,plan,shy,3. Some children want to be a _ (,社会的,) worker to help more people when they grow up.,4. The girl with,a _,(,马尾辫,) is my sister.,5. It is you who shape your life,and _,(,将来,).,social,ponytail,future,二、根据汉语提示完成句子,并背记英文,句子,6.,我可以仔细地聆听人们的心声。,I,can,_,people,_.,listen,to carefully,7.,如果我能使其他人快乐,我也将很快乐。,I will be happy if I can,_.,make other people happy,8.,我想和他一样出名。,I want to be,_,he is,.,as famous as,9.,我想有一天能周游世界,了解更多艺术的东西。,I want to,_,the world and,_,about art,.,travel,around learn,more,10.,他是什么样子的,?,_,he _?,What,is like,1. His classroom is _ clean _ ours.,A. so; as,B. as; as,C. as; than,D,. so; than,B,【,点拨,】,as. . . as,意为“和,一样”,;,否定句可改为,not so . . . as,。故选,B,。,2. The weather in Chongqing isnt as _ that in Qingdao.,A. cooler than,B,. cooler as,C. cool as,D.,cooler,C,【,点拨,】,as,. . . as,中间应使用形容词或副词的原级,表示前后者在某方面是一样的。否定句也一样,表示前后者不一样。故选,C,。,3. What is the teacher you like best like?,_.,A. He must be humorous and patient,B. He likes reading books best,C. He likes playing with us,D. He would like to make friends with all of us,A,【,点拨,】,交际法,。,Whats,sth. / sb.,like?,是,用来询问特征的句型,其回答应从品质出发,或者类似的内容,而不是喜好,或其他。答案中只有,A,项为幽默的和有耐心的,是人的品质,故选,A,。,4.,_?,She is of medium height with two blue eyes.,A. How is Rita,B,. What does Rita like,C. What does Rita look like,D,. How do you like Rita,C,【,点拨,】,从答句中可以看出,她中等身高,一双蓝色的眼睛,说明问句应是提问外貌特征, A,、,B,、,D,三个问句都不符合题意,只有,C,选项, What does sb. look like,?才是问的外貌。故选,C,。,一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式,填空,1. Which girl is,_(,lovely), Lucy, Annie or Linda?,2. Mr and Mrs Zhang like kids very much and plan _ (have) a second baby.,3. Tom became a _(wait) in a restaurant after leaving school,.,the,most,lovely,to have,waiter,4. Jack and Bob want to be,_(,policeman) when they grow up.,5. Qi Baishi was one of the most famous _(art) in China.,6. Xu Beihongs pictures of horses are,beautiful _,(work) of art,.,works,policemen,artists,7. The _ (hard) you work, the greater progress you will make.,8. What do l have to do if l want to,be _(,thin)?,9. Whats the,_(,mean) of the word “unfriendly”?,10. A team of climbers from Peking University reached the top of the worlds,_,(high) mountain, Qomolangma.,harder,thinner,meaning,highest,二、单项选择,11. Tina is,very _.,Her face often turns red while she is answering questions in class.,A. shy,B. active,C. smart,D.,outgoing,A,【,点拨,】,词义辨析法,。,shy,害羞的,; active,积极的,; smart,聪明的,; outgoing,外向的。句意为“蒂娜非常害羞,在课上回答问题时她的脸经常会变红”。故选,A,。,12. Would you like _ a film with us tonight?,Sorry, I have to help my mother do housework.,A. see,B. to see,C. seeing,D. to seeing,B,【,点拨,】,本题考查固定搭配。,would like to do sth.,想要做某事,故选,B,。,13. We are very _ about the graduation ceremony next Saturday. We cant wait to be there.,A. boring,B,. bored,C. excited,D.,exciting,C,【,点拨,】,boring,令人感到无聊的,; bored,无聊的,; excited,兴奋的,; exciting,令人感到兴奋的。,由,“We,cant wait to be there. ”,可知对于,the graduation ceremony,是非常期待的,兴奋的。故选,C,。,14. I think tea will taste,better _,some milk in it.,【,中考,广东,】,A. for,B. with,C,. from,D. at,B,【,点拨,】,本题考查介词。,for,表示为了,; with,表示伴随,带有,; from,表示来自,; at,表示在。句意为“我认为加些牛奶在里面的茶味道会更好”。所以表示带有,故选,B,。,15. Whats Han Mei like?,_.,A. She is a volunteer,B,. She studies very hard,C. She likes skating,D,. She is my friend,B,【,点拨,】,Whats Han Mei,like?,问,的是韩梅的性格品质。,She studies very hard.,说明她学习很认真,是性格特征,故选,B,。,16. He never does his,work _,Mary.,A. as careful,as,B. so careful as,C. as carefully as,D,. carefully as,C,【,点拨,】,does his work,是动词短语,应使用副词,carefully,修饰,故选,C,。,17. Could you tell me how I can get to No.1 Middle School?,Certainly. Walk along this street, and you will see it _ your right.,A. in,B,.,over C,. on,D.,from,C,【,点拨,】,本题考查方向介词。