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课时,3 Grammar,Unit 6 Healthy diet,1,2,3,4,语法,通关练,提示,:点击 进入习题,5,答案呈现,vegetables,suggestion,is,tomato,balanced,6,7,8,C,C,9,10,B,A,B,11,12,13,stay away from,what you said,14,15,where we will,why; to,why it is; fried food,答案呈现,16,17,at breakfast or after meals,18,能力提升练,19,hot water,iced tea,the tea ceremony,一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。,1. Can I have some fruit and,_(,vegetable), please?,2. We will consider your _,(,suggest) later.,3. A bowl of noodles _,(,be) enough,.,vegetables,suggestion,is,4. Here are some _ (tomato) noodles. They smell good!,5. I believe that you have a _ (balance) diet.,tomato,balanced,二、单项选择。,6,. 【2021,大同一中期末改编,】I dont,know _or,not it will be rainy on weekends.,_it,rains,Ill stay,at home.,A. if; Whether,B,. whether; Whether,C. whether; If,D,. if; If,C,7. 【2020,温州,】Do you know,_?,In Stratford, England.,A. where Shakespeare was born,B. when Shakespeare finished school,C. how many plays Shakespeare wrote,D. why Shakespeares works are,popular,A,8,.,(易错题),【,2020,新疆,】What did the,shopkeeper say,to you?,She asked me _,.,A. when does the shop close,B. where did I see the style,C. if I preferred that orange dress,D. what else I will buy,C,9,. Did you notice,_in,her office?, Yes. She was going over our writing.,A. what was Miss Lin doing,B. what Miss Lin was doing,C. what does Miss Lin do,D. what Miss Lin does,B,10,. 【,中考,福建,】 We dont know,_,but,it tells,us the importance of friendship.,A. what the story is about,B. whether the story is true,C. when did the story take place,B,三、根据汉语意思完成句子。,11.,如果你想保持健康,就应该远离垃圾食品。,If you want to stay healthy, you,should _,_ _,junk,food.,stay,away from,12.,你能告诉我为什么买这么多巧克力给自己吗?,Can you tell me _ you treat yourself,_ so much chocolate?,why,to,13.,我的确相信你所说的。,I do believe,_,_ _,.,what you said,14.,你知道为什么吃油炸食物不健康?,Do you know _ _ _,unhealthy to eat _ _ ?,why it is,fried food,15.,让我们讨论一下明天在什么地方举办聚会。,Lets discuss _ _ _ have the party tomorrow.,where we will,四、任务型阅读,。,16. What do Chinese people often use to boil tea leaves?,They often use _ to boil tea leaves.,hot water,【,点拨,】,根据原文第二段中句子,They often use hot water to boil tea leaves.,可知答案。,请同学们看,点拨训练,第,65,页原文。,17. When do people usually drink tea in the USA?,In the United States, people usually drink tea _.,at breakfast or after meals,【,点拨,】,根据原文最后一段中句子,In the United States, people usually drink tea at breakfast or they drink it after meals.,可知答案。,18.,What kind of tea do most Americans drink in summer?,In summer, most Americans,drink_.,iced tea,【,点拨,】,根据原文最后一段中句子,In summer, most Americans drink iced tea. They like to put some ice in their tea.,可知答案。,19.,What does the underlined word “It” mean?,It means _,.,the tea ceremony,【,点拨,】,原句为:,It,is very old and full of meaning.,结合前句内容,They hold a tea ceremony in their houses when important guests come.,可知划线单词指的是,“a tea ceremony ”,。,


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