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第5课时七年级(下)Units 912,知识点1surprise的用法,核心精讲过关,知识点2would like的用法,知识点3order的用法,知识点4“What does sb. look like?”句型,难点一other, the other, others, the others与another辨析,难点二the number of与a number of,难点辨析突破,难点三too many, too much与much too,词汇拓展,1.potato(,n,.),potatoes,(,pl,.)土豆;马铃薯,2.candy(,n,.),candies,(,pl,.)糖果,3.farm(,n,.),farmer,(,n,.)农民;农场主,4.sheep(,n,.),sheep,(,pl,.)羊;绵羊,5.,nature,(,n,.),natural,(,adj,.)自然的,naturally,(,adv,.)自然地,必备知识梳理,6.,mouse,(,n,.),mice,(,pl,.)老鼠;耗子,7.baby(,n,.),babies,(,pl,.)婴儿,8.person(,n,.),personal,(,adj,.)个人的;私人的,in person,亲自,9.,special,(,adj,.),specially,(,adv,.)专门地;特意,especially,(,adv,.)尤其;特别;格外,10.,different,(,adj,.),difference,(,n,.)不同,differently,(,adv,.)不同地,11.slow(,adj,.),slowly,(,adv,.)慢速地;缓慢地,fast,(反义词)快的;迅速的,12.,describe,(,v,.),description,(,n,.)描写;形容,13.put(,v,.),put,(过去式/过去分词)放,put on,穿上;增加体重,put away,收起来;放好;储存;打消,put up,举起;张贴;建造;提高,put off,延期;脱去(衣帽等),14.,feed,(,v,.),fed,(过去式/过去分词)喂养;饲养,15.,grow,(,v,.),grew,(过去式),grown,(过去分词)种植;生长,grow up,长大,16.worry(,v,.),worried,(,adj,.)担心的;担忧的,17.,paint,(,v,.),painted,(过去式/过去分词)给,上油漆,painter,(,n,.)油漆匠;画家,painting,(,n,.)油画;绘画,18.love(,v,.),lovely,(,adj,.)可爱的,19.,hear,(,v,.),heard,(过去式/过去分词)听到;听见,hear from,收到(某人)来信,hear of/about,听说,20.,tire,(,v,.),tired,(,adj,.)疲倦的;疲劳的,tiring,令人困倦的,be tired of sth.,厌烦某事/物,21.,fly,(,v,.),flew,(过去式),flown,(过去分词)飞,22.move(,v,.),moved,(,adj,.)感动的,23.wake(,v,.),woke,(过去式),woken,(过去分词)弄醒;醒,awake,(,adj,.)醒着的,wake up,醒来,24.real(,adj,.),really,(,adv,.)真正地,25.sing(,v,.),singer,(,n,.)歌手,26.visit(,v,.),visitor,(,n,.)来访者;访问者;参观者,27.,surprise,(,n,. &,v,.),surprised,(,adj,.)惊奇的,surprising,(,adj,.)使人吃惊的,28.,blow,(,v,.),blew,(过去式),blown,(过去分词)吹,blow away,(使)吹掉;吹去,29.,luck,(,n,.),lucky,(,adj,.)幸运的,luckily,(,adv,.)幸运地;好运地,unlucky,(,adj,.)不幸的,30.,high,(,adj,. &,adv,.),height,(,n,.)身高;高度,31.,thin,(,adj,.),thinner,(比较级)较瘦的;较薄的,thinnest,(最高级)最瘦的;最薄的,32.excite(,v,.),excited,(,adj,.)激动的;兴奋的,exciting,(,adj,.)使人兴奋的;令人激动的,excitement,(,n,.)激动;兴奋,be excited about,对,感到兴奋,33.,heavy,(,adj,.),heavily,(,adv,.)沉重地,34.glass(,n,.),glasses,(,pl,.)眼镜,35.,expensive,(,adj,.),inexpensive,(反义词)便宜的,重点短语,1.,would like,(表示意愿)愿意,2.,take one,s order,点菜,3.,one(large)bowl of.,一(大)碗,4.,around the world,世界各地,5.,make a wish,许愿,6.,blow out,吹灭,7.,get popular,受欢迎;流行,8.,cut up,切碎,9.,bring good luck to.,给,带来好运,10.,ride a horse,骑马,11.,milk a cow,给奶牛挤奶,12.,feed chickens,喂鸡,13.,quite a lot(of.),许多,14.,show(sb.)around,带(某人)参观,15.,in the countryside,在乡下;在农村,16.,all in all,总的说来,17.,be interested in.,对,感兴趣,18.,stay up late,深夜不睡;熬夜,19.,run away,跑开,20.,shout at.,冲,大声叫嚷,21.,fly a kite,放风筝,22.,go to the beach,去沙滩,23.,go camping,去露营,24.,put up,搭起;举起,25.,make a fire,生火,26.,get a surprise,吃惊,27.,look out of.,向,外面看,28.,shout to.,对,大声喊叫,29.,up and down,上上下下;起伏,30.,wake.up,把,弄醒,31.,(be)of medium height/build,中等身高/身材,32.,a little,一点;少量,33.,in the end,最后,公共标识语,情景交际,Unit 9谈论人的外貌,1.What does he look like?,Well, he has brown hair and wears glasses.,2.Is he tall or short?,He isn,t tall or short. He,s of medium height.,3.Do they have straight or curly hair?,They have curly hair.,Unit 10点餐,1.May I have your order?,I,d like some noodles, please.,2.What kind of noodles would you like?,I,d like beef noodles, please.,3.What size would you like?,I,d like a large bowl, please.,4.Would you like a large bowl?,Yes, please.,5.Is there any meat in the tomato and egg soup?,No, there isn,t any./No, there,s no meat.,Unit 11谈论过去的事,1.How was your trip last week?,It was excellent.,2.Did you go to the zoo?,No, I didn,t. I went to a farm.,3.Were the strawberries good?,Yes, they were./No, they weren,t.,Unit 12谈论过去的事,1.What did you do last weekend, Lucy?,Well, on Saturday morning, I played badminton.,2.How was your weekend?,Great, thanks.,3.Where did you go?,The weather was beautiful, so I went to the beach with my parents.,4.Who did she go with?,She went with her classmates.,重点语法,1.