,on your right,意为“在你右边”。故选,C,。,18. This morning Linda came to school _ than,_,student in her class.,A. more early; any other,B,. much earlier; the other,C. earlier; the other,D,. much earlier; any,other,D,【,点拨,】,early,早,其比较级是,earlier,可用,much,修饰,意为“早得多”,故先排除,A,。,any other student,意为“其他任何一个学生”,故选,D,。,19. The path was covered with snow, so we walked,very _.,We were afraid of falling.,【,中考,徐州,】,A. quickly,B,. carefully,C. excitedly,D,. hurriedly,B,【,点拨,】,本题考查副词。,quickly,快速地,; carefully,仔细地,; excitedly,激动地,; hurriedly,急急忙忙地。句意为“小路上全是雪,所以我们行走时非常小心,害怕滑倒”。故选,B,。,20. My father thinks writing is as _ as reading.,A. interesting,B,. interested,C. more interesting,D,. more interested,A,【,点拨,】,语法辨析法,。,as. . . as,中间应使用形容词原级。写作和阅读都是有趣的,用,interesting,。故选,A,。,三、阅读理解,21. The writer went to piano lessons with Linda,Evans _.,A. at the age of,13 B,. after she got married,C. before the writers family moved away,D,. after they moved to new,homes,请同学们看,典中点,第,11,页短文,。,C,【,点拨,】,细节理解题。根据第二段第,一句,“When,I was 13, my family moved away. Linda and I kept in touch through letters. . . ”,可知开始的时候作者与,Linda,总是一起去上钢琴课、看电影、游泳、骑马等,但后来在作者,13,岁的时候,作者一家搬走了,两人只能通过书信联系。故选,C,。,22. They didnt often write to each other because,they _.,A. didnt like each other,B. had little time to do so,C. didnt like writing letters,D. could see each other on special,days,B,【,点拨,】,推断题。根据文章第二段中,的,“Soon,we were busy with children and moving to new homes, and we wrote less often. ”,可知她们之所以没经常写信,是因为她们要忙于照顾孩子,又要搬新家,也就是说,她们没有时间写信。故选,B,。,23. There was an empty place in the writers heart because she _.,A. was in trouble,B. didnt know Lindas address,C. received the card that she sent,D. didnt have a friend like,Linda,D,【,点拨,】,推理判断题。根据第三段最后,一句,“There,was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda could fill. ”,可知在我内心深处有一块空白,只有像琳达这样的朋友才能填充它。故选,D,。,24. The writer was happy when she _.,A. read the newspaper,B. heard Lindas voice on the phone,C. met a young woman who looked a lot like Linda,D. wrote to the woman whose last name was,Wagman,B,【,点拨,】,推理判断题。根据第四段,中,“We,laughed and cried and caught up on each others lives. ”,我们一会儿哭一会儿笑,询问对方的近况。由此可知真正让作者感到高兴的是当她在电话上听到老朋友,Linda,的声音的时候。而读到报纸的时候和写信的时候都还只是在猜测,那时还谈不上高兴。故选,B,。,25. They havent kept in touch _.,A. for about 40,years B,. for about 27 years,C. since they got married,D. since the writers family moved away,A,【,点拨,】,细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中,的,“Minutes,later I heard a voice that I recognized at once, even after about 40 years. ”,几分钟之后,我立刻听出了一个即使过了大约,40,年的声音,可知选,A,。,四、用括号内所给词的适当形式完成短文,_,26(have) a best friend is great. You get to share your ideas, dreams, fun times and problems with someone. He or she knows you well and _27(care) about you,.,Having,cares,For two people to become,best _,28(friend), you have to really know and understand each other _,29 (,good). This can only happen over a long time, not just a few days. Friendship is like,_,30(plant) a seed (,种子,) . You find a seed and plant it, but you _31(be) quite sure what is going to happen.,friends,well,planting,are not,So you have to watch it,_,32(careful) and look after it. Maybe it wont grow. Maybe it will only grow into a weak plant, or it could grow into a horrible weed (,野草,) and,you _,33(will,) have,to pull it up. If all the conditions (,条件,) are right and youve _34(real) looked after it well, you could get a strong plant. It will grow _35 (big) and better as time passes.,carefully,would,really,bigger,


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