一般过去时的用法。,2.would like的用法。,一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,1.We went to the mountains and enjoyed the,natural,(nature) view.,2.They talk about the new movie,differently,(different).,3.She makes a wish before,blowing,(blow) out the candles.,4.Before,ordering,(order) dishes in a restaurant, the waiters usually pass you a,menu and introduce their specials to you.,5.,Unluckily,(luck), this man lost his wife and two children in the earthquake.,词汇语境运用,6.Those beautiful pictures and,paintings,(painting) can always bring me peace-,ful feelings.,7.People speak,highly,(high) of the teachers, because they contribute their,youth to the cause of education.,8.I don,t like,mice,(mouse) because they are very ugly(丑陋的).,9.Hello Kitty looks as,lovely,(love) as a cartoon character. It,s popular all over,the world and favored by many girls.,10.People in some countries eat many,potatoes,(potato) as their main food.,二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,worryrunbetomatopopularinterest,specialgrowdescribevisit,1.She was late for class again, so she,ran,to the classroom quickly.,2.Tina and Judy,were,happy over the weekend. Now they are at school.,3.I like mutton and,tomato,noodles. I think they are very delicious.,4.Now Father,s Day becomes very,popular,. It is on the third Sunday in June.,5.Though he is only a child, he is,interested,in Chinese history and always asks,his father about it.,6.This kind of robot is,specially,designed for the old. It can look after the old,carefully.,7.These kinds of plants,grow,in the northern part of our country.,8.As parents, if you,re still,worried,about your kid,s study, you,d better have,a discussion with his teacher.,9.According to his,description, the policeman found out the truth of this acci-,dent.,10.Many,visitors,came to the hometown of the great man during the vacation.,1.thin,1.thin,(,adj,.)瘦的;,薄的;细的;稀少的;稀薄的;稀疏的,thinner(比较级)较瘦的;较薄的,thinnest(最高级)最瘦的;最薄的,如:Cut the vegetables into thin strips.把菜切成细条。,thin gray hair稀疏的花白头发,熟词生义讲练,2.face,(,v,.)面向;面对,(,n,.)脸;,面部表情;表面,lose face丢脸,in the face of面对(问题、困难等),如:There will be a lot of happiness in life if we face it with a smile.如果我们笑对,生活就会有很多幸福。,Her face lit up when she spoke of the past.她讲到往事时就面露喜色。,3.special,(,n,.)特色菜;特价品,(,adj,.)特别的;特殊的;,重要的;有专门目的的;格外的,specially(,adv,.)专门地;特意,如:She,s a very special friend of mine.她是我特别要好的朋友。,These teachers need special training.这些教师需要专门的培训。,4.answer,(,v,.)回答;,符合,(,n,.)答案;答复,the answer to the question问题的答案,如:Does this answer your requirements?这个符合你的要求吗?,Have you had an answer to your letter?你那封信有回音没有?,5.age,(,n,.)年龄;,时代;日期;很长时间,(,v,.)变老;(使)成熟,at the age of在,岁时,如:the age of the computer计算机时代,He started playing the piano at an early age.他幼年开始弹钢琴。,I waited for ages.我等了好长时间。,The population is aging.人口正在老龄化。,6.blow,(,n,.)猛击;打击,(,v,.)blew(过去式),blown(过去分词)吹;,爆胎;暴露,blow out吹灭,如:Losing his job came as a terrible blow to him.失业给他造成了沉重的打击。,One mistake could blow your cover.一不小心就会暴露你的身份。,7.idea,(,n,.)想法;主意;,看法;概念;意图,如:He has some very strange ideas about education.他对教育有些非常奇怪的看法。,I had some idea of what the job would be like.我对于这份工作有了一些了解。,8.grow,(,v,.)种植;生长;,扩大;增加;长高;发育,grew(过去式),grown(过去分词),grow up成长;成熟,grow into长成,如:The company profits grew by 5% last year.去年公司的利润增加了5%。,Nick,s grown almost an inch in the last month.,尼克这一个月来长高了差不多一,英寸。,9.pick,(,v,.)采,摘;,拾起;采集;挑选,选择;摘掉;剔除,(,n,.)挑选;选中的人(或物),如:Pick a number from one to twenty.从一至二十中选择一个数。,He picked the fruit off the top of the cake.他把蛋糕上面的水果拿掉。,She was his pick for best actress.她是他选中的最佳女演员。,10.guide,(,n,.)导游;向导;旅游指南;指导者,(,v,.)引导;带领;解释,如:a guide to Italy意大利旅游指南,She guided us through the busy streets to the museum.她带领我们穿过繁忙的街,道去博物馆。,11.gift,(,n,.)礼物;赠品;,天赋;天资,(,v,.)白送;白给,如:He has a special gift for playing the piano.他在弹钢琴方面极具天赋。,They gifted their opponents a goal.他们白送给对方一分。,12.dark,(,adj,.)黑暗的;昏暗的;,深色的;神秘的;无望的;深藏不露的,(,n,.)黑暗;暗色,如:There are no dark secrets in our family.我们家没有隐秘。,I used to be afraid of the dark.我过去害怕黑暗。,13.stay,(,v,.)停留;待;,保持;暂住,(,n,.)逗留;(船桅的)支索,stay up熬夜,如:My sister,s coming to stay next week.下星期我妹妹要来住几天。,I enjoyed my stay in Shanghai.我在上海逗留期间过得很开心。,14.fly,(,n,.)飞行;苍蝇,(,v,.)flew(过去式),flown(过去分词)飞;,疾驰;驾驶;飞逝;逃跑,fly a kite/fly kites放风筝,如:A fly was buzzing against the window.一只苍蝇嗡嗡地飞着,直撞窗户。,Summer has just flown by.夏天一晃就过去了。,Both suspects have flown the country.两个嫌疑犯都逃到国外了。,一、根据语境,在横线上写出黑体单词的汉语意思,1.He had always looked so young, but he seemed to have,aged,in the last few,months.,(使)变老,2.The,idea,is to encourage people to get to know their neighbors.,意图,二、单句填空,1.The failure was a big blow,to,him, but he wasn,t upset and soon got as much,courage as ever.,2.She has a gift,for,encouraging her students to communicate freely with each,other.,3.A few minutes later he was,flying,(fly)down the road on his bicycle.,4.We were,guided,(guide)around the museums.,5.You have to keep working hard to stay ahead,of,others or you will fall be-,hind.,6.As teenagers, it is not until we are able,to face,(face) difficulties bravely that,we are independent enough.,知识点1surprise的用法,核心精讲过关,1.We looked at each other,in,surprise when we heard a bird singing “Happy,birthday to you”.,2.,To,my surprise, I was chosen from hundreds of students to show the foreign,visitors around our school.,3.His teacher came to his birthday party last night, which really,surprised,(sup-,prise) him.,4.鲍勃没有告诉父母他在物理竞赛中得了第一名,因为他想给他们一个惊喜。,Bob didn,t tell his parents that he got first prize in the physics competition because,he wanted to,give them a surprise,.,如:To his surprise, he passed the exam finally.令他惊讶的是,他最终通过了考,试。,She looked at me in surprise when I told her that the story might not be true.当我告,诉她这个故事也许不真实时,她惊讶地看着我。,It surprised me that my mother gave me a ticket for Jay Chou,s concert on my,birthday.令我惊讶的是,妈妈在我生日那天给了我一张周杰伦演唱会的门票。,知识点2would like的用法,1.(2018河南许昌一模)What would you like,for,your afternoon tea?,Just a cup of coffee,with,some sugar and milk.,2.Tom, would you like to train our football team?,Yes, I,d like,to,.,3.Would you like a glass of water?,No,thanks,(不,谢谢). I,m not thirsty.,“Would you like.?”表示委婉地征求对方的意见,常用于口语中。,1.对“Would you like sth.?”的肯定回答为“Yes, please.”,否定回答为“No,thanks.”。如:,Would you like some green tea?你想要些绿茶吗?,Yes, please.是的,太感谢了。/No, thanks.不,谢谢。,2.对“Would you like to do sth.?”的肯定回答为“Yes, I,d like/love to.”,注意,此处“to”不能省略。否定回答一般也先说“I,d love/like to,”,再用“but.”,陈述理由或者直接说“Sorry,.”。如:,Would you like to go skating?你想去滑冰吗?,Yes, I,d like/love to.是的,我想去。,I,d love to, but I have to look after my sister.我想去,但我必须照顾我的妹妹。,3.对就餐的提问用“What would you like to have?/,What would you like for your dinner?”。,知识点3order的用法,1.Mr. Smith went into the restaurant but he only,ordered,(order) a glass of beer,for himself.,2.The officer ordered them,to fire,(fire).,3.With the help of the Internet, I can order some nice gifts,for,my mom online,on special days.,4.In order,to build,(build) a strong body, Mike goes to the gym regularly.,词性,含义及用法,例句,名词,顺序,次序,The four seasons come in order.四季交替。,秩序。常用短语:keep.in order使,有序,The teacher finds it difficult to keep her classes in order.这位老师觉得维持课堂秩序很难。,指示,命令。常用短语:give an order for sb.,T,o do sth.命令某人做某事,He gave an order for the workers to start doing the work.他命令工人们开始工作。,点菜;所点的饮食菜肴,May I take your order?您现在点菜吗?,动词,命令。常用短语:order sb. to do sth.命令某人做某事,The doctor ordered him to stay there.医生命令他待在那儿。,订购;点(酒菜等)。常用短语:order sth. for sb./order sb. sth.为某人订购/点某物,My sister ordered a hamburger for me.我姐姐为我点了一个汉堡包。,拓展,in order to为了,。如:,He chose to take a taxi in order to get to school on time.为了按时到校,他选择乘出,租车。,知识点4“What does sb. look like?”句型,1.What is your mother,like,?,She is strict.,2.What,does,your new classmate look like?,He is of medium build.,1.What does sb. look like?常用于询问某人的身材或长相,意为“某人看上去什,么样?”。常用答语:,(1)“主语+be动词+描述人们外貌特征的形容词”;,(2)“主语+have/has+名词(名词前可以有多个形容词修饰)”。如:,What does your uncle look like?你叔叔长什么样?,He,s a bit fat./He has short hair.他有点胖。/他留着短头发。,2.易混句型:What is/are sb. like?常用于询问某人的性格或人品等。答语常常为,“主语+be动词+表示性格或人品的形容词”。如:,What,s he like?他是个什么样的人呢?,He,s friendly and kind.他既友好又善良。,难点一other, the other, others, the others与another辨析,难点辨析突破,1.(2018河南平顶山一模)There are many people in the park. Some are playing,cards, some are flying kites, and,others,are taking a walk in it.,2.(2017河南郑州二模)Sara spends more money on clothes than any,other,daughter in the family.,I agree. She always spends most.,3.There is a chess club in our school.It has six girls and the,others,are boys.,4.We can,t do it that waybut whether it will work is,another,matter.,one(两者中的)一个,the other另一个,one(三者或三者以上中的)一个,another另一个,one一个,the others其余的全部,some一些,others另一些(并非全部),some一些,the others其余的全部,one after another一个接一个,难点二the number of与a number of,1.(2017黑龙江齐齐哈尔)A number of visitors,are,visiting the West Lake and,the number of the visitors,is,increasing.(be),2.(2016山东烟台)There,are,a number of books in the library and the number,of them,is,increasing.(be),易混词组,含义及用法,例句,the number of,意为“,的数量”,后接复数名词或代词,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,The number of books in our library is increasing.,我们图书馆里书的数量正在增加。,a number of,意为“许多”,后接复数名词或代词,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。number可用large, small, great等词修饰,A large number of students are running in the,playground.很多学生正在操场上跑步。,难点三too many, too much与much too,1.The sweater is very beautiful and I really love it, but it,s,much,too dear and I,can,t afford to buy it.,2.There are too,many,people in the park, so it is very crowded and noisy.,3.Don,t eat,too,much fat, because you can easily put on weight.,too many意为“太多”,用于修饰可数名词的复数形式。如:,There are too many people in the supermarket today.今天超市里的人太多了。,too much意为“太多”,用于修饰不可数名词。如:,I have too much homework to do this weekend.这个周末我有太多的作业要做。,much too意为“极其;非常;太”,相当于副词very,修饰形容词或副词。如:,The book is much too expensive.这本书太贵了。,


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